  Mon Oct 25 13:56:00 2010 -0700
Made bg image of blue guidelines a reusable file so browsers can cache it.  Made trackSearch dependent upon advanced javascript features.
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index 74fd615..bee35ec 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -2335,40 +2335,48 @@
 /* Draw guidelines. */
 if (withGuidelines)
-    //if(theImgBox)
-        // TODO: We should be making transparent data images and a separate background img for guidelines.
-        // This will allow the guidelines to dragscroll while the center labels are static.
-        // NOTE: The background image could easily be a reusable file, based upon zoom level and width.  Height could propbaby easily be stretched.
-        // struct image *bgImg = imgBoxImageAdd(theImgBox,gifBg.forHtml,
-        //    (char *)(dragZooming?"click or drag mouse in base position track to zoom in" : NULL),
-        //    pixWidth, pixHeight,FALSE);
     struct hvGfx *bgImg = hvg; // Default to the one image
+    boolean exists = FALSE;
         struct tempName gifBg;
+        char base[64];
+        safef(base,sizeof(base),"blueLines%d-%d-%d",pixWidth,insideX,guidelineSpacing);  // reusable file needs width, leftLabel start and guidelines
+        #ifdef USE_PNG
+            exists = trashDirReusableFile(&gifBg, "hgt", base, ".png");
+        #else///ifndef
+            exists = trashDirReusableFile(&gifBg, "hgt", base, ".gif");
+        #endif///ndef USE_PNG
+        if (exists && cgiVarExists("hgt.reset")) // exists means don't remake bg image.
+            exists = TRUE;                       // However, for the time being, rebuild when user presses "default tracks"
+        if (!exists)
+            {
         #ifdef USE_PNG
-        trashDirFile(&gifBg, "hgt", "bg", ".png");  // TODO: We could have a few static files by (pixHeight*pixWidth)  And I doubt pixHeight is needed!
         bgImg = hvGfxOpenPng(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifBg.forCgi, TRUE);
-        #else //ifndef
-        trashDirFile(&gifBg, "hgt", "bg", ".gif");
+            #else///ifndef
         bgImg = hvGfxOpenGif(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifBg.forCgi, TRUE);
-        #endif //ndef USE_PNG
+            #endif///ndef USE_PNG
         bgImg->rc = revCmplDisp;
+            }
         imgBoxImageAdd(theImgBox,gifBg.forHtml,NULL,pixWidth, pixHeight,TRUE); // Adds BG image
-    int height = pixHeight - 2*gfxBorder;
+    if (!exists)
+        {
     int x;
     Color lightBlue = hvGfxFindRgb(bgImg, &guidelineColor);
-    hvGfxSetClip(bgImg, insideX, gfxBorder, insideWidth, height);
+        hvGfxSetClip(bgImg, insideX, 0, insideWidth, pixHeight);
     y = gfxBorder;
     for (x = insideX+guidelineSpacing-1; x<pixWidth; x += guidelineSpacing)
-        hvGfxBox(bgImg, x, y, 1, height, lightBlue);
+            hvGfxBox(bgImg, x, 0, 1, pixHeight, lightBlue);
     if(bgImg != hvg)
+    }
 /* Show ruler at top. */
 if (rulerMode != tvHide)
@@ -4687,7 +4695,7 @@
     /* Display bottom control panel. */
-    if(isSearchTracksSupported(database))
+    if(isSearchTracksSupported(database,cart))
         hPrintf(" ");