ae9de008e7786f3fccd9f52db6514540b1c995d5 kent Thu Mar 31 05:52:43 2011 -0700 Smoothing out the handling of the track->children pointer and track->subtracks pointer so that it works the same in hgTrackUi as elsewhere. The children pointers are set after pruning the track list for ones where the data table is not available. diff --git src/hg/inc/hdb.h src/hg/inc/hdb.h index 65d6ca3..a5efa12 100644 --- src/hg/inc/hdb.h +++ src/hg/inc/hdb.h @@ -1,864 +1,861 @@ /* hdb - human genome browser database. */ #ifndef HDB_H #define HDB_H #ifndef DNAUTIL_H #include "dnautil.h" #endif #ifndef DNASEQ_H #include "dnaseq.h" #endif #ifndef DYSTRING_H #include "dystring.h" #endif #ifndef JKSQL_H #include "jksql.h" #endif #ifndef TRACKDB_H #include "trackDb.h" #endif #ifndef HGRELATE_H #include "hgRelate.h" #endif #ifndef BED_H #include "bed.h" #endif #ifndef CUSTOMTRACK_H #include "customTrack.h" #endif struct chromInfo; /* At or below this number of sequences, allow split tables: */ #define HDB_MAX_SEQS_FOR_SPLIT 100 /* Statically-allocated string lengths (max supported len incl. final \0): */ #define HDB_MAX_CHROM_STRING 32 #define HDB_MAX_BAND_STRING 64 #define HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING 32 #define HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING 128 #define HDB_MAX_PATH_STRING 512 struct blatServerTable /* Information about a BLAT server. */ { char *db; /* Database name. */ char *genome; /* Genome name. */ boolean isTrans; /* Is tranlated to protein? */ char *host; /* Name of machine hosting server. */ char *port; /* Port that hosts server. */ char *nibDir; /* Directory of sequence files. */ }; struct hTableInfo /* Some info on a track table, extracted from its field names. */ { struct hTableInfo *next; /* Next in list. */ char *rootName; /* Name without chrN_. */ boolean isPos; /* True if table is positional. */ boolean isSplit; /* True if table is split. */ boolean hasBin; /* True if table starts with field. */ char chromField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of chromosome field. */ char startField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of chromosome start field. */ char endField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of chromosome end field. */ char nameField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of item name field. */ char scoreField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of score field. */ char strandField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of strand field. */ char cdsStartField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of cds(thick)Start field. */ char cdsEndField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of cds(thick)End field. */ char countField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of exon(block)Count field. */ char startsField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of exon(block)Starts field. */ char endsSizesField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of exon(block)Ends(Sizes) field. */ char spanField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]; /* Name of span field. (wiggle) */ boolean hasCDS; /* True if it has cdsStart,cdsEnd fields. */ boolean hasBlocks; /* True if it has count,starts,endsSizes. */ char *type; /* A guess at the trackDb type for this. */ }; struct slName *hTrackDbList(void); /* Return list of trackDb tables from the config file. Free list when done. */ void hSetTrackDbName(char *trackDbName); /* Override the hg.conf db.trackDb setting. */ struct slName *hTrackTablesOfType(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *type); /* get list of tables in trackDb list with type */ char *hPdbFromGdb(char *genomeDb); /* return the name of the proteome database given the genome database name */ boolean hArchiveDbExists(char *database); /* Function to check if this is a valid db name in the dbDbArch table of archived databases. */ boolean hDbExists(char *database); /* Function to check if this is a valid db name */ boolean hDbIsActive(char *database); /* Function to check if this is a valid and active db name */ char *hDefaultDb(void); /* Return the default db if all else fails */ char *hDbForTaxon(struct sqlConnection *conn, int taxon); /* Get database associated with NCBI taxon number if any. */ char *hDbForSciName(char *sciName); /* Get default db for scientific name */ char *hDefaultChrom(char *db); /* Return some sequence named in chromInfo from the given db, or NULL if db * has no chromInfo. */ int hChromCount(char *db); /* Return the