  Tue Jan 11 10:45:13 2011 -0800
Moved hgc.c's {begin,end}CollapsibleSection to jsHelper.c:js{Begin,End}CollapsibleSection so I can use in hgTrackUi.

diff --git src/hg/hgc/hgc.c src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
index 730cced..54ebb4b 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
@@ -903,59 +903,30 @@
 /* Wrapper to call printCustomUrlWithLabel using the url setting in trackDb */
 char urlSetting[10];
 safef(urlSetting, sizeof(urlSetting), "url");
 printCustomUrlWithLabel(tdb, itemName, itemName, urlSetting, encode);
 void printOtherCustomUrl(struct trackDb *tdb, char *itemName, char* urlSetting, boolean encode)
 /* Wrapper to call printCustomUrlWithLabel to use another url setting other than url in trackDb e.g. url2, this allows the use of multiple urls for a track
  to be set in trackDb. */
 printCustomUrlWithLabel(tdb, itemName, itemName, urlSetting, encode);
-void beginCollapsibleSection(char *track, char *section, char *sectionTitle, boolean isOpenDefault)
-/* Make the hidden input, collapse/expand button and <TR id=...> needed for
-* hgTracks.js's setTableRowVisibility().  Caller needs to have already creates a <TABLE>. */
-char collapseGroupVar[512];
-safef(collapseGroupVar, sizeof(collapseGroupVar), "%s.section_%s_close", track, section);
-boolean isOpen = !cartUsualBoolean(cart, collapseGroupVar, !isOpenDefault);
-printf("<TR><TD><input type='hidden' name=\"%s\" id=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">\n",
-       collapseGroupVar, collapseGroupVar, isOpen ? "0" : "1");
-printf("<A HREF=\"%s?%s&%s=%s#%sGroup\" class='bigBlue'>\n",
-       cgiScriptName(), cartSidUrlString(cart), collapseGroupVar, (isOpen ? "1" : "0"), section);
-char *buttonImage = (isOpen ? "../images/remove_sm.gif" : "../images/add_sm.gif");
-printf("<IMG height='18' width='18' "
-       "onclick=\"return setTableRowVisibility(this, '%s', '%s.section', 'section', true);\" "
-       "id=\"%s_button\" src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" title='%s this section' class='bigBlue'>"
-       "</A></TD>\n",
-       section, track,
-       section, buttonImage, (isOpen ? "-" : "+"), (isOpen ? "Collapse": "Expand"));
-printf("<TD><FONT SIZE=4><B>&nbsp;%s</B></FONT></TD></TR>\n", sectionTitle);
-printf("<TR %sid='%s-%d'><TD colspan=2>", isOpen ? "" : "style='display: none' ", section, 1);
-void endCollapsibleSection()
-/* End the collapsible <TR id=...>. */
 void genericSampleClick(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb,
 			char *item, int start, int smpSize)
 /* Handle click in generic sample (wiggle) track. */
 char table[64];
 boolean hasBin;
 struct sample *smp;
 char query[512];
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 boolean firstTime = TRUE;
 hFindSplitTable(database, seqName, tdb->table, table, &hasBin);
 sprintf(query, "select * from %s where name = '%s' and chrom = '%s' and chromStart = %d",
         table, item, seqName, start);
@@ -14363,31 +14334,31 @@
     end = chromSize;
 /* do the lookup */
 seqNib = hChromSeqMixed(database, snp->chrom, start, end);
 if (seqNib == NULL)
     errAbort("Couldn't get genomic sequence around %s (%s:%d-%d)",
 	     snp->name, snp->chrom, start+1, end);
 if (isRc)
     reverseComplement(seqNib->dna, seqNib->size);
 char betterName[512];
 safef(betterName, sizeof(betterName), "%s %s:%d-%d",
       database, seqName, start+1, end);
 seqNib->name = cloneString(betterName);
-beginCollapsibleSection(tdb->track, "realignment",
+jsBeginCollapsibleSection(cart, tdb->track, "realignment",
 			"Re-alignment of the SNP's flanking sequences to the genomic sequence",
 printf("Note: this alignment was computed by UCSC and may not be identical to "
        "NCBI's alignment used to map the SNP.\n");
 printf("<PRE><B>Genomic sequence around %s (%s:%d-%d, %s strand):</B>\n",
        snp->name, snp->chrom, start+1, end,
        isRc ? "reverse complemented for -" : "+");
 int snpWidth = snp->chromEnd - snp->chromStart;
 writeSeqWithBreaks(stdout, seqNib->dna, genoLen5, lineWidth);
 if (snp->chromEnd > snp->chromStart)
     writeSeqWithBreaks(stdout, seqNib->dna + genoLen5, snpWidth, lineWidth);
@@ -14419,31 +14390,31 @@
 /* create seqDbSnp */
