  Wed Mar 16 15:39:02 2011 -0700
remove some experimental code; don't bother to retreive an updated track image if user hasn't change anything in configuration dialog
diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index 376bf0e..0fa0053 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -1688,54 +1688,30 @@
     } else if (cmd == 'float') {
         if(floatingMenuItem && floatingMenuItem == id) {
             $.floatMgr.FOArray = new Array();
             floatingMenuItem = null;
         } else {
             if(floatingMenuItem) {
                 // This doesn't work.
                 $('#img_data_' + floatingMenuItem).parent().restartFloat();
                 // This does work
                 $.floatMgr.FOArray = new Array();
             floatingMenuItem = id;
             updateTrackImg(id, "hgt.transparentImage=0", "");
-    } else if (cmd == 'locateItem') {
-        // currently experimental
-        // o["Locate item" ] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "locateItem"); return true; }};
-        $('#hgLookupDialog').dialog({
-                               resizable: false,
-                               height: 'auto',
-                               width: 'auto',
-                               modal: true,
-                               closeOnEscape: true,
-                               autoOpen: false,
-                               buttons: { "OK": function() {
-                                              $(this).dialog("close");
-                                          }}
-                                    });
-        // this doesn't work (not sure why).
-        $('input#itemLookupSuggest').autocomplete({
-            delay: 500,
-            minLength: 2,
-            source: ajaxGet(function () {return db;}, new Object),
-            select: function (event, ui) {
-                setPosition(ui.item.id, commify(getSizeFromCoordinates(ui.item.id)));
-            }
-            });
-        $('#hgLookupDialog').dialog('open');
     } else {   // if( cmd in 'hide','dense','squish','pack','full','show' )
         // Change visibility settings:
         // First change the select on our form:
         var rec = trackDbJson[id];
         var selectUpdated = updateVisibility(id, cmd);
         // Now change the track image
         if(imageV2 && cmd == 'hide')
             // Hide local display of this track and update server side cart.
             // Subtracks controlled by 2 settings so del vis and set sel=0.  Others, just set vis hide.
                 setCartVars( [ id, id+"_sel" ], [ '[]', 0 ] ); // Remove subtrack level vis and explicitly uncheck.
             else if(tdbIsFolderContent(rec))
@@ -2109,38 +2085,40 @@
         //if(hide) // TODO: When findTracks or config page has cfg popup, then vis change needs to be handled in page here
     else {  // On image page
         if(hide) {
             $('#tr_' + trackName).remove();
         } else {
             // Keep local state in sync if user changed visibility
             if(newVis != null) {
                 updateVisibility(trackName, newVis);
             var urlData = varHashToQueryString(changedVars);
+            if(urlData.length > 0) {
             if(mapIsUpdateable) {
             } else {
                 window.location = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?" + urlData + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid();
 function handleTrackUi(response, status)
 // Take html from hgTrackUi and put it up as a modal dialog.
     // make sure all links (e.g. help links) open up in a new window
     response = response.replace(/<a /ig, "<a target='_blank' ");
     // TODO: Shlurp up any javascript files from the response and load them with $.getScript()
     // example <script type='text/javascript' SRC='../js/tdreszer/jquery.contextmenu-1296177766.js'></script>
     var cleanHtml = response;
     var shlurpPattern=/\<script type=\'text\/javascript\' SRC\=\'.*\'\>\<\/script\>/gi;
     var jsFiles = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
     cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
     shlurpPattern=/\<script type=\'text\/javascript\'>.*\<\/script\>/gi;