  Wed Apr 6 23:35:26 2011 -0700
Fix case where databases are split between two servers with a trackDb specifcationpointing to both servers, e.g.:

If a given genome databases existed on only one of the servers, then it would
cause an error when checking for a trackDb in that server.  This change
checks for the existance of the database as well as the table.

diff --git src/hg/inc/hdb.h src/hg/inc/hdb.h
index a5efa12..18d403e 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hdb.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hdb.h
@@ -1,861 +1,870 @@
 /* hdb - human genome browser database. */
 #ifndef HDB_H
 #define HDB_H
 #ifndef DNAUTIL_H
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #ifndef DNASEQ_H
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #ifndef DYSTRING_H
 #include "dystring.h"
 #ifndef JKSQL_H
 #include "jksql.h"
 #ifndef TRACKDB_H
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #ifndef HGRELATE_H
 #include "hgRelate.h"
 #ifndef BED_H
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 struct chromInfo;
 /* At or below this number of sequences, allow split tables: */
 /* Statically-allocated string lengths (max supported len incl. final \0): */
 #define HDB_MAX_PATH_STRING 512
 struct blatServerTable
 /* Information about a BLAT server. */
     char *db;		/* Database name. */
     char *genome;	/* Genome name. */
     boolean isTrans;	/* Is tranlated to protein? */
     char *host;		/* Name of machine hosting server. */
     char *port;		/* Port that hosts server. */
     char *nibDir;	/* Directory of sequence files. */
 struct hTableInfo
 /* Some info on a track table, extracted from its field names. */
     struct hTableInfo *next;	/* Next in list. */
     char *rootName;		/* Name without chrN_. */
     boolean isPos;		/* True if table is positional. */
     boolean isSplit;		/* True if table is split. */
     boolean hasBin;		/* True if table starts with field. */
     char chromField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of chromosome field. */
     char startField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of chromosome start field. */
     char endField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];		/* Name of chromosome end field. */
     char nameField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];		/* Name of item name field. */
     char scoreField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of score field. */
     char strandField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of strand field. */
     char cdsStartField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of cds(thick)Start field. */
     char cdsEndField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of cds(thick)End field. */
     char countField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of exon(block)Count field. */
     char startsField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of exon(block)Starts field. */
     char endsSizesField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];	/* Name of exon(block)Ends(Sizes) field. */
     char spanField[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING];		/* Name of span field. (wiggle) */
     boolean hasCDS;		/* True if it has cdsStart,cdsEnd fields. */
     boolean hasBlocks;		/* True if it has count,starts,endsSizes. */
     char *type;			/* A guess at the trackDb type for this. */
 struct slName *hTrackDbList(void);
 /* Return list of trackDb tables from the config file.  Free list when done. */
 void hSetTrackDbName(char *trackDbName);
 /* Override the hg.conf db.trackDb setting. */
 struct slName *hTrackTablesOfType(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *type);
 /* get list of tables in trackDb list with type */
 char *hPdbFromGdb(char *genomeDb);
 /* return the name of the proteome database given the genome database name */
 boolean hArchiveDbExists(char *database);
 /* Function to check if this is a valid db name in the dbDbArch table
    of archived databases. */
 boolean hDbExists(char *database);
 /* Function to check if this is a valid db name */
 boolean hDbIsActive(char *database);
 /* Function to check if this is a valid and active db name */
 char *hDefaultDb(void);
 /* Return the default db if all else fails */
 char *hDbForTaxon(struct sqlConnection *conn, int taxon);
 /* Get database associated with NCBI taxon number if any. */
 char *hDbForSciName(char *sciName);
 /* Get default db for scientific name */
 char *hDefaultChrom(char *db);
 /* Return some sequence named in chromInfo from the given db, or NULL if db
  * has no chromInfo. */
 int hChromCount(char *db);
 /* Return the number of chromosomes (scaffolds etc.) in the given db. */
 struct sqlConnection *hAllocConn(char *db);
 /* Get free connection if possible. If not allocate a new one. */
 struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnMaybe(char *db);
 /* Get free connection if possible. If not allocate a new one. Return
  * NULL if db doesn't exist or can't be connected to. */
 char *getTrackProfileName(struct trackDb *tdb);
 /* get profile is associated with a track, return it, otherwise NULL */
 struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnProfile(char *profileName, char *db);
