  Tue Feb 1 12:38:07 2011 -0800
Making it so that track html description is fetched for hgc and hgTrackUi.  To do this had to get a way to fetch a text file from a URL without putting up any warning messages if it was not there, which ended up requiring a new warning handler.
diff --git src/inc/net.h src/inc/net.h
index 6fb0cc8..76e47e7 100644
--- src/inc/net.h
+++ src/inc/net.h
@@ -135,35 +135,46 @@
 int netUrlHead(char *url, struct hash *hash);
 /* Go get head and return status.  Return negative number if
  * can't get head. If hash is non-null, fill it with header
  * lines with upper cased keywords for case-insensitive lookup, 
  * including hopefully CONTENT-TYPE: . */
 struct lineFile *netLineFileOpen(char *url);
 /* Return a lineFile attached to url.  This one
  * will skip any headers.   Free this with
  * lineFileClose(). */
 struct lineFile *netLineFileMayOpen(char *url);
 /* Same as netLineFileOpen, but warns and returns
  * null rather than aborting on problems. */
+struct lineFile *netLineFileSilentOpen(char *url);
+/* Open a lineFile on a URL.  Just return NULL without any user
+ * visible warning message if there's a problem. */
 struct dyString *netSlurpFile(int sd);
-/* Slurp file into dynamic string and return. */
+/* Slurp file into dynamic string and return.  Result will include http headers and
+ * the like. */
 struct dyString *netSlurpUrl(char *url);
-/* Go grab all of URL and return it as dynamic string. */
+/* Go grab all of URL and return it as dynamic string.  Result will include http headers
+ * and the like. This will errAbort if there's a problem. */
+char *netReadTextFileIfExists(char *url);
+/* Read entire URL and return it as a string.  URL should be text (embedded zeros will be
+ * interpreted as end of string).  If the url doesn't exist or has other problems,
+ * returns NULL. Does *not* include http headers. */
 struct lineFile *netHttpLineFileMayOpen(char *url, struct netParsedUrl **npu);
 /* Parse URL and open an HTTP socket for it but don't send a request yet. */
 void netHttpGet(struct lineFile *lf, struct netParsedUrl *npu,
 		boolean keepAlive);
 /* Send a GET request, possibly with Keep-Alive. */
 int netOpenHttpExt(char *url, char *method, char *optionalHeader);
 /* Return a file handle that will read the url.  optionalHeader
  * may by NULL or may contain cookies and other info. */
 int netHttpConnect(char *url, char *method, char *protocol, char *agent, char *optionalHeader);
 /* Parse URL, connect to associated server on port, and send most of
  * the request to the server.  If specified in the url send user name