  Mon Feb 7 10:08:54 2011 -0800
Track #1684 (SNPs 132 (dbSNP)): Added coloring by allele frequency:items are shaded on a scale of red (rare) to blue (common), or black
when no frequencies were given.  Now I'm wondering if I should have
used a log scale, but this works so I'm checking it in.

diff --git src/hg/hgTrackUi/hgTrackUi.c src/hg/hgTrackUi/hgTrackUi.c
index c979892..c8a063b 100644
--- src/hg/hgTrackUi/hgTrackUi.c
+++ src/hg/hgTrackUi/hgTrackUi.c
@@ -215,30 +215,34 @@
 boolean foundInCart = FALSE;
 struct slName *selectedAttributes = snp125FilterFromCart(cart, track, attributeVar, &foundInCart);
 // Include all by default:
 if (! foundInCart)
     selectedAttributes = slNameListFromStringArray(values, menuSize);
 cgiMakeCheckboxGroupWithVals(cartVar, labels, values, menuSize, selectedAttributes,
 static void snp125PrintColorSpec(char *track, char *attribute, char *vars[], boolean varsAreOld,
 				 char *labels[], char *defaults[], int varCount)
 /* Print a table displaying snp125 attribute color selects. */
 int i;
+printf("If a SNP has more than one of these attributes, the stronger color will override the\n"
+       "weaker color. The order of colors, from strongest to weakest, is red,\n"
+       "green, blue, gray, and black.\n"
+       "<BR><BR>\n");
 printf("<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>\n");
 for (i=0; i < varCount; i++)
     if (i % SNP125_FILTER_COLUMNS == 0)
 	if (i > 0)
     printf("<TD align=right>%s</TD><TD>", labels[i]);
     char cartVar[512];
     safef(cartVar, sizeof(cartVar), "%s.%s%s", track, attribute,
 	  (varsAreOld ? snp125OldColorVarToNew(vars[i], attribute) : vars[i]));
     char *defaultCol = defaults[i];
     if (varsAreOld)
@@ -297,106 +301,113 @@
 void snp125PrintColorControlSection(struct trackDb *tdb, int version)
 /* Print a collapsible section of color controls: user selects an attribute to color by,
  * and then a color for each possible value of the selected attribute. */
 printf("<TR><TD colspan=2><A name=\"colorSpec\"></TD></TR>\n");
 jsBeginCollapsibleSection(cart, tdb->track, "colorByAttribute", "Color by Attribute", FALSE);
 char defaultButtonVar[512];
 safef(defaultButtonVar, sizeof(defaultButtonVar), "%s_coloring", SNP125_DEFAULTS);
 stripChar(defaultButtonVar, ' ');
 snp125ResetColorVarsIfNecessary(tdb, defaultButtonVar, version);
 printf("<BR><B>SNP Feature for Color Specification:</B>\n");
-char cartVar[512];
-safef(cartVar, sizeof(cartVar), "%s.colorSource", tdb->track);
-char *snp125ColorSourceDefault = snp125ColorSourceLabels[SNP125_DEFAULT_COLOR_SOURCE];
-char *colorSourceCart = cartUsualString(cart, cartVar,
-					cartUsualString(cart, snp125ColorSourceOldVar,
-							snp125ColorSourceDefault));
 char **labels = snp132ColorSourceLabels;
 int arraySize = snp132ColorSourceArraySize;
 if (version <= 127)
     labels = snp125ColorSourceLabels;
     arraySize = snp125ColorSourceArraySize;
 else if (version <= 131)
     labels = snp128ColorSourceLabels;
     arraySize = snp128ColorSourceArraySize;
-if (stringArrayIx(colorSourceCart, labels, arraySize) < 0)
-    colorSourceCart = snp125ColorSourceDefault;
 // It would be preferable for Javascript to handle changing the color selection
 // menus when the color source selection changes, but for now we do a submit that
 // returns to the current vertical position:
 char autoSubmit[2048];
 safef(autoSubmit, sizeof(autoSubmit), "onchange=\""
       "document."MAIN_FORM".action = '%s'; %s"
       cgiScriptName(), jsSetVerticalPosition(MAIN_FORM));
-cgiMakeDropListFull(cartVar, labels, labels, arraySize, colorSourceCart, autoSubmit);
+char cartVar[512];
+safef(cartVar, sizeof(cartVar), "%s.colorSource", tdb->track);
+enum snp125ColorSource colorSourceCart = snp125ColorSourceFromCart(cart, tdb);
+char *colorSourceSelected = snp125ColorSourceToLabel(tdb, colorSourceCart);
