  Fri Feb 11 15:32:03 2011 -0800
add intersections, identifier filtering, and file length limits to BAM output
diff --git src/hg/hgTables/wiggle.c src/hg/hgTables/wiggle.c
index 2d2cc5d..0fda010 100644
--- src/hg/hgTables/wiggle.c
+++ src/hg/hgTables/wiggle.c
@@ -1,1249 +1,1249 @@
 /* wiggle - stuff to process wiggle tracks.
  * Much of this is lifted from hgText/hgWigText.c */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "hgColors.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 #include "wiggle.h"
 #include "hmmstats.h"
 #include "correlate.h"
 #include "hgTables.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: wiggle.c,v 1.79 2010/06/03 18:54:00 kent Exp $";
 extern char *maxOutMenu[];
 /*	a common set of stuff is accumulating in the various
  *	routines that call getData.  For the moment make it a macro,
  *	perhaps later it can turn into a routine of its own.
 #define WIG_INIT \
 if (isCustomTrack(table)) \
     { \
     ct = ctLookupName(table); \
     isCustom = TRUE; \
     if (! ct->wiggle) \
 	errAbort("called to work on a custom track '%s' that isn't wiggle data ?", table); \
     if (ct->dbTrack) \
 	safef(splitTableOrFileName,ArraySize(splitTableOrFileName), "%s", \
 		ct->dbTableName); \
     else \
 	safef(splitTableOrFileName,ArraySize(splitTableOrFileName), "%s", \
 		ct->wigFile); \
     hasConstraint = checkWigDataFilter("ct", table, &dataConstraint, &ll, &ul); \
     } \
 else \
     hasConstraint = checkWigDataFilter(database, table, &dataConstraint, \
 			&ll, &ul); \
 wds = wiggleDataStreamNew(); \
 if (anyIntersection()) \
     { \
     char *t2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable); \
     if (table && t2 && differentWord(t2,table)) \
 	table2 = t2; \
     } \
 if (hasConstraint)\
     wds->setDataConstraint(wds, dataConstraint, ll, ul);
 boolean checkWigDataFilter(char *db, char *table,
 	char **constraint, double *ll, double *ul)
 /*	check if filter exists, return its values, call with db="ct" for
  *	custom tracks	*/
 char varPrefix[128];
 struct hashEl *varList, *var;
 char *pat = NULL;
 char *cmp = NULL;
 if (constraint != NULL)
     *constraint = NULL;	// Make sure return variable gets set to something at least.
 if (isCustomTrack(table))
     db = "ct";
 safef(varPrefix, sizeof(varPrefix), "%s%s.%s.", hgtaFilterVarPrefix, db, table);
 varList = cartFindPrefix(cart, varPrefix);
 if (varList == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 /*	check varList, look for dataValue.pat and dataValue.cmp	*/
 for (var = varList; var != NULL; var = var->next)
     if (endsWith(var->name, ".pat"))
 	char *name;
 	name = cloneString(var->name);
 	/*	make sure we are actually looking at datavalue	*/
 	if (stringIn("datavalue", name) || stringIn("score", name))
 	    pat = cloneString(var->val);
     if (endsWith(var->name, ".cmp"))
 	char *name;
 	name = cloneString(var->name);
 	/*	make sure we are actually looking at datavalue	*/
 	if (stringIn("datavalue", name) || stringIn("score", name))
 	    cmp = cloneString(var->val);
 	    if (stringIn("ignored", cmp))
 /*	Must get them both for this to work	*/
 if (cmp && pat)
     int wordCount = 0;
     char *words[2];
     char *dupe = cloneString(pat);
     wordCount = chopString(dupe, ", \t\n", words, ArraySize(words));
     switch (wordCount)
 	case 2: if (ul) *ul = sqlDouble(words[1]);
 	case 1: if (ll) *ll = sqlDouble(words[0]);
 	    warn("can not understand numbers input for dataValue filter");
 	    "dataValue filter must be one or two numbers (two for 'in range')");
     if (sameWord(cmp,"in range") && (wordCount != 2))
 	errAbort("'in range' dataValue filter must have two numbers input\n");
     if (constraint)
 	*constraint = cmp;
     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 }	/*	static boolean checkWigDataFilter()	*/
 static void wigDataHeader(char *name, char *description, char *visibility,
 	enum wigOutputType wigOutType)
 /* Write out custom track header for this wiggle region. */
 switch (wigOutType)
     case wigOutBed:
 	hPrintf("track ");
     case wigOutData:
 	hPrintf("track type=wiggle_0");
 if (name != NULL)
     hPrintf(" name=\"%s\"", name);
 if (description != NULL)
