f38507196000c897673415a2dd8909d8b81c0da7 larrym Wed Oct 20 09:59:08 2010 -0700 refactor code into removeHgsid diff --git src/hg/js/ajax.js src/hg/js/ajax.js index 8626d50..5a8f478 100644 --- src/hg/js/ajax.js +++ src/hg/js/ajax.js @@ -1,293 +1,303 @@ // AJAX Utilities var debug = false; var req; function nullProcessReqChange() { if(debug && this.readyState == 4) alert("req.responseText: " + req.responseText); } // When setting vars with ajax, it may be necessary to wait for response before newer calls // Therefore this counter is set up to allow an "outside callback" when the ajax is done // The typical scenario is setCartVar by ajax, followed immmediately by a form submit. // To avoid the race condition, the form gets submitted after the ajax returns var ajaxWaitCount = 0; function ajaxWaitIsDone() { return ( ajaxWaitCount <= 0 ); } function ajaxWaitCountUp() { ajaxWaitCount++; } function ajaxWaitCountReset() { ajaxWaitCount = 0; } //function ajaxWaitCountShow() { warn("ajaxWait calls outstanding:"+ajaxWaitCount); } // Here is where the "outside callback" gets set up and called var ajaxWaitCallbackFunction = null; var ajaxWaitCallbackTimeOut = null; function ajaxWaitCallbackRegister(func) { // register a function to be called when the ajax waiting is done. if(ajaxWaitIsDone()) func(); else { ajaxWaitCallbackFunction = func; ajaxWaitCallbackTimeOut = setTimeout("ajaxWaitCallback();",5000); // just in case } } function ajaxWaitCallback() { // Perform the actual function (which could have been because of a callback or a timeout) // Clear the timeout if this is not due to ajaxWaitDone //warn("ajaxWaitCallback: "+ajaxWaitIsDone()); if(ajaxWaitCallbackTimeOut != null) { clearTimeout(ajaxWaitCallbackTimeOut); ajaxWaitCallbackTimeOut = null; } // Clear the wait stack incase something failed and we are called by a timeout ajaxWaitCountReset(); // Finally do the function if(ajaxWaitCallbackFunction && jQuery.isFunction(ajaxWaitCallbackFunction)) { ajaxWaitCallbackFunction(); } ajaxWaitCallbackFunction = null; } function ajaxWaitCountDown() { // called whenever an ajax request is done if((req && req.readyState == 4) || (this.readyState == 4)) { // It is only state 4 that means done ajaxWaitCount--; if(ajaxWaitIsDone()) ajaxWaitCallback(); } //warn(req.readyState + " waiters:"+ajaxWaitCount); } var formToSubmit = null; // multistate: null, {form}, "COMPLETE", "ONCEONLY" var formSubmitPhase = 0; function formSubmit() { // This will be called as a callback on timeout or ajaxWaitCallback if(formToSubmit != null) { //warn("submitting form:"+$(formToSubmit).attr('name') + ": "+ajaxWaitIsDone()); var form = formToSubmit; formToSubmit = "GO"; // Flag to wait no longer $(form).submit(); } waitMaskClear(); // clear any outstanding waitMask. overkill if the form has just been submitted } function formSubmitRegister(form) { // Registers the form submit to be done by ajaxWaitCallback or timeout if(formToSubmit != null) // Repeated submission got through, so ignore it return false; waitMaskSetup(5000); // Will prevent repeated submissions, I hope. formToSubmit = form; //warn("Registering form to submit:"+$(form).attr('name')); ajaxWaitCallbackRegister(formSubmit); return false; // Don't submit until ajax is done. } function formSubmitWaiter(e) { // Here we will wait for up to 5 seconds before continuing. if(formToSubmit == null) return formSubmitRegister(e.target); // register on first time through if(formToSubmit == "GO") { // Called again as complete //warn("formSubmitWaiter(): GO"); formToSubmit = "STOP"; // Do this only once! return true; } return false; } function formSubmitWaitOnAjax(form) { // Most typically, we block a form submit until all ajax has returned $(form).unbind('submit', formSubmitWaiter ); // prevents multiple bind requests $(form).bind( 'submit', formSubmitWaiter ); } function loadXMLDoc(url) { // Load XML without a request handler; this is useful if you are sending one-way messages. loadXMLDoc(url, null); } function loadXMLDoc(url, callBack) { // From http://developer.apple.com/internet/webcontent/xmlhttpreq.html //warn("AJAX started: "+url); if(callBack == null) callBack = nullProcessReqChange; req = false; // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object if(window.XMLHttpRequest && !