  Thu Dec 30 14:58:16 2010 -0800
moved to programs to hg/utils, fixed build of distributed utilities
diff --git src/hg/pslMap/makefile src/hg/pslMap/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 70fb717..0000000
--- src/hg/pslMap/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-include ../../inc/common.mk
-MYLIBDIR = ../../lib/$(MACHTYPE)
-MYLIBS = $(MYLIBDIR)/jkhgap.a $(MYLIBDIR)/jkweb.a
-L += -lm
-A = pslMap
-O = pslMap.o
-all: ${BINDIR}/pslMap
-${BINDIR}/pslMap: ${O} ${MYLIBS}
-	${CC} ${COPT} ${CFLAGS} -o ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/${A}${EXE} $O ${MYLIBS} ${L}
-pslMap.o: usage.msg
-# create usage msg from text
-usage.msg: usage.txt
-	echo '/* GENERATED CODE, DO NOT EDIT */' > $@.tmp
-	${STRINGIFY} $< >> $@.tmp
-	mv -f $@.tmp $@
-compile:: ${O} usage.msg
-	${CC} ${COPT} ${CFLAGS} -o ${A}${EXE} $O ${MYLIBS} ${L}
-test:: compile
-	(cd tests && ${MAKE} test)
-	rm -f ${A}${EXE}
-	rm -f ${A} ${O} usage.msg
-	(cd tests && ${MAKE} clean)