number of chromosomes (scaffolds etc.) in the given db. */ struct sqlConnection *hAllocConn(char *db); /* Get free connection if possible. If not allocate a new one. */ struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnMaybe(char *db); /* Get free connection if possible. If not allocate a new one. Return * NULL if db doesn't exist or can't be connected to. */ char *getTrackProfileName(struct trackDb *tdb); /* get profile is associated with a track, return it, otherwise NULL */ struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnProfile(char *profileName, char *db); /* Get free connection, specifying a profile and/or a database. If none * is available, allocate a new one. */ struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnTrack(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb); /* Get free connection for accessing tables associated with the specified * track and database. If none is available, allocate a new one. */ struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnProfileTbl(char *db, char *spec, char **tableRet); /* Allocate a connection to db, spec can either be in the form `table' or * `profile:table'. If it contains profile, connect via that profile. Also * returns pointer to table in spec string. */ struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnDbTbl(char *spec, char **tableRet, char *defaultDb); /* Allocate a connection to db and table, spec is in form `db.table'; if * defaultDb is not NULL, 'table' can also be used. Also returns pointer to * table in spec string. */ void hFreeConn(struct sqlConnection **pConn); /* Put back connection for reuse. */ struct sqlConnection *hConnectCentral(void); /* Connect to central database where user info and other info * not specific to a particular genome lives. Free this up * with hDisconnectCentral(). */ void hDisconnectCentral(struct sqlConnection **pConn); /* Put back connection for reuse. */ struct sqlConnection *hConnectCart(void); /* Connect to cart database. Defaults to the central connection * unless cart.db or are configured. Free this * up with hDisconnectCart(). */ void hDisconnectCart(struct sqlConnection **pConn); /* Put back connection for reuse. */ char *hgOfficialChromName(char *db, char *name); /* Returns "cannonical" name of chromosome or NULL * if not a chromosome. */ boolean hgIsOfficialChromName(char *db, char *name); /* Determine if name is exact (case-sensitive) match with * a chromosome in the current assembly */ boolean hgNearOk(char *database); /* Return TRUE if ok to put up familyBrowser (hgNear) * on this database. */ boolean hgPbOk(char *database); /* Return TRUE if ok to put up Proteome Browser (pbTracks) * on this database. */ boolean hgPcrOk(char *database); /* Return TRUE if ok to put up hgPcr on this database. */ boolean hTableExists(char *db, char *table); /* Return TRUE if a table exists in database. */ boolean hTableOrSplitExists(char *db, char *table); /* Return TRUE if table (or a chrN_table) exists in database. */ char *hTableForTrack(char *db, char *trackName); /* Return a table for a track in db. Returns one of the split * tables, or main table if not split */ void hParseTableName(char *db, char *table, char trackName[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING], char chrom[HDB_MAX_CHROM_STRING]); /* Parse an actual table name like "chr17_random_blastzWhatever" into * the track name (blastzWhatever) and chrom (chr17_random). */ int hChromSize(char *db, char *chromName); /* Return size of chromosome. */ struct chromInfo *hGetChromInfo(char *db, char *chrom); /* Get chromInfo for named chromosome (case-insens.) from db. * Return NULL if no such chrom. */ struct dnaSeq *hFetchSeq(char *fileName, char *seqName, int start, int end); /* Fetch sequence from file. If it is a .2bit file then fetch the named sequence. If it is .nib then just ignore seqName. */ struct dnaSeq *hFetchSeqMixed(char *fileName, char *seqName, int start, int end); /* Fetch mixed case sequence. */ struct dnaSeq *hChromSeq(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end); /* Return lower case DNA from chromosome. */ struct dnaSeq *hChromSeqMixed(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end); /* Return mixed case (repeats in lower case) DNA from chromosome. */ struct dnaSeq *hSeqForBed(char *db, struct bed *bed); /* Get the sequence associated with a particular bed concatenated together. */ boolean hChromBand(char *db, char *chrom, int pos, char retBand[HDB_MAX_BAND_STRING]); /* Fill in text string that says what band pos