src/hg/lib/makefile 1.402
1.402 2010/02/24 01:10:24 angie
I have added some hooks into knetfile.c in our local copy of samtools, so that knetfile can serve as a wrapper on udc (or any other suitable code). If KNETFILE_HOOKS=1 (in addition to USE_BAM=1) this will bring the benefits of udc to bam tracks.
Index: src/hg/lib/makefile
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/lib/makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.401
retrieving revision 1.402
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.401 -r1.402
--- src/hg/lib/makefile 6 Feb 2010 03:15:27 -0000 1.401
+++ src/hg/lib/makefile 24 Feb 2010 01:10:24 -0000 1.402
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@
imageClone.o isochores.o ispyTables.o itemAttr.o itemConf.o jalview.o \
jaxOrtholog.o jaxQTL.o jaxQTL3.o jksql.o joiner.o jsHelper.o kg1ToKg2.o \
jgiGene.o \
kgAlias.o kgColor.o kgProtAlias.o kgXref.o knownInfo.o knownMore.o knownToSuper.o \
+ knetUdc.o \
ld.o ld2.o lfs.o liftOver.o liftOverChain.o liftUp.o \
llaInfo.o lsSnpPdb.o lsSnpPdbChimera.o mafFrames.o mafGene.o mafSummary.o mammalPsg.o mapSts.o \
mcnBreakpoints.o metaChromGraph.o microarray.o \
minChromSize.o minGeneInfo.o mrnaMisMatch.o \