  Fri Oct 1 11:05:56 2010 -0700
Fixing git mess (I hope) created from an accidental 'git add .'
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/wigMafTrack.c.old src/hg/hgTracks/wigMafTrack.c.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 890239d..0000000
--- src/hg/hgTracks/wigMafTrack.c.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2530 +0,0 @@
-/* wigMafTrack - display multiple alignment files with score wiggle
- * and base-level alignment, or else density plot of pairwise alignments
- * (zoomed out) */
-#include "common.h"
-#include "hash.h"
-#include "linefile.h"
-#include "jksql.h"
-#include "hdb.h"
-#include "hgTracks.h"
-#include "maf.h"
-#include "scoredRef.h"
-#include "wiggle.h"
-#include "hCommon.h"
-#include "hgMaf.h"
-#include "mafTrack.h"
-#include "customTrack.h"
-#include "mafSummary.h"
-#include "mafFrames.h"
-#include "phyloTree.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: wigMafTrack.c,v 1.146 2010/05/11 01:43:28 kent Exp $";
-#define GAP_ITEM_LABEL  "Gaps"
-#define MAX_SP_SIZE 2000
-struct wigMafItem
-/* A maf track item --
- * a line of bases (base level) or pairwise density gradient (zoomed out). */
-    {
-    struct wigMafItem *next;
-    char *name;		/* Common name */
-    char *db;		/* Database */
-    int group;          /* number of species group/clade */
-    int ix;		/* Position in list. */
-    int height;		/* Pixel height of item. */
-    int inserts[128];
-    int insertsSize;
-    int seqEnds[128];
-    int seqEndsSize;
-    int brackStarts[128];
-    int brackStartsSize;
-    int brackEnds[128];
-    int brackEndsSize;
-    };
-static void wigMafItemFree(struct wigMafItem **pEl)
-/* Free up a wigMafItem. */
-struct wigMafItem *el = *pEl;
-if (el != NULL)
-    {
-    freeMem(el->name);
-    freeMem(el->db);
-    freez(pEl);
-    }
-void wigMafItemFreeList(struct wigMafItem **pList)
-/* Free a list of dynamically allocated wigMafItem's */
-struct wigMafItem *el, *next;
-for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
-    {
-    next = el->next;
-    wigMafItemFree(&el);
-    }
-*pList = NULL;
-Color wigMafItemLabelColor(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
-/* Return color to draw a maf item based on the species group it is in */
-struct wigMafItem *mi = (struct wigMafItem *)item;
-if (sameString(mi->name, GAP_ITEM_LABEL))
-    return getOrangeColor();
-return (((struct wigMafItem *)item)->group % 2 ?
-                        tg->ixAltColor : tg->ixColor);
-static struct mafAli *wigMafLoadInRegion(struct sqlConnection *conn,
-    struct sqlConnection *conn2, char *table, char *chrom, int start, int end, char *file)
-/* Load mafs from region */
-    return mafLoadInRegion2(conn, conn2, table, chrom, start, end, file);
-static struct wigMafItem *newMafItem(char *s, int g, boolean lowerFirstChar)
-/* Allocate and initialize a maf item. Species param can be a db or name */
-struct wigMafItem *mi;
-char *val;
-if ((val = hGenome(s)) != NULL)
-    {
-    /* it's a database name */
-    mi->db = cloneString(s);
-    mi->name = val;
-    }
-    {
-    mi->db = cloneString(s);
-    mi->name = cloneString(s);
-    }
-mi->name = hgDirForOrg(mi->name);
-if (lowerFirstChar)
-    *mi->name = tolower(*mi->name);
-mi->height = tl.fontHeight;
-mi->group = g;
-return mi;
-struct wigMafItem *getSpeciesFromMaf(struct track *track, int height)
-struct wigMafItem *mi = NULL, *miList = NULL;
-struct hash *hash = newHash(8);	/* keyed by database. */
-struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-struct mafAli *maf;
-char buf[64];
-char *otherOrganism;
-if (mp->list == (struct mafAli *)-1)
-    return NULL;
-for (maf = mp->list; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
-    {
-    struct mafComp *mc;
-    for (mc = maf->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next)
-	{
-	mafSrcDb(mc->src, buf, sizeof(buf));
-	if (sameString(buf, database))
-	    continue;
-	if (hashLookup(hash, buf) == NULL)
-	    {
-	    AllocVar(mi);
-	    mi->db = cloneString(buf);
-	    otherOrganism = hOrganism(mi->db);
-	    mi->name =
-		(otherOrganism == NULL ? cloneString(buf) : otherOrganism);
-	    mi->height = tl.fontHeight;
-	    slAddHead(&miList, mi);
-	    hashAdd(hash, mi->db, mi);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-return miList;
-struct wigMafItem *newSpeciesItems(struct track *track, int height)
-/* Make up item list for all species configured in track settings */
-struct dyString *order = dyStringNew(256);
-char option[MAX_SP_SIZE];
-char *species[MAX_SP_SIZE];
-char *groups[20];
-char *defaultOff[MAX_SP_SIZE];
-char sGroup[24];
-struct wigMafItem *mi = NULL, *miList = NULL;
-int group;
-int i;
-int speciesCt = 0, groupCt = 1;
-int speciesOffCt = 0;
-struct hash *speciesOffHash = newHash(0);
-char buffer[128];
-char *speciesTarget = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, SPECIES_TARGET_VAR);
-char *speciesTree = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, SPECIES_TREE_VAR);
-bool useTarg;	/* use phyloTree to find shortest path */
-struct phyloTree *tree = NULL;
-char *speciesUseFile = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, SPECIES_USE_FILE);
-char *msaTable = NULL;
-/* either speciesOrder or speciesGroup is specified in trackDb */
-char *speciesOrder = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, SPECIES_ORDER_VAR);
-char *speciesGroup = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, SPECIES_GROUP_VAR);
-char *speciesOff = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, SPECIES_DEFAULT_OFF_VAR);
-bool lowerFirstChar = TRUE;
-char *firstCase;
-firstCase = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, ITEM_FIRST_CHAR_CASE);
-if (firstCase != NULL)
-    {
-    if (sameWord(firstCase, "noChange")) lowerFirstChar = FALSE;
-    }
-char *cfgPrefix = compositeViewControlNameFromTdb(track->tdb);
-safef(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s.vis",/*cfgPrefix*/track->track);
-if (!cartVarExists(cart, buffer) && (speciesTarget != NULL))
-    useTarg = TRUE;
-    {
-    char *val;
-    val = cartUsualString(cart, buffer, "useCheck");
-    useTarg = sameString("useTarg",val);
-    }
-if (useTarg && (tree = phyloParseString(speciesTree)) == NULL)
-    useTarg = FALSE;
-if (speciesOrder == NULL && speciesGroup == NULL && speciesUseFile == NULL)
-    return getSpeciesFromMaf(track, height);
-if (speciesGroup)
-    groupCt = chopLine(cloneString(speciesGroup), groups);
-if (speciesUseFile)
-    {
-    if ((speciesGroup != NULL) || (speciesOrder != NULL))
-	errAbort("Can't specify speciesUseFile and speciesGroup or speciesOrder");
-    if (hIsGsidServer())
-	{
-	msaTable = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "msaTable");
-    	if (msaTable != NULL)
-	    {
-	    speciesOrder = cartGetOrderFromFileAndMsaTable(database, cart, speciesUseFile, msaTable);
-    	    }
-	else
-	    {
-    	    speciesOrder = cartGetOrderFromFile(database, cart, speciesUseFile);
-	    }
-	}
-    else
-	{
-    	speciesOrder = cartGetOrderFromFile(database, cart, speciesUseFile);
-    	}
-    speciesOff = NULL;
-    }
-/* keep track of species configured off initially for track */
-if (speciesOff)
-    {
-    speciesOffCt = chopLine(cloneString(speciesOff), defaultOff);
-    for (i = 0; i < speciesOffCt; i++)
-        hashAdd(speciesOffHash, defaultOff[i], NULL);
-    }
-/* Make up items for other organisms by scanning through group & species
-   track settings */
-for (group = 0; group < groupCt; group++)
-    {
-    if (groupCt != 1 || !speciesOrder)
-        {
-        safef(sGroup, sizeof sGroup, "%s%s",
-                                SPECIES_GROUP_PREFIX, groups[group]);
-        speciesOrder = trackDbRequiredSetting(track->tdb, sGroup);
-        }
-    if (useTarg)
-	{
-	char *ptr, *path;
-	struct hash *orgHash = newHash(0);
-	int numNodes, ii;
-	char *nodeNames[512];
-	char *species = NULL;
-	char *lowerString;
-	path = phyloNodeNames(tree);
-	numNodes = chopLine(path, nodeNames);
-	for(ii=0; ii < numNodes; ii++)
-	    {
-	    if ((ptr = hOrganism(nodeNames[ii])) != NULL)
-		{
-		ptr[0] = tolower(ptr[0]);
-		hashAdd(orgHash, ptr, nodeNames[ii]);
-		}
-	    else
-		{
-		hashAdd(orgHash, nodeNames[ii], nodeNames[ii]);
-		}
-	    }
-	lowerString = cartUsualString(cart, SPECIES_HTML_TARGET,speciesTarget);
-	lowerString[0] = tolower(lowerString[0]);
-	species = hashFindVal(orgHash, lowerString);
-	if ((ptr = phyloFindPath(tree, database, species)) != NULL)
-	    speciesOrder = ptr;
-	}
-    safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.speciesOrder", /*cfgPrefix*/track->track);
-    speciesCt = chopLine(cloneString(speciesOrder), species);
-    for (i = 0; i < speciesCt; i++)
-        {
-	if (!useTarg)
-	    {
-	    /* skip this species if UI checkbox was unchecked */
-	    safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", cfgPrefix, species[i]);
-	    if (!cartVarExists(cart, option))
-		if (hashLookup(speciesOffHash, species[i]))
-		    cartSetBoolean(cart, option, FALSE);
-	    if (!cartUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE))
-		continue;
-	    }
-        mi = newMafItem(species[i], group, lowerFirstChar);
-        slAddHead(&miList, mi);
-        }
-    }
-for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-    {
-    mi->height = height;
-    dyStringPrintf(order, "%s ",mi->db);
-    }
-safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.speciesOrder", /*cfgPrefix*/track->track);
-cartSetString(cart, option, order->string);
-return miList;
-static struct wigMafItem *scoreItem(int scoreHeight, char *label)
-/* Make up item that will show the score */
-struct wigMafItem *mi;
-mi->name = cloneString(label);
-mi->height = scoreHeight;
-return mi;
-struct mafPriv *getMafPriv(struct track *track)
-struct mafPriv *mp = track->customPt;
-if (mp == NULL)
-    {
-    AllocVar(mp);
-    track->customPt = mp;
-    }
-return mp;
-char *getTrackMafFile(struct track *track)
-/* look up MAF file name in track setting, return NULL if not found */
-return hashFindVal(track->tdb->settingsHash, "mafFile");
-char *getCustomMafFile(struct track *track)
-char *fileName = getTrackMafFile(track);
-if (fileName == NULL)
-    errAbort("cannot find custom maf setting");
-return fileName;
-static void loadMafsToTrack(struct track *track)
-/* load mafs in region to track custom pointer */
-struct sqlConnection *conn;
-struct sqlConnection *conn2;
-struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-if (winBaseCount > MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW)
-    return;
-/* we open two connections to the database
- * that has the maf track in it.  One is
- * for the scoredRefs, the other to access
- * the extFile database.  We could get away
- * with just one connection, but then we'd
- * have to allocate more memory to hold
- * the scoredRefs (whereas now we just use
- * one statically loaded scoredRef).
