1438fb82056f2d3626472057bef4502438b3f985 galt Thu Jun 24 04:06:38 2010 -0700 initial paraFetch work - the fast multiple connection parallel downloader diff --git src/inc/net.h src/inc/net.h index 1864582..99acc07 100644 --- src/inc/net.h +++ src/inc/net.h @@ -1,220 +1,224 @@ /* Net.h some stuff to wrap around net communications. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #ifndef NET_H #define NET_H #include "linefile.h" #include "dystring.h" int netConnect(char *hostName, int port); /* Start connection with a server having resolved port. Return < 0 if error. */ int netMustConnect(char *hostName, int port); /* Start connection with server or die. */ int netMustConnectTo(char *hostName, char *portName); /* Start connection with a server and a port that needs to be converted to integer */ int netAcceptingSocket(int port, int queueSize); /* Create a socket for to accept connections. */ int netAcceptingSocketFrom(int port, int queueSize, char *host); /* Create a socket that can accept connections from a * IP address on the current machine if the current machine * has multiple IP addresses. */ int netAccept(int sd); /* Accept incoming connection from socket descriptor. */ int netAcceptFrom(int sd, unsigned char subnet[4]); /* Wait for incoming connection from socket descriptor * from IP address in subnet. Subnet is something * returned from netParseDottedQuad. */ FILE *netFileFromSocket(int socket); /* Wrap a FILE around socket. This should be fclose'd * and separately the socket close'd. */ void netBlockBrokenPipes(); /* Make it so a broken pipe doesn't kill us. */ size_t netReadAll(int sd, void *vBuf, size_t size); /* Read given number of bytes into buffer. * Don't give up on first read! */ int netMustReadAll(int sd, void *vBuf, size_t size); /* Read given number of bytes into buffer or die. * Don't give up if first read is short! */ boolean netSendString(int sd, char *s); /* Send a string down a socket - length byte first. */ boolean netSendLongString(int sd, char *s); /* Send a string down a socket - up to 64k characters. */ boolean netSendHugeString(int sd, char *s); /* Send a string down a socket - up to 4G characters. */ char *netRecieveString(int sd, char buf[256]); /* Read string into buf and return it. If buf is NULL * an internal buffer will be used. Abort if any problem. */ char *netRecieveLongString(int sd); /* Read string up to 64k and return it. freeMem * the result when done. Abort if any problem*/ char *netRecieveHugeString(int sd); /* Read string up to 4G and return it. freeMem * the result when done. Abort if any problem*/ char *netGetString(int sd, char buf[256]); /* Read string into buf and return it. If buf is NULL * an internal buffer will be used. Print warning message * and return NULL if any problem. */ char *netGetLongString(int sd); /* Read string up to 64k and return it. freeMem * the result when done. Print warning message and * return NULL if any problem. */ char *netGetHugeString(int sd); /* Read string up to 4 gig and return it. freeMem * the result when done. Print warning message and * return NULL if any problem. */ void netCatchPipes(); /* Set up to catch broken pipe signals. */ boolean netPipeIsBroken(); /* Return TRUE if pipe is broken */ void netClearPipeFlag(); /* Clear broken pipe flag. */ void netParseSubnet(char *in, unsigned char out[4]); /* Parse subnet, which is a prefix of a normal dotted quad form. * Out will contain 255's for the don't care bits. */ struct netParsedUrl /* A parsed URL. */ { char protocol[16]; /* Protocol - http or ftp, etc. */ char user[128]; /* User name (optional) */ char password[128]; /* Password (optional) */ char host[128]; /* Name of host computer - www.yahoo.com, etc. */ char port[16]; /* Port, usually 80 or 8080. */ char file[1024]; /* Remote file name/query string, starts with '/' */ ssize_t byteRangeStart; /* Start of byte range, use -1 for none */ ssize_t byteRangeEnd; /* End of byte range use -1 for none */ }; void netParseUrl(char *url, struct netParsedUrl *parsed); /* Parse a URL into components. A full URL is made up as so: * http://user:password@hostName:port/file;byterange=0-499 * User and password may be cgi-encoded. * This is set up so that the http:// and the port are optional. */ int netUrlOpen(char *url); /* Return socket descriptor (low-level file handle) for read()ing url data, * or -1 if error. Just close(result) when done. */ int netUrlOpenSockets(char *url, int *retCtrlSocket); /* Return socket descriptor (low-level file handle) for