  Mon Feb 7 10:08:54 2011 -0800
Track #1684 (SNPs 132 (dbSNP)): Added coloring by allele frequency:items are shaded on a scale of red (rare) to blue (common), or black
when no frequencies were given.  Now I'm wondering if I should have
used a log scale, but this works so I'm checking it in.

diff --git src/hg/lib/snp125Ui.c src/hg/lib/snp125Ui.c
index 05c0a4e..407e9af 100644
--- src/hg/lib/snp125Ui.c
+++ src/hg/lib/snp125Ui.c
@@ -1,589 +1,627 @@
 /* snp125Ui.c - enums & char arrays for snp UI features and shared util code */
 #include "snp125Ui.h"
+#include "snp125.h"
 #include "common.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: snp125Ui.c,v 1.33 2010/05/28 18:48:07 angie Exp $";
 char *snp125OrthoTable(struct trackDb *tdb, int *retSpeciesCount)
 /* Look for a setting that specifies a table with orthologous alleles.
  * If retSpeciesCount is not null, set it to the number of other species
  * whose alleles are in the table. Do not free the returned string. */
 char *table = trackDbSetting(tdb, "chimpMacaqueOrthoTable");
 int speciesCount = 2;
 if (table == NULL)
     table = trackDbSetting(tdb, "chimpOrangMacOrthoTable");
     speciesCount = 3;
 if (retSpeciesCount != NULL)
     *retSpeciesCount = speciesCount;
 return table;
 boolean snp125ExtendedNames = TRUE;
 /****** Some stuff for snp colors *******/
 char *snp125ColorLabel[] = {
 int snp125ColorArraySize = ArraySize(snp125ColorLabel);
 /****** color source controls *******/
 /* This keeps track of which SNP feature is used for color definition. */
 /* Available SNP features: Molecule Type, Class, Validation, Function */
 char *snp125ColorSourceLabels[] = {
     "Location Type",
     "Molecule Type",
 char *snp125ColorSourceOldVar = "snp125ColorSource";
 int snp125ColorSourceArraySize   = ArraySize(snp125ColorSourceLabels);
 /* As of dbSNP 128, locType is ignored: */
 char *snp128ColorSourceLabels[] = {
     "Molecule Type",
 int snp128ColorSourceArraySize   = ArraySize(snp128ColorSourceLabels);
 /* As of dbSNP 132, we have some new choices: */
 char *snp132ColorSourceLabels[] = {
     "Molecule Type",
     "Unusual Conditions (UCSC)",
     "Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP)",
+    "Allele Frequencies",
 int snp132ColorSourceArraySize   = ArraySize(snp132ColorSourceLabels);
 /****** MolType related controls *******/
 /* Types: unknown, genomic, cDNA */
 char *snp125MolTypeLabels[] = {
 char *snp125MolTypeOldColorVars[] = {
 char *snp125MolTypeDataName[] = {
 char *snp125MolTypeDefault[] = {
 static char *snp125MolTypeOldIncludeVars[] = {
 int snp125MolTypeArraySize   = ArraySize(snp125MolTypeLabels);
 /****** Class related controls *******/
 /* Types: unknown, snp, in-del (locType exact), heterozygous, 
           microsatellite, named, no variation, mixed, mnp, 
 	  insertion (constructed from class = in-del, locType = between)
 	  deletion (constructed from class = in-del, locType = range) */
 char *snp125ClassLabels[] = {
     "Single Nucleotide Polymorphism",
     "No Variation",
 char *snp125ClassOldColorVars[] = {
 char *snp125ClassDataName[] = {
     "no variation",
 char *snp125ClassDefault[] = {
     "red",    // unknown
     "black",  // single
     "black",  // in-del
     "black",  // het
     "blue",   // microsatellite
     "blue",   // named
     "black",  // no variation
     "green",  // mixed
     "green",  // mnp
     "black",  // insertion
     "red",    // deletion
 static char *snp125ClassOldIncludeVars[] = {
 int snp125ClassArraySize   = ArraySize(snp125ClassLabels);
 /****** Validation related controls *******/
 /* Types: unknown, by-cluster, by-frequency, by-submitter, by-2hit-2allele, by-hapmap */
 char *snp125ValidLabels[] = {
     "By Cluster",
     "By Frequency",
     "By Submitter",
     "By 2 Hit / 2 Allele",
     "By HapMap",
     "By 1000 Genomes Project",
 char *snp125ValidOldColorVars[] = {
 char *snp125ValidDataName[] = {
 char *snp125ValidDefault[] = {