+cgiMakeDropListFull(cartVar, labels, labels, arraySize, colorSourceSelected, autoSubmit);
 char javascript[2048];
 safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript),
       "document."MAIN_FORM".action='%s'; %s document."MAIN_FORM".submit();",
       cgiScriptName(), jsSetVerticalPosition(MAIN_FORM));
 cgiMakeOnClickSubmitButton(javascript, defaultButtonVar, JS_DEFAULTS_BUTTON_LABEL);
        "The selected &quot;Feature for Color Specification&quot; above has the\n"
        "selection of colors below for each attribute. Only the color\n"
        "options for the feature selected above will be used to color items;\n"
-       "color options for other features will not be shown. If a SNP has more\n"
-       "than one of these attributes, the stronger color will override the\n"
-       "weaker color. The order of colors, from strongest to weakest, is red,\n"
-       "green, blue, gray, and black.\n"
-       "<BR><BR>\n");
+       "color options for other features will not be shown.\n");
-if (sameString(colorSourceCart, "Location Type"))
+if (version > 127 && colorSourceCart == snp125ColorSourceLocType)
+    colorSourceCart = SNP125_DEFAULT_COLOR_SOURCE;
+switch (colorSourceCart)
-    if (version <= 127)
+    int funcArraySize;
+    case snp125ColorSourceLocType:
 	snp125PrintColorSpec(tdb->track, "locType", snp125LocTypeOldColorVars, TRUE,
 			     snp125LocTypeLabels, snp125LocTypeDefault, snp125LocTypeArraySize);
-    }
-else if (sameString(colorSourceCart, "Class"))
+	break;
+    case snp125ColorSourceClass:
     snp125PrintColorSpec(tdb->track, "class", snp125ClassOldColorVars, TRUE,
 			 snp125ClassLabels, snp125ClassDefault, snp125ClassArraySize);
-else if (sameString(colorSourceCart, "Validation"))
+	break;
+    case snp125ColorSourceValid:
     snp125PrintColorSpec(tdb->track, "valid", snp125ValidOldColorVars, TRUE,
 			 snp125ValidLabels, snp125ValidDefault, snp125ValidArraySize);
-else if (sameString(colorSourceCart, "Function"))
-    {
-    int funcArraySize = (version < 130) ? snp125FuncArraySize : (snp125FuncArraySize - 1);
+	break;
+    case snp125ColorSourceFunc:
+	funcArraySize = (version < 130) ? snp125FuncArraySize : (snp125FuncArraySize - 1);
     snp125PrintColorSpec(tdb->track, "func", snp125FuncOldColorVars, TRUE,
 			 snp125FuncLabels, snp125FuncDefault, funcArraySize);
-    }
-else if (sameString(colorSourceCart, "Molecule Type"))
+	break;
+    case snp125ColorSourceMolType:
     snp125PrintColorSpec(tdb->track, "molType", snp125MolTypeOldColorVars, TRUE,
 			 snp125MolTypeLabels, snp125MolTypeDefault, snp125MolTypeArraySize);
-else if (sameString(colorSourceCart, "Unusual Conditions (UCSC)"))
+	break;
+    case snp125ColorSourceExceptions:
     snp125PrintColorSpec(tdb->track, "exceptions", snp132ExceptionVarName, FALSE,
 			 snp132ExceptionLabels, snp132ExceptionDefault, snp132ExceptionArraySize);
-else if (sameString(colorSourceCart, "Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP)"))
+	break;
+    case snp125ColorSourceBitfields:
     snp125PrintColorSpec(tdb->track, "bitfields", snp132BitfieldVarName, FALSE,
 			 snp132BitfieldLabels, snp132BitfieldDefault, snp132BitfieldArraySize);
+	break;
+    case snp125ColorSourceAlleleFreq:
+	printf("<P>Items are be colored by allele frequency on a red-blue spectrum, "
+	       "with red representing rare alleles and blue representing common alleles. "
+	       "Items with no allele frequency data are colored black.</P>");
+	break;
+    default:
+	errAbort("Unrecognized value of enum snp125ColorSource (%d)", colorSourceCart);
+    }
 void snp125Ui(struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* UI for dbSNP version 125 and later. */
 char *orthoTable = snp125OrthoTable(tdb, NULL);
 int version = snpVersion(tdb->track);
 char cartVar[512];
 if (version < 130)
     snp125ValidArraySize--; // no by-1000genomes
 if (isNotEmpty(orthoTable) && hTableExists(database, orthoTable))