  Thu Dec 16 14:55:35 2010 -0800
Move drag and drop registration to utils because this needs to be reregistered after a sort.
diff --git src/hg/js/utils.js src/hg/js/utils.js
index 0f8474d..20d154f 100644
--- src/hg/js/utils.js
+++ src/hg/js/utils.js
@@ -947,30 +947,51 @@
 function hideLoadingImage(id)
     $('#' + id).remove();
 function codonColoringChanged(name)
 // Updated disabled state of codonNumbering checkbox based on current value of track coloring select.
     var val = $("select[name='" + name + ".baseColorDrawOpt'] option:selected").text();
     $("input[name='" + name + ".codonNumbering']").attr('disabled', val == "OFF");
+//////////// Drag and Drop ////////////
+function tableDragAndDropRegister(thisTable)
+{// Initialize a table with tableWithDragAndDrop
+    if ($(thisTable).hasClass("tableWithDragAndDrop") == false)
+        return;
+    $(thisTable).tableDnD({
+        onDragClass: "trDrag",
+        dragHandle: "dragHandle",
+        onDrop: function(table, row, dragStartIndex) {
+                if(tableSetPositions) {
+                    tableSetPositions(table);
+                }
+            }
+    });
+    $(thisTable).find("td.dragHandle").hover(
+        function(){ $(this).closest('tr').addClass('trDrag'); },
+        function(){ $(this).closest('tr').removeClass('trDrag'); }
+    );
 //////////// Sorting ////////////
 // Sorting a table by columns relies upon the sortColumns structure
 // The sortColumns structure looks like:
 //    char *  tags[];     // a list of field names in sort order (e.g. 'cell', 'shortLabel')
 //    boolean reverse[];  // the sort direction for each sort field
 //    int     cellIxs[];  // The indexes of the columns in the table to be sorted
 //    boolean useAbbr[];  // Compare on Abbr or on innerHtml?
 // These 2 globals are used by setTimeout, so that rows can be hidden while sorting and javascript timeout is less likely
 var gSortColumns;
 var gTbody
 function sortField(value,index)
@@ -1047,42 +1068,45 @@
     for(var cIx=0;cIx<cols.length;cIx++) {
     setTimeout('tableSortFinish(gTbody,gSortColumns)',5); // Avoid javascript timeouts!
 function tableSortFinish(tbody,sortColumns)
 {// Additional sort cleanup.
  // This is in a separate function to allow calling with setTimeout() which will prevent javascript timeouts (I hope)
     if ($(tbody).hasClass('altColors'))
+    $(tbody).parents("table.tableWithDragAndDrop").each(function (ix) {
+        tableDragAndDropRegister(this);
+    });
 function tableSortByColumns(tbody,sortColumns)
 {// Will sort the table based on the abbr values on a set of <TH> colIds
  // Expects tbody to not sort thead, but could take table
-    setTimeout('tableSort(gTbody,gSortColumns)',5); // This allows hiding the rows while sorting!
+    setTimeout('tableSort(gTbody,gSortColumns)',50); // This allows hiding the rows while sorting!
 function trAlternateColors(tbody,rowGroup,cellIx)
 {// Will alternate colors for visible table rows.
  // If cellIx(s) provided then color changes when the column(s) abbr or els innerHtml changes
  // If no cellIx is provided then alternates on rowGroup (5= change color 5,10,15,...)
  // Expects tbody to not color thead, but could take table
     var darker   = false; // == false will trigger first row to be change color = darker
     if (arguments.length<3) { // No columns to check so alternate on rowGroup
         if (rowGroup == undefined || rowGroup == 0)
             rowGroup = 1;
         var curCount = 0; // Always start with a change
         $(tbody).children('tr:visible').each( function(i) {
@@ -1523,29 +1547,35 @@
             //warn("Added class='sortable sort"+(ix+1)+"' to th:"+this.innerHTML);
         sortColumns = new sortColumnsGetFromTr(tr,"silent");
         if (sortColumns == undefined || sortColumns.cellIxs.length == 0) {
             warn("sortable table's header row contains no sort columns.");
     // Can wrap all columnn headers with link
     $(tr).find("th.sortable").each(function (ix) {
         //if ( $(this).queue('click').length == 0 ) {
         if ( $(this).attr('onclick') == undefined ) {
             $(this).click( function () { tableSortOnButtonPress(this);} );
         if ( $(this).attr('title').length == 0) {
-            $(this).attr('title',"Sort list on '" + $(this).text() + "'." );
+            var title = $(this).text().replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]/ig,'');
+            if (title.length > 0 && $(this).find('sup'))
+                title = title.replace(/[0-9]$/g,'');
+            if (title.length > 0)
+                $(this).attr('title',"Sort list on '" + title + "'." );
+            else
+                $(this).attr('title',"Sort list on column." );
     // Now update all of those cells
     // Alternate colors if requested
     if(altColors != undefined)
     // Finally, make visible