- */
-if (mp->ct)
-    {
-    char *fileName = getCustomMafFile(track);
-    conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
-    conn2 = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
-    mp->list = wigMafLoadInRegion(conn, conn2, mp->ct->dbTableName,
-				chromName, winStart - 2 , winEnd + 2, fileName);
-    hFreeConn(&conn);
-    hFreeConn(&conn2);
-    }
-    {
-    char *fileName = getTrackMafFile(track);  // optional
-    conn = hAllocConn(database);
-    conn2 = hAllocConn(database);
-    mp->list = wigMafLoadInRegion(conn, conn2, track->table,
-				chromName, winStart - 2 , winEnd + 2, fileName);
-    hFreeConn(&conn);
-    hFreeConn(&conn2);
-    }
-static struct wigMafItem *loadBaseByBaseItems(struct track *track)
-/* Make up base-by-base track items. */
-struct wigMafItem *miList = NULL, *speciesList = NULL, *mi;
-int scoreHeight = 0;
-bool lowerFirstChar = TRUE;
-char *firstCase;
-firstCase = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, ITEM_FIRST_CHAR_CASE);
-if (firstCase != NULL)
-    {
-    if (sameWord(firstCase, "noChange")) lowerFirstChar = FALSE;
-    }
-/* NOTE: we are building up the item list backwards */
-/* Add items for conservation wiggles */
-struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-if (wigTrack)
-    {
-    enum trackVisibility wigVis = (wigTrack->limitedVis == tvDense ? tvDense : tvFull);
-    while (wigTrack !=  NULL)
-        {
-        scoreHeight = wigTotalHeight(wigTrack, wigVis);
-        mi = scoreItem(scoreHeight, wigTrack->shortLabel);
-        slAddHead(&miList, mi);
-        wigTrack = wigTrack->next;
-        }
-    }
-/* Make up item that will show gaps in this organism. */
-mi->name = GAP_ITEM_LABEL;
-mi->height = tl.fontHeight;
-slAddHead(&miList, mi);
-/* Make up item for this organism. */
-mi = newMafItem(database, 0, lowerFirstChar);
-slAddHead(&miList, mi);
-speciesList = newSpeciesItems(track, tl.fontHeight);
-/* Make items for other species */
-miList = slCat(speciesList, miList);
-return miList;
-static char *summarySetting(struct track *track)
-/* Return the setting for the MAF summary table
- * or NULL if none set  */
-return trackDbSetting(track->tdb, SUMMARY_VAR);
-static char *pairwiseSuffix(struct track *track)
-/* Return the suffix for the wiggle tables for the pairwise alignments,
- * or NULL if none set  */
-char *suffix = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, PAIRWISE_VAR);
-if (suffix != NULL)
-    suffix = firstWordInLine(cloneString(suffix));
-return suffix;
-static int pairwiseWigHeight(struct track *track)
-/* Return the height of a pairwise wiggle for this track, or 0 if n/a
- * NOTE: set one pixel smaller than we actually want, to
- * leave a border at the bottom of the wiggle.
- */
-char *words[2];
-int wordCount;
-char *settings;
-struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-int pairwiseHeight = tl.fontHeight;
-int consWigHeight = 0;
-settings = cloneString(trackDbSetting(track->tdb, PAIRWISE_HEIGHT));
-if (settings != NULL)
-    return(atoi(firstWordInLine(settings)));
-if (wigTrack)
-    {
-    consWigHeight = wigTotalHeight(wigTrack, tvFull);
-    pairwiseHeight = max(consWigHeight/3 - 1, pairwiseHeight);
-    }
-settings = cloneString(trackDbSetting(track->tdb, PAIRWISE_VAR));
-if (settings == NULL)
-    return pairwiseHeight;
-/* get height for pairwise wiggles */
-if ((wordCount = chopLine(settings, words)) > 1)
-    {
-    int settingsHeight = atoi(words[1]);
-    if (settingsHeight < tl.fontHeight)
-       pairwiseHeight = tl.fontHeight;
-    else if (settingsHeight > consWigHeight && consWigHeight > 0)
-        pairwiseHeight = consWigHeight;
-    else
-        pairwiseHeight = settingsHeight;
-    }
-return pairwiseHeight;
-static char *getWigTablename(char *species, char *suffix)
-/* generate tablename for wiggle pairwise: "<species>_<table>_wig" */
-char table[64];
-safef(table, sizeof(table), "%s_%s_wig", species, suffix);
-return cloneString(table);
-static char *getMafTablename(char *species, char *suffix)
-/* generate tablename for wiggle maf:  "<species>_<table>" */
-char table[64];
-safef(table, sizeof(table), "%s_%s", species, suffix);
-return cloneString(table);
-static boolean displayPairwise(struct track *track)
-/* determine if tables are present for pairwise display */
-return winBaseCount < MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW || isCustomTrack(track->table) ||
-	pairwiseSuffix(track) || summarySetting(track);
-static boolean displayZoomedIn(struct track *track)
-/* determine if mafs are loaded -- zoomed in display */
-struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-return mp->list != (char *)-1;
-static void markNotPairwiseItem(struct wigMafItem *mi)
-    mi->ix = -1;
-static boolean isPairwiseItem(struct wigMafItem *mi)
-    return mi->ix != -1;
-static struct wigMafItem *loadPairwiseItems(struct track *track)
-/* Make up items for modes where pairwise data are shown.
-   First an item for the score wiggle, then a pairwise item
-   for each "other species" in the multiple alignment.
-   These may be density plots (pack) or wiggles (full).
-   Return item list.  Also set customPt with mafList if
-   zoomed in */
-struct wigMafItem *miList = NULL, *speciesItems = NULL, *mi;
-struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-int scoreHeight = tl.fontHeight * 4;
-if (winBaseCount < MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW)
-    {
-    /* "close in" display uses actual alignments from file */
-    struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-    struct sqlConnection *conn, *conn2;
-    if (mp->ct)
-	{
-	char *fileName = getCustomMafFile(track);
-	conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
-	conn2 = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
-	mp->list = wigMafLoadInRegion(conn, conn2, mp->ct->dbTableName,
-					chromName, winStart, winEnd, fileName);
-	hFreeConn(&conn);
-	hFreeConn(&conn2);
-	}
-    else
-	{
-        char *fileName = getTrackMafFile(track);  // optional
-	conn = hAllocConn(database);
-	conn2 = hAllocConn(database);
-	mp->list = wigMafLoadInRegion(conn, conn2, track->table,
-					chromName, winStart, winEnd, fileName);
-	hFreeConn(&conn);
-	hFreeConn(&conn2);
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    slSort(&mp->list, mafCmp);
-    }
-while (wigTrack != NULL)
-    {
-    /* display score graph along with pairs only if a wiggle
-     * is provided */
-    scoreHeight = wigTotalHeight(wigTrack, tvFull);
-    mi = scoreItem(scoreHeight, wigTrack->shortLabel);
-    /* mark this as not a pairwise item */
-    markNotPairwiseItem(mi);
-    slAddHead(&miList, mi);
-    wigTrack = wigTrack->next;
-    }
-if (displayPairwise(track))
-    /* make up items for other organisms by scanning through
-     * all mafs and looking at database prefix to source. */
-    {
-    speciesItems = newSpeciesItems(track, track->limitedVis == tvFull ?
