  Mon Jan 17 10:06:44 2011 -0800
Just for fun, added HGDP world map icon to collapsible section header in SNP details.
diff --git src/hg/hgc/hgdpClick.c src/hg/hgc/hgdpClick.c
index b804999..05426ca 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/hgdpClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/hgdpClick.c
@@ -1,428 +1,443 @@
 /* hgdpClick -- handlers for Human Genome Variation Project tracks */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hgc.h"
 #include "hgdpGeo.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "pipeline.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: hgdpClick.c,v 1.9 2010/05/11 01:43:28 kent Exp $";
 struct hgdpPopInfo
     char *name;
     float longitude;
     float latitude;
 // auto-generated -- see makeDb/doc/hgdpGeo.txt
 struct hgdpPopInfo pops[] =
     { "Adygei", 44, 39 },
     { "Balochi", 30, 73 },
     { "BantuKenya", -3, 37 },
     { "BantuSouthAfrica", -25.56926433, 24.25 },
     { "Basque", 43, 0 },
     { "Bedouin", 29, 40 },
     { "BiakaPygmy", 4, 17 },
     { "Brahui", 32, 63 },
     { "Burusho", 39, 78 },
     { "Cambodian", 12, 105 },
     { "Colombian", 3, -68 },
     { "Dai", 20, 97 },
     { "Daur", 46.5, 122 },
     { "Druze", 30, 30 },
     { "French", 47, 1 },
     { "Han", 31, 116 },
     { "Han-NChina", 35, 114 },
     { "Hazara", 37, 65 },
     { "Hezhen", 47.4976192, 133.5 },
     { "Italian", 46, 10 },
     { "Japanese", 38, 138 },
     { "Kalash", 42, 68 },
     { "Karitiana", -7, -66 },
     { "Lahu", 22, 103 },
     { "Makrani", 26, 62 },
     { "Mandenka", 12, -12 },
     { "Maya", 19, -91 },
     { "MbutiPygmy", 1, 29 },
     { "Melanesian", -6, 155 },
     { "Miao", 27, 110 },
     { "Mongola", 45, 111 },
     { "Mozabite", 32, 3 },
     { "Naxi", 26, 97 },
     { "Orcadian", 59, -3 },
     { "Oroqen", 52, 128 },
     { "Palestinian", 35, 38 },
     { "Papuan", -4, 143 },
     { "Pathan", 34, 77 },
     { "Pima", 29, -108 },
     { "Russian", 61, 40 },
     { "San", -21, 20 },
     { "Sardinian", 39, 7 },
     { "She", 26, 120 },
     { "Sindhi", 24.49, 69 },
     { "Surui", -14, -59 },
     { "Tu", 37, 100 },
     { "Tujia", 31.4, 108.5 },
     { "Tuscan", 40.5, 14 },
     { "Uygur", 44, 76.5 },
     { "Xibo", 43.497, 84 },
     { "Yakut", 62.98287845, 129.5 },
     { "Yi", 28, 103 },
     { "Yoruba", 7.995094727, 5 }
 // PostScript printf format for adding labels to map image.
