  Mon Jan 31 16:19:37 2011 -0800
Track #34 (dbVar for human): Added new track type gvf with basichandlers in hgTracks and hgc.  dbVar's GVF attributes are recognized,
esp. var_type is used to color items, and items are sorted using
the Parent keyword so that parents appear immediately before their
children, and children are sorted by var_type.  Attributes are
displayed in hgc; need to do a bit better for the Start_range and
End_range (e.g. translate "." to "inner start unknown" etc.).

diff --git src/hg/lib/makefile src/hg/lib/makefile
index a2c10fe..6151377 100644
--- src/hg/lib/makefile
+++ src/hg/lib/makefile
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 include ../../inc/common.mk
 O = acemblyClass.o affyAllExonProbe.o affyAtlas.o affy10KDetails.o affy120KDetails.o \
     affyOffset.o affyPairs.o agp.o agpFrag.o agpGap.o alignSeqSizes.o altGraph.o \
     altGraphX.o ancientRref.o atomDb.o  axtInfo.o \
     axtLib.o bactigPos.o bamFile.o baseMaskCommon.o bdgpExprLink.o bdgpGeneInfo.o \
-    bed.o bed5FloatScore.o bed5Pval.o bed6FloatScore.o bed12Source.o \
+    bed.o bed5FloatScore.o bed5Pval.o bed6FloatScore.o bed8Attrs.o bed12Source.o \
     bed12wSeq.o bedCart.o bgiGeneInfo.o bgiGeneSnp.o bgiSnp.o bioImage.o \
     blastTab.o blastzNet.o blatServers.o borf.o borkPseudoHom.o botDelay.o\
     cart.o cartDb.o cdsEvidence.o cdsOrtho.o cdsPick.o cdsSpec.o \
     ccdsInfo.o ccdsNotes.o ccdsGeneMap.o celeraCoverage.o \
     celeraDupPositive.o cgapSage/cgapSage.o cgapSage/cgapSageLib.o cgh.o chainCart.o \
     chainDb.o chainLink.o chainNet.o chainNetDbLoad.o \
     chicken13kInfo.o chromBins.o chr18deletions.o \
     chromGraph.o chromGraphFactory.o chromInfo.o chromInserts.o chromKeeper.o \
     clonePos.o codeBlast.o codeBlastScore.o cogs.o cogsxra.o columnInfo.o \
     contigAcc.o coordConv.o \
     cnpIafrate.o cnpIafrate2.o cnpLocke.o cnpRedon.o cnpSebat.o cnpSebat2.o \
     cnpSharp2.o cnpSharpCutoff.o cnpSharpSample.o cnpSharp.o \
     cpgIsland.o cpgIslandExt.o ctgPos.o ctgPos2.o \
     bedDetail.o \
     customFactory.o customPp.o customTrack.o cutter.o cytoBand.o \