-                                                pairwiseWigHeight(track) :
-                                                tl.fontHeight);
-    miList = slCat(speciesItems, miList);
-    }
-return miList;
-static struct wigMafItem *loadWigMafItems(struct track *track,
-                                                 boolean isBaseLevel)
-/* Load up items */
-struct wigMafItem *miList = NULL, *mi;
-int scoreHeight = tl.fontHeight * 4;
-struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-mp->list = (char *)-1;   /* no maf's loaded or attempted to load */
-/* if we're out in summary view and rendering a custom
- * track we force dense mode since we don't have
- * a summary table (yet). */
-if ((winBaseCount >= MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW) && isCustomTrack(track->table))
-    track->limitedVis = tvDense;
-/* Load up mafs and store in track so drawer doesn't have
- * to do it again. */
-/* Make up tracks for display. */
-if (track->limitedVis == tvFull || track->limitedVis == tvPack)
-    {
-    if (isBaseLevel)
-	{
-	miList = loadBaseByBaseItems(track);
-	}
-    /* zoomed out */
-    else
-	{
-	miList = loadPairwiseItems(track);
-	}
-    }
-else if (track->limitedVis == tvSquish)
-    {
-    if (!wigTrack)
-        {
-        scoreHeight = tl.fontHeight * 4;
-        if (winBaseCount < MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW)
-            loadMafsToTrack(track);
-        /* not a real meausre of conservation, so don't label it so */
-        miList = scoreItem(scoreHeight, "");
-        }
-    else while (wigTrack)
-        {
-        /* have a wiggle */
-        scoreHeight = wigTotalHeight(wigTrack, tvFull);
-        mi = scoreItem(scoreHeight, wigTrack->shortLabel);
-        slAddTail(&miList, mi);
-        wigTrack = wigTrack->next;
-        }
-    }
-    {
-    /* dense mode, zoomed out - show density plot, with track label */
-    if (!wigTrack)
-        {
-        /* no wiggle -- use mafs if close in */
-        if (winBaseCount < MAF_SUMMARY_VIEW)
-#ifndef NOTYET
-           loadMafsToTrack(track);
-	AllocVar(miList);
-	miList->name = cloneString(track->shortLabel);
-	miList->height = tl.fontHeight;
-	    miList =  loadPairwiseItems(track);
-	/* remove components that aren't selected */
-	struct wigMafItem *mil = miList;
-	struct hash *nameHash = newHash(5);
-	for(;mil; mil = mil->next)
-	    hashStore(nameHash, mil->name);
-	struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-	struct mafAli *mafList = mp->list;
-	struct mafComp *mc;
-	for(; mafList; mafList = mafList->next)
-	    {
-	    struct mafComp *prev = mafList->components;
-	    /* start after the master component */
-	    for(mc = mafList->components->next; mc; mc = mc->next)
-		{
-		char *ptr = strchr(mc->src, '.');
-		if (ptr)
-		    *ptr = 0;
-		char *ptr2 = hOrganism(mc->src);
-		*ptr2 = tolower(*ptr2);
-		if (!hashLookup(nameHash, ptr2))
-		    /* delete this component */
-		    prev->next = mc->next;
-		else
-		    {
-		    if (ptr)
-			*ptr = '.';
-		    prev = mc;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	/* label with the track name */
-        miList->name = cloneString(track->shortLabel);
-	miList->next = NULL;
-#endif /* NOTYET */
-        }
-    else while (wigTrack)
-        {
-        AllocVar(mi);
-        mi->name = cloneString(wigTrack->shortLabel);
-        mi->height = tl.fontHeight + 1;
-        slAddTail(&miList, mi);
-        wigTrack = wigTrack->next;
-        }
-    }
-return miList;
-static void wigMafLoad(struct track *track)
-/* Load up maf tracks.  What this will do depends on
- * the zoom level and the display density. */
-struct wigMafItem *miList = NULL;
-struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-// Make sure visibility takes into account any composite track with multi-views
-track->limitedVis = tvMin(track->visibility,limitedVisFromComposite(track));
-track->limitedVisSet = (track->limitedVis != tvHide && track->visibility != track->limitedVis);
-miList = loadWigMafItems(track, zoomedToBaseLevel);
-track->items = miList;
-while (wigTrack != NULL)
-    // load wiggle subtrack items
-    {
-    /* update track visibility from parent track,
-     * since hgTracks will update parent vis before loadItems */
-    wigTrack->visibility = track->visibility;
-    wigTrack->limitedVis = track->limitedVis;
-    wigTrack->loadItems(wigTrack);
-    wigTrack = wigTrack->next;
-    }
-static int wigMafTotalHeight(struct track *track, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Return total height of maf track.  */
-struct wigMafItem *mi;
-int total = 0,count=0;
-for (mi = track->items; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-    {
-    total += mi->height;
-    count++;
-    }
-track->height = total;
-if (track->limitedVis == tvDense)
-    track->height=(tl.fontHeight+1)*count; // Evidence that track-height comes in as 9 but should be 10!
-return track->height;
-static int wigMafItemHeight(struct track *track, void *item)
-/* Return total height of maf track.  */
-struct wigMafItem *mi = item;
-return mi->height;
-static void wigMafFree(struct track *track)
-/* Free up maf items. */
-struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-if (mp->list != NULL && mp->list != (char *)-1)
-    mafAliFreeList((struct mafAli **)&mp->list);
-if (track->items != NULL)
-    wigMafItemFreeList((struct wigMafItem **)&track->items);
-static char *wigMafItemName(struct track *track, void *item)
-/* Return name of maf level track. */
-struct wigMafItem *mi = item;
-return mi->name;
-static void processInserts(char *text, struct mafAli *maf,
-                                struct hash *itemHash,
-	                        int insertCounts[], int baseCount)
-/* Make up insert line from sequence of reference species.
-   It has a gap count at each displayed base position, and is generated by
-   counting up '-' chars in the sequence, where  */
-int i, baseIx = 0;
-struct mafComp *mc;
-char c;
-for (i=0; i < maf->textSize && baseIx < baseCount - 1; i++)
-    {
-    c = text[i];
-    if (c == '-')
-        {
-        for (mc = maf->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next)
-            {
-            char buf[64];
-            mafSrcDb(mc->src, buf, sizeof buf);
-            if (hashLookup(itemHash, buf) == NULL)
-                continue;
-            if (mc->text == NULL)
-                /* empty row annotation */
-                continue;
-            if (mc->text[i] != '-')
-                {
-                insertCounts[baseIx]++;
-                break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        baseIx++;
-    }
-static int processSeq(char *text, char *masterText, int textSize,
-                            char *outLine, int offset, int outSize,
-			    int *inserts, int insertCounts)
-/* Add text to outLine, suppressing copy where there are dashes
- * in masterText.  This effectively projects the alignment onto
- * the master genome.
- * If no dash exists in this sequence, count up size
- * of the insert and save in the line.
- */
-int i, outIx = 0, outPositions = 0;
-int insertSize = 0, previousInserts = 0;
-int previousBreaks = 0;
-outLine = outLine + offset + previousBreaks + (previousInserts * 2);
-for (i=0; i < textSize /*&& outPositions < outSize*/;  i++)
-    {
-    if (masterText[i] != '-')
-        {
-        if (insertSize != 0)
-            {
-	    inserts[insertCounts++] = offset + outIx + 1;
-            insertSize = 0;
-            }
-	outLine[outIx++] = text[i];
-        outPositions++;
-	}
-    else
-        {
-        /* gap in master (reference) sequence but not in this species */
-	switch(text[i])
-	    {
-	    case 'N':
-	    case '-':
-	    case '=':
-	    case ' ':
-		break;
-	    default:
-		insertSize++;
-	    }
-        }
-    }
-    if (insertSize != 0)
-	{
-	inserts[insertCounts++] = offset + outIx + 1;
-	}
-return insertCounts;
-static int drawScore(float score, int chromStart, int chromEnd, int seqStart,
-                        double scale, struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff,
-                        int height, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw density plot or graph based on score. Return last X drawn  */
-int x1,x2,y,w;
-int height1 = height-1;
-x1 = round((chromStart - seqStart)*scale);
-x2 = round((chromEnd - seqStart)*scale);
-w = x2-x1+1;
-if (vis == tvFull)
-    {
-    y = score * height1;
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, x1 + xOff, yOff + height1 - y, w, y+1, color);
-    }
-    {
-    Color c;
-    int shade = (score * maxShade) + 1;
-    if (shade < 0)
-        shade = 0;
-    else if (shade > maxShade)
-        shade = maxShade;
-    c = shadesOfGray[shade];
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, x1 + xOff, yOff, w, height1, c);
-    }
-return xOff + x1 + w - 1;
-static void drawScoreSummary(struct mafSummary *summaryList, int height,
-                             int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-                            struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff,
-                            int width, MgFont *font,
-                            Color color, Color altColor,
-                            enum trackVisibility vis, boolean chainBreaks)
-/* Draw density plot or graph for summary maf scores */
-struct mafSummary *ms;
-double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
-boolean isDouble = FALSE;
-int x1, x2;
-int w = 0;
-int chromStart = seqStart;
-int lastX;
-/* draw chain before first alignment */
-ms = summaryList;
-if (chainBreaks && ms->chromStart > chromStart)
-    {
-    if (isContigOrTandem(ms->leftStatus[0]) ||
-	 ms->leftStatus[0] == MAF_INSERT_STATUS)
-	{
-	isDouble = (ms->leftStatus[0] == MAF_INSERT_STATUS);
-	x1 = xOff;
-	x2 = round((double)((int)ms->chromStart-1 - seqStart) * scale) + xOff;
-	w = x2 - x1;
-	if (w > 0)
-	    drawMafChain(hvg, x1, yOff, w, height, isDouble);
-	}
-    else if (ms->leftStatus[0] == MAF_MISSING_STATUS )
-	{
-	Color fuzz = shadesOfGray[1];
-	x1 = xOff;
-	x2 = round((double)((int)ms->chromStart-1 - seqStart) * scale) + xOff;
-	w = x2 - x1;
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, yOff, w, height, fuzz);
-	}
-    }
-for (ms = summaryList; ms != NULL; ms = ms->next)
-    {
-    lastX = drawScore(ms->score, ms->chromStart, ms->chromEnd, seqStart,
-                        scale, hvg, xOff, yOff, height, color, vis);
-    /* draw chain after alignment */
-    if (chainBreaks && ms->chromEnd < seqEnd && ms->next != NULL)
-	{
-	if (isContigOrTandem(ms->rightStatus[0]) ||
-	     ms->rightStatus[0] == MAF_INSERT_STATUS)
-	    {
-	    isDouble = (ms->rightStatus[0] == MAF_INSERT_STATUS);
-	    x1 = round((double)((int)ms->chromEnd+1 - seqStart) * scale) + xOff;
-	    x2 = round((double)((int)ms->next->chromStart-1 - seqStart) * scale)
-		    + xOff;
-	    w = x2 - x1;
-	    if (w == 1 && x1 == lastX)
-		continue;
-	    if (w > 0);
-		drawMafChain(hvg, x1, yOff, w, height, isDouble);
-	    }
-	else if (ms->rightStatus[0] == MAF_MISSING_STATUS )
-	    {
-	    Color fuzz = shadesOfGray[2];
-	    x1 = round((double)((int)ms->chromEnd+1 - seqStart) * scale) + xOff;
-	    x2 = round((double)((int)ms->next->chromStart-1 - seqStart) * scale) + xOff ;
-	    w = x2 - x1;
-	    if (w == 1 && x1 == lastX)
-		continue;
-	    if (w > 0)
-		hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, yOff, w, height, fuzz);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-static void drawScoreOverviewC(struct sqlConnection *conn,
-			    char *tableName, int height,
-                             int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-                            struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff,
-                            int width, MgFont *font,
-                            Color color, Color altColor,
-                            enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw density plot or graph for overall maf scores rather than computing
- * by sections, for speed.  Don't actually load the mafs -- just
- * the scored refs from the table.
