  Sun Oct 3 08:31:41 2010 -0700
added options to specify how to obtained qName and tName.  Output query and target defs in score file
diff --git src/hg/blastToPsl/blastXmlToPsl.c src/hg/blastToPsl/blastXmlToPsl.c
index 26d06ff..c560443 100644
--- src/hg/blastToPsl/blastXmlToPsl.c
+++ src/hg/blastToPsl/blastXmlToPsl.c
@@ -1,215 +1,310 @@
 /* blastXmlToPsl - convert blast XML output to PSLs. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "ncbiBlast.h"
 #include "pslBuild.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: blastXmlToPsl.c,v 1.2 2010/04/16 17:32:12 markd Exp $";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "blastXmlToPsl - convert blast XML output to PSLs\n"
   "   blastXmlToPsl [options] blastXml psl\n"
   "  -scores=file - Write score information to this file.  Format is:\n"
-  "       strands qName qStart qEnd tName tStart tEnd bitscore eVal\n"
+  "       strands qName qStart qEnd tName tStart tEnd bitscore eVal qDef tDef\n"
   "  -verbose=n - n >= 3 prints each line of file after parsing.\n"
   "               n >= 4 dumps the result of each query\n"
   "  -eVal=n n is e-value threshold to filter results. Format can be either\n"
   "          an integer, double or 1e-10. Default is no filter.\n"
   "  -pslx - create PSLX output (includes sequences for blocks)\n"
   "  -convertToNucCoords - convert protein to nucleic alignments to nucleic\n"
   "   to nucleic coordinates\n"
+  "  -qName=src - define element used to obtain the qName.  The following\n"
+  "   values are support:\n"
+  "     o Iteration_query-ID - use contents of the <Iteration_query-ID> element.\n"
+  "     o Iteration_query-def0 - use the first white-space separated word of the\n"
+  "       <Iteration_query-def> element.\n"
+  "   Default is query-def0.\n"
+  "  -tName=src - define element used to obtain the tName.  The following\n"
+  "   values are support:\n"
+  "     o Hit_id - use contents of the <Hit-id> element.\n"
+  "     o Hit_def0 - use the first white-space separated word of the\n"
+  "       <Hit_def> element.\n"
+  "     o Hit_accession - contents of the <Hit_accession> element.\n"
+  "   Default is Hit-def0.\n"
   "Output only results of last round from PSI BLAST\n");
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
     {"scores", OPTION_STRING},
     {"eVal", OPTION_DOUBLE},
     {"pslx", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"convertToNucCoords", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
+    {"qName", OPTION_STRING},
+    {"tName", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0},
+enum qNameSrc {
+    qNameSrcIterationQueryId,
+    qNameSrcIterationQueryDef0
+enum tNameSrc {
+    tNameSrcHitId,
+    tNameSrcHitDef0,
+    tNameSrcHitAccession
 static double eVal = -1; /* default Expect value signifying no filtering */
 static boolean pslxFmt = FALSE; /* output in pslx format */
 static int errCount = 0; /* count of  PSLs failing checks */
-static boolean convertToNucCoords = 1; /* adjust query coordinates */
+static boolean convertToNucCoords = FALSE; /* adjust query coordinates */
+static enum qNameSrc qNameSrc = qNameSrcIterationQueryDef0;   /* source of qName */
+static enum tNameSrc tNameSrc = tNameSrcHitDef0;   /* source of tName */
 struct coords
 /* structure to return converted coordinates */
     int start;
     int end;
     int size;
     char strand;
 static struct coords blastToUcsc(int blastStart, int blastEnd, int size, int blastFrame)
 /* convert coordinates from blast to UCSC convention. */
 // blastStart >= blastEnd for queries with blastFrame < 0
 // blastStart <= blastEnd for hits with blastFrame < 0
 struct coords ucsc;
 ucsc.start = (blastStart <= blastEnd) ? blastStart-1 : blastEnd-1;
 ucsc.end = (blastStart <= blastEnd) ? blastEnd : blastStart;
 ucsc.size = size;
 ucsc.strand = (blastFrame >= 0) ? '+' : '-';
 if (ucsc.strand == '-')
     reverseIntRange(&ucsc.start, &ucsc.end, size);
 assert(ucsc.start < ucsc.end);
 return ucsc;
 static unsigned getFlags(struct ncbiBlastBlastOutput *outputRec)
 /* determine blast algorithm and other flags */
 unsigned algo = pslBuildGetBlastAlgo(outputRec->ncbiBlastBlastOutputProgram->text);
 if (convertToNucCoords && (algo != tblastn))
     errAbort("-convertToNucCoords only support for TBLASTN");
 return algo | (convertToNucCoords ? cnvNucCoords : 0) | (pslxFmt ? bldPslx : 0);