 /* Get free connection, specifying a profile and/or a database. If none
  * is available, allocate a new one. */
+struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnProfileMaybe(char *profileName, char *db);
+/* Get free connection, specifying a profile and/or a database. If none is
+ * available, allocate a new one.  Return NULL if database doesn't exist. */
 struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnTrack(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb);
 /* Get free connection for accessing tables associated with the specified
  * track and database. If none is available, allocate a new one. */
 struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnProfileTbl(char *db, char *spec, char **tableRet);
 /* Allocate a connection to db, spec can either be in the form `table' or
  * `profile:table'.  If it contains profile, connect via that profile.  Also
  * returns pointer to table in spec string. */
+struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnProfileTblMaybe(char *db, char *spec, char **tableRet);
+/* Allocate a connection to db, spec can either be in the form `table' or
+ * `profile:table'.  If it contains profile, connect via that profile.  Also
+ * returns pointer to table in spec string. Return NULL if database doesn't exist */
 struct sqlConnection *hAllocConnDbTbl(char *spec, char **tableRet, char *defaultDb);
 /* Allocate a connection to db and table, spec is in form `db.table'; if
  * defaultDb is not NULL, 'table' can also be used.  Also returns pointer to
  * table in spec string. */
 void hFreeConn(struct sqlConnection **pConn);
 /* Put back connection for reuse. */
 struct sqlConnection *hConnectCentral(void);
 /* Connect to central database where user info and other info
  * not specific to a particular genome lives.  Free this up
  * with hDisconnectCentral(). */
 void hDisconnectCentral(struct sqlConnection **pConn);
 /* Put back connection for reuse. */
 struct sqlConnection *hConnectCart(void);
 /* Connect to cart database.  Defaults to the central connection
  * unless cart.db or cart.host are configured. Free this
  * up with hDisconnectCart(). */
 void hDisconnectCart(struct sqlConnection **pConn);
 /* Put back connection for reuse. */
 char *hgOfficialChromName(char *db, char *name);
 /* Returns "cannonical" name of chromosome or NULL
  * if not a chromosome. */
 boolean hgIsOfficialChromName(char *db, char *name);
 /* Determine if name is exact (case-sensitive) match with
  * a chromosome in the current assembly */
 boolean hgNearOk(char *database);
 /* Return TRUE if ok to put up familyBrowser (hgNear)
  * on this database. */
 boolean hgPbOk(char *database);
 /* Return TRUE if ok to put up Proteome Browser (pbTracks)
  * on this database. */
 boolean hgPcrOk(char *database);
 /* Return TRUE if ok to put up hgPcr on this database. */
 boolean hTableExists(char *db, char *table);
 /* Return TRUE if a table exists in database. */
 boolean hTableOrSplitExists(char *db, char *table);
 /* Return TRUE if table (or a chrN_table) exists in database. */
 char *hTableForTrack(char *db, char *trackName);
 /* Return a table for a track in db. Returns one of the split
  * tables, or main table if not split */
 void hParseTableName(char *db, char *table, char trackName[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING],
 		     char chrom[HDB_MAX_CHROM_STRING]);
 /* Parse an actual table name like "chr17_random_blastzWhatever" into
  * the track name (blastzWhatever) and chrom (chr17_random). */
 int hChromSize(char *db, char *chromName);
 /* Return size of chromosome. */
 struct chromInfo *hGetChromInfo(char *db, char *chrom);
 /* Get chromInfo for named chromosome (case-insens.) from db.
  * Return NULL if no such chrom. */
 struct dnaSeq *hFetchSeq(char *fileName, char *seqName, int start, int end);
 /* Fetch sequence from file.  If it is a .2bit file then fetch the named sequence.
 If it is .nib then just ignore seqName. */
 struct dnaSeq *hFetchSeqMixed(char *fileName, char *seqName, int start, int end);
 /* Fetch mixed case sequence. */
 struct dnaSeq *hChromSeq(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end);
 /* Return lower case DNA from chromosome. */
 struct dnaSeq *hChromSeqMixed(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end);
 /* Return mixed case (repeats in lower case) DNA from chromosome. */
 struct dnaSeq *hSeqForBed(char *db, struct bed *bed);
 /* Get the sequence associated with a particular bed concatenated together. */
 boolean hChromBand(char *db, char *chrom, int pos, char retBand[HDB_MAX_BAND_STRING]);
 /* Fill in text string that says what band pos is on.
  * Return FALSE if not on any band, or table missing. */
 boolean hChromBandConn(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *chrom, int pos, char retBand[HDB_MAX_BAND_STRING]);
 /* Fill in text string that says what band pos is on.
  * Return FALSE if not on any band, or table missing. */
 boolean hScaffoldPos(char *db, char *chrom, int start, int end,
                      char **retScaffold, int *retStart, int *retEnd);
 /* Return the scaffold, and start end coordinates on a scaffold, for
  * a chromosome range.  If the range extends past end of a scaffold,
  * it is truncated to the scaffold end.