- * TODO: reuse code in mafTrack.c
- */
-char **row;
-int rowOffset;
-struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, tableName, chromName,
-			    seqStart, seqEnd, NULL, &rowOffset);
-double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
-while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
-    {
-    struct scoredRef ref;
-    scoredRefStaticLoad(row + rowOffset, &ref);
-    drawScore(ref.score, ref.chromStart, ref.chromEnd, seqStart, scale,
-                hvg, xOff, yOff, height, color, vis);
-    }
-static void drawScoreOverview(char *tableName,
-	int height, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff,
-	int width, MgFont *font,
-	Color color, Color altColor,
-	enum trackVisibility vis)
-struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
-drawScoreOverviewC(conn, tableName, height, seqStart, seqEnd,
-	hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, altColor, vis);
-static void drawScoreOverviewCT(char *tableName,
-	int height, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff,
-	int width, MgFont *font,
-	Color color, Color altColor,
-	enum trackVisibility vis)
-struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
-drawScoreOverviewC(conn, tableName, height, seqStart, seqEnd,
-	hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, altColor, vis);
-static boolean drawPairsFromSummary(struct track *track,
-        int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, MgFont *font,
-        Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw pairwise display for this multiple alignment */
-char *summary;
-struct wigMafItem *miList = track->items, *mi = miList;
-struct sqlConnection *conn;
-struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
-char **row = NULL;
-int rowOffset = 0;
-struct mafSummary *ms, *summaryList;
-struct hash *componentHash = newHash(6);
-struct hashEl *hel;
-struct hashCookie cookie;
-struct dyString *where = dyStringNew(256);
-char *whereClause = NULL;
-boolean useIrowChains = TRUE;
-char option[64];
-if (miList == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-/* get summary table name from trackDb */
-if ((summary = summarySetting(track)) == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-char *cfgPrefix = compositeViewControlNameFromTdb(track->tdb);
-safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", cfgPrefix, MAF_CHAIN_VAR);
-if (cartVarExists(cart, option))
-    useIrowChains = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE);
-    {
-    char *irowString = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "irows");
-    if (irowString && sameString(irowString, "off"))
-	useIrowChains = FALSE;
-    cartSetBoolean(cart, option, useIrowChains);
-    }
-/* Create SQL where clause that will load up just the
- * summaries for the species that we are including. */
-conn = hAllocConn(database);
-dyStringAppend(where, "src in (");
-for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-    {
-    if (!isPairwiseItem(mi))
-	/* exclude non-species items (e.g. conservation wiggle */
-	continue;
-    dyStringPrintf(where, "'%s'", mi->db);
-    if (mi->next != NULL)
-	dyStringAppend(where, ",");
-    }
-dyStringAppend(where, ")");
-/* check for empty where clause */
-if (!sameString(where->string,"src in ()"))
-    whereClause = where->string;
-sr = hOrderedRangeQuery(conn, summary, chromName, seqStart, seqEnd,
-                        whereClause, &rowOffset);
-boolean hasFieldLeftStatus = hHasField(database, summary, "leftStatus");
-/* Loop through result creating a hash of lists of maf summary blocks.
- * The hash is keyed by species. */
-while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
-    {
-    if (hasFieldLeftStatus)
-        ms = mafSummaryLoad(row + rowOffset);
-    else
-        /* previous table schema didn't have status fields */
-        ms = mafSummaryMiniLoad(row + rowOffset);
-    /* prune to fit in window bounds */
-    if (ms->chromStart < seqStart)
-        ms->chromStart = seqStart;
-    if (ms->chromEnd > seqEnd)
-        ms->chromEnd = seqEnd;
-    if ((hel = hashLookup(componentHash, ms->src)) == NULL)
-        hashAdd(componentHash, ms->src, ms);
-    else
-        slAddHead(&(hel->val), ms);
-    }
-/* reverse summary lists */
-cookie = hashFirst(componentHash);
-while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
-    slReverse(&hel->val);
-/* display pairwise items */
-for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-    {
-    if (mi->ix < 0)
-        /* ignore item for the score */
-        continue;
-    summaryList = (struct mafSummary *)hashFindVal(componentHash, mi->db);
-    if (summaryList == NULL)
-        summaryList = (struct mafSummary *)hashFindVal(componentHash, mi->name);
-    if (summaryList != NULL)
-	{
-	if (vis == tvFull)
-	    {
-	    hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, 16);
-	    drawScoreSummary(summaryList, mi->height, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-				    xOff, yOff, width, font, track->ixAltColor,
-				    track->ixAltColor, tvFull, useIrowChains);
-	    hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-	    }
-	else
-	    {
-	    /* pack */
-	    /* get maf table, containing pairwise alignments for this organism */
-	    /* display pairwise alignments in this region in dense format */
-	    hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, mi->height);
-	    drawScoreSummary(summaryList, mi->height, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-				xOff, yOff, width, font, color, color, tvDense,
-				useIrowChains);
-	    hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-	    }
-	}
-    yOff += mi->height;
-    }
-return TRUE;
-static boolean drawPairsFromPairwiseMafScores(struct track *track,
-        int seqStart, int seqEnd, struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff,
-        int width, MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw pairwise display for this multiple alignment */
-char *suffix;
-char *tableName;
-Color pairColor;
-struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-int pairwiseHeight = pairwiseWigHeight(track);
-struct wigMafItem *miList = track->items, *mi = miList;
-if (miList == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-/* get pairwise table suffix from trackDb */
-suffix = pairwiseSuffix(track);
-if (vis == tvFull && !isCustomTrack(track->table))
-    {
-    double minY = 50.0;
-    double maxY = 100.0;
-    /* NOTE: later, remove requirement for wiggle */
-    if (wigTrack == NULL)
-        return FALSE;
-    /* swap colors for pairwise wiggles */
-    pairColor = wigTrack->ixColor;
-    wigTrack->ixColor = wigTrack->ixAltColor;
-    wigTrack->ixAltColor = pairColor;
-    wigSetCart(wigTrack, MIN_Y, (void *)&minY);
-    wigSetCart(wigTrack, MAX_Y, (void *)&maxY);
-    }
-/* display pairwise items */
-for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-    {
-    if (mi->ix < 0)
-        /* ignore item for the score */
-        continue;
-    if (isCustomTrack(track->table))
-	{
-	struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-	drawScoreOverviewCT(mp->ct->dbTableName, mi->height,
-		seqStart, seqEnd,
-		hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, color, vis);
-	hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-	}
-    else if (vis == tvFull)
-        {
-        /* get wiggle table, of pairwise
-           for example, percent identity */
-        tableName = getWigTablename(mi->name, suffix);
-        if (!hTableExists(database, tableName))
-            tableName = getWigTablename(mi->db, suffix);
-        if (hTableExists(database, tableName))
-            {
-            /* reuse the wigTrack for pairwise tables */
-            wigTrack->track = tableName;
-            wigTrack->table = tableName;
-            wigTrack->loadItems(wigTrack);
-            wigTrack->height = wigTrack->lineHeight = wigTrack->heightPer =
-                                                    pairwiseHeight - 1;
-            /* clip, but leave 1 pixel border */
-            hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, wigTrack->height);
-            wigTrack->drawItems(wigTrack, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff,
-                             width, font, color, tvFull);
-            hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            /* no wiggle table for this -- compute a graph on-the-fly
-               from mafs */
-            hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, mi->height);
-            tableName = getMafTablename(mi->name, suffix);
-            if (!hTableExists(database, tableName))
-                tableName = getMafTablename(mi->db, suffix);
-            if (hTableExists(database, tableName))
-                drawScoreOverview(tableName, mi->height, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-                                xOff, yOff, width, font, track->ixAltColor,
-                                track->ixAltColor, tvFull);
-            hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-            }
-        /* need to add extra space between wiggles (for now) */
-        mi->height = pairwiseHeight;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-	/* pack */
-	/* get maf table, containing pairwise alignments for this organism */
-	/* display pairwise alignments in this region in dense format */
-	hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, mi->height);
-	tableName = getMafTablename(mi->name, suffix);
-	if (!hTableExists(database, tableName))
-	    tableName = getMafTablename(mi->db, suffix);
-	if (hTableExists(database, tableName))
-	    drawScoreOverview(tableName, mi->height, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-			    xOff, yOff, width, font, color, color, tvDense);
-        hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-        }
-    yOff += mi->height;
-    }
-return TRUE;
-static boolean drawPairsFromMultipleMaf(struct track *track,
-        int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, MgFont *font,
-        Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw pairwise display from maf of multiple alignment.
- * Extract pairwise alignments from maf and rescore.
- * This is used only when zoomed-in.