-static void outputPsl(struct psl *psl, struct ncbiBlastHsp *hspRec, FILE* pslFh, FILE* scoreFh)
-/* output a psl and optional score */
+static void outputPsl(struct psl *psl, FILE* pslFh)
+/* output a psl */
 pslTabOut(psl, pslFh);
-if (scoreFh != NULL)
-    pslBuildWriteScores(scoreFh, psl, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspBitScore->text, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspEvalue->text);
 pslCheck("blastXmlToPsl", stderr, psl);
+static void outputScore(struct psl *psl, struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec, struct ncbiBlastHit *hitRec, struct ncbiBlastHsp *hspRec, FILE* scoreFh)
+/* output score record */
+pslBuildScoresWriteWithDefs(scoreFh, psl, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspBitScore->text, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspEvalue->text, iterRec->ncbiBlastIterationQueryDef->text, hitRec->ncbiBlastHitDef->text);
+static void appendFirstWord(struct dyString *buf, char *str)
+/* append the first white-spaced word from str */
+char *end = skipToSpaces(str);
+if (end == NULL)
+    end = str + strlen(str);
+dyStringAppendN(buf, str, (end - str));
+static char *getQName(struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec)
+/* obtain the qName give the requested source */
+static struct dyString *buf = NULL;
+if (buf == NULL)
+    buf = dyStringNew(32);
+switch (qNameSrc)
+    {
+    case qNameSrcIterationQueryId:
+        dyStringAppend(buf, iterRec->ncbiBlastIterationQueryID->text);
+        break;
+    case qNameSrcIterationQueryDef0:
+        appendFirstWord(buf, iterRec->ncbiBlastIterationQueryDef->text);
+        break;        
+    }
+return buf->string;
+static char *getTName(struct ncbiBlastHit *hitRec)
+/* obtain the tName give the requested source */
+static struct dyString *buf = NULL;
+if (buf == NULL)
+    buf = dyStringNew(32);
+switch (tNameSrc)
+    {
+    case tNameSrcHitId:
+        dyStringAppend(buf, hitRec->ncbiBlastHitId->text);
+        break;
+    case tNameSrcHitDef0:
+        appendFirstWord(buf, hitRec->ncbiBlastHitDef->text);
+        break;        
+    case tNameSrcHitAccession:
+        dyStringAppend(buf, hitRec->ncbiBlastHitAccession->text);
+        break;
+    }
+return buf->string;
 static void processHspRec(struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec, struct ncbiBlastHit *hitRec,
                           struct ncbiBlastHsp *hspRec, unsigned flags, FILE *pslFh, FILE *scoreFh)
 /* process one HSP record, converting to a PSL */
 struct coords qUcsc = blastToUcsc(hspRec->ncbiBlastHspQueryFrom->text, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspQueryTo->text, iterRec->ncbiBlastIterationQueryLen->text,
                                   ((hspRec->ncbiBlastHspQueryFrame == NULL) ? 0 : hspRec->ncbiBlastHspQueryFrame->text));
 struct coords tUcsc = blastToUcsc(hspRec->ncbiBlastHspHitFrom->text, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspHitTo->text, hitRec->ncbiBlastHitLen->text,
                                   ((hspRec->ncbiBlastHspHitFrame == NULL) ? 0 : hspRec->ncbiBlastHspHitFrame->text));
-char *qId = firstWordInLine(iterRec->ncbiBlastIterationQueryDef->text);
-char *tId = (flags & psiblast)
-    ? firstWordInLine(hitRec->ncbiBlastHitId->text)
-    : firstWordInLine(hitRec->ncbiBlastHitDef->text);
-struct psl *psl = pslBuildFromHsp(qId, qUcsc.size, qUcsc.start, qUcsc.end, qUcsc.strand, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspQseq->text,
-                                  tId, tUcsc.size, tUcsc.start, tUcsc.end, tUcsc.strand, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspHseq->text,
+struct psl *psl = pslBuildFromHsp(getQName(iterRec), qUcsc.size, qUcsc.start, qUcsc.end, qUcsc.strand, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspQseq->text,
+                                  getTName(hitRec),  tUcsc.size, tUcsc.start, tUcsc.end, tUcsc.strand, hspRec->ncbiBlastHspHseq->text,
 if  ((psl->blockCount > 0) && ((hspRec->ncbiBlastHspEvalue->text <= eVal) || (eVal == -1)))
-    outputPsl(psl, hspRec, pslFh, scoreFh);
+    {
+    outputPsl(psl, pslFh);
+    if (scoreFh != NULL)
+        outputScore(psl, iterRec, hitRec, hspRec, scoreFh);
+    }
 static void processIterRec(struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec, unsigned flags, FILE *pslFh, FILE *scoreFh)
 /* process one iteration record, converting all HSPs to PSLs */
