  Tue Jul 27 14:27:34 2010 -0700
added omitted 'of'
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 <!--News Section----------------------------------------------->  
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                         <TR><TD ALIGN="left">
                           <FONT SIZE="4"><A NAME="TOC"></A><B>&nbsp; News</B></FONT></TD>
                         <TD ALIGN="right"><A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html"><IMG 
                         SRC="images/news.jpg" ALT="" ALIGN="right" BORDER=0></A>
                 <TABLE BGCOLOR="#fffee8" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING=0>
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                     To receive announcements of new genome 
                     assembly releases, new software features, updates and 
                     training seminars by email, subscribe to the
                     <A HREF="https://lists.soe.ucsc.edu/mailman/listinfo/genome-announce" 
                     TARGET=_blank>genome-announce</A> mailing list.</P>
                     <!-- start news -->
 		    <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>23 July 2010 - BigBed/BigWig Paper Published</B></FONT>
 		    <P>Last summer, we announced the release of new data formats for very large data sets: BigBed
 		    and BigWig. Read more about these data formats
 		    <A HREF="https://lists.soe.ucsc.edu/pipermail/genome-announce/2009-July/000165.html" 
 		    TARGET=_blank>here</A>. As a follow up, we are pleased to announce that we have published a 
 		    paper on these new file formats.
 			Kent WJ, Zweig AS, Barber G, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D.
 			<A HREF="http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/btq351"
 			TARGET=_blank>BigWig and BigBed: enabling browsing of large distributed data sets.</A>
 			<EM>Bioinformatics</EM>. 2010 July 17. Published online in advance of print.
 		   <P>From the abstract:<BR>
 		   BigWig and BigBed files are compressed binary indexed files containing data at several 
 		   resolutions that allow the high-performance display of next-generation sequencing experiment 
 		   results in the UCSC Genome Browser. The visualization is implemented using a multi-layered 
 		   software approach that takes advantage of specific capabilities of web-based protocols and 
 		   Linux and UNIX operating systems files, R trees, and various indexing and compression tricks. 
 		   As a result, only the data needed to support the current browser view is transmitted rather 
 		   than the entire file, enabling fast remote access to large distributed data sets.</P>
 		   <P>The supplemental materials (available online) contain the technical details about the 
 		    <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>21 July 2010 - Free Genome Browser
                     workshops available </B></FONT>
                     <P>In the years since its introduction, the UCSC Genome Browser has
                     become an important tool for research and teaching.  As it has grown
                     in capacity and therefore complexity, however, even experienced users 
                     sometimes have
                     difficulty leaning how to make the most of it.  
                     <P>We plan to
-                    provide a limited number free browser training workshops at selected 
+                    provide a limited number of free browser training workshops at selected 
                     institutions during the coming year.
                     We invite you to apply.
                     Please indicate your
                     interest by completing our survey:
                       &nbsp;<A HREF = "http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XJF93F5"
                       TARGET = _BLANK><B>Apply for free workshop</B></A>
 		    <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>15 July 2010 - Conservation 
                     track available for zebrafish (danRer6): </b></FONT>
 		    We are pleased to announce the release of a new Conservation track based
 		    on the zebrafish (danRer6) assembly.  
 		    <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#071510">Read more</A>.
 		    <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>7 July 2010 - Happy
                     10th Birthday, Human Genome!</B></FONT>
                     HEIGHT = 344> 
                       <IMG SRC = "../../images/10yrGraph4.gif" 
                       WIDTH = 504 HEIGHT = 329 ALIGN = RIGHT>
     		    <FONT SIZE=-1> Top graph: total traffic on the UCSC 
 		    domain during June-July, 2000. Bottom graph: page hit <BR>
    		    statistics on genome.ucsc.edu in the
 		    ensuing years since the Genome Browser was released.
 		    UCSC is pleased to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the 
 		    debut of the first assembled human genome sequence and its
 		    then-fledgling visualization tool, the UCSC Genome Browser. 
 		    Released on July 7, 2000, the genome sequence instantly 
 		    created unprecedented web traffic on the
 		    ucsc.edu domain as researchers around the world 
 		    scrambled to download the data: 0.5 terabytes per day, a 
 		    record that stood for many years.
 		    David Haussler recounts that day: 
 		    &quot;Seeing the waterfall of As, Gs, Cs, and Ts pouring 
 		    off our server was an emotional moment. We were witnessing 
 		    the product of more than three billion years of evolution, 
 		    sequences passed down from the beginning of life to 
 		    present-day humans.&quot; <sup>1</sup>
 		    The UCSC Genome Bioinformatics group is proud of the role 
 		    we have played in bringing the 
 		    human genome, as well as the genomes of many other species, 
 		    to the world.  We'd like to thank NHGRI, HHMI, and our other
 		    funding agencies for making this service possible, and
 		    also our many users and collaborators for their suggestions,
 		    contributions, and support throughout the years.  We look 
 		    forward to serving as a reliable 
 		    source of bioinformatics tools and genomic annotations in 
 		    the years to come while facing the exciting challenges 
 		    presented by rapidly advancing technology.
 		    To read more about UCSC's role in the race to assemble the 
 		    first working draft of the human genome, including Jim 
 		    Kent's remarkable programming feat that pulled it all 
 		    together in the final weeks, see the 
 		    <A HREF="http://www.cbse.ucsc.edu/research/hgp_race"
 		    TARGET=_blank>Center for Biomolecular Science and 
 		    Engineering</A> (CBSE) website.
 		    <FONT SIZE=-1>
 		    (1) Sansom C, Morrison McKay BJ (2008) ISCB Honors David Haussler and Aviv
 Regev. PLoS Comput Biol 4(7): e1000101
 		    <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>4 June 2010 - dbSNP
 131 Available for hg19: </B></FONT>
 		    We are pleased to announce the release of dbSNP build 131,
 		    available from on the human assembly (GRCh37/hg19).  
 		    <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#060410">Read more</A>.
 		    <FONT FACE="courier" SIZE="3"><B>6 May 2010 - UCSC
 Hosts Portal for Neandertal Sequence, Alignments, and Analyses: </B></FONT>
 		    In conjunction with the publication of the paper Green 
 		    <em>et al.</em> <A HREF="http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/328/5979/710"
 		    TARGET=_blank>A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome</A>
 		    in the May 7 issue of <em>Science</em>, the UCSC
 		    Genome Browser project has released a public 
 		    <A HREF="Neandertal">Neandertal portal</A> that may be 
 		    used to access the Neandertal sequence, alignments to
 		    the UCSC hg18 (NCBI Build 36) human reference assembly and
 		    the UCSC panTro2 (Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis 
 		    Consortium v2.1) chimpanzee reference assembly, and 
 		    several associated analyses.  
 		    <A HREF="goldenPath/newsarch.html#050610">Read more</A>.
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