- */
-struct wigMafItem *miList = track->items, *mi = miList;
-int graphHeight = 0;
-Color pairColor = (vis == tvFull ? track->ixAltColor : color);
-boolean useIrowChains = TRUE;
-char option[64];
-struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-if (miList == NULL || mp->list == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-char *cfgPrefix = compositeViewControlNameFromTdb(track->tdb);
-safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", cfgPrefix, MAF_CHAIN_VAR);
-if (cartVarExists(cart, option))
-    useIrowChains = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE);
-    {
-    char *irowString = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "irows");
-    if (irowString && sameString(irowString, "off"))
-	useIrowChains = FALSE;
-    cartSetBoolean(cart, option, useIrowChains);
-    }
-if (vis == tvFull)
-    graphHeight = pairwiseWigHeight(track);
-/* display pairwise items */
-for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-    {
-    struct mafAli *mafList = NULL, *maf, *pairMaf;
-    struct mafComp *mcThis, *mcPair = NULL, *mcMaster = NULL;
-    if (mi->ix < 0)
-        /* ignore item for the score */
-        continue;
-    /* using maf sequences from file */
-    /* create pairwise maf list from the multiple maf */
-    struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-    for (maf = mp->list; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
-        {
-        if ((mcThis = mafMayFindCompSpecies(maf, mi->db, '.')) == NULL)
-            continue;
-	//if (mcPair->srcSize != 0)
-        // TODO: replace with a cloneMafComp()
-        AllocVar(mcPair);
-        mcPair->src = cloneString(mcThis->src);
-        mcPair->srcSize = mcThis->srcSize;
-        mcPair->strand = mcThis->strand;
-        mcPair->start = mcThis->start;
-        mcPair->size = mcThis->size;
-        mcPair->text = cloneString(mcThis->text);
-        mcPair->leftStatus = mcThis->leftStatus;
-        mcPair->leftLen = mcThis->leftLen;
-        mcPair->rightStatus = mcThis->rightStatus;
-        mcPair->rightLen = mcThis->rightLen;
-        mcThis = mafFindCompSpecies(maf, database, '.');
-        AllocVar(mcMaster);
-        mcMaster->src = cloneString(mcThis->src);
-        mcMaster->srcSize = mcThis->srcSize;
-        mcMaster->strand = mcThis->strand;
-        mcMaster->start = mcThis->start;
-        mcMaster->size = mcThis->size;
-        mcMaster->text = cloneString(mcThis->text);
-        mcMaster->next = mcPair;
-        AllocVar(pairMaf);
-        pairMaf->components = mcMaster;
-        pairMaf->textSize = maf->textSize;
-        slAddHead(&mafList, pairMaf);
-        }
-    slReverse(&mafList);
-    /* compute a graph or density on-the-fly from mafs */
-    hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, mi->height);
-    drawMafRegionDetails(mafList, mi->height, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff,
-                         width, font, pairColor, pairColor, vis, FALSE,
-                         useIrowChains);
-    hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-    /* need to add extra space between graphs ?? (for now) */
-    if (vis == tvFull)
-        mi->height = graphHeight;
-    yOff += mi->height;
-    mafAliFreeList(&mafList);
-    }
-return TRUE;
-static boolean wigMafDrawPairwise(struct track *track, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, MgFont *font,
-        Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw pairwise display for this multiple alignment
- * When zoomed in, use on-the-fly scoring of alignments extracted from multiple
- * When zoomed out:
- *  if "pairwise" setting is on, use pairwise tables (maf or wiggle)
- *      <species>_<suffix> for maf, <species>_<suffix>_wig for wiggle
- *              For full mode, display graph.
- *              for pack mode, display density plot.
- *  if "summary" setting is on, use maf summary table
- *      (saves space, and performs better) */
-    if (displayZoomedIn(track))
-        return drawPairsFromMultipleMaf(track, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-                                        xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
-    if (isCustomTrack(track->table) || pairwiseSuffix(track))
-        return drawPairsFromPairwiseMafScores(track, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-                                        xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
-    if (summarySetting(track))
-        return drawPairsFromSummary(track, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-                                        xOff, yOff, width, font, color, vis);
-    return FALSE;
-static void alternateBlocksBehindChars(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y,
-	int width, int height, int charWidth, int charCount,
-	int stripeCharWidth, Color a, Color b)
-/* Draw blocks that alternate between color a and b. */
-int x1,x2 = x + width;
-int color = a;
-int i;
-for (i=0; i<charCount; i += stripeCharWidth)
-    {
-    x1 = i * width / charCount;
-    x2 = (i+stripeCharWidth) * width/charCount;
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, x1+x, y, x2-x1, height, color);
-    if (color == a)
-        color = b;
-    else
-        color = a;
-    }
-void alignSeqToUpperN(char *line)
-/* force base chars to upper, ignoring insert counts */
-int i;
-for (i=0; line[i] != 0; i++)
-    line[i] = toupper(line[i]);
-void complementUpperAlignSeq(DNA *dna, int size)
-/* Complement DNA (not reverse), ignoring insert counts.
- * Assumed to be all upper case bases */
-int i;
-for (i = 0; i < size; i++, dna++)
-    {
-    if (*dna == 'A')
-        *dna = 'T';
-    else if (*dna == 'C')
-        *dna = 'G';
-    else if (*dna == 'G')
-        *dna = 'C';
-    else if (*dna == 'T')
-        *dna = 'A';
-    }
-void reverseForStrand(DNA *dna, int length, char strand, bool alreadyComplemented)
-if (strand == '-')
-    {
-    if (alreadyComplemented)
-	reverseBytes(dna, length);
-    else
-	reverseComplement(dna, length);
-    }
-    {
-    if (alreadyComplemented)
-	complement(dna, length);
-    }
-#define ISGAP(x)  (((x) == '=') || (((x) == '-')))
-#define ISN(x)  ((x) == 'N')
-#define ISSPACE(x)  ((x) == ' ')
-#define ISGAPSPACEORN(x)  (ISSPACE(x) || ISGAP(x) || ISN(x))
-static AA lookupAndCheckCodon(char *codon)
-AA retValue;
-if ((retValue = lookupCodon(codon)) == 0)
-    return '*';
-return retValue;
-static void translateCodons(struct sqlConnection *conn,
-    struct sqlConnection *conn2, char *tableName, char *compName,
-    DNA *dna, int start, int length, int frame, char strand,
-    int prevEnd, int nextStart, bool alreadyComplemented,
-    int x, int y, int width, int height, struct hvGfx *hvg, char *mafFile)
-int size = length;
-DNA *ptr;
-int color;
-int end = start + length;
-int x1;
-char masterChrom[128];
-struct mafAli *ali, *sub = NULL;
-struct mafComp *comp = NULL;
-int mult = 1;
-char codon[4];
-int fillBox = FALSE;
-safef(masterChrom, sizeof(masterChrom), "%s.%s", database, chromName);
-dna += start;
-reverseForStrand(dna, length, strand, alreadyComplemented);
-ptr = dna;
-color = shadesOfSea[0];
-mult = 0;
-if (frame && (prevEnd == -1))
-    {
-    switch(frame)
-	{
-	case 1:
-	    if (0)//!( ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[0]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[1])))
-		{
-		fillBox = TRUE;
-		*ptr++ = 'X';
-		*ptr++ = 'X';
-		mult = 2;
-		}
-	    else
-		{
-		reverseForStrand(ptr, 2, strand, alreadyComplemented);
-		ptr +=2;
-		}
-	    length -=2;
-	    break;
-	case 2:
-	    if (0)//!( ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[0])))
-		{
-		fillBox = TRUE;
-		*ptr++ = 'X';
-		length -=1;
-		mult = 1;
-		}
-	    else
-		{
-		reverseForStrand(ptr, 1, strand, alreadyComplemented);
-		ptr++;
-		}
-	    length -=1;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-else if (frame && (prevEnd != -1))
-    {
-    memset(codon, 0, sizeof(codon));
-    switch(frame)
-	{
-	case 1:
-	    ali = mafLoadInRegion2(conn, conn2, tableName, chromName, prevEnd , prevEnd + 1, mafFile  );
-	    if (ali != NULL)
-		{
-		sub = mafSubset(ali, masterChrom, prevEnd , prevEnd + 1  );
-		comp = mafMayFindCompSpecies(sub, compName, '.');
-		}
-	    if (comp && comp->text && (!(ISGAPSPACEORN(comp->text[0]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[0]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[1]))))
-		{
-		if (strand == '-')
-		    complement(comp->text, 1);
-		codon[0] = comp->text[0];
-		codon[1] = ptr[0];
-		codon[2] = ptr[1];
-		fillBox = TRUE;
-		mult = 2;
-		*ptr++ = ' ';
-		*ptr++ = lookupAndCheckCodon(codon);
-		}
-	    else
-		ptr+=2;
-	    length -= 2;
-	    break;
-	case 2:
-	    if (strand == '-')
-		{
-		ali = mafLoadInRegion2(conn, conn2, tableName, chromName,
-			    prevEnd, prevEnd + 2, mafFile);
-		if (ali != NULL)
-		    sub = mafSubset(ali, masterChrom, prevEnd, prevEnd + 2  );
-		}
-	    else
-		{
-		ali = mafLoadInRegion2(conn, conn2, tableName, chromName,
-			    prevEnd - 1, prevEnd + 1, mafFile);
-		if (ali != NULL)
-		    sub = mafSubset(ali, masterChrom, prevEnd - 1, prevEnd + 1);
-		}
-	    if (sub != NULL)
-		comp = mafMayFindCompSpecies(sub, compName, '.');
