  Wed Mar 23 21:01:49 2011 -0700
Feature #2822, #2823 (VCF customFactory + track handler):Added a new track type, vcfTabix, with handlers in hgTracks and hgc
and a customFactory.  It is a new bigDataUrl type of track; the
remote VCF file must be compressed and indexed by tabix, so like
BAM a separate index file is required.  If the VCF file has
genotypes, then each sample's two haplotypes are graphed in a
line, with one line per sample.  Otherwise, alleles and counts
(if available) are drawn using Belinda's pgSnp methods.
The source code has to be compiled with USE_TABIX=1 (which is
automatically set for us by common.mk when it finds the local
installation) in order for the CGIs to recognize the track type.

diff --git src/lib/tests/makefile src/lib/tests/makefile
index 72262b3..4482318 100644
--- src/lib/tests/makefile
+++ src/lib/tests/makefile
@@ -1,27 +1,34 @@
 include ../../inc/common.mk
+ifeq (${USE_TABIX},1)
+    TABIX_TESTS=tabixTest vcfTest
 MYLIBDIR = ../../lib/${MACHTYPE}
 MYLIBS = ${MYLIBDIR}/jkweb.a
 test: errCatchTest htmlPageTest htmlExpandUrlTest pipelineTests dyStringTest \
     mimeTests base64Tests quotedPTests safeTest hashTest fetchUrlTest gff3Test \
-    tabixTest vcfTest
 	rm -r output fetchUrlTest
 	@echo tested all
 	${MKDIR} output ${BIN_DIR}
 errCatchTest: errCatchTest.o ${MYLIBS} mkdirs
 	${CC} ${COPT} -o ${BIN_DIR}/errCatchTest errCatchTest.o ${MYLIBS} ${L}
 	${STRIP} ${BIN_DIR}/errCatchTest${EXE}
 	${BIN_DIR}/errCatchTest secret > output/errCatch.good
 	diff expected/errCatch.good output/errCatch.good
 	${BIN_DIR}/errCatchTest bad > output/errCatch.bad
 	diff expected/errCatch.bad output/errCatch.bad
 htmlExpandUrlTest: htmlExpandUrlTest.o ${MYLIBS} mkdirs
 	${CC} ${COPT} -o ${BIN_DIR}/htmlExpandUrlTest htmlExpandUrlTest.o ${MYLIBS} ${L}
 	${STRIP} ${BIN_DIR}/htmlExpandUrlTest${EXE}
 	${BIN_DIR}/htmlExpandUrlTest > output/htmlExpandUrlTest 2>&1
@@ -245,32 +252,36 @@
 tabixFetch1kGNoGenotypes: ${tabixTester} mkdirs
 	${tabixTester} input/YRI.trio.2010_06.novelsequences.sites.vcf.gz 2:26790860-194631353 > output/$@.out
 	diff expected/$@.out output/$@.out
 tabixFetch1kGWithGenotypes: ${tabixTester} mkdirs
 	${tabixTester} input/YRI.low_coverage.2010_07_excerpt.genotypes.vcf.gz 2:26793738-26794385 > output/$@.out
 	diff expected/$@.out output/$@.out
 ${BIN_DIR}/tabixFetch: tabixFetch.o ${MYLIBS}
 	${CC} ${COPT} -o ${BIN_DIR}/tabixFetch tabixFetch.o ${MYLIBS} ${L}
 # vcf:
-vcfTest: vcfParse1kGNoGenotypes vcfParse1kGWithGenotypes
+vcfTest: vcfParse1kGNoGenotypes vcfParse1kGWithGenotypes vcfParseOldV3
 vcfParse1kGNoGenotypes: ${vcfTester} mkdirs
 	${vcfTester} input/YRI.trio.2010_06.novelsequences.sites.vcf.gz 2 26790859 194631353 > output/$@.out
 	diff expected/$@.out output/$@.out
 vcfParse1kGWithGenotypes: ${vcfTester} mkdirs
 	${vcfTester} input/YRI.low_coverage.2010_07_excerpt.genotypes.vcf.gz 2 26793737 26794385 > output/$@.out
 	diff expected/$@.out output/$@.out
+	${vcfTester} input/20091110_pilot1_vcf_merged_call_sets_YRI.2and3_way.vcf.gz 1 3000 50000 >& output/$@.out
+	diff expected/$@.out output/$@.out
 ${BIN_DIR}/vcfParseTest: vcfParseTest.o ${MYLIBS}
 	${CC} ${COPT} -o ${BIN_DIR}/vcfParseTest vcfParseTest.o ${MYLIBS} ${L}
 	rm -rf *.o bin output *.tmp mimeTester.tmp mimeTester.out fetchUrlTest