 struct ncbiBlastIterationHits *hitsRec;
 for (hitsRec = iterRec->ncbiBlastIterationHits; hitsRec != NULL; hitsRec = hitsRec->next)
     struct ncbiBlastHit *hitRec;
     for (hitRec = hitsRec->ncbiBlastHit; hitRec != NULL; hitRec = hitRec->next)
         struct ncbiBlastHitHsps *hspsRec;
         for (hspsRec = hitRec->ncbiBlastHitHsps; hspsRec != NULL; hspsRec = hspsRec->next)
             struct ncbiBlastHsp *hspRec;
             for (hspRec = hspsRec->ncbiBlastHsp; hspRec != NULL; hspRec = hspRec->next)
                 processHspRec(iterRec, hitRec, hspRec, flags, pslFh, scoreFh);
 static void convertOnePassBlast(struct ncbiBlastBlastOutput *outputRec, unsigned flags, FILE *pslFh, FILE *scoreFh)
 /* convert standard single-pass blast */
 struct ncbiBlastBlastOutputIterations *itersRec;
 for (itersRec = outputRec->ncbiBlastBlastOutputIterations; itersRec != NULL; itersRec = itersRec->next)
     struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec;
     for (iterRec = itersRec->ncbiBlastIteration; iterRec != NULL; iterRec = iterRec->next)
         processIterRec(iterRec, flags, pslFh, scoreFh);
 static struct ncbiBlastIteration *findLastIterForQuery(struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec)
 /* find the last iteration record for the query in the specified record */
 struct ncbiBlastIteration *nextRec;
 for (nextRec = iterRec->next; nextRec != NULL ; iterRec = nextRec, nextRec = nextRec->next)
     if (!sameString(nextRec->ncbiBlastIterationQueryDef->text, iterRec->ncbiBlastIterationQueryDef->text))
 return iterRec;
 static void convertPsiBlast(struct ncbiBlastBlastOutput *outputRec, unsigned flags, FILE *pslFh, FILE *scoreFh)
 /* convert psi-blast */
 struct ncbiBlastBlastOutputIterations *itersRec;
 for (itersRec = outputRec->ncbiBlastBlastOutputIterations; itersRec != NULL; itersRec = itersRec->next)
-    struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec;
-    for (iterRec = itersRec->ncbiBlastIteration; iterRec != NULL; iterRec = iterRec->next)
-        {
-        iterRec = findLastIterForQuery(iterRec);
+    struct ncbiBlastIteration *iterRec = findLastIterForQuery(itersRec->ncbiBlastIteration);
         processIterRec(iterRec, flags, pslFh, scoreFh);
 static void blastXmlToPsl(char *blastXmlFile, char *pslFile, char *scoreFile)
 /* blastXmlToPsl - convert blast XML output to PSLs. */
 struct xap *xap = xapNew(ncbiBlastStartHandler, ncbiBlastEndHandler, blastXmlFile);
 xapParseFile(xap, blastXmlFile);
 FILE *pslFh = mustOpen(pslFile, "w");
 FILE *scoreFh = NULL;
 if (scoreFile != NULL)
-    {
-    scoreFh = mustOpen(scoreFile, "w");
-    fputs(pslBuildScoreHdr, scoreFh);
-    }
+    scoreFh = pslBuildScoresOpen(scoreFile, TRUE);
 if (xap->topObject == NULL)
     errAbort("empty BLAST XML file: %s", blastXmlFile);
 char *expectType = "BlastOutput";
 if (!sameString(xap->topType, expectType))
     errAbort("expected top XML element of type \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectType, xap->topType);
 struct ncbiBlastBlastOutput *outputRec = xap->topObject;
 unsigned flags = getFlags(outputRec);
 if (flags & psiblast)
     convertPsiBlast(outputRec, flags, pslFh, scoreFh);
     convertOnePassBlast(outputRec, flags, pslFh, scoreFh);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 3)
 eVal = optionDouble("eVal", eVal);
 pslxFmt = optionExists("pslx");
 convertToNucCoords = optionExists("convertToNucCoords");
+char *qNameSrcStr = optionVal("qName", "Iteration_query-def0");
+if (sameString(qNameSrcStr, "Iteration_query-ID"))
+    qNameSrc = qNameSrcIterationQueryId;
+else if (sameString(qNameSrcStr, "Iteration_query-def0"))
+    qNameSrc = qNameSrcIterationQueryDef0;
+    errAbort("invalid value for -qName, expect on of: \"Iteration_query-ID\", or \"Iteration_query-def0\", got \"%s\"", qNameSrcStr);
+char *tNameSrcStr = optionVal("tName", "Hit_def0");
+if (sameString(tNameSrcStr, "Hit_id"))
+    tNameSrc = tNameSrcHitId;
+else if (sameString(tNameSrcStr, "Hit_def0"))
+    tNameSrc = tNameSrcHitDef0;
+else if (sameString(tNameSrcStr, "Hit_accession"))
+    tNameSrc = tNameSrcHitAccession;
+    errAbort("invalid value for -tName, expect on of: \"Hit_id\",  \"Hit_def0\", or \"Hit_accession\", got \"%s\"", tNameSrcStr);
 blastXmlToPsl(argv[1], argv[2], optionVal("scores", NULL));
 if (errCount > 0)
     errAbort("%d invalid PSLs created", errCount);
 return 0;