     hPrintf(" description=\"%s\"", description);
 if (visibility != NULL)
     hPrintf(" visibility=%s", visibility);
 static void addBedElement(struct bed **bedList, char *chrom,
 	unsigned start, unsigned end, unsigned count, struct lm *lm)
 struct bed *bed;
 char name[128];
 lmAllocVar(lm, bed);
 bed->chrom = lmCloneString(lm, chrom);
 bed->chromStart = start;
 bed->chromEnd = end;
 safef(name,ArraySize(name), "%s.%u", bed->chrom, count);
 bed->name = lmCloneString(lm, name);
 slAddHead(bedList, bed);
 static struct bed *invertBedList(struct bed *bedList, struct lm *lm,
 	char *chrom, unsigned chromStart, unsigned chromEnd, unsigned chromSize)
 /*	bed list result is everything NOT in the given bedList	*/
 unsigned elCount = 1;
 unsigned start = 0;				/*	start == end	*/
 unsigned end = 0;				/*	means no element yet */
 unsigned lastEnd = 0;			/*	in the bedList	*/
 struct bed *inverseBedList = NULL;		/*	new list	*/
 struct bed *el;
 slSort(&bedList, bedLineCmp);	/* make sure it is sorted */
 for (el = bedList; el != NULL; el=el->next)
     /*	past end of chrom, bad bed list	*/
     if (el->chromStart >= chromSize)
 	end = chromSize;
     if (el->chromStart > end)
 	end = el->chromStart + 1;
     if (end > start)			/* do we have an element */
 	addBedElement(&inverseBedList, chrom, start, end, elCount++, lm);
 	start = el->chromEnd - 1;	/*	reset to no element yet */
 	end = start;
     else if (el->chromEnd > start)
 	start = el->chromEnd - 1;	/*	reset to no element yet */
 	end = start;
     lastEnd = max(lastEnd,el->chromEnd);
 /*	A last element ?	*/
 if (lastEnd < chromSize)
     end = chromSize;
 if (end > start)			/* potential last element	*/
     addBedElement(&inverseBedList, chrom, start, end, elCount++, lm);
 slSort(&inverseBedList, bedLineCmp);	/* make sure it is sorted */
 return inverseBedList;
 static struct bed *bedTable2(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	struct region *region, char *table2)
 /*	get a bed list, possibly complement, for table2	*/
 /* This use of bedTable rather than a bitmap is not really working. The
  * rest of the table browser does intersection at the exon level, while
  * the wig code, which this is part of, does it at the gene level.  I
  * noticed it while working on the corresponding routines for bigWig,
  * which I'm building to work with bitmaps at the exon level.  I'm not
  * sure it's worth fixing this code since nobody has complained, and we're
  * probably going to be doing mostly bigWig rather than wig in the future.
  *    -JK */
 boolean invTable2 = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable2, FALSE);
 char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectOp);
 struct bed *bedList = NULL;
 struct lm *lm1 = lmInit(64*1024);
 /*	fetch table 2 as a bed list	*/
 bedList = getFilteredBeds(conn, table2, region, lm1, NULL);
 /*	If table 2 bed list needs to be complemented (!table2), then do so */
 if (invTable2 || sameString("none", op))
     unsigned chromStart = 0;		/*	start == end == 0	*/
     unsigned chromEnd = 0;		/*	means do full chrom	*/
     unsigned chromSize = hChromSize(database, region->chrom);
     struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
     struct bed *inverseBedList = NULL;		/*	new list	*/
     if ((region->start != 0) || (region->end != 0))
 	chromStart = region->start;
 	chromEnd = region->end;
     if ((struct bed *)NULL == bedList)
 	if (0 == region->end)
 	    chromEnd = chromSize;
 	addBedElement(&inverseBedList, region->chrom, chromStart, chromEnd,
 		1, lm2);
 	inverseBedList=invertBedList(bedList, lm2, region->chrom, chromStart,
 	    chromEnd, chromSize);
     lmCleanup(&lm1);			/*	== bedFreeList(&bedList) */
     return inverseBedList;
     return bedList;
 static unsigned long long getWigglePossibleIntersection(
     struct wiggleDataStream *wds, struct region *region, char *db,
 	char *table2, struct bed **intersectBedList,
 	    char splitTableOrFileName[256], int operations)
 unsigned long long valuesMatched = 0;
 /*	Intersection is either type "any" or "none"
  *	The "none" case is already taken care of during the loading of
  *	table 2 since it was then inverted at that time so it is already
  *	"none" of itself.