 dyStringAppend(seqDbSnpTemp, leftFlank);
 dyStringAppend(seqDbSnpTemp, variation);
 dyStringAppend(seqDbSnpTemp, rightFlank);
 seqDbSnp = newDnaSeq(seqDbSnpTemp->string, strlen(seqDbSnpTemp->string),
 if (seqDbSnp == NULL)
     warn("Couldn't get sequences");
 seqDbSnp->size = strlen(seqDbSnp->dna);
 generateAlignment(seqNib, seqDbSnp, lineWidth, start, skipCount,
 		  genoLen5, genoLen5 + snpWidth, isRc);
 void doSnp(struct trackDb *tdb, char *itemName)
 /* Process SNP details. */
 char   *snpTable = tdb->table;
 struct snp snp;
 int    start = cartInt(cart, "o");
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char   query[256];
 int    rowOffset=hOffsetPastBin(database, seqName, snpTable);
 int    firstOne=1;
 char  *exception=0;
@@ -16025,42 +15996,43 @@
 char *hgdpGeoTable = "hgdpGeo"; // make this a trackDb setting
 if (!hTableExists(database, hgdpGeoTable))
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char query[512];
 safef(query, sizeof(query),
       "select * from %s where name = '%s' and chrom = '%s' and chromStart = %d",
       hgdpGeoTable, itemName, seqName, start);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct hgdpGeo geo;
     hgdpGeoStaticLoad(row+1, &geo);
-    beginCollapsibleSection(tdb->track, "hgdpGeo", "Human Genome Diversity Project SNP", FALSE);
+    jsBeginCollapsibleSection(cart, tdb->track, "hgdpGeo", "Human Genome Diversity Project SNP",
+			      FALSE);
     printf("Note: These annotations are taken directly from the "
 	   "<A HREF=\"http://hgdp.uchicago.edu/\" TARGET=_BLANK>HGDP Selection Browser</A>, "
 	   "and may indicate the allele on the opposite strand from that given above.<BR>\n");
     printf("<B>Ancestral Allele:</B> %c<BR>\n", geo.ancestralAllele);
     printf("<B>Derived Allele:</B> %c<BR>\n", geo.derivedAllele);
     printf("</TD><TD valign=top>\n");
-    endCollapsibleSection();
+    jsEndCollapsibleSection();
 void checkForHapmap(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb, char *itemName)
 boolean isPhaseIII = sameString(trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, "hapmapPhase", "II"), "III");
 boolean gotHapMap = FALSE;
 char query[512];
 if (!isPhaseIII && sqlTableExists(conn, "hapmapAllelesSummary"))
     safef(query, sizeof(query),
 	  "select count(*) from hapmapAllelesSummary where name = '%s'", itemName);
     if (sqlQuickNum(conn, query) > 0)
 	gotHapMap = TRUE;
@@ -16125,61 +16097,61 @@
 /* generate LS-SNP and chimera links for a PDB id */
 char *lsSnpUrl = lsSnpPdbGetUrlPdbSnp(pdbId, snpId);
 struct tempName chimerax;
 lsSnpPdbChimeraSnpAnn(conn, pdbId, snpId, &chimerax);
 printf("<TD>%s<TD>%s<TD><A HREF=\"%s\" target=_blank>LS-SNP</A><td class=\"hgcLsSnpSep\"><A HREF=\"%s\">Chimera</A>\n",
        pdbId, lsSnpPdbChimeraGetStructType(conn, pdbId),
        lsSnpUrl, chimerax.forHtml);
 static void printLsSnpMappings(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct slName *pdbIds,
 			       char *snpTrack, char *snpId)
 /* Print lsSnp mappings. */
-beginCollapsibleSection(snpTrack, "lsSnp", "Mappings to PDB protein structures", FALSE);
+jsBeginCollapsibleSection(cart, snpTrack, "lsSnp", "Mappings to PDB protein structures", FALSE);
 printf("<TABLE class=\"hgcLsSnp\">\n");
 int numPdbs = slCount(pdbIds);
 // limit column groups if just one row
 int numCols = (numPdbs < 3) ? numPdbs : 3;
 int iCol = 0;
 struct slName *pdbId;
 for (pdbId = pdbIds; pdbId != NULL; pdbId = pdbId->next)
     if (iCol == 0)
     printLsSnpPdb(conn, pdbId->name, snpId);
     if (iCol == numCols)
         iCol = 0;
 if (iCol != 0)
     // fill in last row
     for (; iCol < numCols; iCol++)
         printf("<TD colspan=4 class=\"hgcLsSnpSep\">\n");
 printf("<A href=\"../goldenPath/help/chimera.html\" TARGET=_blank>Chimera help</A>\n");
 static void checkForLsSnpMappings(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *snpTrack, char *snpId)
 /* check if this SNP is mapped to any protein by LS-SNP, and if so print
 * the information. */
 struct slName *pdbIds = lsSnpPdbChimeraGetSnpPdbs(conn, snpId);
 if (pdbIds != NULL)
     printLsSnpMappings(conn, pdbIds, snpTrack, snpId);
 void doSnpWithVersion(struct trackDb *tdb, char *itemName, int version)