 // auto-generated -- see makeDb/doc/hgdpGeo.txt
 static const char *hgdpGeoLabelFormat =
 "PSL_font_encode 0 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica /Helvetica PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 0 1 put} if\n"
 "0 setlinecap\n"
 "0 setlinejoin\n"
 "10 setmiterlimit\n"
 "-2175 -1425 T\n"
 "%%%% PostScript produced by:\n"
 "%%%%GMT:  pstext -Jx1i -R0/9/0/6.5 -x-7.25i -y-4.75i -O -K\n"
 "S 0 W\n"
 "S 0 A\n"
 "S V\n"
 "0 0 M\n"
 "2700 0 D\n"
 "0 1950 D\n"
 "-2700 0 D\n"
 "eoclip N\n"
 "PSL_font_encode 1 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 1 1 put} if\n"
 "0 0 M 58 F1 (SNP: %s) E /PSL_dimx exch def YP /PSL_dimy exch def\n"
 "75 1875 M 0 PSL_dimy neg G 58 F1 (SNP: %s) Z\n"
 "S U\n"
 "S [] 0 B\n"
 "S 0 A\n"
 "PSL_font_encode 0 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica /Helvetica PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 0 1 put} if\n"
 "0 setlinecap\n"
 "0 setlinejoin\n"
 "10 setmiterlimit\n"
 "%%%% PostScript produced by:\n"
 "%%%%GMT:  pstext -Jx1i -R0/9/0/6.5 -O -K -Gblue\n"
 "S 0 W\n"
 "S 0 A\n"
 "S V\n"
 "0 0 M\n"
 "2700 0 D\n"
 "0 1950 D\n"
 "-2700 0 D\n"
 "eoclip N\n"
 "PSL_font_encode 1 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 1 1 put} if\n"
 "S 0 0 1 C\n"
 "0 0 M 58 F1 (Ancestral Allele: %c) E /PSL_dimx exch def YP /PSL_dimy exch def\n"
 "75 1800 M 0 PSL_dimy neg G 58 F1 (Ancestral Allele: %c) Z\n"
 "S U\n"
 "S [] 0 B\n"
 "S 0 A\n"
 "PSL_font_encode 0 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica /Helvetica PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 0 1 put} if\n"
 "0 setlinecap\n"
 "0 setlinejoin\n"
 "10 setmiterlimit\n"
 "%%%% PostScript produced by:\n"
 "%%%%GMT:  pstext -Jx1i -R0/9/0/6.5 -O -K -Gorange\n"
 "S 0 W\n"
 "S 0 A\n"
 "S V\n"
 "0 0 M\n"
 "2700 0 D\n"
 "0 1950 D\n"
 "-2700 0 D\n"
 "eoclip N\n"
 "PSL_font_encode 1 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 1 1 put} if\n"
 "S 1 0.647 0 C\n"
 "0 0 M 58 F1 (Derived Allele: %c) E /PSL_dimx exch def YP /PSL_dimy exch def\n"
 "75 1725 M 0 PSL_dimy neg G 58 F1 (Derived Allele: %c) Z\n"
 "S U\n"
 "S [] 0 B\n"
 "S 0 A\n";
 // Parameters for running the Generic Mapping Tools psxy command to plot pie charts
 // on two maps in one image: Africa+EurAsia (AEA) and Central/South America (AM).
 // These are from scripts written by John Novembre, jnovembre at ucla.
 #define PSXY_PIX "-W0.5p"
 #define PSXY_CIRCLE "-Sc"
 #define PSXY_WEDGE "-Sw"
 #define PSXY_CONT_PLOT "-O"
 #define PSXY_CONT_PS "-K"
 #define AEA_REGION "-R-20/160/-35/72"
 #define AEA_PROJ "-JKs70/7.5i"
 #define AEA_X "-X0.4i"
 #define AEA_Y "-Y0.5i"
 #define AM_REGION "-R245/310/-20/35"
 #define AM_PROJ "-JKs275.5/1.5i"
 #define AM_X "-X6.85i"
 #define AM_Y "-Y4.25i"
 static char *psxyOrangeAeaCmd[] = 
      PSXY_CIRCLE, "-Gorange", AEA_X, AEA_Y, NULL};
 static char *psxyPieAeaCmd[] =
      PSXY_WEDGE, "-Gblue", NULL};
 static char *psxyBlueAeaCmd[] =
      PSXY_CIRCLE, "-Gblue", NULL};
 static char *psxyOrangeAmCmd[] = 
      PSXY_CIRCLE, "-Gorange", AM_X, AM_Y, NULL};
 static char *psxyPieAmCmd[] =
      PSXY_WEDGE, "-Gblue", NULL};
 static char *psxyBlueAmCmd[] =