 /* If table2 is NULL, it means that the WIG_INIT macro recognized that we
  * are working on table2 now, so we should not use intersectBedList
  * (in fact we may be trying to compute it here). */
 if ((table2 != NULL) && anyIntersection())
     if (*intersectBedList)
 	valuesMatched = wds->getDataViaBed(wds, db, splitTableOrFileName,
 	    operations, intersectBedList);
     valuesMatched = wds->getData(wds, db, splitTableOrFileName, operations);
 return valuesMatched;
 static void intersectDataVector(char *table, struct dataVector *dataVector1,
 			struct region *region, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Perform intersection (if specified) on dataVector. */
 /* If table is type wig (not bedGraph), then intersection has already been
  * performed on each input (other selected subtracks must be the same type
  * as table).
  * Otherwise, handle intersection here. */
 if (anyIntersection() && !isWiggle(database, table) && !isBigWigTable(table))
     char *track2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTrack);
     char *table2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
     if (table2 && differentWord(table2, table))
 	struct trackDb *tdb2 = findTrack(track2, fullTrackList);
 	struct trackTable *tt2 = trackTableNew(tdb2, table2, conn);
 	struct dataVector *dataVector2 = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt2, region,
 	char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectOp);
 	boolean dv2IsWiggle = (isWiggle(database, table2) || isBigWigTable(table2) ||
 	dataVectorIntersect(dataVector1, dataVector2,
 			    dv2IsWiggle, sameString(op, "none"));
 int wigPrintDataVectorOut(struct dataVector *dataVectorList,
 			      enum wigOutputType wigOutType, int maxOut,
 			      char *description)
 /* Print out bed or data points from list of dataVectors. */
 int count = 0;
 switch (wigOutType)
     case wigOutBed:
 	count = dataVectorWriteBed(dataVectorList, "stdout", maxOut,
     case wigDataNoPrint:
     case wigOutData:
 	count = dataVectorWriteWigAscii(dataVectorList, "stdout", maxOut,
 return count;
 struct dataVector *mergedWigDataVector(char *table,
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region)
 /* Perform the specified subtrack merge wiggle-operation on table and
  * all other selected subtracks and intersect if necessary. */
 struct trackDb *tdb1 = hTrackDbForTrack(database, table);
 struct trackTable *tt1 = trackTableNew(tdb1, table, conn);
 struct dataVector *dataVector1 = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt1, region, conn);
 struct trackDb *cTdb = hCompositeTrackDbForSubtrack(database, tdb1);
 int numSubtracks = 1;
 char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeWigOp);
 boolean requireAll = cartBoolean(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeRequireAll);
 boolean useMinScore = cartBoolean(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeUseMinScore);
 float minScore = atof(cartString(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeMinScore));
 if (cTdb == NULL)
     errAbort("mergedWigDataVector: could not find parent/composite trackDb "
 	     "entry for subtrack %s", table);
 if (dataVector1 == NULL)
     return NULL;
 struct slRef *tdbRefList = trackDbListGetRefsToDescendantLeaves(cTdb->subtracks);
 struct slRef *tdbRef;
 for (tdbRef = tdbRefList; tdbRef != NULL; tdbRef = tdbRef->next)
     struct trackDb *sTdb = tdbRef->val;
     if (isSubtrackMerged(sTdb->table) &&
 	! sameString(tdb1->table, sTdb->table) &&
 	hSameTrackDbType(tdb1->type, sTdb->type))
 	struct trackTable *tt2 = trackTableNew(sTdb, sTdb->table, conn);
 	struct dataVector *dataVector2 = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt2, region,
 	if (dataVector2 == NULL)
 	    if (requireAll)
 		return NULL;
 	if (sameString(op, "average") || sameString(op, "sum"))
 	    dataVectorSum(dataVector1, dataVector2, requireAll);
 	else if (sameString(op, "product"))
 	    dataVectorProduct(dataVector1, dataVector2, requireAll);
 	else if (sameString(op, "min"))
 	    dataVectorMin(dataVector1, dataVector2, requireAll);
 	else if (sameString(op, "max"))
 	    dataVectorMax(dataVector1, dataVector2, requireAll);
 	    errAbort("mergedWigOutRegion: unknown WigOp %s", op);
 if (sameString(op, "average"))
     dataVectorNormalize(dataVector1, numSubtracks);
 if (useMinScore)
     dataVectorFilterMin(dataVector1, minScore);
 intersectDataVector(table, dataVector1, region, conn);
 return dataVector1;
 static int mergedWigOutRegion(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn,
 			      struct region *region, int maxOut,
 			      enum wigOutputType wigOutType)
 /* Perform the specified subtrack merge wiggle-operation on table and
  * all other selected subtracks, intersect if necessary, and print out. */
 struct dataVector *dv = mergedWigDataVector(table, conn, region);
 int resultCount =
     wigPrintDataVectorOut(dv, wigOutType, maxOut, describeSubtrackMerge("#\t"));
 return resultCount;
 static int bedGraphOutRegion(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn,
 			     struct region *region, int maxOut,
 			     enum wigOutputType wigOutType)
 /* Read in bedGraph as dataVector (filtering is handled there),
  * intersect if necessary, and print it out. */
 struct dataVector *dv =bedGraphDataVector(table, conn, region);
 int resultCount = wigPrintDataVectorOut(dv, wigOutType, maxOut, NULL);
 return resultCount;
 static int wigOutRegion(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	struct region *region, int maxOut, enum wigOutputType wigOutType,
 	struct wigAsciiData **data, int spanConstraint)
 /* Write out wig data in region.  Write up to maxOut elements.
