  Fri Dec 17 14:41:15 2010 -0800
Track #1684 (SNPs 132 (dbSNP)): Added new columns to SNP table( in and snpNcbiToUcsc.  It now runs
successfully on hg19 snp132; I have verified that the first 17
columns match the old snp132.bed and that the pre-existing
exceptions match the old snp132Exceptions.bed.  The snp125 code
in hgTracks/hgTrackUi/hgc works find on the new snp132 -- new
columns are ignored.  There is still some polishing to do before is ready for general use -- more consistency checks,
and much more info for the developer about what they need to
follow through on.  But next I plan to enhance the CGIs to make
use of the new columns so we can get snp132 out the door.

diff --git src/hg/lib/makefile src/hg/lib/makefile
index f0799b9..5b5088f 100644
--- src/hg/lib/makefile
+++ src/hg/lib/makefile
@@ -64,31 +64,31 @@
     netAlign.o netCart.o nonCodingUi.o omimTitle.o ooUtils.o orthoAlleles.o \
     pal.o pbStamp.o pcrResult.o pepPred.o plasEndPairs.o \
     polyGenotype.o protFeat.o pscreen.o \
     pseudoGeneLink.o pslReader.o pslWScore.o putaInfo.o qaSeq.o \
     rangeTreeFile.o rankProp.o recombRate.o recombRateRat.o recombRateMouse.o \
     refLink.o refSeqStatus.o \
     rgdQtl.o rgdQtl.o rgdQtl.o rgdQtl.o rgdQtl.o rgdQtl.o rgdQtl.o \
     rgdQtl.o riken.o rhMapZfishInfo.o rikenBest.o rikenCluster.o rmskOut.o \
     rnaFold.o rnaGene.o rnaGroup.o rnaHybridization.o rnaPLFold.o tRNAs.o gbRNAs.o snoRNAs.o lowelabPfamHit.o lowelabArkinOperonScore.o lowelabTIGROperonScore.o \
     rnaSecStr.o tfbsConsFactors.o retroMrnaInfo.o \
     roughAli.o transMapStuff.o transMapInfo.o transMapGene.o transMapSrc.o sage.o sageCounts.o sageExp.o sample.o \
     sqlProg.o tfbsCons.o tfbsConsSites.o \
     sanger22extra.o sangerGene.o sangerGeneToWBGeneID.o  sargassoSeaXra.o \
     scopDes.o scoredRef.o searchTracks.o sgdAbundance.o \
     sgdClone.o sgdDescription.o sgdOther.o simpleNucDiff.o simpleRepeat.o \
-    snp.o snp125.o snp125CodingCoordless.o snpExceptions.o snpFasta.o snpMap.o snpTmp.o \
+    snp.o snp125.o snp125CodingCoordless.o snp132Ext.o snpExceptions.o snpFasta.o snpMap.o snpTmp.o \
     snpUi.o snp125Exceptions.o snp125Ui.o softPromoter.o softberryHom.o \
     spDb.o splignAlign.o stanMad.o stsAlias.o \
     stsInfo.o stsInfo2.o stsInfoMouse.o stsInfoMouseNew.o stsInfoRat.o \
     stsMap.o stsMapMouse.o stsMapMouseNew.o stsMapRat.o stsMarker.o suggest.o \
     switchDbTss.o synMap.o synteny100000.o syntenyBerk.o syntenySanger.o \
     tableDescriptions.o tableStatus.o targetDb.o tfbsConsMap.o \
     taxonDivision.o taxonGeneticCode.o taxonName.o taxonNode.o taxonXref.o \
     tigrCmrGene.o tigrOperon.o tilingPath.o traceInfo.o trackDb.o \
     trackDbCustom.o trackLayout.o trackTable.o trackVersion.o trashDir.o \
     transRegCode.o transRegCodeCondition.o \
     transRegCodeProbe.o txCluster.o txCommon.o txEdgeBed.o \
     txEdgeOrtho.o txGraph.o txInfo.o txRnaAccs.o \
     validateGisaid.o vegaInfo.o vegaInfoZfish.o visiGene.o vntr.o \
     wabAli.o web.o ncRna.o wgRna.o wigAsciiToBinary.o wigDataStream.o wiggle.o \
     wiggleCart.o wiggleUtils.o wikiLink.o wikiTrack.o yaleGencodeAssoc.o \