-	    if (comp && comp->text && (!(ISGAPSPACEORN(comp->text[0])||ISGAPSPACEORN(comp->text[1]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(*ptr))))
-		{
-		if (strand == '-')
-		    reverseComplement(comp->text, 2);
-		codon[0] = comp->text[0];
-		codon[1] = comp->text[1];
-		codon[2] = *ptr;
-		fillBox = TRUE;
-		mult = 1;
-		*ptr++ = lookupAndCheckCodon(codon);
-		}
-	    else
-		ptr++;
-	    length -= 1;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-if (fillBox)
-    {
-    if (strand == '-')
-	{
-	x1 = x + ( end - ( 5 - frame)  ) * width / winBaseCount;
-	}
-    else
-	{
-	x1 = x + (start - 2) * width / winBaseCount;
-	}
-    hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y, mult*width/winBaseCount + 1 , height, color);
-    }
-for (;length > 2; ptr +=3 , length -=3)
-    {
-    if (!(ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[0]) || ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[1]) || ISGAPSPACEORN(ptr[2]) ))
-	{
-	ptr[1] = lookupAndCheckCodon(ptr);
-	ptr[0] = ' ';
-	ptr[2] = ' ';
-	if (strand == '-')
-	    {
-	    x1 = x + ( start + length - 3 - 2) * width / winBaseCount;
-	    }
-	else
-	    {
-	    x1 = x + (end - length - 2) * width / winBaseCount;
-	    }
-	if (color == shadesOfSea[0])
-	    color = shadesOfSea[1];
-	else
-	    color = shadesOfSea[0];
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y, 3*width/winBaseCount + 1 , height, color);
-	}
-    }
-if (length && (nextStart != -1))
-    {
-    char codon[4];
-    int mult = 1;
-    boolean fillBox = FALSE;
-    memset(codon, 0, sizeof(codon));
-    sub = NULL;
-    if (strand == '-')
-	{
-	ali = mafLoadInRegion2(conn, conn2, tableName, chromName,
-		    nextStart - 2 + length, nextStart + 1, mafFile );
-	if (ali != NULL)
-	    sub = mafSubset(ali, masterChrom,
-		nextStart - 2 + length, nextStart + 1);
-	}
-    else
-	{
-	ali = mafLoadInRegion2(conn, conn2, tableName, chromName,
-				nextStart , nextStart + 2, mafFile );
-	if (ali != NULL)
-	    sub = mafSubset(ali, masterChrom, nextStart , nextStart + 2);
-	}
-    if (sub != NULL)
-	comp = mafMayFindCompSpecies(sub, compName, '.');
-    if (sub && comp && comp->text)
-	{
-	switch(length)
-	    {
-	    case 2:
-		if (strand == '-')
-		    complement(comp->text, 1);
-		codon[0] = *ptr;
-		codon[1] = *(1 + ptr);
-		codon[2] = *comp->text;
-		if (!(ISGAPSPACEORN(codon[0]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(codon[1]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(codon[2])))
-		    {
-		    fillBox = TRUE;
-		    *ptr++ = ' ';
-		    *ptr++ = lookupAndCheckCodon(codon);
-		    mult = 2;
-		    }
-		break;
-	    case 1:
-		if (strand == '-')
-		    reverseComplement(comp->text, 2);
-		codon[0] = *ptr;
-		codon[1] = comp->text[0];
-		codon[2] = comp->text[1];
-		if (!(ISGAPSPACEORN(codon[0]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(codon[1]) ||ISGAPSPACEORN(codon[2])))
-		    {
-		    *ptr++ = lookupAndCheckCodon(codon);
-		    fillBox = TRUE;
-		    }
-		break;
-	    }
-	if (fillBox)
-	    {
-	    if (strand == '-')
-		{
-		x1 = x + ( start  - 2   ) * width / winBaseCount;
-		}
-	    else
-		{
-		x1 = x + (end - length - 2) * width / winBaseCount;
-		}
-	    if (color == shadesOfSea[0])
-		color = shadesOfSea[1];
-	    else
-		color = shadesOfSea[0];
-	    hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y, mult*width/winBaseCount + 1 , height, color);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-else if (length)	 /* broken frame, just show nucs */
-    {
-    if (strand == '-')
-	{
-	if (!alreadyComplemented)
-	    complement(ptr, length);
-	}
-    else
-	{
-	if (alreadyComplemented)
-	    complement(ptr, length);
-	}
-    }
-if (strand == '-')
-    reverseBytes(dna, size);
-static int wigMafDrawBases(struct track *track, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
-        MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis,
-	struct wigMafItem *miList)
-/* Draw base-by-base view, return new Y offset. */
-struct wigMafItem *mi;
-struct mafAli *mafList, *maf, *sub;
-struct mafComp *mc, *mcMaster;
-int lineCount = slCount(miList);
-char **lines = NULL, *selfLine, *insertLine;
-int *insertCounts;
-int i, x = xOff, y = yOff;
-struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
-struct hash *miHash = newHash(9);
-struct hash *srcHash = newHash(0);
-char dbChrom[64];
-char buf[1024];
-char option[64];
-int alignLineLength = winBaseCount * 2;
-        /* doubled to allow space for insert counts */
-boolean complementBases = cartUsualBooleanDb(cart, database, COMPLEMENT_BASES_VAR, FALSE);
-bool dots = FALSE;         /* configuration option */
-/* this line must be longer than the longest base-level display */
-char noAlignment[2000];
-boolean useIrowChains = TRUE;
-int offset;
-char *framesTable = NULL;
-char *defaultCodonSpecies = cartUsualString(cart, SPECIES_CODON_DEFAULT, NULL);
-char *codonTransMode = NULL;
-boolean startSub2 = FALSE;
-int mafOrig = 0;
-int mafOrigOffset = 0;
-char query[256];
-struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-char *mafFile = NULL;
-struct sqlConnection *conn2 = NULL;
-struct sqlConnection *conn3 = NULL;
-char *tableName = NULL;
-if (mp->ct != NULL)
-    {
-    conn2 = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
-    conn3 = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
-    tableName = mp->ct->dbTableName;
-    mafFile = getCustomMafFile(track);
-    }
-    {
-    conn2 = hAllocConn(database);
-    conn3 = hAllocConn(database);
-    tableName = track->table;
-    mafFile = getTrackMafFile(track);  // optional
-    }
-if (hIsGsidServer())
-    {
-    /* decide the value of mafOrigOffset to be used to display xxAaMaf tracks. */
-    struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
-    safef(query, sizeof(query), "select chromStart from %s", track->table);
-    mafOrig = atoi(sqlNeedQuickString(conn, query));
-    mafOrigOffset = (mafOrig % 3) - 1;
-    /* offset has to be non-negative */
-    if (mafOrigOffset < 0) mafOrigOffset = mafOrigOffset +3;
-    hFreeConn(&conn);
-    }
-if (defaultCodonSpecies == NULL)
-    defaultCodonSpecies = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "speciesCodonDefault");
-if (defaultCodonSpecies == NULL)
-    defaultCodonSpecies = database;
-if (seqStart > 2)
-    {
-    startSub2 = TRUE;
-    seqStart -=2;
-    }
-seqEnd +=2;
-if (seqEnd > seqBaseCount)
-    seqEnd = seqBaseCount;
-char *cfgPrefix = compositeViewControlNameFromTdb(track->tdb);
-safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", cfgPrefix, MAF_DOT_VAR);
-if (cartVarExists(cart, option))
-    {
-    dots = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, option, FALSE);
-    }
-    {
-    char *dotString = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, MAF_DOT_VAR);
-    if (dotString && sameString(dotString, "on"))
-	{
-	dots = TRUE;
-	cartSetBoolean(cart, option, TRUE);
-	}
-    }
-safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.frames",/*cfgPrefix*/track->track);
-if (cartVarExists(cart, buf))
-    framesTable = cartUsualString(cart, buf, NULL);
-    framesTable = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "frames");
-if (framesTable)
-    {
-    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.codons",cfgPrefix);
-    codonTransMode = cartUsualString(cart, buf, "codonDefault");
-    if (sameString("codonNone", codonTransMode))
-	framesTable = NULL;
-    }
-boolean newTableType = FALSE;
-if (framesTable != NULL)
-    newTableType = hHasField(database, framesTable, "isExonStart");
-/* initialize "no alignment" string to o's */
-for (i = 0; i < sizeof noAlignment - 1; i++)
-    noAlignment[i] = UNALIGNED_SEQ;
-safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", cfgPrefix, MAF_CHAIN_VAR);
-if (cartVarExists(cart, option))
-    useIrowChains = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE);
-    {
-    char *irowString = trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "irows");
-    if (irowString && sameString(irowString, "off"))
-	useIrowChains = FALSE;
-    cartSetBoolean(cart, option, useIrowChains);
-    }
-/* Allocate a line of characters for each item. */
-AllocArray(lines, lineCount);
-lines[0] = needMem(alignLineLength);
-for (i=1; i<lineCount; ++i)
-    {
-    lines[i] = needMem(alignLineLength);
-    memset(lines[i], ' ', alignLineLength - 1);
-    }
-/* Give nice names to first two. */
-insertLine = lines[0];
-selfLine = lines[1];
-/* Allocate a line for recording gap sizes in reference */
-AllocArray(insertCounts, alignLineLength);
-/* Load up self-line with DNA */
-seq = hChromSeqMixed(database, chromName, seqStart , seqEnd);
-memcpy(selfLine, seq->dna, winBaseCount + 4);
-//toUpperN(selfLine, winBaseCount);
-/* Make hash of species items keyed by database. */
-i = 0;
-for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-    {
-    mi->ix = i++;
-    if (mi->db != NULL)
-	hashAdd(miHash, mi->db, mi);
-    }
-/* Go through the mafs saving relevant info in lines. */
-mafList = mp->list;
-safef(dbChrom, sizeof(dbChrom), "%s.%s", database, chromName);
-for (maf = mafList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
-    {
-    int mafStart;
-    /* get info about sequences from full alignment,