  * Returns number of elements written. */
 int linesOut = 0;
 char splitTableOrFileName[256];
 struct customTrack *ct = NULL;
 boolean isCustom = FALSE;
 boolean hasConstraint = FALSE;
 struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
 unsigned long long valuesMatched = 0;
 int operations = wigFetchAscii;
 char *dataConstraint;
 double ll = 0.0;
 double ul = 0.0;
 char *table2 = NULL;
 struct bed *intersectBedList = NULL;
 switch (wigOutType)
     case wigOutBed:
 	operations = wigFetchBed;
     case wigDataNoPrint:
     case wigOutData:
 	operations = wigFetchAscii;
 WIG_INIT;  /* ct, isCustom, hasConstraint, wds and table2 are set here */
 if (hasConstraint)
     freeMem(dataConstraint);	/* been cloned into wds */
 wds->setMaxOutput(wds, maxOut);
 wds->setChromConstraint(wds, region->chrom);
 wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, region->start, region->end);
 if (table2)
     intersectBedList = bedTable2(conn, region, table2);
 if (isCustom)
     if (ct->dbTrack)
 	if (spanConstraint)
 	    struct sqlConnection *trashConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
 	    struct trackDb *tdb = findTdbForTable(database, curTrack, table, ctLookupName);
 	    unsigned span = minSpan(trashConn, splitTableOrFileName,
 		region->chrom, region->start, region->end, cart, tdb);
 	    wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
 	valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region,
 	    CUSTOM_TRASH, table2, &intersectBedList,
 		splitTableOrFileName, operations);
 	valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region, NULL, table2,
 	    &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName, operations);
     boolean hasBin = FALSE;
     if (hFindSplitTable(database, region->chrom, table, splitTableOrFileName, &hasBin))
 	/* XXX TBD, watch for a span limit coming in as an SQL filter */
 	if (intersectBedList)
 	    struct trackDb *tdb = findTdbForTable(database, curTrack, table, ctLookupName);
 	    unsigned span;
 	    span = minSpan(conn, splitTableOrFileName, region->chrom,
 		region->start, region->end, cart, tdb);
 	    wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
 	else if (spanConstraint)
 	valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region, database,
 	    table2, &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName, operations);
 switch (wigOutType)
     case wigDataNoPrint:
 	if (data)
 	    if (*data != NULL)	/* no exercise of this function yet	*/
 		{	/*	data not null, add to existing list	*/
 		struct wigAsciiData *asciiData;
 		struct wigAsciiData *next;
 		for (asciiData = *data; asciiData; asciiData = next)
 		    next = asciiData->next;
 		    slAddHead(&wds->ascii, asciiData);
 	    *data = wds->ascii;	/* moving the list to *data */
 	    wds->ascii = NULL;	/* gone as far as wds is concerned */
 	    linesOut = valuesMatched;
     case wigOutBed:
 	linesOut = wds->bedOut(wds, "stdout", TRUE);/* TRUE == sort output */
     case wigOutData:
 	linesOut = wds->asciiOut(wds, database, "stdout", TRUE, FALSE);
 	break;		/* TRUE == sort output, FALSE == not raw data out */
 return linesOut;
 }	/*	static int wigOutRegion()	*/
-static int wigMaxOutput()
+int bigFileMaxOutput()
 /*	return maxOut value (cart variable defined on curTable)	*/
 char *maxOutputStr = NULL;
 char *name;
 int maxOut;
 char *maxOutput = NULL;
 if (isCustomTrack(curTable))
     name = filterFieldVarName("ct", curTable, "_", filterMaxOutputVar);
     name = filterFieldVarName(database, curTable, "_", filterMaxOutputVar);
 maxOutputStr = cartOptionalString(cart, name);
 /*	Don't modify(stripChar) the values sitting in the cart hash	*/
 if (NULL == maxOutputStr)
     maxOutput = cloneString(maxOutMenu[0]);
     maxOutput = cloneString(maxOutputStr);
 stripChar(maxOutput, ',');
 maxOut = sqlUnsigned(maxOutput);
 return maxOut;
 static void doOutWig(struct trackDb *track, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	enum wigOutputType wigOutType)
 struct region *regionList = getRegions(), *region;
 int maxOut = 0, outCount, curOut = 0;
 char *shortLabel = table, *longLabel = table;
 if (track == NULL)
     errAbort("Sorry, can't find necessary track information for %s.  "
 	     "If you reached this page by selecting \"All tables\" as the "
 	     "group, please go back and select the same table via a regular "
 	     "track group if possible.",
-maxOut = wigMaxOutput();
+maxOut = bigFileMaxOutput();
 if (cartUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaDoGreatOutput, FALSE))
     fputs("#", stdout);
 if (track != NULL)
