  Wed Mar 16 21:36:27 2011 -0700
Exposing controlledVocabLink, now used outside of module.
diff --git src/hg/inc/hui.h src/hg/inc/hui.h
index f626776..c24fc89 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hui.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hui.h
@@ -888,30 +888,33 @@
  * non-NULL, don't allow it to be cleared and only offer subtracks
  * that have the same type.  If fakeSubmit is non-NULL, add a hidden
  * var with that name so it looks like it was pressed. */
 char *compositeGroupLabel(struct trackDb *childTdb, char *group, char *id);
 /* Given ID from group, return corresponding label,  looking through parent's subGroupN's */
 char *compositeGroupId(struct trackDb *tdb, char *group, char *id);
 /* Given label, return id,  looking through parent's subGroupN's */
 char *compositeLabelWithVocabLink(char *db,struct trackDb *parentTdb, struct trackDb *childTdb,
 	char *vocabType, char *label);
 /* If the parentTdb has a controlledVocabulary setting and the vocabType is found,
    then label will be wrapped with the link to display it.  Return string is cloned. */
+char *controlledVocabLink(char *file,char *term,char *value,char *title, char *label,char *suffix);
+// returns allocated string of HTML link to controlled vocabulary term
 char *metadataAsHtmlTable(char *db,struct trackDb *tdb,boolean
         showLongLabel,boolean showShortLabel, struct hash *trackHash);
 /* If metadata from metaDb exists, return string of html with table definition */
 boolean compositeMetadataToggle(char *db,struct trackDb *tdb,char *title,
         boolean embeddedInText,boolean showLongLabel, struct hash *trackHash);
 /* If metadata from metaTbl exists, create a link that will allow toggling it's display */
 boolean superTrackDropDownWithExtra(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb,
                                 int visibleChild,char *extra);
 /* Displays hide/show dropdown for supertrack.
  * Set visibleChild to indicate whether 'show' should be grayed
  * out to indicate that no supertrack members are visible:
  *    0 to gray out (no visible children)
  *    1 don't gray out (there are visible children)