read()ing url data, * or -1 if error. * If retCtrlSocket is non-NULL and url is FTP, set *retCtrlSocket * to the FTP control socket which is left open for a persistent connection. * close(result) (and close(*retCtrlSocket) if applicable) when done. */ struct hash; int netUrlHead(char *url, struct hash *hash); /* Go get head and return status. Return negative number if * can't get head. If hash is non-null, fill it with header * lines with upper cased keywords for case-insensitive lookup, * including hopefully CONTENT-TYPE: . */ struct lineFile *netLineFileOpen(char *url); /* Return a lineFile attached to url. This one * will skip any headers. Free this with * lineFileClose(). */ struct lineFile *netLineFileMayOpen(char *url); /* Same as netLineFileOpen, but warns and returns * null rather than aborting on problems. */ struct dyString *netSlurpFile(int sd); /* Slurp file into dynamic string and return. */ struct dyString *netSlurpUrl(char *url); /* Go grab all of URL and return it as dynamic string. */ struct lineFile *netHttpLineFileMayOpen(char *url, struct netParsedUrl **npu); /* Parse URL and open an HTTP socket for it but don't send a request yet. */ void netHttpGet(struct lineFile *lf, struct netParsedUrl *npu, boolean keepAlive); /* Send a GET request, possibly with Keep-Alive. */ int netOpenHttpExt(char *url, char *method, char *optionalHeader); /* Return a file handle that will read the url. optionalHeader * may by NULL or may contain cookies and other info. */ int netHttpConnect(char *url, char *method, char *protocol, char *agent, char *optionalHeader); /* Parse URL, connect to associated server on port, and send most of * the request to the server. If specified in the url send user name * and password too. Typically the "method" will be "GET" or "POST" * and the agent will be the name of your program or * library. optionalHeader may be NULL or contain additional header * lines such as cookie info. * Proxy support via hg.conf httpProxy or env var http_proxy * Return data socket, or -1 if error.*/ int netHttpGetMultiple(char *url, struct slName *queries, void *userData, void (*responseCB)(void *userData, char *req, char *hdr, struct dyString *body)); /* Given an URL which is the base of all requests to be made, and a * linked list of queries to be appended to that base and sent in as * requests, send the requests as a batch and read the HTTP response * headers and bodies. If not all the requests get responses (i.e. if * the server is ignoring Keep-Alive or is imposing a limit), try again * until we can't connect or until all requests have been served. * For each HTTP response, do a callback. */ boolean netSkipHttpHeaderLinesWithRedirect(int sd, char *url, char **redirectedUrl); /* Skip http header lines. Return FALSE if there's a problem. * The input is a standard sd or fd descriptor. * This is meant to be able work even with a re-passable stream handle, * e.g. can pass it to the pipes routines, which means we can't * attach a linefile since filling its buffer reads in more than just the http header. * Handles 300, 301, 302, 303, 307 http redirects by setting *redirectedUrl to * the new location. */ boolean netSkipHttpHeaderLinesHandlingRedirect(int sd, char *url, int *redirectedSd, char **redirectedUrl); /* Skip http headers lines, returning FALSE if there is a problem. Generally called as * netSkipHttpHeaderLine(sd, url, &sd, &url); * where sd is a socket (file) opened with netUrlOpen(url), and url is in dynamic memory. * If the http header indicates that the file has moved, then it will update the *redirectedSd and * *redirectedUrl with the new socket and URL, first closing sd. * If for some reason you want to detect whether the forwarding has occurred you could * call this as: * char *newUrl = NULL; * int newSd = 0; * netSkipHttpHeaderLine(sd, url, &newSd, &newUrl); * if (newUrl != NULL) * // Update sd with newSd, free url if appropriate and replace it with newUrl, etc. * // free newUrl when finished. * This routine handles up to 5 steps of redirection. * The logic to this routine is also complicated a little to make it work in a pipe, which means we * can't attach a lineFile since filling the lineFile buffer reads in more than just the http header. */ boolean netGetFtpInfo(char *url, long long *retSize, time_t *retTime); /* Return date and size of ftp url file */ + +boolean parallelFetch(char *url, int numConnections, char *outPath); +/* Open multiple parallel connections to URL to speed downloading */ + #endif /* NET_H */