      PSXY_CIRCLE, "-Gblue", NULL};
 static void runCommandAppend(char *cmd[], char *program, char *inFile, char *outFile)
 /* Use the pipeline module to run a single command pipelineWrite|pipelineAppend. */
 char **cmds[2];
 cmds[0] = cmd;
 cmds[1] = NULL;
 cmd[0] = program;
 cmd[1] = inFile;
 struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpen(cmds, pipelineWrite|pipelineAppend, outFile, NULL);
 static void mustRename(char *oldName, char *newName)
 /* Rename a file or errAbort if there's a problem. */
 if (rename(oldName, newName))
     errAbort("Cannot rename %s to %s", oldName, newName);
 static void removeDir(char *dirName)
 /* Remove all files in a directory and the directory itself. */
 // NOTE: If this is ever to be libified, beef it up:
 // 1. Add recursion to subdirs (maybe enabled by a new boolean arg)
 // 2. Make sure dirName exists
 // 3. Make sure current dir is not dirName or a subdir of dirName
 struct slName *file;
 struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
 for (file = listDir(dirName, "*");  file != NULL;  file = file->next)
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s/%s", dirName, file->name);
     if (unlink(dy->string) != 0)
 	errAbort("unlink failed for file %s: %d", dy->string, errno);
 if (rmdir(dirName) != 0)
     errAbort("rmdir failed for dir %s: %d", dirName, errno);
 static void mustChdir(char *dir)
 /* Change directory to dir or die trying. */
 if (chdir(dir) != 0)
     errAbort("chdir(%s) failed: %s", dir, strerror(errno));
 static void generateImgFiles(struct hgdpGeo *geo, char finalEpsFile[PATH_LEN],
 			     char finalPdfFile[PATH_LEN], char finalPngFile[PATH_LEN])
 /* Using the frequencies given in geo and the population latitude and longitude
  * given above, plot allele frequency pie charts for each population on a world map.
  * Work in a temporary trash dir and then move result files to the given paths. */
 // The Generic Mapping Tools commands must have a writeable ./ and $HOME.
 // Use trashDirFile as a directory name, cd to that and work there.
 char cwd[PATH_LEN];
 if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) == NULL)
     errAbort("PATH_LEN (%d) is too short.", PATH_LEN);
 struct tempName dirTn;
 trashDirFile(&dirTn, "hgc", "hgdpGeo", "");
 char *realHome = getenv("HOME");
 setenv("HOME", ".", TRUE);
 // Make trash files with coordinate specs for pie charts and full circles:
 char rootName[FILENAME_LEN];
 splitPath(dirTn.forCgi, NULL, rootName, NULL);
 char pieFile[FILENAME_LEN], circleFile[FILENAME_LEN];
 safef(pieFile, sizeof(pieFile), "%s_pie.txt", rootName);
 safef(circleFile, sizeof(circleFile), "%s_circle.txt", rootName);
 FILE *fPie = mustOpen(pieFile, "w");
 FILE *fCir = mustOpen(circleFile, "w");
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < HGDPGEO_POP_COUNT;  i++)
     FILE *f = (geo->popFreqs[i] == 1.0) ? fCir : fPie;
     fprintf(f, "%.4f %.4f 0.65 0 %.4f\n",
 	    pops[i].latitude, pops[i].longitude, geo->popFreqs[i]*360);
 // Build up an EPS image: copy a baseline EPS (map background), add SNP and allele labels,
 // and use ps2xy commands to allele frequency pie charts.