is on. * Return FALSE if not on any band, or table missing. */ boolean hChromBandConn(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chrom, int pos, char retBand[HDB_MAX_BAND_STRING]); /* Fill in text string that says what band pos is on. * Return FALSE if not on any band, or table missing. */ boolean hScaffoldPos(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end, char **retScaffold, int *retStart, int *retEnd); /* Return the scaffold, and start end coordinates on a scaffold, for * a chromosome range. If the range extends past end of a scaffold, * it is truncated to the scaffold end. * Return FALSE if unable to convert */ struct dnaSeq *hDnaFromSeq(char *db, char *seqName, int start, int end, enum dnaCase dnaCase); /* Fetch DNA in a variety of cases. */ struct dnaSeq *hLoadChrom(char *db, char *chromName); /* Fetch entire chromosome into memory. */ void hNibForChrom(char *db, char *chromName, char retNibName[HDB_MAX_PATH_STRING]); /* Get .nib file associated with chromosome. */ struct slName *hAllChromNames(char *db); /* Get list of all chromosomes in database. */ char *hExtFileNameC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *extFileTable, unsigned extFileId); /* Get external file name from table and ID. Typically * extFile table will be 'extFile' or 'gbExtFile' * Abort if the id is not in the table or if the file * fails size check. Please freeMem the result when you * are done with it. (requires conn passed in) */ char *hExtFileName(char *db, char *extFileTable, unsigned extFileId); /* Get external file name from table and ID. Typically * extFile table will be 'extFile' or 'gbExtFile' * Abort if the id is not in the table or if the file * fails size check. Please freeMem the result when you * are done with it. */ struct dnaSeq *hDnaSeqGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl); /* Get a cDNA or DNA sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables. The * seqTbl/extFileTbl arguments may include the database, in which case they * override what is in db (which could even be NULL). Return NULL if not * found. */ struct dnaSeq *hDnaSeqMustGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl); /* Get a cDNA or DNA sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables. The * seqTbl/extFileTbl arguments may include the database, in which case they * override what is in db (which could even be NULL). * Abort if not found. */ aaSeq *hPepSeqGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl); /* Get a peptide sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables. The * seqTbl/extFileTbl arguments may include the database, in which case they * override what is in db (which could even be NULL). Return * NULL if not found. */ aaSeq *hPepSeqMustGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl); /* Get a peptide sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables. Abort if * not found. */ int hRnaSeqAndIdx(char *acc, struct dnaSeq **retSeq, HGID *retId, struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Return sequence for RNA and it's database ID. Return -1 if not found. */ char* hGetSeqAndId(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, HGID *retId); /* Return sequence as a fasta record in a string and it's database ID, or * NULL if not found. */ struct dnaSeq *hExtSeq(char *db, char *acc); /* Return sequence for external seq. */ struct dnaSeq *hExtSeqPart(char *db, char *acc, int start, int end); /* Return part of external sequence. */ struct dnaSeq *hRnaSeq(char *db, char *acc); /* Return sequence for RNA. */ aaSeq *hPepSeq(char *db, char *acc); /* Return sequence for a peptide. */ boolean hGenBankHaveSeq(char *db, char *acc, char *compatTable); /* Get a GenBank or RefSeq mRNA or EST sequence or NULL if it doesn't exist. * This handles compatibility between pre-incremental genbank databases where * refSeq sequences were stored in tables and the newer scheme that keeps all * sequences in external files. If compatTable is not NULL and the table * exists, it is used to obtain the sequence. Otherwise the seq and gbSeq * tables are checked. */ struct dnaSeq *hGenBankGetMrna(char *db, char *acc, char *compatTable); /* Get a GenBank or RefSeq mRNA or EST sequence or NULL if it doesn't exist. * This handles compatibility between pre-incremental genbank databases where * refSeq sequences were stored in tables and the newer scheme that keeps all * sequences in external files. If compatTable is not NULL and the table * exists, it is used to obtain the sequence. Otherwise the