1f1ad77303a89026caa686b37d4199a62c94bf43 kent Tue Feb 1 12:38:07 2011 -0800 Making it so that track html description is fetched for hgc and hgTrackUi. To do this had to get a way to fetch a text file from a URL without putting up any warning messages if it was not there, which ended up requiring a new warning handler. diff --git src/inc/errabort.h src/inc/errabort.h index c90f699..aa2ff28 100644 --- src/inc/errabort.h +++ src/inc/errabort.h @@ -1,89 +1,92 @@ /* ErrAbort.h - our error handler. * * This maintains two stacks - a warning message printer * stack, and a "abort handler" stack. * * By default the warnings will go to stderr, and * aborts will exit the program. You can push a * function on to the appropriate stack to change * this behavior. The top function on the stack * gets called. * * Most functions in this library will call errAbort() * if they run out of memory. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #ifndef ERRABORT_H #define ERRABORT_H extern boolean errAbortInProgress; /* Flag to indicate that an error abort is in progress. * Needed so that a warn handler can tell if it's really * being called because of a warning or an error. */ void errAbort(char *format, ...) /* Abort function, with optional (printf formatted) error message. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; void vaErrAbort(char *format, va_list args); /* Abort function, with optional (vprintf formatted) error message. */ void errnoAbort(char *format, ...) /* Prints error message from UNIX errno first, then does errAbort. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; typedef void (*AbortHandler)(); /* Function that can abort. */ void pushAbortHandler(AbortHandler handler); /* Set abort handler */ void popAbortHandler(); /* Revert to old abort handler. */ void noWarnAbort(); /* Abort without message. */ void pushDebugAbort(); /* Push abort handler that will invoke debugger. */ void vaWarn(char *format, va_list args); /* Call top of warning stack to issue warning. */ void warn(char *format, ...) /* Issue a warning message. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; void errnoWarn(char *format, ...) /* Prints error message from UNIX errno first, then does rest of warning. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))) #endif ; typedef void (*WarnHandler)(char *format, va_list args); /* Function that can warn. */ void pushWarnHandler(WarnHandler handler); /* Set warning handler */ void popWarnHandler(); /* Revert to old warn handler. */ void pushWarnAbort(); /* Push handler that will abort on warnings. */ +void pushSilentWarnHandler(); +/* Set warning handler to be quiet. Do a popWarnHandler to restore. */ + void errAbortDebugnPushPopErr(); /* generate stack dump if there is a error in the push/pop functions */ #endif /* ERRABORT_H */