  Tue Jan 11 13:20:47 2011 -0800
Added suppport for file searching
diff --git src/hg/inc/mdb.h src/hg/inc/mdb.h
index 529fc10..e299c5f 100644
--- src/hg/inc/mdb.h
+++ src/hg/inc/mdb.h
@@ -262,69 +262,95 @@
 // Finds the val associated with the var or retruns NULL
 boolean mdbObjContains(struct mdbObj *mdbObj, char *var, char *val);
 // Returns TRUE if object contains var, val or both
 boolean mdbByVarContains(struct mdbByVar *mdbByVar, char *val, char *obj);
 // Returns TRUE if var contains val, obj or both
 void mdbObjReorderVars(struct mdbObj *mdbObjs, char *vars,boolean back);
 // Reorders vars list based upon list of vars "cell antibody treatment".  Send to front or back.
 void mdbObjsSortOnVars(struct mdbObj **mdbObjs, char *vars);
 // Sorts on var,val pairs vars lists: fwd case-sensitive.  Assumes all objs' vars are in identical order.
 // Optionally give list of vars "cell antibody treatment" to sort on (bringing to front of vars lists).
+void mdbObjsSortOnVarPairs(struct mdbObj **mdbObjs,struct slPair *varValPairs);
+// Sorts on var,val pairs vars lists: fwd case-sensitive.  Assumes all objs' vars are in identical order.
+// This method will use mdbObjsSortOnVars()
 void mdbObjRemoveVars(struct mdbObj *mdbObjs, char *vars);
 // Prunes list of vars for an object, freeing the memory.  Doesn't touch DB.
 char *mdbRemoveCommonVar(struct mdbObj *mdbList, char *var);
 // Removes var from set of mdbObjs but only if all that hav it have a commmon val
 // Returns the val if removed, else NULL
 void mdbObjSwapVars(struct mdbObj *mdbObjs, char *vars,boolean deleteThis);
 // Replaces objs' vars with var=vap pairs provided, preparing for DB update.
+struct mdbObj *mdbObjsFilter(struct mdbObj **pMdbObjs, char *var, char *val,boolean exclude);
+// Filters mdb objects to only those that include/exclude vars.  Optionally checks val too.  Frees removed objects
+struct mdbObj *mdbObjsFilterTablesOrFiles(struct mdbObj **pMdbObjs,boolean table, boolean files);
+// Filters mdb objects to only those that have associated tables or files. Returns removed non-table/file objects
+// Note: Since table/file objects overlap, there are 3 possibilites: tables, files, table && files
+struct mdbObj *mdbObjIntersection(struct mdbObj **a, struct mdbObj *b);
+// return duplicate objs from an intersection of two mdbObj lists.
+// List b is untouched but pA will contain the resulting intersection
 void mdbObjTransformToUpdate(struct mdbObj *mdbObjs, char *var, char *varType,char *val,boolean deleteThis);
 // Turns one or more mdbObjs into the stucture needed to add/update or delete.
 struct mdbObj *mdbObjClone(const struct mdbObj *mdbObj);
 // Clones a single mdbObj, including hash and maintining order
+struct slName *mdbObjToSlName(struct mdbObj *mdbObjs);
+// Creates slNames list of mdbObjs->obj.  mdbObjs remains untouched
 int mdbVarCmp(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare to sort on label. */
 // --------------- Free at last ----------------
 void mdbObjsFree(struct mdbObj **mdbObjsPtr);
 // Frees one or more metadata objects and any contained mdbVars.  Will free any hashes as well.
 void mdbByVarsFree(struct mdbByVar **mdbByVarsPtr);
 // Frees one or more metadata vars and any contained vals and objs.  Will free any hashes as well.
 // ----------------- CGI specific routines for use with tdb -----------------
 const struct mdbObj *metadataForTable(char *db,struct trackDb *tdb,char *table);
 // Returns the metadata for a table.  NEVER FREE THIS STRUCT!
 // This is the main routine for CGIs to access metadata
 const char *metadataFindValue(struct trackDb *tdb, char *var);
 // Finds the val associated with the var or retruns NULL
-struct slName *mdbObjSearch(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *var, char *val, char *op, int limit, boolean tables, boolean files);
+struct mdbObj *mdbObjSearch(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *var, char *val, char *op, int limit);
+// Search the metaDb table for objs by var and val.  Can restrict by op "is", "like", "in" and accept (non-zero) limited string size
+// Search is via mysql, so it's case-insensitive.  Return is sorted on obj.
+struct mdbObj *mdbObjRepeatedSearch(struct sqlConnection *conn,struct slPair *varValPairs,boolean tables,boolean files);
+// Search the metaDb table for objs by var,val pairs.  Uses mdbCvSearchMethod() if available.
+// This method will use mdbObjsQueryByVars()
+struct slName *mdbObjNameSearch(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *var, char *val, char *op, int limit, boolean tables, boolean files);
 // Search the metaDb table for objs by var and val.  Can restrict by op "is" or "like" and accept (non-zero) limited string size
 // Search is via mysql, so it's case-insensitive.  Return is sorted on obj.
 struct slName *mdbValSearch(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *var, int limit, boolean tables, boolean files);
 // Search the metaDb table for vals by var.  Can impose (non-zero) limit on returned string size of val
 // Search is via mysql, so it's case-insensitive.  Return is sorted on val.
 struct slPair *mdbValLabelSearch(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *var, int limit, boolean tables, boolean files);
 // Search the metaDb table for vals by var and returns controlled vocabulary (cv) label
 // (if it exists) and val as a pair.  Can impose (non-zero) limit on returned string size of name.
 // Return is case insensitive sorted on name (label or else val).
 struct hash *mdbCvTermTypeHash();
 // returns a hash of hashes of mdb and controlled vocabulary (cv) term types
 // Those terms should contain label,descrition,searchable,cvDefined,hidden