seq and gbSeq * tables are checked. */ struct dnaSeq *hGenBankGetMrnaC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *compatTable); /* Same as above, but can pass in connection to any db */ aaSeq *hGenBankGetPep(char *db, char *acc, char *compatTable); /* Get a RefSeq peptide sequence or NULL if it doesn't exist. This handles * compatibility between pre-incremental genbank databases where refSeq * sequences were stored in tables and the newer scheme that keeps all * sequences in external files. If compatTable is not NULL and the table * exists, it is used to obtain the sequence. Otherwise the seq and gbSeq * tables are checked. */ aaSeq *hGenBankGetPepC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *compatTable); /* Same as above, but can pass in connection to any db */ char *hGenBankGetDesc(char *db, char *acc, boolean native); /* Get a description for a genbank or refseq mRNA. If native is TRUE, an * attempt is made to get a more compact description that doesn't include * species name. Acc may optionally include the version. NULL is returned if * a description isn't available. Free string when done. */ struct bed *hGetCtBedRange(char *db, char *browserDb, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints); /* Return a bed list of all items (that match sqlConstraints, if nonNULL) * in the given range in table. If chromEnd is 0, omit the range (whole chrom). * WARNING: this does not use the bin column and maybe slower than you would like. */ struct bed *hGetBedRange(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints); /* Return a bed list of all items (that match sqlConstraints, if nonNULL) * in the given range in table. If chromEnd is 0, omit the range (whole chrom). * WARNING: this does not use the bin column and maybe slower than you would like.*/ int hGetBedRangeCount(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints); /* Return a count of all the items (that match sqlConstraints, if nonNULL) * in the given range in table. If chromEnd is 0, omit the range (whole chrom). * WARNING: this does not use the bin column and maybe slower than you would like. * C.f. hGetBedRange() but returns only the result of SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... */ struct bed *hGetFullBed(char *db, char *table); /* Return a genome-wide bed list of the table. */ /* WARNING: This isn't designed for CGI use. It's a looped call to */ /* hGetBedRange() which has its own warning. */ struct hash *hCtgPosHash(void); /* Return hash of ctgPos from current database keyed by contig name. */ char *hFreezeFromDb(char *database); /* return the freeze for the database version. For example: "hg6" returns "Dec 12, 2000". If database not recognized returns NULL */ char *hDbFromFreeze(char *freeze); /* Return database version from freeze name. */ struct slName *hDbList(void); /* List of all database versions that are online (database * names only). See also hDbDbList. */ struct dbDb *hDbDb(char *database); /* Return dbDb entry for a database */ struct dbDb *hDbDbList(void); /* Return list of databases that are actually online. * The list includes the name, description, and where to * find the nib-formatted DNA files. Free this with dbDbFree. */ struct dbDb *hDbDbListMaybeCheck(boolean doCheck); /* Return list of databases in dbDb. If doCheck, check database existence. * The list includes the name, description, and where to * find the nib-formatted DNA files. Free this with dbDbFree. */ struct dbDb *hArchiveDbDbList(void); /* Return list of databases in archive central dbDb. * Free this with dbDbFree. */ int hDbDbCmpOrderKey(const void *va, const void *vb); /* Compare to sort based on order key */ char *hDbDbNibPath(char *database); /* return nibPath from dbDb for database */ struct sqlConnection *hMaybeConnectArchiveCentral(void); /* Connect to central database for archives. * Free this up with hDisconnectCentralArchive(). */ boolean hHostHasPrefix(char *prefix); /* Return TRUE if this is running on web-server with host name prefix */ boolean hIsPrivateHost(void); /* Return TRUE if this is running on private (development) web-server. * This was originally genome-test as well as hgwdev, however genome-test * may be repurposed to direct users to the preview site instead of development site. */ boolean hIsBetaHost(void); /* Return TRUE if this is running on beta (QA) web-server. * Use sparingly as behavior on beta should be as close to RR as possible. */ boolean hIsPreviewHost(void); /* Return TRUE if this is running on preview web-server. The