  Thu Dec 16 13:30:33 2010 -0800
remove USE_PNG and GIF support  #1323
diff --git src/hg/inc/hvGfx.h src/hg/inc/hvGfx.h
index ad76c1b..3c161d0 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hvGfx.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hvGfx.h
@@ -1,277 +1,268 @@
  /* hvGfx - browser graphics interface.  This is a thin layer on top of vGfx
  * providing genome browser-specific features.*/
 #ifndef BRGFX_H
 #define BRGFX_H
 #include "vGfx.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 struct hvGfx
 /* browser graphics interface */
     struct hvGfx *next;	     /* Next in list. */
     struct vGfx *vg;         /* virtual graphics object */
     boolean rc;              /* reverse-complement display (negative strand) */
     boolean pixelBased;      /* Real pixels, not PostScript or something. */
     int width, height;       /* Virtual pixel dimensions. */
     int clipMinX;            /* X clipping region, before reverse */
     int clipMaxX;
     int clipMinY;
     int clipMaxY;
-#ifndef USE_PNG
-struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenGif(int width, int height, char *fileName, boolean useTransparency);
-/* Open up something that we'll write out as a GIF someday.
- * If useTransparency, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
- * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
- * are made transparent. */
 struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenPng(int width, int height, char *fileName, boolean useTransparency);
 /* Open up something that we'll write out as a PNG someday.
  * If useTransparency, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
  * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
  * are made transparent. */
-#endif /* USE_PNG */
 struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenPostScript(int width, int height, char *fileName);
 /* Open up something that will someday be a PostScript file. */
 void hvGfxClose(struct hvGfx **pHvg);
 /* Close down virtual graphics object, and finish writing it to file. */
 INLINE int hvGfxAdjX(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x)
 /* Return an X position, updating if reverse-complement mode */
 if (hvg->rc)
     return hvg->width - (x+1);
     return x;
 INLINE int hvGfxAdjXX(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int *x2Ptr,
                       int *y1Ptr, int *y2Ptr)
 /* Update a pair of coordinates if reverse-coordiates mode */
 if (hvg->rc)
     reverseIntRange(&x1, x2Ptr, hvg->width);
     int hold = *y1Ptr;
     *y1Ptr = *y2Ptr;
     *y2Ptr = hold;
 return x1;
 INLINE int hvGfxAdjXW(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int width)
 /* Update a X position and width if reverse-complement mode */
 if (hvg->rc)
     int x2 = (x + width);
     reverseIntRange(&x, &x2, hvg->width);
 return x;
 INLINE void hvGfxDot(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, int colorIx)
 /* Draw a single pixel.  Try to work at a higher level when possible! */
 vgDot(hvg->vg, hvGfxAdjX(hvg, x), y, colorIx);
 INLINE void hvGfxBox(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, 
                   int width, int height, int colorIx)
 /* Draw a box. */
 vgBox(hvg->vg, hvGfxAdjXW(hvg, x, width), y, width, height, colorIx);
 INLINE void hvGfxLine(struct hvGfx *hvg, 
                    int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int colorIx)
 /* Draw a line from one point to another. */
 x1 = hvGfxAdjXX(hvg, x1, &x2, &y1, &y2);
 vgLine(hvg->vg, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorIx);
 INLINE void hvGfxText(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, int colorIx,
                       void *font, char *text)
 /* Draw a line of text with upper left corner x,y. */
 if (hvg->rc)
     // FIXME: test
     // move x,y to lower-left corner
     int width = vgGetFontStringWidth(hvg->vg, font, text);
     int height = vgGetFontPixelHeight(hvg->vg, font);
     vgTextRight(hvg->vg, hvGfxAdjXW(hvg, x, width), y, width, height, colorIx, font, text);
     vgText(hvg->vg, x, y, colorIx, font, text);
 INLINE void hvGfxTextRight(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, int width, int height,
                       int colorIx, void *font, char *text)
 /* Draw a line of text with upper right corner x,y. */
 if (hvg->rc)
     // move x,y to upper right corner
     int fHeight = vgGetFontPixelHeight(hvg->vg, font);
     // this is what mgTextRight does,  not sure why
     y += (height - fHeight)/2 + ((font == mgSmallFont()) ?  1 : 0);
     vgText(hvg->vg, hvGfxAdjXW(hvg, x, width), y, colorIx, font, text);
     vgTextRight(hvg->vg, x, y, width, height, colorIx, font, text);
 INLINE void hvGfxTextCentered(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, int width, int height,
                            int colorIx, void *font, char *text)
 /* Draw a line of text in middle of box. */
 vgTextCentered(hvg->vg, hvGfxAdjXW(hvg, x, width), y, width, height, colorIx, font, text);
