  Sun Oct 3 08:31:41 2010 -0700
added options to specify how to obtained qName and tName.  Output query and target defs in score file
diff --git src/hg/blastToPsl/pslBuild.c src/hg/blastToPsl/pslBuild.c
index e19f2d2..b200e91 100644
--- src/hg/blastToPsl/pslBuild.c
+++ src/hg/blastToPsl/pslBuild.c
@@ -1,302 +1,324 @@
 /* object using in building a PSL from a blast record */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "pslBuild.h"
 #include "psl.h"
-/* score file header */
-char *pslBuildScoreHdr = "#strand\tqName\tqStart\tqEnd\ttName\ttStart\ttEnd\tbitScore\teVal\n";
 unsigned pslBuildGetBlastAlgo(char *program)
 /* determine blast algorithm flags */
 if (sameWord(program, "BLASTN"))
     return blastn;
 else if (sameWord(program, "BLASTP"))
     return blastp;
 else if (sameWord(program, "BLASTX"))
     return blastx;
 else if (sameWord(program, "TBLASTN"))
     return tblastn;
 else if (sameWord(program, "TBLASTX"))
     return tblastx;
 else if (sameWord(program, "PSIBLAST"))
     return psiblast;
     errAbort("unknown BLAST program: \"%s\"", program);
 return 0;
 struct block
 /* coordinates of a block use during build */
     char *qAln;          /* alignment strings (not owned) */
     char *tAln;
     int qStart;          /* Query start/end positions, in blast units */
     int qEnd;
     int tStart;          /* Target start/end position, in blast units */
     int tEnd;
     int qLetMult;        /* each letter counts as this many units */
     int tLetMult;
     int qCoordMult;      /* used to convert coordinates */
     int tCoordMult;
     int q2tBlkSizeMult;  /* convert query block size to target block size */
     int countMult;       /* column count for match/mismatch */
     int alnStart;        /* start/end in alignment */
     int alnEnd;
 static void blkInit(struct block *blk, int qStart, char *qAln, int tStart, char *tAln, unsigned flags)
 /* initialize a block object */
 blk->qAln = qAln;
 blk->tAln = tAln;
 // initialize ends to starts for first call to nextUngappedBlk
 blk->qEnd = qStart;
 blk->tEnd = tStart;
 if (flags & cnvNucCoords)
     // DNA/DNA PSL from protein/DNA align
     assert(flags & tblastn);
     blk->qLetMult = 1;
     blk->qCoordMult = 3;
     blk->tLetMult = 3;
     blk->tCoordMult = 1;
     blk->q2tBlkSizeMult = 3;
     blk->countMult = 3;
 else if (flags & tblastn)
     // protein/DNA PSL
     blk->qLetMult = 1;
     blk->qCoordMult = 1;
     blk->tLetMult = 3;
     blk->tCoordMult = 1;
     blk->q2tBlkSizeMult = 3;
     blk->countMult = 1;
 else if (flags & tblastx)
     blk->qLetMult = 3;
     blk->qCoordMult = 1;
     blk->tLetMult = 3;
     blk->tCoordMult = 1;
     blk->q2tBlkSizeMult = 1;
     blk->countMult = 3;
     blk->qLetMult = 1;
     blk->qCoordMult = 1;
     blk->tLetMult = 1;
     blk->tCoordMult = 1;
     blk->q2tBlkSizeMult = 1;
     blk->countMult = 1;
 static boolean isProteinSeqs(unsigned flags)
 /* do the flags indicate a protein sequences in alignments */
 return (flags & (blastp|blastx|tblastn|tblastx)) != 0;
 static boolean nextUngappedBlk(struct block* blk)
 /* Find the next ungapped block in a blast alignment, in [0..n) coords in mrna
  * space.  blk qStartNext and tStartNext should be initialize to 
 // initBlk set this up for first call, subsequent start where previous left off
 blk->qStart = blk->qEnd;
 blk->tStart = blk->tEnd;
 blk->alnStart = blk->alnEnd;
