  Thu Dec 16 13:30:33 2010 -0800
remove USE_PNG and GIF support  #1323
diff --git src/inc/memgfx.h src/inc/memgfx.h
index b206062..5688c33 100644
--- src/inc/memgfx.h
+++ src/inc/memgfx.h
@@ -18,53 +18,46 @@
 #ifdef COLOR32
 typedef unsigned int Color;
 #define MG_WHITE   0xffffffff
 #define MG_BLACK   0xff000000
 #define MG_RED     0xff0000ff
 #define MG_GREEN   0xff00ff00
 #define MG_BLUE    0xffff0000
 #define MG_CYAN    0xffffff00
 #define MG_MAGENTA 0xffff00ff
 #define MG_YELLOW  0xff00ffff
 #define MG_GRAY    0xff808080
 #define MAKECOLOR_32(r,g,b) (((unsigned int)0xff<<24) | ((unsigned int)b<<16) | ((unsigned int)g << 8) | (unsigned int)r)
-#ifndef USE_PNG
-#error ------ ERROR ----- you must define USE_PNG if you define COLOR32
 #else /* 8-bit color */
 typedef unsigned char Color;
 #define MG_WHITE 0
 #define MG_BLACK 1
 #define MG_RED 2
 #define MG_GREEN 3
 #define MG_BLUE 4
 #define MG_CYAN 5
 #define MG_MAGENTA 6
 #define MG_YELLOW 7
 #define MG_GRAY 8
 #endif /* COLOR32 */
 #define MG_WRITE_MODE_NORMAL    0
 #define MG_WRITE_MODE_MULTIPLY  (1 << 0)
 struct rgbColor
     unsigned char r, g, b;
 /* HSV and HSL structs can be used for changing lightness, darkness, or
  * color of RGB colors. Convert RGB->HS[LV], modify hue, saturation, or
  * value/lightness, then convert back to RGB.
  * The datatypes were chosen to be fast but also give accurate conversion
  * back to RGB.
  * Hue is a float [0,360) degrees 0=red, 120=green, 240=blue
  * S/V/L are integers [0,1000]
@@ -176,50 +169,30 @@
 /* Put a series of dots starting at x, y and going to right width pixels.
  * Don't put zero dots though. */
 void mgDrawBox(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color);
 /* Draw a (horizontal) box */
 void mgDrawLine(struct memGfx *mg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color);
 /* Draw a line from one point to another. */
 void mgDrawHorizontalLine(struct memGfx *mg, int y1, Color color);
 /*special case of mgDrawLine*/
 void mgLineH(struct memGfx *mg, int y, int x1, int x2, Color color);
 /* Draw horizizontal line width pixels long starting at x/y in color */
-void mgSaveGif(struct memGfx *mg, char *name, boolean useTransparency);
-/* Save memory bitmap as a gif.
- * If useTransparency, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
- * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
- * are made transparent. */
-boolean mgSaveToGif(FILE *gif_file, struct memGfx *screen, boolean useTransparency);
-/* Save GIF to an already open file.
- * If useTransparency, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
- * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
- * are made transparent. */
-struct memGfx *mgLoadGif(char *name);
-/* Create memory image based on gif file. 
- * Note this is based on a very old gif reader
- * that only handles the GIF87a version. 
- * This is the same that mgSaveGif creates at
- * least.  This version of gif was always
- * color mapped. */
 void mgSavePng(struct memGfx *mg, char *filename, boolean useTransparency);
 /* Save memory bitmap to filename as a PNG.
  * If useTransparency, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
  * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
  * are made transparent. */
 boolean mgSaveToPng(FILE *png_file, struct memGfx *mg, boolean useTransparency);
 /* Save PNG to an already open file.
  * If useTransparency, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
  * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
  * are made transparent. */
 typedef void (*TextBlit)(int bitWidth, int bitHeight, int bitX, int bitY,
 	unsigned char *bitData, int bitDataRowBytes, 
 	struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY,