  Wed Dec 29 22:48:49 2010 -0800
Changes associated with the lift of the clonePos (coverage) track to hg19
diff --git src/hg/lib/clonePos.sql src/hg/lib/clonePos.sql
index e9622f4..8f7840c 100644
--- src/hg/lib/clonePos.sql
+++ src/hg/lib/clonePos.sql
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
 # clonePos.sql was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also 
 # generated clonePos.c and clonePos.h.  This creates the database representation of
 # an object which can be loaded and saved from RAM in a fairly 
 # automatic way.
 #A clone's position and other info.
 CREATE TABLE clonePos (
-    name varchar(255) not null,	# Name of feature
+    name varchar(255) not null,	# Name of clone including version
     seqSize int unsigned not null,	# base count not including gaps
     phase tinyint unsigned not null,	# htg phase
-    chrom varchar(255) not null,	# Chromosome name
+    chrom varchar(255) not null,	# Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold
     chromStart int unsigned not null,	# Start in chromosome
     chromEnd int unsigned not null,	# End in chromosome
+    stage char(1) not null,	# F/D/P for finished/draft/predraft
+    faFile varchar(255) not null,	# File with sequence.
     PRIMARY KEY(name(12)),