 char epsFile[FILENAME_LEN];
 safef(epsFile, sizeof(epsFile), "%s.eps", rootName);
 char mapBgEps[PATH_LEN];
 safef(mapBgEps, sizeof(mapBgEps), "%s/hgcData/hgdpGeoMap.eps", cwd);
 copyFile(mapBgEps, epsFile);
 FILE *fEps = mustOpen(epsFile, "a");
 fprintf(fEps, hgdpGeoLabelFormat, geo->name, geo->name,
 	geo->ancestralAllele, geo->ancestralAllele, geo->derivedAllele, geo->derivedAllele);
 //- run psxy on circle/pie spec trash files for AfrEurAsia and America
 char *psxy = cfgOption("hgc.psxyPath");
 if (isEmpty(psxy))
     errAbort("How did this get called?  hg.conf doesn't have hgc.psxyPath.");
 runCommandAppend(psxyOrangeAeaCmd, psxy, pieFile, epsFile);
 runCommandAppend(psxyPieAeaCmd, psxy, pieFile, epsFile);
 runCommandAppend(psxyBlueAeaCmd, psxy, circleFile, epsFile);
 runCommandAppend(psxyOrangeAmCmd, psxy, pieFile, epsFile);
 runCommandAppend(psxyPieAmCmd, psxy, pieFile, epsFile);
 runCommandAppend(psxyBlueAmCmd, psxy, circleFile, epsFile);
 // Make PDF and PNG:
 struct pipeline *pl;
 char pdfFile[FILENAME_LEN], pngFile[FILENAME_LEN];
 safef(pdfFile, sizeof(pdfFile), "%s.pdf", rootName);
 safef(pngFile, sizeof(pngFile), "%s.png", rootName);
 char *ps2pdfCmd[] = {"ps2pdf", epsFile, pdfFile, NULL};
 char **cmdsPdf[] = {ps2pdfCmd, NULL};
 pl = pipelineOpen(cmdsPdf, pipelineWrite, "/dev/null", NULL);
 char *ps2raster = cfgOption("hgc.ps2rasterPath");
 char *ghostscript = cfgOption("hgc.ghostscriptPath");
 char gsOpt[PATH_LEN];
 safef(gsOpt, sizeof(gsOpt), "-G%s", ghostscript);
 char *ps2RasterPngCmd[] = {ps2raster, gsOpt, "-P", "-A", "-Tg", "-E150", epsFile, NULL};
 char **cmdsPng[] = {ps2RasterPngCmd, NULL};
 pl = pipelineOpen(cmdsPng, pipelineRead, "/dev/null", NULL);
 // Back to our usual working directory and $HOME:
 if (realHome == NULL)
     setenv("HOME", realHome, TRUE);
 // Move the result files into place:
 char tmpPath[PATH_LEN];
 safef(tmpPath, sizeof(tmpPath), "%s/%s", dirTn.forCgi, epsFile);
 mustRename(tmpPath, finalEpsFile);
 safef(tmpPath, sizeof(tmpPath), "%s/%s", dirTn.forCgi, pdfFile);
 mustRename(tmpPath, finalPdfFile);
 safef(tmpPath, sizeof(tmpPath), "%s/%s", dirTn.forCgi, pngFile);
 mustRename(tmpPath, finalPngFile);
 // Clean up the temporary working directory (trash cleaner script doesn't
 // remove empty dirs:
 static boolean canMakeImages()
 /* Determine whether we have the necessary command line programs for
  * creating images above. */
 char *psxy = cfgOption("hgc.psxyPath");
 char *ps2raster = cfgOption("hgc.ps2rasterPath");
 char *ghostscript = cfgOption("hgc.ghostscriptPath");
 if (isEmpty(psxy) || isEmpty(ps2raster) || isEmpty(ghostscript))
     return FALSE;
 if (!fileExists(psxy) || !fileExists(ps2raster) || !fileExists(ghostscript))
     return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
-void hgdpGeoImg(struct hgdpGeo *geo)
-/* Generate a PNG image: world map with pie charts for population allele frequencies. */
+static void getTrashFileNames(char *rsId, char epsFile[PATH_LEN], char pdfFile[PATH_LEN],
+			      char pngFile[PATH_LEN])
+/* Get stable trash file names (always in trash/hgc, based on geo->name so we can reuse). */
-if (! canMakeImages())
-    return;
 struct tempName tn;
 trashDirFile(&tn, "hgc", "", "");
 char trashDir[FILENAME_LEN];
