  Thu Dec 16 13:30:33 2010 -0800
remove USE_PNG and GIF support  #1323
diff --git src/lib/gifLabel.c src/lib/gifLabel.c
index 88c5fde..b01f77f 100644
--- src/lib/gifLabel.c
+++ src/lib/gifLabel.c
@@ -65,47 +65,34 @@
 if (n1->colorsUsed != n2->colorsUsed) { return FALSE; }
 if (memcmp(n1->colorMap, n2->colorMap, 256 * 3)!=0) { return FALSE; } /* gif colormaps differ */
 long bytes = (long)n1->width * n1->height;
 if (memcmp(n1->pixels, n2->pixels, bytes)!=0) { return FALSE; } /* gif contents differ */
 return TRUE;
 void gifLabelVerticalText(char *fileName, char **labels, int labelCount, 
 	int height)
 /* Make a gif file with given labels.  This will check to see if fileName
  * exists already and has not changed, and if so do nothing. */
 struct memGfx *straight = altColorLabels(labels, labelCount, height);
 struct memGfx *rotated = mgRotate90(straight);
 struct memGfx *existing = NULL;
-#ifdef USE_PNG
 struct tempName tn;
 makeTempName(&tn, "gifLabelVertTemp", ".png");
 mgSavePng(rotated, tn.forCgi, FALSE); 
 rename(tn.forCgi, fileName);
-if (fileExists(fileName))
-    existing = mgLoadGif(fileName);
-/* the savings here is in the user's own browser cache - not updated if no change */
-if (!sameGifContents(rotated, existing))  
-    {
-    struct tempName tn;
-    makeTempName(&tn, "gifLabelVertTemp", ".gif");
-    mgSaveGif(rotated, tn.forCgi, FALSE); 
-    rename(tn.forCgi, fileName);
-    }
 if (existing)
 #ifdef DEBUG
 void gifTest()
 static char *labels[] = {"cerebellum", "thymus", "breast", "heart",
 			 "stomach", "cartilage", "kidney", "liver",
 			 "lung", "testis", "black hole" };
 int size = gifLabelMaxWidth(labels, ArraySize(labels));
 int gifLabelMaxWidth(char **labels, int labelCount)