preview * server is a mirror of the development server provided for public * early access. */ char *hBrowserName(); /* Return browser name based on host name */ boolean hTrackOnChrom(struct trackDb *tdb, char *chrom); /* Return TRUE if track exists on this chromosome. */ struct trackDb *trackDbPolishAfterLinkup(struct trackDb *tdbList, char *db); /* Do various massaging that can only be done after parent/child * relationships are established. */ struct trackDb *hTrackDb(char *db); /* Load tracks associated with current db. * Supertracks are loaded as a trackDb, but are not in the returned list, * but are accessible via the parent pointers of the member tracks. Also, * the supertrack trackDb subtrack fields are not set here (would be * incompatible with the returned list) * Returns list sorted by priority * NOTE: this result is cached, do not free it ! */ struct trackDb *tdbForTrack(char *db, char *track,struct trackDb **tdbList); /* Load trackDb object for a track. If track is composite, its subtracks * will also be loaded and inheritance will be handled; if track is a * subtrack then inheritance will be handled. (Unless a subtrack has * "noInherit on"...) This will die if the current database does not have * a trackDb, but will return NULL if track is not found. * MAY pass in prepopulated trackDb list, or may receive the trackDb list as an inout. */ #define hTrackDbForTrack(db,track) tdbForTrack(db,track,NULL) struct trackDb *hTrackDbForTrackAndAncestors(char *db, char *track); /* Load trackDb object for a track. If need be grab its ancestors too. * This does not load children. hTrackDbForTrack will handle children, and * is actually faster if being called on lots of tracks. This function * though is faster on one or two tracks. */ struct trackDb *hCompositeTrackDbForSubtrack(char *db, struct trackDb *sTdb); /* Given a trackDb that may be for a subtrack of a composite track, * return the trackDb for the composite track if we can find it, else NULL. * Note: if the composite trackDb is found and returned, then its subtracks * member will contain a newly allocated tdb like sTdb (but not ==). */ -void hTrackDbLoadSuper(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb); -/* Populate child trackDbs of this supertrack */ - struct hTableInfo *hFindTableInfoWithConn(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chrom, char *rootName); /* Find table information, with conn as part of input parameters. Return NULL if no table. */ struct hTableInfo *hFindTableInfo(char *db, char *chrom, char *rootName); /* Find table information in specified db. Return NULL if no table. */ int hTableInfoBedFieldCount(struct hTableInfo *hti); /* Return number of BED fields needed to save hti. */ boolean hFindChromStartEndFields(char *db, char *table, char retChrom[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING], char retStart[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING], char retEnd[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]); /* Given a table return the fields for selecting chromosome, start, and end. */ boolean hIsBinned(char *db, char *table); /* Return TRUE if a table is binned. */ int hFieldIndex(char *db, char *table, char *field) /* Return index of field in table or -1 if it doesn't exist. */; boolean hHasField(char *db, char *table, char *field); /* Return TRUE if table has field */ boolean hFieldHasIndex(char *db, char *table, char *field); /* Return TRUE if a SQL index exists for table.field. */ boolean hFindFieldsAndBin(char *db, char *table, char retChrom[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING], char retStart[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING], char retEnd[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING], boolean *retBinned); /* Given a table return the fields for selecting chromosome, start, end, * and whether it's binned . */ boolean hFindSplitTable(char *db, char *chrom, char *rootName, char retTableBuf[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING], boolean *hasBin); /* Find name of table that may or may not be split across chromosomes. * Return FALSE if table doesn't exist. */ struct slName *hSplitTableNames(char *db, char *rootName); /* Return a list of all split tables for rootName, or of just rootName if not * split, or NULL if no such tables exist. */ int hBinLevels(void); /* Return number of levels to bins. */ int hBinFirstShift(void); /* Return amount to shift a number to get to finest bin. */ int hBinNextShift(void); /* Return amount to shift a