 static char *snp125ValidOldIncludeVars[] = {
 int snp125ValidArraySize   = ArraySize(snp125ValidLabels);
 /****** function related controls *******/
 /* Values are a subset of snpNNN.func values:
  * unknown, locus, coding, coding-synon, coding-nonsynon,
  * untranslated, intron, splice-site, cds-reference */
 char *snp125FuncLabels[] = {
     "Coding - Synonymous",
     "Coding - Non-Synonymous",
     "Splice Site",
     "Reference (coding)",
 char *snp125FuncOldColorVars[] = {
 char *snp125FuncDataName[] = {
 char *snp125FuncDefault[] = {
     "black",   // unknown
     "black",   // locus
     "green",  // coding-synon
     "red",    // coding-nonsynon
     "blue",   // untranslated
     "black",  // intron
     "red",    // splice-site
     "black",  // cds-reference
 /* NCBI has added some new, more specific function types that map onto 
  * pre-existing simpler function classes.  This mapping is an array of 
  * arrays, each of which has the simpler type (from snp125FuncDataName
  * above) followed by more specific subtypes, if any.  All arrays are
  * NULL-terminated. */
 static char *locusSyn[] =
     {"locus",		"gene-segment", "near-gene-3", "near-gene-5", NULL};
 static char *nonsynonSyn[] =
     {"coding-nonsynon",	"nonsense", "missense", "frameshift", "cds-indel",
      "coding-synonymy-unknown", NULL};
 static char *untranslatedSyn[] =
     {"untranslated",	"untranslated-3", "untranslated-5", NULL};
 static char *spliceSyn[] =
     {"splice-site",	"splice-3", "splice-5", NULL};
 static char *cdsRefSyn[] =
     {"cds-reference",	"coding",
 char **snp125FuncDataSynonyms[] = {
 static char *snp125FuncOldIncludeVars[] = {
 int snp125FuncArraySize   = ArraySize(snp125FuncLabels);
 /****** LocType related controls *******/
 /* Types: unknown, range, exact, between,
           rangeInsertion, rangeSubstitution, rangeDeletion */
 char *snp125LocTypeLabels[] = {
 char *snp125LocTypeOldColorVars[] = {
 char *snp125LocTypeDataName[] = {
 char *snp125LocTypeDefault[] = {
 static char *snp125LocTypeOldIncludeVars[] = {
 int snp125LocTypeArraySize   = ArraySize(snp125LocTypeLabels);
 /****** Exception related controls *******/
 char *snp132ExceptionLabels[] = {
 char *snp132ExceptionVarName[] = {
 char *snp132ExceptionDefault[] = {
     "black",	// NoExceptions
     "red",	// RefAlleleMismatch
     "red",	// RefAlleleRevComp
     "red",	// DuplicateObserved
     "red",	// MixedObserved
     "red",	// FlankMismatchGenomeLonger
     "red",	// FlankMismatchGenomeEqual
     "red",	// FlankMismatchGenomeShorter
     "red",	// NamedDeletionZeroSpan
     "red",	// NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan
     "red",	// SingleClassLongerSpan
     "red",	// SingleClassZeroSpan
     "gray",	// SingleClassTriAllelic
     "gray",	// SingleClassQuadAllelic
     "red",	// ObservedWrongFormat
     "gray",	// ObservedTooLong
     "gray",	// ObservedContainsIupac
     "red",	// ObservedMismatch
     "red",	// MultipleAlignments
     "gray",	// NonIntegerChromCount
     "gray",	// AlleleFreqSumNot1
 int snp132ExceptionArraySize = ArraySize(snp132ExceptionLabels);
 /****** Miscellaneous attributes (dbSNP's bitfields) related controls *******/
 char *snp132BitfieldLabels[] = {
     "Clinically Associated",
     "MAF >= 5% in Some Population",
     "MAF >= 5% in All Populations",
     "Appears in OMIM/OMIA",
     "Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation",
     "Submitted by Locus-Specific Database",
     "Genotype Conflict",
     "Ref SNP Cluster has Nonoverlapping Alleles",
     "Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed",
 char *snp132BitfieldVarName[] = {
 char *snp132BitfieldDataName[] = {
 char *snp132BitfieldDefault[] = {
     "black",	// NoBitfields
     "red",	// ClinicallyAssoc
     "blue",	// Maf5SomePop
     "green",	// Maf5AllPops
     "red",	// HasOmimOmia
     "red",	// MicroattrTpa
     "red",	// SubmittedByLsdb
     "gray",	// GenotypeConflict
     "gray",	// RsClusterNonoverlappingAlleles
