Welcome to the UCSC Genome Browser website.
This site contains the
reference sequence and working draft
assemblies for a large collection of genomes. It also
provides portals to the
Neandertal projects.
+WARNING: This is our preview site.
+This website is a weekly mirror of our internal
+development server for public access. Data and tools here are under
+construction, have not been quality reviewed, and are subject to change
+at any time. We provide this site for early access, with the warning that it is
+less available and stable than our public site. For
+high-quality reviewed annotations on our production server, visit
We encourage you to explore these sequences with our tools.
Browser zooms and scrolls over chromosomes,
showing the work of annotators worldwide. The
shows expression, homology and other information on groups
of genes that can be related in many ways.
quickly maps your sequence to the genome. The
Browser provides convenient access to the underlying
@@ -41,29 +54,19 @@
Graphs allows you to
upload and display genome-wide data sets.
The UCSC Genome Browser is developed and maintained by the
Genome Bioinformatics Group,
a cross-departmental team within the Center for Biomolecular
Science and Engineering (CBSE)
at the University of California Santa Cruz
If you have feedback or questions concerning the tools or
data on this website, feel free to contact us on our
public mailing list.
-WARNING: This is our preview site. It is a weekly mirror of our internal
-development server for public access. Data and tools here are under
-construction, have not been quality reviewed, and are subject to change
-at any time. We provide this site for early access, with the warning that it is
-less available and stable than our public site. For
-high-quality reviewed annotations on our production server, visit