  Fri Jan 14 01:44:22 2011 -0800
adding ability to recursively process FTP directories with FTP LIST output
diff --git src/utils/paraSync/paraSync.c src/utils/paraSync/paraSync.c
index 2f05beb..f33e9c7 100644
--- src/utils/paraSync/paraSync.c
+++ src/utils/paraSync/paraSync.c
@@ -40,59 +40,99 @@
     errAbort("URL must end in slash /");
 if (!endsWith(outPath->string,"/"))
     errAbort("outPath must end in slash /");
 // create subdir if it does not exist
 struct dyString *dy = netSlurpUrl(url->string);
 char *p = dy->string;
 verbose(2,"response=[%s]\n", dy->string);
 boolean result = TRUE;
 char *pattern = "<a href=\"";
 while (TRUE)
-    char *q = strstr(p,pattern);
+    char *q = NULL;
+    boolean isDirectory = FALSE;
+    if (startsWith("ftp:", url->string))
+	{
+	char ftype = p[0];
+	if (!ftype)
+	    break;
+	char *peol = strchr(p,'\n'); 
+	if (!peol)
+	    break;
+        *peol = 0;
+        if (*(peol-1) == '\r')
+	    *(peol-1) = 0;
+	q = strrchr(p,' ');
+	if (!q)
+	    break;  // should not happen
+	++q;
+        p = peol+1;
+	if (ftype == 'l')
+            {
+	    //skip symlinks
+	    continue;
+	    }
+	if (ftype == 'd')
+            {
+	    isDirectory = TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+    else  // http(s)
+	{
+	q = strstr(p,pattern);
     if (!q)
     q += strlen(pattern);
     p = strchr(q,'"');
     if (!p)
 	errAbort("unmatched \" in URL");
     *p = 0;
     ++p; // get past the terminator that we added earlier.   
     // We want to skip several kinds of links
     if (q[0] == '?') continue;
     if (q[0] == '/') continue;
-    if (startsWith(q, "ftp:")) continue;
-    if (startsWith(q, "http:")) continue;
-    if (startsWith(q, "https:")) continue;
-    if (startsWith(q, "./")) continue;
-    if (startsWith(q, "../")) continue;
+	if (startsWith("ftp:"  ,q)) continue;
+	if (startsWith("http:" ,q)) continue;
+	if (startsWith("https:",q)) continue;
+	if (startsWith("./"    ,q)) continue;
+	if (startsWith("../"   ,q)) continue;
+	if (endsWith(q, "/")) 
+	    isDirectory = TRUE;
+	}
     verbose(1, "%s\n", q);
     int saveUrlSize = url->stringSize;
     int saveOutPathSize = outPath->stringSize;
     dyStringAppend(url, q);
     dyStringAppend(outPath, q);
+    if (startsWith("ftp:", url->string) && isDirectory)
+	{
+	dyStringAppend(url, "/");
+    	dyStringAppend(outPath, "/");
+	}
     // URL found
-    if (endsWith(q, "/")) // directory
+    if (isDirectory) 
 	// recursive
 	if (!paraSync(numConnections, numRetries, url, outPath))
 	    result = FALSE;
     else    // file
 	// Test accepted extensions if applicable.
         boolean accepted = (acceptExtensionsCount == 0);
         int i = 0;
         for(i=0; i<acceptExtensionsCount; ++i) 
 	    if (endsWith(q, acceptExtensions[i]))
 		accepted = TRUE;