numbe to get to next coarser bin. */ int hFindBin(int start, int end); /* Given start,end in chromosome coordinates assign it * a bin. There's a bin for each 128k segment, for each * 1M segment, for each 8M segment, for each 64M segment, * and for each chromosome (which is assumed to be less than * 512M.) A range goes into the smallest bin it will fit in. */ void hAddBinToQueryGeneral(char *binField, int start, int end, struct dyString *query); /* Add clause that will restrict to relevant bins to query. allow bin field name to be specified */ void hAddBinToQuery(int start, int end, struct dyString *query); /* Add clause that will restrict to relevant bins to query. */ struct sqlResult *hRangeQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *rootTable, char *chrom, int start, int end, char *extraWhere, int *retRowOffset); /* Construct and make a query to tables that may be split and/or * binned. */ struct sqlResult *hOrderedRangeQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *rootTable, char *chrom, int start, int end, char *extraWhere, int *retRowOffset); /* Construct and make a query to tables that may be split and/or * binned. Forces return values to be sorted by chromosome start. */ struct sqlResult *hExtendedRangeQuery( struct sqlConnection *conn, /* Open SQL connection. */ char *rootTable, /* Table (not including any chrN_) */ char *chrom, int start, int end, /* Range. */ char *extraWhere, /* Extra things to add to where clause. */ boolean order, /* If true order by start position (can be slow). */ char *fields, /* If non-NULL comma separated field list. */ int *retRowOffset); /* Returns offset past bin field. */ /* Range query with lots of options. */ struct sqlResult *hChromQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *rootTable, char *chrom, char *extraWhere, int *retRowOffset); /* Construct and make a query across whole chromosome to tables * that may be split and/or * binned. */ struct sqlResult *hExtendedChromQuery( struct sqlConnection *conn, /* Open SQL connection. */ char *rootTable, /* Table (not including any chrN_) */ char *chrom, /* Chromosome. */ char *extraWhere, /* Extra things to add to where clause. */ boolean order, /* If true order by start position (can be slow). */ char *fields, /* If non-NULL comma separated field list. */ int *retRowOffset); /* Returns offset past bin field. */ /* Chromosome query fields for tables that may be split and/or binned, * with lots of options. */ int hOffsetPastBin(char *db, char *chrom, char *table); /* Return offset into a row of table that skips past bin * field if any. */ boolean hgParseChromRange(char *db, char *spec, char **retChromName, int *retWinStart, int *retWinEnd); /* Parse something of form chrom:start-end into pieces. * if db != NULL then check with chromInfo for names */ boolean hgIsChromRange(char *db, char *spec); /* Returns TRUE if spec is chrom:N-M for some human * chromosome chrom and some N and M. */ struct trackDb *hMaybeTrackInfo(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *trackName); /* Load trackDb object for a track. If track is composite, its subtracks * will also be loaded and inheritance will be handled; if track is a * subtrack then inheritance will be handled. (Unless a subtrack has * "noInherit on"...) Don't die if conn has no trackDb table. Return NULL * if trackName is not found. */ struct trackDb *hTrackInfo(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *trackName); /* Look up track in database, errAbort if it's not there. */ boolean hTrackCanPack(char *db, char *trackName); /* Return TRUE if this track can be packed. */ bool hTrackIsSubtrack(char *db, char *trackName); /* Return TRUE if this track is a subtrack. */ char *hGetParent(char *db, char *subtrackName); /* Return parent of subtrack. */ char *hGetTrackForTable(char *db, char *table); /* Given a table name, get first track associated with it. */ char *hGetTableForTrack(char *db, char *track); /* Given a track name, get table associated with it. */ char *hTrackOpenVis(char *db, char *trackName); /* Return "pack" if track is packable, otherwise "full". */ struct dbDb *hGetIndexedDatabases(void); /* Get list of all active databases. * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */ struct dbDb *hGetIndexedDatabasesForClade(char *db); /* Get list of active databases in db's clade. * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */ struct slName *hLiftOverFromDbs(void); /* Return a list of names of the DBs in the * fromDb column of the liftOverChain.