 /* find start of next aligned block */
 char *qPtr = blk->qAln + blk->alnStart;
 char *tPtr = blk->tAln + blk->alnStart;
 while ((*qPtr != '\0') && (*tPtr != '\0') && ((*qPtr == '-') || (*tPtr == '-')))
     if (*qPtr != '-')
         blk->qStart += blk->qLetMult;
     if (*tPtr != '-')
         blk->tStart += blk->tLetMult;
 blk->qEnd = blk->qStart;
 blk->tEnd = blk->tStart;
 blk->alnEnd = blk->alnStart;
 if ((*qPtr == '\0') || (*tPtr == '\0'))
     assert((*qPtr == '\0') && (*tPtr == '\0'));
     return FALSE;  /* no more */
 /* find end of aligned block */
 while ((*qPtr != '\0') && (*tPtr != '\0')
        && (*qPtr != '-') && (*tPtr != '-'))
     blk->qEnd += blk->qLetMult;
     blk->tEnd += blk->tLetMult;
 // sanity test for blast blocks being the same length after conversion to the same units
 assert((blk->tLetMult * (blk->qEnd - blk->qStart)) == (blk->qLetMult * (blk->tEnd - blk->tStart)));
 return TRUE;
 static void addUngappedBlock(struct psl* psl, int* pslSpace, struct block* blk, unsigned flags)
 /* add the next  ungapped block to a psl */
 unsigned newIBlk = psl->blockCount;
 unsigned blkSize = blk->qEnd - blk->qStart;  // uses query size so protein psl is right
 if (newIBlk >= *pslSpace)
     pslGrow(psl, pslSpace);
 psl->qStarts[newIBlk] = blk->qCoordMult * blk->qStart;
 psl->tStarts[newIBlk] = blk->tCoordMult * blk->tStart;
 psl->blockSizes[newIBlk] = blk->qCoordMult * blkSize;
 /* keep bounds current */
 psl->qStart = psl->qStarts[0];
 psl->qEnd = psl->qStarts[newIBlk] + (blk->qCoordMult * blkSize);
 if (psl->strand[0] == '-')
     reverseIntRange(&psl->qStart, &psl->qEnd, psl->qSize);
 psl->tStart = psl->tStarts[0];
 psl->tEnd = psl->tStarts[newIBlk] + (blk->q2tBlkSizeMult * blkSize);
 if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
     reverseIntRange(&psl->tStart, &psl->tEnd, psl->tSize);
 if (flags & bldPslx)
     psl->qSequence[newIBlk] = cloneStringZ(blk->qAln + blk->alnStart, blkSize);
     psl->tSequence[newIBlk] = cloneStringZ(blk->tAln + blk->alnStart, blkSize);
 static void countIndels(struct psl *psl)
 /* update indel counts in psl after adding a block */
 if (psl->blockCount > 1)
     int iBlk = psl->blockCount - 1;
     if (pslQEnd(psl, iBlk-1) != psl->qStarts[iBlk])
         /* insert in query */
         psl->qBaseInsert += (psl->qStarts[iBlk] - pslQEnd(psl, iBlk-1));
     if (pslTEnd(psl, iBlk-1) != psl->tStarts[iBlk])
         /* insert in target */
         psl->tBaseInsert += (psl->tStarts[iBlk] - pslTEnd(psl, iBlk-1));
 static void countMatches(struct psl* psl, struct block* blk, unsigned flags)
 /* update the PSL match/mismatch after adding a block. */
 int i, alnLen = (blk->alnEnd - blk->alnStart);
 char *qPtr = blk->qAln + blk->alnStart;
 char *tPtr = blk->tAln + blk->alnStart;
 boolean isProt = isProteinSeqs(flags);
 for (i = 0; i < alnLen; i++, qPtr++, tPtr++)
     if ((!isProt && ((*qPtr == 'N') || (*tPtr == 'N')))
         || (isProt && ((*qPtr == 'X') || (*tPtr == 'X'))))
         psl->repMatch += blk->countMult;
     else if (*qPtr == *tPtr)
         psl->match += blk->countMult;
         psl->misMatch += blk->countMult;
 static void hspToBlocks(struct psl *psl, int *pslSpace, struct block *blk, unsigned flags)
 /* build PSl blocks from an HSP */
 /* fill in ungapped blocks */
 while (nextUngappedBlk(blk))
     addUngappedBlock(psl, pslSpace, blk, flags);
     countMatches(psl, blk, flags);
