  Mon Feb 7 10:08:54 2011 -0800
Track #1684 (SNPs 132 (dbSNP)): Added coloring by allele frequency:items are shaded on a scale of red (rare) to blue (common), or black
when no frequencies were given.  Now I'm wondering if I should have
used a log scale, but this works so I'm checking it in.

diff --git src/hg/inc/snp125Ui.h src/hg/inc/snp125Ui.h
index 97a5448..aef6bdf 100644
--- src/hg/inc/snp125Ui.h
+++ src/hg/inc/snp125Ui.h
@@ -1,125 +1,133 @@
 /* snp125Ui.c - enums & char arrays for snp UI features and shared util code */
 #include "common.h"
 #ifndef SNP125UI_H
 #define SNP125UI_H
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 char *snp125OrthoTable(struct trackDb *tdb, int *retSpeciesCount);
 /* Look for a setting that specifies a table with orthologous alleles.
  * If retSpeciesCount is not null, set it to the number of other species
  * whose alleles are in the table. Do not free the returned string. */
 struct slName *snp125FilterFromCart(struct cart *cart, char *track, char *attribute,
 				    boolean *retFoundInCart);
 /* Look up snp125 filter settings in the cart, keeping backwards compatibility with old
  * cart variable names. */
 char *snp125OldColorVarToNew(char *oldVar, char *attribute);
 /* Abbreviate an old cart var name -- new name is based on track plus this. Don't free result. */
 #define SNP125_DEFAULT_MIN_AVHET 0.0
 extern boolean snp125ExtendedNames;
 enum snp125Color {
 extern char *snp125ColorLabel[];
 extern int snp125ColorArraySize;
 /****** Color source related controls *******/
 /* Molecule Type, Class, Validation, Function */
 enum snp125ColorSource {
+    snp125ColorSourceAlleleFreq,
 #define SNP125_DEFAULT_COLOR_SOURCE snp125ColorSourceFunc
+enum snp125ColorSource snp125ColorSourceFromCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb);
+/* Look up color source in cart, keeping backwards compatibility with old cart var names. */
+char *snp125ColorSourceToLabel(struct trackDb *tdb, enum snp125ColorSource cs);
+/* Due to availability of different color sources in several different versions,
+ * this is not just an array lookup, hence the encapsulation. Don't modify return value. */
 extern char *snp125ColorSourceLabels[];
 extern char *snp125ColorSourceOldVar;
 extern int snp125ColorSourceArraySize;
 extern char *snp128ColorSourceLabels[];
 extern int snp128ColorSourceArraySize;
 extern char *snp132ColorSourceLabels[];
 extern int snp132ColorSourceArraySize;
 /****** MolType related controls *******/
 /* unknown, genomic, cDNA */
 extern char *snp125MolTypeLabels[];
 extern char *snp125MolTypeOldColorVars[];
 extern char *snp125MolTypeDataName[];
 extern char *snp125MolTypeDefault[];
 extern int snp125MolTypeArraySize;
 /****** Class related controls *******/
 extern char *snp125ClassLabels[];
 extern char *snp125ClassOldColorVars[];
 extern char *snp125ClassDataName[];
 extern char *snp125ClassDefault[];
 extern int snp125ClassArraySize;
 /****** Valid related controls *******/
 extern char *snp125ValidLabels[];
 extern char *snp125ValidOldColorVars[];
 extern char *snp125ValidDataName[];
 extern char *snp125ValidDefault[];
 extern int snp125ValidArraySize;
 /****** Func related controls *******/
 extern char *snp125FuncLabels[];
 extern char *snp125FuncOldColorVars[];
 extern char *snp125FuncDataName[];
 extern char *snp125FuncDefault[];
 extern char **snp125FuncDataSynonyms[];
 extern int snp125FuncArraySize;
 /****** LocType related controls *******/
 /* unknown, range, exact, between,
    rangeInsertion, rangeSubstitution, rangeDeletion */
 extern char *snp125LocTypeLabels[];
 extern char *snp125LocTypeOldColorVars[];
 extern char *snp125LocTypeDataName[];
 extern char *snp125LocTypeDefault[];
 extern int snp125LocTypeArraySize;
 /****** Exception related controls *******/
 extern char *snp132ExceptionLabels[];
 extern char *snp132ExceptionVarName[];
 extern char *snp132ExceptionDefault[];
 extern int snp132ExceptionArraySize;
 /****** Miscellaneous attributes (bitfields) related controls *******/
 extern char *snp132BitfieldLabels[];
 extern char *snp132BitfieldVarName[];
 extern char *snp132BitfieldDataName[];
 extern char *snp132BitfieldDefault[];
 extern int snp132BitfieldArraySize;
 #endif /* SNP125UI_H */