-       for use later, when determining if sequence is unaligned or missing */
-    for (mc = maf->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next)
-        if (!hashFindVal(srcHash, mc->src))
-            hashAdd(srcHash, mc->src, maf);
-    mcMaster = mafFindComponent(maf, dbChrom);
-    mafStart = mcMaster->start;
-    /* get portion of maf in this window */
-    if (startSub2)
-	sub = mafSubset(maf, dbChrom, winStart - 2, winEnd + 2);
-    else
-	sub = mafSubset(maf, dbChrom, winStart , winEnd + 2);
-    if (sub != NULL)
-        {
-	int subStart,subEnd;
-	int lineOffset, subSize;
-	int startInserts = 0;
-	char *ptr;
-        /* process alignment for reference ("master") species */
-	for(ptr = mcMaster->text; *ptr == '-'; ptr++)
-	    startInserts++;
-	mcMaster = mafFindComponent(sub, dbChrom);
-	if (mcMaster->strand == '-')
-	    mafFlipStrand(sub);
-	subStart = mcMaster->start;
-	subEnd = subStart + mcMaster->size;
-	subSize = subEnd - subStart;
-	lineOffset = subStart - seqStart;
-        processInserts(mcMaster->text, sub, miHash,
-                                &insertCounts[lineOffset], subSize);
-	insertCounts[lineOffset] = max(insertCounts[lineOffset],startInserts);
-        /* fill in bases for each species */
-        for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
-            {
-            char *seq;
-            bool needToFree = FALSE;
-            int size = sub->textSize;
-            if (mi->ix == 1)
-                /* reference */
-                continue;
-            if (mi->db == NULL)
-                /* not a species line -- it's the gaps line, or... */
-                continue;
-            if ((mc = mafMayFindCompSpecies(sub, mi->db, '.')) == NULL)
-                continue;
-	    if (mafStart == subStart)
-		{
-		if (mc->size && mc->leftStatus == MAF_INSERT_STATUS && (*mc->text != '-') &&
-		 !((lineOffset) && (((lines[mi->ix][lineOffset-1]) == '=') || (lines[mi->ix][lineOffset-1]) == '-')))
-		    {
-		    insertCounts[lineOffset] = max(insertCounts[lineOffset],mc->leftLen);
-		    mi->inserts[mi->insertsSize] =  (subStart - seqStart)+ 1;
-		    mi->insertsSize++;
-		    }
-		}
-	    if (startInserts)
-		{
-		struct mafComp *mc1;
-		if (((mc1 = mafMayFindCompSpecies(maf, mi->db, '.')) != NULL) &&
-		    ((mc1->text) && (countNonDash(mc1->text, startInserts) > 0)))
-			{
-			mi->inserts[mi->insertsSize] =  (subStart - seqStart)+ 1;
-			mi->insertsSize++;
-			}
-		}
-            seq = mc->text;
-            if ( mc->text == NULL )
-                {
-                /* if no alignment here, but MAF annotation indicates continuity
-                 * of flanking alignments, fill with dashes or ='s */
-               if (!useIrowChains)
-                   continue;
-                if (isContigOrTandem(mc->leftStatus) &&
-                    isContigOrTandem(mc->rightStatus))
-                    {
-                    char fill = '-';
-                    seq = needMem(size+1);
-                    needToFree = TRUE;
-                    memset(seq, fill, size);
-                    }
-		else if (mc->leftStatus == MAF_INSERT_STATUS && mc->rightStatus == MAF_INSERT_STATUS)
-		    {
-		    char fill = MAF_DOUBLE_GAP;
-		    seq = needMem(size+1);
-		    needToFree = TRUE;
-		    memset(seq, fill, size);
-		    }
-		else if (mc->leftStatus == MAF_MISSING_STATUS && mc->rightStatus == MAF_MISSING_STATUS)
-		    {
-                    char fill = 'N';
-                    seq = needMem(size+1);
-                    needToFree = TRUE;
-                    memset(seq, fill, size);
-		    }
-                else
-                    continue;
-                }
-            if (((mc->leftStatus == MAF_NEW_STATUS ||
-                mc->rightStatus == MAF_NEW_STATUS )
-            || (mc->leftStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS ||
-                mc->rightStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS )))
-                {
-                int i;
-                char *p;
-                seq = needMem(size+1);
-                needToFree = TRUE;
-                for (p = seq, i = 0; i < size; p++, i++)
-                    *p = ' ';
-                p = seq;
-                if (mc->text != NULL)
-                    strcpy(p, mc->text);
-                if (mc->leftStatus == MAF_NEW_STATUS)
-                    {
-		    char *m = mcMaster->text;
-		    if (mafStart == subStart)
-			mi->seqEnds[mi->seqEndsSize] = (subStart - seqStart) + 1;
-		    while(*p == '-')
-			{
-			if ((*m++ != '-') && (mafStart == subStart))
-			    mi->seqEnds[mi->seqEndsSize]++;
-			*p++ = ' ';
-			}
-		    if (mafStart == subStart)
-			mi->seqEndsSize++;
-                    }
-                if (mc->leftStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS)
-		    {
-		    char *m = mcMaster->text;
-		    if (mafStart == subStart)
-			mi->brackStarts[mi->brackStartsSize] =  (subStart - seqStart)+ 1;
-		    while(*p == '-')
-			{
-			*p++ = '=';
-			if ((*m++ != '-') && (mafStart == subStart))
-			    mi->brackStarts[mi->brackStartsSize]++;
-			}
-		    if (mafStart == subStart)
-			mi->brackStartsSize++;
-		    }
-                if (mc->rightStatus == MAF_NEW_NESTED_STATUS)
-		    {
-		    char *p = seq + size - 1;
-		    char *m = mcMaster->text + size - 1;
-		    if (subEnd <= seqEnd)
-			mi->brackEnds[mi->brackEndsSize] = (subStart - seqStart)+ subSize + 1;
-		    while(*p == '-')
-			{
-			if ((*m-- != '-') && (subEnd <= seqEnd))
-			    mi->brackEnds[mi->brackEndsSize]--;
-			*p-- = '=';
-			}
-		    if (subEnd <= seqEnd)
-		    	mi->brackEndsSize++;
-		    }
-                if (mc->rightStatus == MAF_NEW_STATUS)
-		    {
-		    char *p = seq + size - 1;
-		    char *m = mcMaster->text + size - 1;
-		    if (mc->size && ((subEnd <= seqEnd)))
-			mi->seqEnds[mi->seqEndsSize] = (subStart - seqStart)+ subSize + 1;
-		    while(*p == '-')
-			{
-			if ((*m-- != '-') && (mc->size && (subEnd <= seqEnd)))
-			    mi->seqEnds[mi->seqEndsSize]--;
-			*p-- = ' ';
-			}
-		    if (mc->size && ((subEnd <= seqEnd)))
-		    	mi->seqEndsSize++;
-		    }
-		}
-            if (mc->text && ((mc->leftStatus == MAF_MISSING_STATUS)))
-		{
-                char *p = seq;
-		while(*p == '-')
-		    *p++ = 'N';
-		}
-            if (mc->text && ((mc->leftStatus == MAF_INSERT_STATUS)))
-		{
-                char *p = seq;
-		while(*p == '-')
-		    *p++ = '=';
-		}
-            if (mc->text && ((mc->rightStatus == MAF_MISSING_STATUS)))
-		{
-                char *p = seq + size - 1;
-		while(*p == '-')
-		    *p-- = 'N';
-		}
-            if (mc->text && ((mc->rightStatus == MAF_INSERT_STATUS)))
-		{
-		char *m = mcMaster->text + size - 1;
-                char *p = seq + size - 1;
-		while((*p == '-') || (*m == '-'))
-		    {
-		    *p-- = '=';
-		    m--;
-		    }
-		}
-            mi->insertsSize = processSeq(seq, mcMaster->text, size, lines[mi->ix], lineOffset, subSize,
-	    	mi->inserts, mi->insertsSize);
-            if (needToFree)
-                freeMem(seq);
-	    }
-	}
-    mafAliFree(&sub);
-    }
-/* draw inserts line */
-mi = miList;
-for(offset=startSub2*2; (offset < alignLineLength) && (offset < winBaseCount + startSub2 * 2); offset++)
-    {
-    int  x1, x2;
-    x1 = (offset - startSub2 * 2) * width/winBaseCount;
-    x2 = ((offset - startSub2 * 2)+1) * width/winBaseCount - 1;
-    if (insertCounts[offset] != 0)
-	{
-	struct dyString *label = newDyString(20);
-	int haveRoomFor = (width/winBaseCount)/tl.mWidth;
-	/* calculate number of AAs instead of bases if it is wigMafProt */
-	if (strstr(track->tdb->type, "wigMafProt"))
-	    {
-	    dyStringPrintf(label, "%d",insertCounts[offset]/3);
-	    }
-	else
-	    {
-	    dyStringPrintf(label, "%d",insertCounts[offset]);
-	    }
-	if (label->stringSize > haveRoomFor)
-	    {
-	    dyStringClear(label);
-	    dyStringPrintf(label, "%c",(insertCounts[offset] % 3) == 0 ? '*' : '+');
-	    }
-	hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, x1+x - (width/winBaseCount)/2, y, x2-x1, mi->height,
-		getOrangeColor(), font, label->string);
-	dyStringFree(&label);
-	}
-    }
-y += mi->height;
-/* draw alternating colors behind base-level alignments */
-    {
-    int alternateColorBaseCount, alternateColorBaseOffset;
-    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%s", cfgPrefix, BASE_COLORS_VAR);
-    alternateColorBaseCount = cartCgiUsualInt(cart, buf, 0);
-    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%s", cfgPrefix, BASE_COLORS_OFFSET_VAR);
-    alternateColorBaseOffset = cartCgiUsualInt(cart, buf, 0);
-    if (alternateColorBaseCount != 0)
-        {
-        int baseWidth = spreadStringCharWidth(width, winBaseCount);
-        int colorX = x + alternateColorBaseOffset * baseWidth;
-        alternateBlocksBehindChars(hvg, colorX, y-1, width,
-                mi->height*(lineCount-1), tl.mWidth, winBaseCount,
-                alternateColorBaseCount, shadesOfSea[0], MG_WHITE);
-        }
-    }
-/* draw base-level alignments */
-for (mi = miList->next, i=1; mi != NULL && mi->db != NULL; mi = mi->next, i++)
-    {
-    char *line;
-    line  = lines[i];
-    /* TODO: leave lower case in to indicate masking ?