 assert(blk->qStart == blk->qEnd);
 assert(blk->tStart == blk->tEnd);
 //assert(blk->qStart == pslQEnd(psl, psl->blockCount-1));
 //assert(blk->tStart == pslTEnd(psl, psl->blockCount-1));
 static void makeUntranslated(struct psl* psl)
 /* convert a PSL so it is in the untranslated form produced by blat */
 if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
     /* swap around blocks so it's query that is reversed */
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < psl->blockCount; i++)
         psl->tStarts[i] = psl->tSize - (psl->tStarts[i] + psl->blockSizes[i]);
         psl->qStarts[i] = psl->qSize - (psl->qStarts[i] + psl->blockSizes[i]);
     reverseUnsigned(psl->tStarts, psl->blockCount);
     reverseUnsigned(psl->qStarts, psl->blockCount);
     reverseUnsigned(psl->blockSizes, psl->blockCount);
     /* fix strand, +- now -, -- now + */
     psl->strand[0] = (psl->strand[0] == '+') ? '-' : '+';
 psl->strand[1] = '\0';
 static void finishPsl(struct psl* psl, unsigned flags)
 /* put finishing touches on a psl */
 if ((flags & tblastn) == 0)
 struct psl *pslBuildFromHsp(char *qName, int qSize, int qStart, int qEnd, char qStrand, char *qAln,
                             char *tName, int tSize, int tStart, int tEnd, char tStrand, char *tAln,
                             unsigned flags)
 /* construct a new psl from an HSP.  Chaining is left to other programs. */
 if ((flags & tblastx) && (flags & bldPslx))
     errAbort("can't convert TBLASTX to PSLX");
 struct block blk;
 blkInit(&blk, qStart, qAln, tStart, tAln, flags);
 // construct psl
 int pslSpace = 8;
 char strand[3];
 safef(strand, sizeof(strand), "%c%c", qStrand, tStrand);
 struct psl *psl = pslNew(qName, blk.qCoordMult * qSize, blk.qCoordMult * qStart, blk.qCoordMult * qEnd,
                          tName, blk.tCoordMult * tSize, blk.tCoordMult * tStart, blk.tCoordMult * tEnd,
                          strand, pslSpace, ((flags & bldPslx) ? PSL_XA_FORMAT : 0));
 // fill in psl
 hspToBlocks(psl, &pslSpace, &blk, flags);
 finishPsl(psl, flags);
 return psl;
-void pslBuildWriteScores(FILE* scoreFh, struct psl *psl, double bitScore, double eValue)
-/* write scores for a PSL */
+FILE *pslBuildScoresOpen(char *scoreFile, bool inclDefs)
+/* open score file and write headers */
+FILE *fh = mustOpen(scoreFile, "w");
+fputs("#strand\tqName\tqStart\tqEnd\ttName\ttStart\ttEnd\tbitScore\teVal", fh);
+if (inclDefs)
+    fputs("\tqDef\ttDef", fh);
+fputc('\n', fh);
+return fh;
+static void writeBasicScores(FILE* scoreFh, struct psl *psl, double bitScore, double eValue)
+/* write first part of row */
-fprintf(scoreFh, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%g\t%g\n", psl->strand,
+fprintf(scoreFh, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%g\t%g", psl->strand,
         psl->qName, psl->qStart, psl->qEnd, psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd,
         bitScore, eValue);
+void pslBuildScoresWrite(FILE* scoreFh, struct psl *psl, double bitScore, double eValue)
+/* write scores for a PSL */
+writeBasicScores(scoreFh, psl, bitScore, eValue);
+fputc('\n', scoreFh);
+void pslBuildScoresWriteWithDefs(FILE* scoreFh, struct psl *psl, double bitScore, double eValue, char *qDef, char *tDef)
+/* write scores and definitions for a PSL */
+writeBasicScores(scoreFh, psl, bitScore, eValue);
+fprintf(scoreFh, "\t%s\t%s\n", qDef, tDef);