*/ struct slName *hLiftOverToDbs(char *fromDb); /* Return a list of names of the DBs in the * toDb column of the liftOverChain. * If fromDb!=NULL, return only those with that * fromDb. */ struct slName *hLiftOverFromOrgs(void); /* Return a list of names of organisms that * have databases in the fromDb column of * liftOverChain.*/ struct slName *hLiftOverToOrgs(char *fromDb); /* Return a list of names of the organisms with * databases in the toDb column of the liftOverChain. * If fromDb!=NULL, return only those with that * fromDb. */ struct hash *hGetDatabaseRank(void); /* Get list of databases and make a hash of order rank * Dispose of this with hashFree. */ struct dbDb *hGetLiftOverFromDatabases(void); /* Get list of databases for which there is at least one liftOver chain file * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */ struct dbDb *hGetLiftOverToDatabases(char *fromDb); /* Get list of databases for which there are liftOver chain files * to convert from the fromDb assembly. * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */ struct dbDb *hGetAxtInfoDbs(char *db); /* Get list of db's where we have axt files listed in axtInfo . * The db's with the same organism as organism go last. * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */ struct axtInfo *hGetAxtAlignments(char *db, char *otherDb); /* Get list of alignments where we have axt files listed in axtInfo . * Dispose of this with axtInfoFreeList. */ struct axtInfo *hGetAxtAlignmentsChrom(char *db, char *otherDb, char *chrom); /* Get list of alignments where we have axt files listed in axtInfo for a specified chromosome . * Dispose of this with axtInfoFreeList. */ struct dbDb *hGetBlatIndexedDatabases(void); /* Get list of databases for which there is a BLAT index. * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */ boolean hIsBlatIndexedDatabase(char *db); /* Return TRUE if have a BLAT server on sequence corresponding * to give database. */ struct blatServerTable *hFindBlatServer(char *db, boolean isTrans); /* return the blat server information corresponding to the database */ char *hDefaultPos(char *database); /* param database - The database within which to look up this position. return - default chromosome position associated with database. Use freeMem on return value when done. */ char *hOrganism(char *database); /* Return organism associated with database. Use freeMem on * return value when done. */ char *hArchiveOrganism(char *database); /* Return organism associated with database. Use freeMem on * return value when done. This one checks the normal central * DB first, then the archive dbDb. */ int hOrganismID(char *database); /* Get organism ID from relational organism table */ /* Return 0 if not found. */ char *hScientificName(char *database); /* Return scientific name for organism represented by this database */ /* Return NULL if unknown database */ /* NOTE: must free returned string after use */ char *hHtmlPath(char *database); /* Return /gbdb path name to html description for this database */ /* Return NULL if unknown database */ /* NOTE: must free returned string after use */ char *hFreezeDate(char *database); /* Return freeze date of database. Use freeMem when done. */ char *hFreezeDateOpt(char *database); /* Return freeze date of database or NULL if unknown database * Use freeMem when done. */ char *hGenomeOrArchive(char *database); /* Return genome name associated from the regular or the archive database. */ char *hGenome(char *database); /* Return genome associated with database. Use freeMem on * return value when done. */ char *hPreviousAssembly(char *database); /* Return previous assembly for the genome associated with database. */ boolean hGotClade(void); /* Return TRUE if central db contains clade info tables. */ char *hClade(char *genome); /* If central database has clade tables, return the clade for the * given genome; otherwise return NULL. */ char *hDefaultDbForGenome(char *genome); /* Purpose: Return the default database matching the organism. param organism - The organism for which we are trying to get the default database. return - The default database name for this organism */ char *hDefaultGenomeForClade(char *clade); /* Return highest relative priority genome for clade. */ char *sqlGetField(char *db, char *tblName, char *fldName, char *condition); /* Return a single field from the database, table name, field name, and a condition string */ struct hash *hChromSizeHash(char *db); /* Get hash of chromosome sizes for database. Just hashFree it when