e6a4330186fa00d90d6e24cc3f9b2fae99ae620b galt Wed Jun 30 11:20:52 2010 -0700 added git-reports and gitTools to makefile diff --git src/utils/makefile src/utils/makefile index e71b948..9388daf 100644 --- src/utils/makefile +++ src/utils/makefile @@ -1,158 +1,160 @@ # Build all directories in utils include ../inc/common.mk all: @for D in $(USE_DIRS) x; do \ if test "$$D" != "x" ; then \ ( cd $$D && echo $$D && $(MAKE) ) ;\ x=$$? ; if [ $$x -ne 0 ]; then exit $$x ; fi \ fi ;\ done scripts: @for F in ${SCRIPT_FILES}; do \ chmod +x $$F; \ rm -f ${SCRIPTS}/$${F}; \ echo cp -p $$F ${SCRIPTS}; \ cp -p $$F ${SCRIPTS}; \ done chmod +x genePredToBed/genePredToBed; rm -f ${SCRIPTS}/genePredToBed; echo cp -p genePredToBed/genePredToBed ${SCRIPTS}; @cp -p genePredToBed/genePredToBed ${SCRIPTS}; cd cvsTools && ${MAKE} scripts alpha: scripts all test: cd faToTwoBit && ${MAKE} test cd twoBitToFa && ${MAKE} test cd twoBitInfo && ${MAKE} test cd pslLiftSubrangeBlat && ${MAKE} test clean: touch non-empty-rm.o - find . -name \*.o -print | xargs rm SCRIPT_FILES = \ agpToLift \ iSync \ lodToBedScore \ mkMafFrames.pl # List of directories to build USE_DIRS = $(DIRS) DIRS = \ aNotB \ addCols \ ave \ aveCols \ bedClip \ bedGraphToBigWig \ bedToBigBed \ bigBedSummary \ bigBedToBed \ bigWigInfo \ bigWigSummary \ bigWigToBedGraph \ bigWigToWig \ calc \ catDir \ catUncomment \ ccCp \ chopFaLines \ countChars \ convolve \ cvsTools \ detab \ endsInLf \ fastqToFa \ faAlign \ faCmp \ faCount \ faFilterN \ faFilter \ faFlyBaseToUcsc \ faFrag \ faGapLocs \ faGapSizes \ faNcbiToUcsc \ faNoise \ faOneRecord \ faPolyASizes \ faRc \ faSimplify \ faSize \ faSomeRecords \ faSplit \ faToFastq \ faToNib \ faToTab \ faToTwoBit \ faTrans \ faTrimPolyA \ faTrimRead \ findMotif \ fixCr \ gapSplit \ gffPeek \ + git-reports \ + gitTools \ headRest \ htmlPics \ htmlCheck \ jkUniq \ lineCount \ newProg \ nibFrag \ nibSize \ nt4Frag \ pslLiftSubrangeBlat \ pslToPslx \ pslToXa \ randomLines \ raSqlQuery \ raToTab \ raToLines \ rmFaDups \ rowsToCols \ scaffoldFaToAgp \ scrambleFa \ sizeof \ spacedToTab \ splitFile \ splitFileByColumn \ stringify \ subChar \ subColumn \ subs \ tableSum \ tailLines \ textHist2 \ textHistogram \ tickToDate \ timing \ toLower \ toUpper \ twoBitInfo \ twoBitToFa \ udcCleanup \ undupFa \ upper \ venn \ weedLines \ wigCorrelate \ wigToBigWig \ wigTestMaker \ wordLine BAD_DIRS= \ ccCpLock \ est2genomeToPsl \ geneStarts \ gtfToGenePred \ jimgrep \ jkShell \ dnsInfo \ wigAsciiToBinary \ cCp