 splitPath(tn.forCgi, trashDir, NULL, NULL);
+safef(epsFile, PATH_LEN, "%shgdpGeo_%s.eps", trashDir, rsId);
+safef(pdfFile, PATH_LEN, "%shgdpGeo_%s.pdf", trashDir, rsId);
+safef(pngFile, PATH_LEN, "%shgdpGeo_%s.png", trashDir, rsId);
+char *hgdpPngFilePath(char *rsId)
+/* Return the stable PNG trash-cached image path for rsId. */
+char epsFile[PATH_LEN], pdfFile[PATH_LEN], pngFile[PATH_LEN];
+getTrashFileNames(rsId, epsFile, pdfFile, pngFile);
+return cloneString(pngFile);
+void hgdpGeoImg(struct hgdpGeo *geo)
+/* Generate image as PNG, PDF, EPS: world map with pie charts for population allele frequencies. */
+if (! canMakeImages())
+    return;
 char geoSnpEpsFile[PATH_LEN], geoSnpPdfFile[PATH_LEN], geoSnpPngFile[PATH_LEN];
-safef(geoSnpEpsFile, sizeof(geoSnpEpsFile), "%shgdpGeo_%s.eps", trashDir, geo->name);
-safef(geoSnpPdfFile, sizeof(geoSnpPdfFile), "%shgdpGeo_%s.pdf", trashDir, geo->name);
-safef(geoSnpPngFile, sizeof(geoSnpPngFile), "%shgdpGeo_%s.png", trashDir, geo->name);
+getTrashFileNames(geo->name, geoSnpEpsFile, geoSnpPdfFile, geoSnpPngFile);
 if (! (fileExists(geoSnpEpsFile) && fileExists(geoSnpPdfFile) && fileExists(geoSnpPngFile)))
     generateImgFiles(geo, geoSnpEpsFile, geoSnpPdfFile, geoSnpPngFile);
 printf("<A HREF=\"%s\" TARGET=_BLANK><IMG SRC=\"%s\" WIDTH=677 HEIGHT=490></A><BR>\n",
        geoSnpPngFile, geoSnpPngFile);
 printf("<A HREF=\"%s\" TARGET=_BLANK>PDF</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;", geoSnpPdfFile);
 printf("<A HREF=\"%s\" TARGET=_BLANK>EPS</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;", geoSnpEpsFile);
 printf("<A HREF=\"%s\" TARGET=_BLANK>PNG</A><BR>\n", geoSnpPngFile);
 printf("Population key:\n");
 printf("<A HREF=\"../images/hgdpGeoPopKey.pdf\" TARGET=_BLANK>PDF</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;");
 printf("<A HREF=\"../images/hgdpGeoPopKey.eps\" TARGET=_BLANK>EPS</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;");
 printf("<A HREF=\"../images/hgdpGeoPopKey.png\" TARGET=_BLANK>PNG</A><BR>\n");
 void hgdpGeoFreqTable(struct hgdpGeo *geo)
 /* Print an HTML table of populations and allele frequencies. */
 int i;
 printf("<B>Ancestral Allele Frequencies for %s:</B>\n", geo->name);
 for (i = 0;  i < HGDPGEO_POP_COUNT;  i++)
 	   pops[i].name, geo->popFreqs[i]);
 void doHgdpGeo(struct trackDb *tdb, char *item)
 /* Show details page for HGDP SNP with population allele frequencies
  * plotted on a world map. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 char query[512];
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 int start = cartInt(cart, "o");
 genericHeader(tdb, item);
 int hasBin=1;
 safef(query, sizeof(query),
       "select * from %s where name = '%s' and chrom = '%s' and chromStart = %d",
       tdb->table, item, seqName, start);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct hgdpGeo geo;
     hgdpGeoStaticLoad(row+hasBin, &geo);
     printCustomUrl(tdb, item, TRUE);
     bedPrintPos((struct bed *)&geo, 4, tdb);
     printf("<B>Ancestral Allele:</B> %c<BR>\n", geo.ancestralAllele);
     printf("<B>Derived Allele:</B> %c<BR>\n", geo.derivedAllele);
     printf("</TD><TD valign=top>\n");
     errAbort("doHgdpGeo: no match in %s for %s at %s:%d", tdb->table, item, seqName, start);