     "gray",	// DbSnpObservedMismatch
 int snp132BitfieldArraySize = ArraySize(snp132BitfieldLabels);
 struct slName *snp125FilterFromCart(struct cart *cart, char *track, char *attribute,
 				    boolean *retFoundInCart)
 /* Look up snp125 filter settings in the cart, keeping backwards compatibility with old
  * cart variable names. */
 struct slName *values = NULL;
 boolean foundInCart = FALSE;
 char cartVar[256];
 safef(cartVar, sizeof(cartVar), "%s.include_%s", track, attribute);
 if (cartListVarExists(cart, cartVar))
     foundInCart = TRUE;
     values = cartOptionalSlNameList(cart, cartVar);
     char **oldVarNames = NULL, **oldDataName = NULL;
     int oldArraySize = 0;
     if (sameString(attribute, "molType"))
 	oldVarNames = snp125MolTypeOldIncludeVars;
 	oldDataName = snp125MolTypeDataName;
 	oldArraySize = snp125MolTypeArraySize;
     else if (sameString(attribute, "class"))
 	oldVarNames = snp125ClassOldIncludeVars;
 	oldDataName = snp125ClassDataName;
 	oldArraySize = snp125ClassArraySize;
     else if (sameString(attribute, "valid"))
 	oldVarNames = snp125ValidOldIncludeVars;
 	oldDataName = snp125ValidDataName;
 	oldArraySize = snp125ValidArraySize;
     else if (sameString(attribute, "func"))
 	oldVarNames = snp125FuncOldIncludeVars;
 	oldDataName = snp125FuncDataName;
 	oldArraySize = snp125FuncArraySize;
     else if (sameString(attribute, "locType"))
 	oldVarNames = snp125LocTypeOldIncludeVars;
 	oldDataName = snp125LocTypeDataName;
 	oldArraySize = snp125LocTypeArraySize;
     if (oldVarNames != NULL)
 	int i;
 	for (i=0; i < oldArraySize; i++)
 	    if (cartVarExists(cart, oldVarNames[i]))
 		foundInCart = TRUE;
 	if (foundInCart)
 	    for (i=0; i < oldArraySize; i++)
 		if (cartUsualBoolean(cart, oldVarNames[i], TRUE))
 		    slNameAddHead(&values, oldDataName[i]);
 if (retFoundInCart != NULL)
     *retFoundInCart = foundInCart;
 return values;
 char *snp125OldColorVarToNew(char *oldVar, char *attribute)
 /* Abbreviate an old cart var name -- new name is based on track plus this. Don't free result. */
 char *ptr = oldVar;
 if (startsWith("snp125", oldVar))
     ptr += strlen("snp125");
     char upCaseAttribute[256];
     safecpy(upCaseAttribute, sizeof(upCaseAttribute), attribute);
     upCaseAttribute[0] = toupper(upCaseAttribute[0]);
     if (startsWith(upCaseAttribute, ptr))
 	ptr += strlen(upCaseAttribute);
 return ptr;
+enum snp125ColorSource snp125ColorSourceFromCart(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb)
+/* Look up color source in cart, keeping backwards compatibility with old cart var names. */
+char cartVar[512];
+safef(cartVar, sizeof(cartVar), "%s.colorSource", tdb->track);
+char *snp125ColorSourceDefault = snp125ColorSourceLabels[SNP125_DEFAULT_COLOR_SOURCE];
+char *colorSourceCart = cartUsualString(cart, cartVar,
+					cartUsualString(cart, snp125ColorSourceOldVar,
+							snp125ColorSourceDefault));
+int cs = stringArrayIx(colorSourceCart, snp125ColorSourceLabels, snp125ColorSourceArraySize);
+int version = snpVersion(tdb->table);
+if (version >= 132)
+    // The enum begins with locType, which is not in the array, so add 1 to enum:
+    cs = 1 + stringArrayIx(colorSourceCart, snp132ColorSourceLabels, snp132ColorSourceArraySize);
+if (cs < 0)
+return (enum snp125ColorSource)cs;
+char *snp125ColorSourceToLabel(struct trackDb *tdb, enum snp125ColorSource cs)
+/* Due to availability of different color sources in several different versions,
+ * this is not just an array lookup, hence the encapsulation. Don't modify return value. */
+int version = snpVersion(tdb->table);
+if (version >= 132)
+    {
+    if (cs < 1 || cs >= snp132ColorSourceArraySize+1)
+	errAbort("Bad color source for build 132 or later (%d)", cs);
+    return snp132ColorSourceLabels[cs-1];
+    }
+    {
+    if (cs < 0 || cs >= snp125ColorSourceArraySize)
+	errAbort("Bad color source for build 131 or earlier (%d)", cs);
+    return snp125ColorSourceLabels[cs];
+    }