  Tue Jan 25 16:21:18 2011 -0800
updated python scripts
diff --git python/ucscgenomics/rafile/write.py python/ucscgenomics/rafile/write.py
index e69de29..e30cf27 100644
--- python/ucscgenomics/rafile/write.py
+++ python/ucscgenomics/rafile/write.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# rafile/write.py
+# Handles the writing of the raDict object. Mostly just wrapper functions for
+# the class's tostring method.
+import sys
+import radict
+def writeRaFile(raDict, *args):
+    if not isinstance(raDict, radict.RaDict):
+        print 'ERROR: writeRaFile() - invalid raDict argument'
+        sys.exit(1)
+    keys = map(str, args)
+    # if specific keys supplied, print out the stanzas associated with them
+    if len(keys) > 0: 
+        for key in keys:
+            print raDict.getValue(key)
+    #otherwise just print the whole raDict
+    else:
+        print raDict