     if (!sameString(track->table, table) && track->subtracks != NULL)
 	struct slRef *tdbRefList = trackDbListGetRefsToDescendantLeaves(track->subtracks);
 	struct slRef *tdbRef;
 	for (tdbRef = tdbRefList; tdbRef != NULL; tdbRef = tdbRef->next)
 	    struct trackDb *tdb = tdbRef->val;
 	    if (sameString(tdb->table, table))
 		track = tdb;
     shortLabel = track->shortLabel;
     longLabel = track->longLabel;
 wigDataHeader(shortLabel, longLabel, NULL, wigOutType);
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
     int curMaxOut = maxOut - curOut;
     if (anySubtrackMerge(database, table))
 	outCount = mergedWigOutRegion(table, conn, region, curMaxOut,
     else if (startsWithWord("bedGraph", track->type))
 	outCount = bedGraphOutRegion(table, conn, region, curMaxOut,
     else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", track->type))
         outCount = bigWigOutRegion(table, conn, region, curMaxOut, wigOutType);
 	outCount = wigOutRegion(table, conn, region, curMaxOut,
 				wigOutType, NULL, 0);
     curOut += outCount;
     if (curOut >= maxOut)
 if (curOut >= maxOut)
     warn("Reached output limit of %d data values, please make region smaller,\n\tor set a higher output line limit with the filter settings.", curOut);
 /***********   PUBLIC ROUTINES  *********************************/
 struct dataVector *bedGraphDataVector(char *table,
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region)
 /* Read in bedGraph as dataVector and return it.  Filtering, subtrack merge
  * and intersection are handled. */
 struct dataVector *dv = NULL;
 if (anySubtrackMerge(database, table))
     dv = mergedWigDataVector(table, conn, region);
     struct trackDb *tdb;
     if (isCustomTrack(table))
         struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table);
         tdb = ct->tdb;
         conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
         tdb = hTrackDbForTrack(database, table);
     struct trackTable *tt1 = trackTableNew(tdb, table, conn);
     dv = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt1, region, conn);
     intersectDataVector(table, dv, region, conn);
     if (isCustomTrack(table))
 return dv;
 struct dataVector *wiggleDataVector(struct trackDb *tdb, char *table,
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region)
 /* Read in wiggle as dataVector and return it.  Filtering, subtrack merge
  * and intersection are handled. */
 struct dataVector *dv = NULL;
 if (anySubtrackMerge(database, table))
     dv = mergedWigDataVector(table, conn, region);
     struct trackTable *tt1 = trackTableNew(tdb, table, conn);
     dv = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt1, region, conn);
 return dv;
 struct bed *getBedGraphAsBed(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
 			     struct region *region)
 /* Extract a bedList in region from the given bedGraph table -- filtering and
  * intersection are handled inside of this function. */
 struct dataVector *dv = NULL;
 dv = bedGraphDataVector(table, conn, region);
 return dataVectorToBedList(dv);
 void wiggleMinMax(struct trackDb *tdb, double *min, double *max)
 /*	obtain wiggle data limits from trackDb or cart or settings */
 if ((tdb != NULL) && (tdb->type != NULL))
     double tDbMin, tDbMax;
     char *typeLine = cloneString(tdb->type);
     char *words[8];
     int wordCount;
     wordCount = chopLine(typeLine, words);
     wigFetchMinMaxY(tdb, min, max, &tDbMin, &tDbMax, wordCount, words);
     if (tDbMin < *min)
 	*min = tDbMin;
     if (tDbMax > *max)
 	*max = tDbMax;
 boolean isWiggle(char *db, char *table)
 /* Return TRUE if db.table is a wiggle. */
 boolean typeWiggle = FALSE;
 if (db != NULL && table != NULL)
     if (isCustomTrack(table))
 	struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table);
 	if (ct != NULL && ct->wiggle)
 	    typeWiggle = TRUE;
 	struct hTableInfo *hti = maybeGetHtiOnDb(db, table);
 	typeWiggle = (hti != NULL && HTI_IS_WIGGLE);
 boolean isBedGraph(char *table)
 /* Return TRUE if table is specified as a bedGraph in the current database's
  * trackDb. */
 return trackIsType(database, table, NULL, "bedGraph", ctLookupName);
 struct bed *getWiggleAsBed(
     char *db, char *table, 	/* Database and table. */
     struct region *region,	/* Region to get data for. */
     char *filter, 		/* Filter to add to SQL where clause if any. */
     struct hash *idHash, 	/* Restrict to id's in this hash if non-NULL. */
     struct lm *lm,		/* Where to allocate memory. */
     struct sqlConnection *conn)	/* SQL connection to work with */
 /* Return a bed list of all items in the given range in table.