(window.ActiveXObject)) { try { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { req = false; } } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { // branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version try { req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { try { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { req = false; } } } if(debug) alert(url); if(req) { req.onreadystatechange = callBack; req.open("GET", url, true); req.send(); //req.send(""); } } function setCartVars(names, values) { // Asynchronously sets the array of cart vars with values if(names.length <= 0) return; // Set up constant portion of url var loc = window.location.href; if(loc.indexOf("?") > -1) { loc = loc.substring(0, loc.indexOf("?")); } if(loc.lastIndexOf("/") > -1) { loc = loc.substring(0, loc.lastIndexOf("/")); } loc = loc + "/cartDump"; var hgsid = getHgsid(); loc = loc + "?submit=1&noDisplay=1&hgsid=" + hgsid; var track = getTrack(); if(track && track.length > 0) loc = loc + "&g=" + track; // Set up dynamic portion of url var ix=0; while( ix < names.length ) { // Sends multiple messages if the URL gets too long var pairs = ""; for( ;ix<names.length && pairs.length < 5000;ix++) { // FIXME: How big is too big? //pairs = pairs + "&cartDump.varName=" + escape(names[ix]) + "&cartDump.newValue=" + escape(values[ix]); pairs = pairs + "&" + escape(names[ix]) + "=" + escape(values[ix]); } if(pairs.length == 0) return; //warn(pairs); ajaxWaitCountUp(); loadXMLDoc(loc + pairs,ajaxWaitCountDown); } } function setCartVar(name, value) { // Asynchronously set a cart variable. setCartVars( [ name ], [ value ] ); } function setVarsFromHash(varHash) { // Set all vars in a var hash // If obj is undefined then obj is document! var names = []; var values = []; for (var aVar in varHash) { names.push(aVar); values.push(varHash[aVar]); } if(names.length > 0) { setCartVars(names,values); } } function setAllVars(obj,subtrackName) { // Set all enabled inputs and selects found as children obj with names to cart with ajax // If obj is undefined then obj is document! var names = []; var values = []; if($(obj) == undefined) obj = $('document'); setVarsFromHash(getAllVars(obj,subtrackName)); } function setCartVarFromObjId(obj) { setCartVar($(obj).attr('id'),$(obj).val()); } function submitMain() { $('form[name="mainForm"]').submit(); } function setCartVarAndRefresh(name,val) { setCartVar(name,val); var main=$('form[name="mainForm"]') $(main).attr('action',window.location.href); setTimeout("submitMain()",50); // Delay in submit helps ensure that cart var has gotten there first. return false; } function errorHandler(request, textStatus) { showWarning("ajax error: " + textStatus); jQuery('body').css('cursor', ''); if(this.loadingId) { hideLoadingImage(this.loadingId); } } function catchErrorOrDispatch(obj, textStatus) { // generic ajax success handler (handles fact that success is not always success). if(textStatus == 'success') this.trueSuccess(obj, textStatus); else errorHandler.call(this, obj, textStatus); } function showWarning(str) { $("#warningText").text(str); $("#warning").show(); } // Specific calls... function lookupMetadata(tableName,showLonglabel,showShortLabel) { // Ajax call to repopulate a metadata vals select when mdb var changes //warn("lookupMetadata for:"+tableName); var thisData = "db=" + getDb() + "&cmd=tableMetadata&track=" + tableName; if(showLonglabel) thisData += "&showLonglabel=1"; if(showShortLabel) thisData += "&showShortLabel=1"; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "../cgi-bin/hgApi", data: thisData, trueSuccess: loadMetadataTable, success: catchErrorOrDispatch, cache: true, cmd: tableName }); } function loadMetadataTable(response, status) // Handle ajax response (repopulate a metadata val select) { var div = $("div#div_"+this.cmd+"_meta"); $(div).html(response); $(div).show(); } +function removeHgsid(href) +{ +// remove session id from url parameters + if(href.indexOf("?hgsid=") == -1) { + href = href.replace(/\&hgsid=\d+/, ""); + } else { + href = href.replace(/\?hgsid=\d+\&/, "?"); + } + return href; +}