-       * NOTE: want to make sure that all sequences are soft-masked
-       * if we do this */
-    /* HAVE DONE:  David doesn't like lower case by default
-     * TODO: casing based on quality values ?? */
-    alignSeqToUpperN(line);
-    if (complementBases)
-        {
-	complement(line, strlen(line));
-        }
-    /* draw sequence letters for alignment */
-    hvGfxSetClip(hvg, x, y-1, width, mi->height);
-    if (framesTable != NULL)
-	{
-	int rowOffset;
-	char **row;
-	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
-	struct sqlResult *sr;
-	char extra[512];
-	boolean found = FALSE;
-	if (sameString("codonDefault", codonTransMode))
-	    {
-	    safef(extra, sizeof(extra), "src='%s'",defaultCodonSpecies);
-	    found = TRUE;
-	    }
-	else if (sameString("codonFrameDef", codonTransMode))
-	    {
-	    safef(extra, sizeof(extra), "src='%s'",mi->db);
-	    found = FALSE;
-	    }
-	else if (sameString("codonFrameNone", codonTransMode))
-	    {
-	    safef(extra, sizeof(extra), "src='%s'",mi->db);
-	    found = TRUE;
-	    }
-	else
-	    errAbort("unknown codon translation mode %s",codonTransMode);
-	sr = hRangeQuery(conn, framesTable, chromName, seqStart, seqEnd, extra, &rowOffset);
-	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
-	    {
-	    struct mafFrames mf;
-	    int start, end, w;
-	    int frame;
-	    found = TRUE;
-	    if (newTableType)
-		mafFramesStaticLoad(row + rowOffset, &mf);
-	    else
-		mafFramesStaticLoadOld(row + rowOffset, &mf);
-	    if (mf.chromStart < seqStart)
-		start = 0;
-	    else
-		start = mf.chromStart-seqStart;
-	    frame = mf.frame;
-	    if (mf.strand[0] == '-')
-		{
-		if (mf.chromEnd > seqEnd)
-		    frame = (frame + mf.chromEnd-seqEnd  ) % 3;
-		}
-	    else
-		{
-		if (mf.chromStart < seqStart)
-		    frame = (frame + seqStart-mf.chromStart  ) % 3;
-		}
-	    end = mf.chromEnd > seqEnd ? seqEnd - seqStart  : mf.chromEnd - seqStart;
-	    w= end - start;
-	    translateCodons(conn2, conn3, tableName, mi->db, line, start ,
-		w, frame, mf.strand[0],mf.prevFramePos,mf.nextFramePos,
-		complementBases, x, y, width, mi->height,  hvg, mafFile);
-	    }
-	sqlFreeResult(&sr);
-	if (!found)
-	    {
-	    /* try the default species */
-	    safef(extra, sizeof(extra), "src='%s'",defaultCodonSpecies);
-	    found = TRUE; /* don't try again */
-	    goto tryagain;
-	    }
-	hFreeConn(&conn);
-	}
-    if (startSub2)
-	{
-        if (strstr(track->tdb->type, "wigMafProt"))
-            {
-            spreadAlignStringProt(hvg, x, y, width, mi->height-1, color,
-                        font, &line[2], &selfLine[2], winBaseCount, dots, FALSE, seqStart, mafOrigOffset);
-            }
-	else
-	    {
-	    /* make sure we have bases to display before printing them */
-	    if (strlen(line) > 2)
-		spreadAlignString(hvg, x, y, width, mi->height-1, color,
-		    font, &line[2], &selfLine[2], winBaseCount, dots, FALSE);
-	    }
-	}
-    else
-	spreadAlignString(hvg, x, y, width, mi->height-1, color,
-                        font, line, selfLine, winBaseCount, dots, FALSE);
-    for(offset = 0; offset < mi->seqEndsSize; offset++)
-	{
-	int x1;
-	x1 = x + (mi->seqEnds[offset] -1 - startSub2 * 2) * width/winBaseCount;
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y-1, 1, mi->height-1, getChromBreakBlueColor());
-	}
-    for(offset = 0; offset < mi->insertsSize; offset++)
-	{
-	int x1;
-	x1 = x + (mi->inserts[offset] -1 - startSub2 * 2) * width/winBaseCount;
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y-1, 1, mi->height-1, getOrangeColor());
-	}
-    for(offset = 0; offset < mi->brackStartsSize; offset++)
-	{
-	int x1;
-	x1 = x + (mi->brackStarts[offset] -1- startSub2 * 2) * width/winBaseCount;
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y-1, 2, 1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y-1, 1, mi->height-1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y + mi->height-3, 2, 1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
-	}
-    for(offset = 0; offset < mi->brackEndsSize; offset++)
-	{
-	int x1;
-	x1 = x + (mi->brackEnds[offset] -1- startSub2 * 2) * width/winBaseCount;
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-1, y-1, 2, 1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1, y-1, 1, mi->height-1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
-	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-1, y + mi->height-3, 2, 1, getChromBreakGreenColor());
-	}
-    hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-    y += mi->height;
-    }
-/* Clean up */
-for (i=0; i<lineCount-1; ++i)
-    freeMem(lines[i]);
-return y;
-static int wigMafDrawScoreGraph(struct track *track, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
-        MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw routine for score graph, returns new Y offset */
-struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-enum trackVisibility scoreVis;
-scoreVis = (vis == tvDense ? tvDense : tvFull);
-if (wigTrack == NULL)
-    {
-    /* no wiggle */
-    int height = tl.fontHeight * 4;
-    if (vis == tvFull || vis == tvPack)
-        /* suppress graph if other items displayed (bases or pairs) */
-        return yOff;
-    else if (vis == tvDense)
-        height = track->height; // Evidence that track-height comes in as 9 but should be 10!
-    /* draw some kind of graph from multiple alignment */
-    struct mafPriv *mp = getMafPriv(track);
-    if (mp->list != (char *)-1 && mp->list != NULL)
-        {
-        /* use mafs */
-        drawMafRegionDetails(mp->list, height, seqStart, seqEnd,
-                                hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font,
-                                color, color, scoreVis, FALSE, FALSE);
-        }
-    else if (mp->ct != NULL)
-        {
-        /* use or scored refs from maf table*/
-        drawScoreOverviewCT(mp->ct->dbTableName, height, seqStart, seqEnd,
-		hvg, xOff, yOff, width, font, color, color, scoreVis);
-        yOff++;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        /* use or scored refs from maf table*/
-        drawScoreOverview(track->table, height, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg,
-                            xOff, yOff, width, font, color, color, scoreVis);
-        yOff++;
-        }
-    yOff += height;
-    }
-    {
-    Color wigColor = 0;
-    while (wigTrack != NULL)
-        {
-        /* draw conservation wiggles */
-        if (!wigColor)
-            wigColor = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &wigTrack->color);
-        else
-            wigColor = slightlyLighterColor(hvg, wigColor);
-        wigTrack->ixColor = wigColor;
-        wigTrack->ixAltColor = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &wigTrack->altColor);
-        hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, wigTotalHeight(wigTrack, scoreVis) - 1);
-        wigTrack->drawItems(wigTrack, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, yOff,
-                             width, font, color, scoreVis);
-        hvGfxUnclip(hvg);
-        yOff += wigTotalHeight(wigTrack, scoreVis);
-        wigTrack = wigTrack->next;
-        }
-    }
-return yOff;
-static void wigMafDraw(struct track *track, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
-        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
-        MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
-/* Draw routine for wigmaf type tracks */
-int y = yOff;
-y = wigMafDrawScoreGraph(track, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, y, width,
-                                font, color, vis);
-if (vis == tvFull || vis == tvPack)
-    {
-    if (zoomedToBaseLevel)
-	{
-	struct wigMafItem *wiList = track->items;
-        /* skip over cons wiggles */
-        struct track *wigTrack = track->subtracks;
-        while (wigTrack)
-            {
-            wiList = wiList->next;
-            wigTrack = wigTrack->next;
-            }
-	y = wigMafDrawBases(track, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, y, width, font,
-				    color, vis, wiList);
-				    //MG_RED, vis, wiList);
-	}
-    else
-	wigMafDrawPairwise(track, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, y,
-				width, font, color, vis);
-    }
-mapBoxHc(hvg, seqStart, seqEnd, xOff, yOff, width, track->height, track->track,
-            track->track, NULL);
-void wigMafMethods(struct track *track, struct trackDb *tdb,
-                                        int wordCount, char *words[])
-/* Make track for maf multiple alignment. */
-struct track *wigTrack;
-int i;
-struct dyString *wigType;
-struct consWiggle *consWig, *consWigList = NULL;
-track->loadItems = wigMafLoad;
-track->freeItems = wigMafFree;
-track->drawItems = wigMafDraw;
-track->itemName = wigMafItemName;
-track->mapItemName = wigMafItemName;
-track->totalHeight = wigMafTotalHeight;
-track->itemHeight = wigMafItemHeight;
-track->itemStart = tgItemNoStart;
-track->itemEnd = tgItemNoEnd;
-track->itemLabelColor = wigMafItemLabelColor;
-track->mapsSelf = TRUE;
-//track->canPack = TRUE;
-/* deal with conservation wiggle(s) */
-consWigList = wigMafWiggles(database, tdb);
-if (consWigList == NULL)
-    return;
-/* determine which conservation wiggles to use -- from cart,
- or if none there, use first entry in trackDb setting */
-boolean first = TRUE;
-for (consWig = consWigList; consWig != NULL; consWig = consWig->next)
-    {
-    if (differentString(consWig->leftLabel, DEFAULT_CONS_LABEL))
-        {
-        char *wigVar = wigMafWiggleVar(tdb, consWig);
-        if (!cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, wigVar, first))
-            continue;
-        }
-    first = FALSE;
-    //  Manufacture and initialize wiggle subtrack, both tdb and track
-    struct trackDb *wigTdb = CloneVar(tdb);
-    wigType = newDyString(64);
-    dyStringPrintf(wigType, "type wig ");
-    for (i = 1; i < wordCount; i++)
-        dyStringPrintf(wigType, "%s ", words[i]);
-    wigTdb->type = cloneString(wigType->string);
-    wigTdb->track = consWig->table;
-    wigTdb->table= consWig->table;
-    /* Tweak wiggle left labels: replace underscore with space and
-     * append 'Cons' */
-    struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
-    dyStringAppend(ds, consWig->leftLabel);
-    if (differentString(consWig->leftLabel, DEFAULT_CONS_LABEL))
-        dyStringAppend(ds, " Cons");
-    wigTdb->shortLabel = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
-    subChar(wigTdb->shortLabel, '_', ' ');
-    wigTrack = trackFromTrackDb(wigTdb);
-    /* setup wiggle methods in subtrack */
-    wigMethods(wigTrack, tdb, wordCount, words);
-    wigTrack->mapsSelf = FALSE;
-    wigTrack->drawLeftLabels = NULL;
-    wigTrack->next = NULL;
-    slAddTail(&track->subtracks, wigTrack);
-    dyStringFree(&wigType);
-    }