done. */ struct slName *hChromList(char *db); /* Get the list of chrom names from the database's chromInfo table. */ struct mafAli *mafLoadInRegion(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *chrom, int start, int end); /* Return list of alignments in region. */ struct mafAli *axtLoadAsMafInRegion(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *chrom, int start, int end, char *tPrefix, char *qPrefix, int tSize, struct hash *qSizeHash); /* Return list of alignments in region from axt external file as a maf. */ char *hgDirForOrg(char *org); /* Make directory name from organism name - getting * rid of dots and spaces. */ struct hash *hgReadRa(char *genome, char *database, char *rootDir, char *rootName, struct hash **retHashOfHash); /* Read in ra in root, root/org, and root/org/database. * Returns a list of hashes, one for each ra record. Optionally * if retHashOfHash is non-null it returns there a * a hash of hashes keyed by the name field in each * ra sub-hash. */ char *addCommasToPos(char *db, char *position); /* add commas to the numbers in a position * returns pointer to static */ struct grp* hLoadGrps(char *db); /* load the grp tables using the list configured in hg.conf, returning a list * sorted by priority. */ int hGetMinIndexLength(char *db); /* get the minimum index size for the given database that won't smoosh * together chromNames such that any group of smooshed entries has a * cumulative size greater than the the largest chromosome. Allow one * exception cuz we're nice */ int chrStrippedCmp(char *chrA, char *chrB); /* compare chrom names after stripping chr, Scaffold_ or ps_ prefix */ int chrNameCmp(char *str1, char *str2); /* Compare chromosome names by number, then suffix. str1 and str2 must * match the regex "chr([0-9]+|[A-Za-z0-9]+)(_[A-Za-z0-9_]+)?". */ int chrSlNameCmp(const void *el1, const void *el2); /* Compare chromosome names by number, then suffix. el1 and el2 must be * slName **s (as passed in by slSort) whose names match the regex * "chr([0-9]+|[A-Za-z0-9]+)(_[A-Za-z0-9_]+)?". */ int bedCmpExtendedChr(const void *va, const void *vb); /* Compare to sort based on chrom,chromStart. Use extended * chrom name comparison, that strip prefixes and does numeric compare */ int compareDbs(char *dbA, char *dbB); /* Compare two org# e.g. mm6 vs. mm16 or mm6 vs. hg17 * Return > 0 if dbA > dbB, < 0 if less than, and 0 if equal */ int getTableSize(char *db, char *table); /* Get count of rows in a table in the primary database */ struct slName *getDomainList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *ucscGeneId, char *domainDb); struct slName *getPfamDomainList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *ucscGeneId); boolean isUnknownChrom(char *dataBase, char *chromName); /* Return true if chrom is one of our "unknown" chromomsomes (e.g. chrUn). */ char *hGenbankModDate(char *acc, struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Get string for genbank last modification date, or NULL if not found.. * Free resulting string. */ struct trackDb *findTdbForTable(char *db,struct trackDb *parent,char *table, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table)); /* Find or creates the tdb for this table. Might return NULL! (e.g. all tables) * If this is a custom track, pass in function ctLookupName(table) which looks up a * custom track by name, otherwise pass NULL */ char *findTypeForTable(char *db,struct trackDb *parent,char *table, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table)); /* Finds the TrackType for this Table */ boolean trackIsType(char *database, char *table, struct trackDb *parent, char *type, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table)); /* Return TRUE track is a specific type. Type should be something like "bed" or * "bigBed" or "bigWig" * if table has no parent trackDb pass NULL for parent * If this is a custom track, pass in function ctLookupName(table) which looks up a * custom track by name, otherwise pass NULL */ boolean hIsBigBed(char *database, char *table, struct trackDb *parent, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table)); /* Return TRUE if table corresponds to a bigBed file. * if table has no parent trackDb pass NULL for parent * If this is a custom track, pass in function ctLookupName(table) which looks up a * custom track by name, otherwise pass NULL */ char *bbiNameFromSettingOrTable(struct trackDb *tdb, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table); /* Return file name from bigDataUrl or little table. */ #endif /* HDB_H */