  Wed Mar 23 21:01:49 2011 -0700
Feature #2822, #2823 (VCF customFactory + track handler):Added a new track type, vcfTabix, with handlers in hgTracks and hgc
and a customFactory.  It is a new bigDataUrl type of track; the
remote VCF file must be compressed and indexed by tabix, so like
BAM a separate index file is required.  If the VCF file has
genotypes, then each sample's two haplotypes are graphed in a
line, with one line per sample.  Otherwise, alleles and counts
(if available) are drawn using Belinda's pgSnp methods.
The source code has to be compiled with USE_TABIX=1 (which is
automatically set for us by common.mk when it finds the local
installation) in order for the CGIs to recognize the track type.

diff --git src/hg/hgc/makefile src/hg/hgc/makefile
index 4972add..cbd53b2 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/makefile
+++ src/hg/hgc/makefile
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
 include ../../inc/common.mk
 L += -lm ${MYSQLLIBS} 
 MYLIBDIR = ../../lib/${MACHTYPE}
 MYLIBS =  ${MYLIBDIR}/jkhgap.a ${MYLIBDIR}/jkweb.a
 A = hgc
 O = $A.o bamClick.o bigBedClick.o dbRIP.o ccdsClick.o cgapSageClick.o encodeClick.o expClick.o \
 	gvfClick.o hgdpClick.o lowelab.o mafClick.o makeItemsClick.o mgcClick.o \
 	parClick.o peakClusters.o regMotif.o retroClick.o rnaFoldClick.o \
-	transMapClick.o txCdsInfo.o t2g.o virusClick.o wiggleClick.o \
+	transMapClick.o txCdsInfo.o t2g.o vcfClick.o virusClick.o wiggleClick.o \
 	wikiTrack.o variomeClick.o
 include ../../inc/cgi_build_rules.mk
 mgsc: compile
 	mv $A ${CGI_BIN}-mgsc/$A
 compile: $O 
 	${CC} ${CFLAGS} $O ${F64} ${MYLIBS} ${L}
 	mv ${AOUT} $A${EXE}
 	rm -rf ${CGI_BIN}-${USER}/hgcData ${CGI_BIN}-${USER}/lsSnpPdbChimera.py
 	rsync -ar --exclude=CVS/ --exclude=.svn/ --delete hgcData ../lib/lsSnpPdbChimera.py ${CGI_BIN}-${USER}/
 	chmod -R a+rX ${CGI_BIN}-${USER}/hgcData ${CGI_BIN}-${USER}/lsSnpPdbChimera.py
 	rm -fr ${CGI_BIN}/hgcData ${CGI_BIN}/lsSnpPdbChimera.py
 	rsync -ar --exclude=CVS/ --exclude=.svn/ --delete hgcData ../lib/lsSnpPdbChimera.py ${CGI_BIN}/
 	chmod -R a+rX,g+w ${CGI_BIN}/hgcData ${CGI_BIN}/lsSnpPdbChimera.py
 	rm -fr ${CGI_BIN}-beta/hgcData ${CGI_BIN}-beta/lsSnpPdbChimera.py
 	rsync -ar --exclude=CVS/ --exclude=.svn/ --delete hgcData ../lib/lsSnpPdbChimera.py ${CGI_BIN}-beta/
 	chmod -R a+rX,g+w ${CGI_BIN}-beta/hgcData ${CGI_BIN}-beta/lsSnpPdbChimera.py