  * Cleanup result via lmCleanup(&lm) rather than bedFreeList.  */
 /* filter, idHash and lm are currently unused, perhaps future use	*/
 struct bed *bedList=NULL;
 char splitTableOrFileName[256];
 struct customTrack *ct = NULL;
 boolean isCustom = FALSE;
 boolean hasConstraint = FALSE;
 struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
 unsigned long long valuesMatched = 0;
 int operations = wigFetchBed;
 char *dataConstraint;
 double ll = 0.0;
 double ul = 0.0;
 char *table2 = NULL;
 struct bed *intersectBedList = NULL;
 int maxOut;
 WIG_INIT;  /* ct, isCustom, hasConstraint, wds and table2 are set here */
 if (hasConstraint)
     freeMem(dataConstraint);	/* been cloned into wds */
-maxOut = wigMaxOutput();
+maxOut = bigFileMaxOutput();
 wds->setMaxOutput(wds, maxOut);
 wds->setChromConstraint(wds, region->chrom);
 wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, region->start, region->end);
 if (table2)
     intersectBedList = bedTable2(conn, region, table2);
 if (isCustom)
     if (ct->dbTrack)
 	unsigned span = 0;
 	struct sqlConnection *trashConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
 	struct trackDb *tdb = findTdbForTable(database, curTrack, table, ctLookupName);
 	valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region,
 	    CUSTOM_TRASH, table2, &intersectBedList,
 		splitTableOrFileName, operations);
 	span = minSpan(trashConn, splitTableOrFileName, region->chrom,
 	    region->start, region->end, cart, tdb);
 	wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
 	valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region, NULL, table2,
 	    &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName, operations);
     boolean hasBin;
     if (conn == NULL)
 	errAbort( "getWiggleAsBed: NULL conn given for database table");
     if (hFindSplitTable(database, region->chrom, table, splitTableOrFileName, &hasBin))
 	struct trackDb *tdb = findTdbForTable(database, curTrack, table, ctLookupName);
 	unsigned span = 0;
 	/* XXX TBD, watch for a span limit coming in as an SQL filter */
 	span = minSpan(conn, splitTableOrFileName, region->chrom,
 	    region->start, region->end, cart, tdb);
 	wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
 	valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region, database,
 	    table2, &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName, operations);
 if (valuesMatched > 0)
     struct bed *bed;
     for (bed = wds->bed; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
 	struct bed *copy = lmCloneBed(bed, lm);
 	slAddHead(&bedList, copy);
 return bedList;
 }	/*	struct bed *getWiggleAsBed()	*/
 struct wigAsciiData *getWiggleAsData(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
 	struct region *region)
 /*	return the wigAsciiData list	*/
 int maxOut = 0;
 struct wigAsciiData *data = NULL;
 int outCount;
-maxOut = wigMaxOutput();
+maxOut = bigFileMaxOutput();
 outCount = wigOutRegion(table, conn, region, maxOut, wigDataNoPrint, &data, 0);
 return data;
 struct wigAsciiData *getWiggleData(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
 	struct region *region, int maxOut, int spanConstraint)
 /*	like getWiggleAsData above, but with specific spanConstraint and
  *	a different data limit count, return the wigAsciiData list	*/
 struct wigAsciiData *data = NULL;
 int outCount;
 outCount = wigOutRegion(table, conn, region, maxOut, wigDataNoPrint, &data,
 return data;
 void doOutWigData(struct trackDb *track, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Return wiggle data in variableStep format. */
 doOutWig(track, table, conn, wigOutData);
 void doOutWigBed(struct trackDb *track, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Return wiggle data in bed format. */
 doOutWig(track, table, conn, wigOutBed);
 void doSummaryStatsWiggle(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Put up page showing summary stats for wiggle track. */
 struct trackDb *track = curTrack;
 char *table = curTable;
 struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
 char *regionName = getRegionName();
 long long regionSize = 0;
 long long gapTotal = 0;
 long startTime = 0, wigFetchTime = 0;
 char splitTableOrFileName[256];
 struct customTrack *ct = NULL;
 boolean isCustom = FALSE;
 struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
 unsigned long long valuesMatched = 0;
 int regionCount = 0;
 int regionsDone = 0;
 unsigned span = 0;
 char *dataConstraint;
 double ll = 0.0;
 double ul = 0.0;
 boolean hasConstraint = FALSE;
 char *table2 = NULL;
 boolean fullGenome = FALSE;
 boolean statsHeaderDone = FALSE;
 boolean gotSome = FALSE;
 char *shortLabel = table;
 long long statsItemCount = 0;	/*	global accumulators for overall */
 int statsSpan = 0;		/*	stats summary on a multiple region */
 double statsSumData = 0.0;	/*	output */
 double statsSumSquares = 0.0;		/*	"  "	*/
 double lowerLimit = INFINITY;		/*	"  "	*/
 double upperLimit = -1.0 * INFINITY;	/*	"  "	*/
