  Wed Jan 12 10:16:21 2011 -0800
Added some #ifdef USE_BAM's to fix compile on systems that don't have samtools/USE_BAM.
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/cds.h src/hg/hgTracks/cds.h
index e6f3ebf..2cbaffe 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/cds.h
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/cds.h
@@ -103,33 +103,37 @@
         enum baseColorDrawOpt drawOpt, struct track *tg);
 /* Given an lf and the psl from which the lf was constructed, 
  * return a list of simpleFeature elements, one per codon (or partial 
  * codon if the codon falls on a gap boundary.  sizeMul, isXeno and maxShade
  * are for defaulting to one-simpleFeature-per-exon if cds is not found. */
 INLINE boolean baseColorCanDraw(struct track *tg)
 /* baseColor uses tg->drawItems as a proxy for type of tg->items, which must be 
  * linkedFeatures or linkedFeaturesSeries.  Return TRUE if tg->drawItems
  * implies that tg->items is linkedFeatures or linkedFeaturesSeries, and from
  * a subtype supported by the baseColor code. */
 return (tg->drawItems == linkedFeaturesDraw || tg->drawItems == linkedFeaturesAverageDense ||
 	tg->drawItems == linkedFeaturesAverageDenseOrientEst ||
+#ifdef USE_BAM
 	tg->drawItems == linkedFeaturesSeriesDraw ||
 	tg->drawItems == bamLinkedFeaturesDraw ||
 	tg->drawItems == bamLinkedFeaturesSeriesDraw);
+	tg->drawItems == linkedFeaturesSeriesDraw);
+#endif // USE_BAM
 void baseColorInitTrack(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg);
 /* Set up base coloring state (e.g. cache genomic sequence) for tg.
  * This must be called by tg->drawItems if baseColorDrawSetup is used 
  * in tg->drawItemAt, but note that this should be called only if
  * baseColorCanDraw(tg) (above). */
 enum baseColorDrawOpt baseColorDrawSetup(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg,
 			struct linkedFeatures *lf,
 			struct dnaSeq **retMrnaSeq, struct psl **retPsl);
 /* Returns the CDS coloring option, allocates colors if necessary, and 
  * returns the sequence and psl record for the given item if applicable. 
  * Note: even if base coloring is not enabled, this will return psl and