  Thu Dec 16 13:30:33 2010 -0800
remove USE_PNG and GIF support  #1323
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index f0d62b4..9a015f4 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -617,37 +617,32 @@
     char title[32];
     startBand[0] = endBand[0] = '\0';
     fillInStartEndBands(ideoTrack, startBand, endBand, sizeof(startBand));
     /* Start up client side map. */
     if (!psOutput)
         hPrintf("<MAP Name=%s>\n", mapName);
     /* Draw the ideogram. */
     ideoHeight = gfxBorder + ideoTrack->height;
     if (psOutput)
         trashDirFile(ideoTn, "hgtIdeo", "hgtIdeo", ".ps");
         hvg = hvGfxOpenPostScript(ideoWidth, ideoHeight, ideoTn->forCgi);
-#ifdef USE_PNG
         trashDirFile(ideoTn, "hgtIdeo", "hgtIdeo", ".png");
         hvg = hvGfxOpenPng(ideoWidth, ideoHeight, ideoTn->forCgi, FALSE);
-        trashDirFile(ideoTn, "hgtIdeo", "hgtIdeo", ".gif");
-        hvg = hvGfxOpenGif(ideoWidth, ideoHeight, ideoTn->forCgi, FALSE);
     hvg->rc = revCmplDisp;
     ideoTrack->ixColor = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &ideoTrack->color);
     ideoTrack->ixAltColor = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &ideoTrack->altColor);
     hvGfxSetClip(hvg, 0, gfxBorder, ideoWidth, ideoTrack->height);
     if(sameString(startBand, endBand))
         safef(title, sizeof(title), "%s (%s)", chromName, startBand);
         safef(title, sizeof(title), "%s (%s-%s)", chromName, startBand, endBand);
     textWidth = mgFontStringWidth(font, title);
     hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, 2, gfxBorder, textWidth, ideoTrack->height, MG_BLACK, font, title);
     ideoTrack->drawItems(ideoTrack, winStart, winEnd, hvg, textWidth+4, gfxBorder, ideoWidth-textWidth-4,
              font, ideoTrack->ixColor, ideoTrack->limitedVis);
@@ -2044,57 +2039,47 @@
 imagePixelHeight = pixHeight;
 if (psOutput)
     hvg = hvGfxOpenPostScript(pixWidth, pixHeight, psOutput);
     hvgSide = hvg; // Always only one image
     boolean transparentImage = FALSE;
     if (theImgBox!=NULL)
         transparentImage = TRUE;   // transparent because BG (blue ruler lines) is separate image
-#ifdef USE_PNG
     trashDirFile(&gifTn, "hgt", "hgt", ".png");
     hvg = hvGfxOpenPng(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTn.forCgi, transparentImage);
-#else //ifndef
-    trashDirFile(&gifTn, "hgt", "hgt", ".gif");
-    hvg = hvGfxOpenGif(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTn.forCgi, transparentImage);
-#endif //ndef USE_PNG
         // Adds one single image for all tracks (COULD: build the track by track images)
         theOneImg = imgBoxImageAdd(theImgBox,gifTn.forHtml,NULL,pixWidth, pixHeight,FALSE);
         theSideImg = theOneImg; // Unlkess this is overwritten below, there is a single image
     hvgSide = hvg; // Unlkess this is overwritten below, there is a single image
     if (theImgBox && theImgBox->showPortal && withLeftLabels)
         // TODO: It would be great to make the images smaller, but keeping both the same full size for now
         struct tempName gifTnSide;
-        #ifdef USE_PNG
             trashDirFile(&gifTnSide, "hgt", "side", ".png");
             hvgSide = hvGfxOpenPng(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTnSide.forCgi, transparentImage);
-        #else //ifndef
-            trashDirFile(&gifTnSide, "hgt", "side", ".gif");
-            hvgSide = hvGfxOpenGif(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTnSide.forCgi, transparentImage);
-        #endif //ndef USE_PNG
         // Also add the side image
         theSideImg = imgBoxImageAdd(theImgBox,gifTnSide.forHtml,NULL,pixWidth, pixHeight,FALSE);
         hvgSide->rc = revCmplDisp;
 hvg->rc = revCmplDisp;
 /* Start up client side map. */
 hPrintf("<MAP id='map' Name=%s>\n", mapName);
 /* Find colors to draw in. */
 findTrackColors(hvg, trackList);
@@ -2292,45 +2277,37 @@
     leftLabelX = leftLabelWidth = 0;
 /* Draw guidelines. */
 if (withGuidelines)
     struct hvGfx *bgImg = hvg; // Default to the one image
     boolean exists = FALSE;
         struct tempName gifBg;
         char base[64];
         safef(base,sizeof(base),"blueLines%d-%s%d-%d",pixWidth,(revCmplDisp?"r":""),insideX,guidelineSpacing);  // reusable file needs width, leftLabel start and guidelines
-        #ifdef USE_PNG
             exists = trashDirReusableFile(&gifBg, "hgt", base, ".png");
-        #else///ifndef
-            exists = trashDirReusableFile(&gifBg, "hgt", base, ".gif");
-        #endif///ndef USE_PNG
         if (exists && cgiVarExists("hgt.reset")) // exists means don't remake bg image.
             exists = TRUE;                       // However, for the time being, rebuild when user presses "default tracks"
         if (!exists)
-            #ifdef USE_PNG
                 bgImg = hvGfxOpenPng(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifBg.forCgi, TRUE);
-            #else///ifndef
-                bgImg = hvGfxOpenGif(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifBg.forCgi, TRUE);
-            #endif///ndef USE_PNG
             bgImg->rc = revCmplDisp;
         imgBoxImageAdd(theImgBox,gifBg.forHtml,NULL,pixWidth, pixHeight,TRUE); // Adds BG image
     if (!exists)
         int x;
         Color lightBlue = hvGfxFindRgb(bgImg, &guidelineColor);
         hvGfxSetClip(bgImg, insideX, 0, insideWidth, pixHeight);
         y = gfxBorder;
         for (x = insideX+guidelineSpacing-1; x<pixWidth; x += guidelineSpacing)
             hvGfxBox(bgImg, x, 0, 1, pixHeight, lightBlue);