 startTime = clock1000();
 if (track != NULL)
      shortLabel = track->shortLabel;
 /*	Count the regions, when only one, we can do more stats */
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
 htmlOpen("%s (%s) Wiggle Summary Statistics", shortLabel, table);
 if (anySubtrackMerge(database, curTable))
     hPrintf("<P><EM><B>Note:</B> subtrack merge is currently ignored on this "
 	    "page (not implemented yet).  Statistics shown here are only for "
 	    "the primary table %s (%s).</EM>", shortLabel, table);
 fullGenome = fullGenomeRegion();
 WIG_INIT;  /* ct, isCustom, hasConstraint, wds and table2 are set here */
 for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
     struct bed *intersectBedList = NULL;
     boolean hasBin;
     int operations;
     if (table2)
 	intersectBedList = bedTable2(conn, region, table2);
     operations = wigFetchStats;
 #if defined(NOT)
     /*	can't do the histogram now, that operation times out	*/
     if (1 == regionCount)
 	operations |= wigFetchAscii;
     wds->setChromConstraint(wds, region->chrom);
     if (fullGenome)
 	wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, 0, 0);
 	wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, region->start, region->end);
     if (hasConstraint)
 	wds->setDataConstraint(wds, dataConstraint, ll, ul);
     /* depending on what is coming in on regionList, we may need to be
      * smart about how often we call getData for these custom tracks
      * since that is potentially a large file read each time.
     if (isCustom)
 	if (ct->dbTrack)
 	    struct sqlConnection *trashConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
 	    struct trackDb *tdb = findTdbForTable(database, curTrack, table, ctLookupName);
 	    span = minSpan(trashConn, splitTableOrFileName, region->chrom,
 		region->start, region->end, cart, tdb);
 	    wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
 	    valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region,
 		CUSTOM_TRASH, table2, &intersectBedList,
 		    splitTableOrFileName, operations);
 	    valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region, NULL,
 		table2, &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName, operations);
 	/*  XXX We need to properly get the smallest span for custom tracks */
 	    /*	This is not necessarily the correct answer here	*/
 	    if (wds->stats)
 		span = wds->stats->span;
 		span = 1;
 	if (hFindSplitTable(database, region->chrom, table, splitTableOrFileName, &hasBin))
 	    span = minSpan(conn, splitTableOrFileName, region->chrom,
 		region->start, region->end, cart, track);
 	    wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
 	    valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region,
 		database, table2, &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName,
 	    if (intersectBedList)
 		span = 1;
     /*	when doing multiple regions, we need to print out each result as
      *	it happens to keep the connection open to the browser and
      *	prevent any timeout since this could take a while.
      *	(worst case test is quality track on panTro1)
     if (wds->stats)
 	statsItemCount += wds->stats->count;
     if (wds->stats && (regionCount > 1) && (valuesMatched > 0))
 	double sumData = wds->stats->mean * wds->stats->count;
 	double sumSquares;
 	if (wds->stats->count > 1)
 	    sumSquares = (wds->stats->variance * (wds->stats->count - 1)) +
 		((sumData * sumData)/wds->stats->count);
 	    sumSquares = sumData * sumData;
 	/*	global accumulators for overall summary	*/
 	statsSpan = wds->stats->span;
 	statsSumData += sumData;
 	statsSumSquares += sumSquares;
 	if (wds->stats->lowerLimit < lowerLimit)
 	    lowerLimit = wds->stats->lowerLimit;
 	if ((wds->stats->lowerLimit + wds->stats->dataRange) > upperLimit)
 	    upperLimit = wds->stats->lowerLimit + wds->stats->dataRange;
 	if (statsHeaderDone)
 	    wds->statsOut(wds, database, "stdout", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
 	    wds->statsOut(wds, database, "stdout", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
 	    statsHeaderDone = TRUE;
 	gotSome = TRUE;
     if ((regionCount > MAX_REGION_DISPLAY) &&
 		(regionsDone >= MAX_REGION_DISPLAY))
 	hPrintf("<TR><TH ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=12> Can not display more "
 	    "than %d regions, <BR> would take too much time </TH></TR>\n",
 	break;	/*	exit this for loop	*/
     }	/*for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next) */
 if (hasConstraint)
     freeMem(dataConstraint);	/* been cloned into wds */
 if (1 == regionCount)
     statsPreamble(wds, regionList->chrom, regionList->start, regionList->end,
 	span, valuesMatched, table2);
     /* 3 X TRUE = sort results, html table output, with header,
      *	the FALSE means close the table after printing, no more rows to
      *	come.  The case in the if() statement was already taken care of
      *	in the statsPreamble() printout.  No need to do that again.