 INLINE void hvGfxSetWriteMode(struct hvGfx *hvg, int writeMode)
 /* set write mode */
 vgSetWriteMode(hvg->vg, writeMode);
 INLINE void hvGfxSetClip(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, int width, int height)
 /* Set clipping rectangle. */
 // this should not be adjusted for RC
 hvg->clipMinX = x;
 hvg->clipMaxX = x + width;
 hvg->clipMinY = y;
 hvg->clipMaxY = y + height;
 // clipping region is reversed in actual vGfx
 if (hvg->rc)
     x = hvg->width - (x + width);
 vgSetClip(hvg->vg, x, y, width, height);
 INLINE void hvGfxUnclip(struct hvGfx *hvg)
 /* Set clipping rect cover full thing. */
 hvg->clipMinX = 0;
 hvg->clipMaxX = hvg->width;
 hvg->clipMinY = 0;
 hvg->clipMaxY = hvg->height;
 INLINE void hvGfxVerticalSmear(struct hvGfx *hvg,
                                int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, 
                                Color *dots, boolean zeroClear)
 /* Put a series of one '8-bit pixel' width vertical lines. */
 vgVerticalSmear(hvg->vg, hvGfxAdjXW(hvg, xOff, width), yOff, width, height, dots, zeroClear);
 INLINE void hvGfxFillUnder(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, 
                         int bottom, Color color)
 /* Draw a 4 sided filled figure that has line x1/y1 to x2/y2 at
  * it's top, a horizontal line at bottom at it's bottom,  and
  * vertical lines from the bottom to y1 on the left and bottom to
  * y2 on the right. */
 x1  = hvGfxAdjXX(hvg, x1, &x2, &y1, &y2);
 vgFillUnder(hvg->vg, x1, y1, x2, y2, bottom, color);
 INLINE void hvGfxRevPoly(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct gfxPoly *poly)
 /* reverse coordinates in polygons */
 /* reverse but don't clip; clipping requires working at the line level */
 struct gfxPoint *pt = poly->ptList;
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < poly->ptCount; i++, pt = pt->next)
     pt->x = hvg->width - (pt->x+1);
 INLINE void hvGfxDrawPoly(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct gfxPoly *poly, Color color, 
                        boolean filled)
 /* Draw polygon, possibly filled in color. */
 if (hvg->rc)
     hvGfxRevPoly(hvg, poly);
 vgDrawPoly(hvg->vg, poly, color, filled);
 if (hvg->rc)
     hvGfxRevPoly(hvg, poly);  // restore
 INLINE int hvGfxFindColorIx(struct hvGfx *hvg, int r, int g, int b)
 /* Find color in map if possible, otherwise create new color or
  * in a pinch a close color. */
 return vgFindColorIx(hvg->vg, r, g, b);
 INLINE struct rgbColor hvGfxColorIxToRgb(struct hvGfx *hvg, int colorIx)
 /* Return rgb values for given color index. */
 return vgColorIxToRgb(hvg->vg, colorIx);
 INLINE void hvGfxSetHint(struct hvGfx *hvg, char *hint, char *value)
 /* Set hint */
 INLINE char* hvGfxGetHint(struct hvGfx *hvg, char *hint)
 /* Get hint */
 return vgGetHint(hvg->vg, hint);
 INLINE int hvGfxFindRgb(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct rgbColor *rgb)
 /* Find color index corresponding to rgb color. */
 return vgFindRgb(hvg->vg, rgb);
 INLINE Color hvGfxContrastingColor(struct hvGfx *hvg, int backgroundIx)
 /* Return black or white whichever would be more visible over
  * background. */
 return vgContrastingColor(hvg->vg, backgroundIx);
 void hvGfxMakeColorGradient(struct hvGfx *hvg, 
                             struct rgbColor *start, struct rgbColor *end,
                             int steps, Color *colorIxs);
 /* Make a color gradient that goes smoothly from start to end colors in given
  * number of steps.  Put indices in color table in colorIxs */
 void hvGfxBarbedHorizontalLine(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, 
 	int width, int barbHeight, int barbSpacing, int barbDir, Color color,
 	boolean needDrawMiddle);
 /* Draw a horizontal line starting at xOff, yOff of given width.  Will
  * put barbs (successive arrowheads) to indicate direction of line.  
  * BarbDir of 1 points barbs to right, of -1 points them to left. */
 void hvGfxDrawRulerBumpText(struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, 
 	int height, int width,
         Color color, MgFont *font,
         int startNum, int range, int bumpX, int bumpY);
 /* Draw a ruler inside the indicated part of mg with numbers that start at
  * startNum and span range.  Bump text positions slightly. */
 void hvGfxDrawRuler(struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int height, int width,
         Color color, MgFont *font,
         int startNum, int range);
 /* Draw a ruler inside the indicated part of mg with numbers that start at
  * startNum and span range.  */
 void hvGfxNextItemButton(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, int w, int h, 
 		      Color color, Color hvgColor, boolean nextItem);
 /* Draw a button that looks like a fast-forward or rewind button on */
 /* a remote control. If nextItem is TRUE, it points right, otherwise */
 /* left. color is the outline color, and hvgColor is the fill color. */