  Thu Jan 27 09:51:46 2011 -0800
using MEMGFX_BIGENDIAN for building on BIGENDIAN machines
diff --git src/lib/memgfx.c src/lib/memgfx.c
index 6680163..025fb79 100644
--- src/lib/memgfx.c
+++ src/lib/memgfx.c
@@ -123,65 +123,76 @@
 void mgClearPixels(struct memGfx *mg)
 /* Set all pixels to background. */
 #ifdef COLOR32
 memset((unsigned char *)mg->pixels, 0xff, mg->width*mg->height*sizeof(unsigned int));
 zeroBytes(mg->pixels, mg->width*mg->height);
 void mgClearPixelsTrans(struct memGfx *mg)
 /* Set all pixels to transparent. */
 #ifdef COLOR32
-unsigned *ptr = mg->pixels;
-unsigned *lastPtr = &mg->pixels[mg->width * mg->height];
+unsigned int *ptr = mg->pixels;
+unsigned int *lastPtr = &mg->pixels[mg->width * mg->height];
 for(; ptr < lastPtr; ptr++)
-    *ptr = 0xffffff;  // transparent white
+    *ptr = 0xffffff00;
+    *ptr = 0x00ffffff;  // transparent white
 zeroBytes(mg->pixels, mg->width*mg->height);
 Color mgFindColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 /* Returns closest color in color map to rgb values.  If it doesn't
  * already exist in color map and there's room, it will create
  * exact color in map. */
 #ifdef COLOR32
 return MAKECOLOR_32(r,g,b);
 struct colHashEl *che;
 if ((che = colHashLookup(mg->colorHash, r, g, b)) != NULL)
     return che->ix;
 if (mgColorsFree(mg))
     return mgAddColor(mg, r, g, b);
 return mgClosestColor(mg, r, g, b);
 struct rgbColor mgColorIxToRgb(struct memGfx *mg, int colorIx)
 /* Return rgb value at color index. */
 #ifdef COLOR32
 static struct rgbColor rgb;
+rgb.r = (colorIx >> 24) & 0xff;
+rgb.g = (colorIx >> 16) & 0xff;
+rgb.b = (colorIx >> 8) & 0xff;
 rgb.r = (colorIx >> 0) & 0xff;
 rgb.g = (colorIx >> 8) & 0xff;
 rgb.b = (colorIx >> 16) & 0xff;
 return rgb;
 return mg->colorMap[colorIx];
 Color mgClosestColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 /* Returns closest color in color map to r,g,b */
 #ifdef COLOR32
 return MAKECOLOR_32(r,g,b);
 struct rgbColor *c = mg->colorMap;
 int closestDist = 0x7fffffff;