  Wed Oct 27 15:50:41 2010 -0700
Bug #1211 (hg/makefile does not descend into hg/htdocs/): Hiram andBrian pointed out that this is a significant change for mirrors,
because our suggested process for static html has been to rsync it
from hgdownload, not install from the source tree.  Since it is
mainly htdocs/style that is tightly bound to the CGIs, I am backing
off and changing hg/makefile's BROWSER_BINS to descend only to
htdocs/style instead of htdocs.

diff --git src/hg/makefile src/hg/makefile
index 86471e1..e8b6b30 100644
--- src/hg/makefile
+++ src/hg/makefile
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
 # Build all directories in utils
 # 	$Id: makefile,v 1.156 2010/03/03 02:53:30 markd Exp $
 BROWSER_BINS=cartReset das hgBlat makeDb/hgCgiData hgConvert \
         hgGateway hgGene hgGenome hgPcr hgSession hgSuggest hgTables hgTracks \
 	hgTrackUi hgc hgApi cartDump near/hgNear \
 	protein/pbGateway protein/pbTracks protein/pbGlobal \
 	hgLiftOver visiGene/hgVisiGene \
 	encode/mkEncodeFrameset encode/hgEncodeDataVersions \
 	encode/hgEncodeVocab phyloGif hgCustom hgPal \
-	makeDb/hgCgiData js htdocs
+	makeDb/hgCgiData js htdocs/style
 ifdef LOWELAB
     BROWSER_BINS += archaeStuff/tooltip archaeStuff/chooseorg 
 BROWSER_LOADERS = makeDb/hgLoadBed makeDb/hgLoadWiggle makeDb/hgLoadMaf
 ifneq ($(findstring $(shell hostname),hgwdev hgwbeta),)
     ENCODE_FILES = encode/encodeValidate
 TEST_DIRS = lib autoDtd autoSql blastToPsl checkTableCoords embossToPsl \
             genePredSingleCover genePredHisto genePredToGtf \
 	    genePredToMafFrames gbGetEntries hgGetAnn liftAcross \