     if ( ! ((valuesMatched == 0) && table2) )
 	wds->statsOut(wds, database, "stdout", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
     regionSize = basesInRegion(regionList,0);
     gapTotal = gapsInRegion(conn, regionList,0);
     {	/* this is a bit of a kludge here since these printouts are done in the
 	 *	library source wigDataStream.c statsOut() function and
 	 *	this is a clean up of that.  That function should be
 	 *	pulled out of there and made independent and more
 	 *	versatile.
     long long realSize;
     double variance;
     double stddev;
     /*	Too expensive to lookup the numbers for thousands of regions */
     regionSize = basesInRegion(regionList,MAX_REGION_DISPLAY);
     gapTotal = gapsInRegion(conn, regionList,MAX_REGION_DISPLAY);
     realSize = regionSize - gapTotal;
     /*	close the table which was left open in the loop above	*/
     if (!gotSome)
 	hPrintf("<TR><TH ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=12> No data found matching this request </TH></TR>\n");
     hPrintf("<TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT> SUMMARY: </TH>\n");
     hPrintf("\t<TD> &nbsp; </TD>\n");	/*	chromStart	*/
     hPrintf("\t<TD> &nbsp; </TD>\n");	/*	chromEnd	*/
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> ");
     printLongWithCommas(stdout, statsItemCount);
     hPrintf(" </TD>\n" );
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %d </TD>\n", statsSpan);
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> ");
     printLongWithCommas(stdout, statsItemCount*statsSpan);
     hPrintf("&nbsp;(%.2f%%) </TD>\n",
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", lowerLimit);
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", upperLimit);
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", upperLimit - lowerLimit);
     if (statsItemCount > 0)
 	hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", statsSumData/statsItemCount);
 	hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 0.0 </TD>\n");
     stddev = 0.0;
     variance = 0.0;
     if (statsItemCount > 1)
 	variance = (statsSumSquares -
 	    ((statsSumData * statsSumData)/(double) statsItemCount)) /
 		(double) (statsItemCount - 1);
 	if (variance > 0.0)
 	    stddev = sqrt(variance);
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", variance);
     hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", stddev);
     wigStatsTableHeading(stdout, TRUE);
 #if defined(NOT)
 /*	can't do the histogram now, that operation times out	*/
 /*	Single region, we can do the histogram	*/
 if ((valuesMatched > 1) && (1 == regionCount))
     float *valuesArray = NULL;
     size_t valueCount = 0;
     struct histoResult *histoGramResult;
     /*	convert the ascii data listings to one giant float array 	*/
     valuesArray = wds->asciiToDataArray(wds, valuesMatched, &valueCount);
     /*	histoGram() may return NULL if it doesn't work	*/
     histoGramResult = histoGram(valuesArray, valueCount,
 	    NAN, (unsigned) 0, NAN, (float) wds->stats->lowerLimit,
 		(float) (wds->stats->lowerLimit + wds->stats->dataRange),
 		(struct histoResult *)NULL);
     printHistoGram(histoGramResult, TRUE);	/* TRUE == html output */
 wigFetchTime = clock1000() - startTime;
 webNewSection("Region and Timing Statistics");
 stringStatRow("region", regionName);
 numberStatRow("bases in region", regionSize);
 numberStatRow("bases in gaps", gapTotal);
 floatStatRow("load and calc time", 0.001*wigFetchTime);
 stringStatRow("intersection", cartUsualString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable, "off"));
 }	/*	void doSummaryStatsWiggle(struct sqlConnection *conn)	*/
 void wigShowFilter(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* print out wiggle data value filter */
 double ll, ul;
 char *constraint;
 if (checkWigDataFilter(database, curTable, &constraint, &ll, &ul))
     if (constraint && sameWord(constraint, "in range"))
 	hPrintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;data value %s [%g : %g)\n", constraint, ll, ul);
 	hPrintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;data value %s %g\n", constraint, ll);