  * Return FALSE if unable to convert */
 struct dnaSeq *hDnaFromSeq(char *db, char *seqName,
 	int start, int end, enum dnaCase dnaCase);
 /* Fetch DNA in a variety of cases.  */
 struct dnaSeq *hLoadChrom(char *db, char *chromName);
 /* Fetch entire chromosome into memory. */
 void hNibForChrom(char *db, char *chromName, char retNibName[HDB_MAX_PATH_STRING]);
 /* Get .nib file associated with chromosome. */
 struct slName *hAllChromNames(char *db);
 /* Get list of all chromosomes in database. */
 char *hExtFileNameC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *extFileTable, unsigned extFileId);
 /* Get external file name from table and ID.  Typically
  * extFile table will be 'extFile' or 'gbExtFile'
  * Abort if the id is not in the table or if the file
  * fails size check.  Please freeMem the result when you
  * are done with it. (requires conn passed in) */
 char *hExtFileName(char *db, char *extFileTable, unsigned extFileId);
 /* Get external file name from table and ID.  Typically
  * extFile table will be 'extFile' or 'gbExtFile'
  * Abort if the id is not in the table or if the file
  * fails size check.  Please freeMem the result when you
  * are done with it. */
 struct dnaSeq *hDnaSeqGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl);
 /* Get a cDNA or DNA sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables.  The
  * seqTbl/extFileTbl arguments may include the database, in which case they
  * override what is in db (which could even be NULL). Return NULL if not
  * found. */
 struct dnaSeq *hDnaSeqMustGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl);
 /* Get a cDNA or DNA sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables.  The
  * seqTbl/extFileTbl arguments may include the database, in which case they
  * override what is in db (which could even be NULL).
  * Abort if not found. */
 aaSeq *hPepSeqGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl);
 /* Get a peptide sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables.   The
  * seqTbl/extFileTbl arguments may include the database, in which case they
  * override what is in db (which could even be NULL). Return
  * NULL if not found. */
 aaSeq *hPepSeqMustGet(char *db, char *acc, char *seqTbl, char *extFileTbl);
 /* Get a peptide sequence from the specified seq and extFile tables. Abort if
  * not found. */
 int hRnaSeqAndIdx(char *acc, struct dnaSeq **retSeq, HGID *retId, struct sqlConnection *conn);
 /* Return sequence for RNA and  it's database ID. Return -1 if not found. */
 char* hGetSeqAndId(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, HGID *retId);
 /* Return sequence as a fasta record in a string and it's database ID, or
  * NULL if not found. */
 struct dnaSeq *hExtSeq(char *db, char *acc);
 /* Return sequence for external seq. */
 struct dnaSeq *hExtSeqPart(char *db, char *acc, int start, int end);
 /* Return part of external sequence. */
 struct dnaSeq *hRnaSeq(char *db, char *acc);
 /* Return sequence for RNA. */
 aaSeq *hPepSeq(char *db, char *acc);
 /* Return sequence for a peptide. */
 boolean hGenBankHaveSeq(char *db, char *acc, char *compatTable);
 /* Get a GenBank or RefSeq mRNA or EST sequence or NULL if it doesn't exist.
  * This handles compatibility between pre-incremental genbank databases where
  * refSeq sequences were stored in tables and the newer scheme that keeps all
  * sequences in external files.  If compatTable is not NULL and the table
  * exists, it is used to obtain the sequence.  Otherwise the seq and gbSeq
  * tables are checked.
 struct dnaSeq *hGenBankGetMrna(char *db, char *acc, char *compatTable);
 /* Get a GenBank or RefSeq mRNA or EST sequence or NULL if it doesn't exist.
  * This handles compatibility between pre-incremental genbank databases where
  * refSeq sequences were stored in tables and the newer scheme that keeps all
  * sequences in external files.  If compatTable is not NULL and the table
  * exists, it is used to obtain the sequence.  Otherwise the seq and gbSeq
  * tables are checked.
 struct dnaSeq *hGenBankGetMrnaC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *compatTable);
 /* Same as above, but can pass in connection to any db */
 aaSeq *hGenBankGetPep(char *db, char *acc, char *compatTable);
 /* Get a RefSeq peptide sequence or NULL if it doesn't exist.  This handles
  * compatibility between pre-incremental genbank databases where refSeq
  * sequences were stored in tables and the newer scheme that keeps all
  * sequences in external files.  If compatTable is not NULL and the table
  * exists, it is used to obtain the sequence.  Otherwise the seq and gbSeq
  * tables are checked.
 aaSeq *hGenBankGetPepC(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *acc, char *compatTable);
 /* Same as above, but can pass in connection to any db */
 char *hGenBankGetDesc(char *db, char *acc, boolean native);
 /* Get a description for a genbank or refseq mRNA. If native is TRUE, an
  * attempt is made to get a more compact description that doesn't include
  * species name. Acc may optionally include the version.  NULL is returned if
  * a description isn't available.  Free string when done. */
 struct bed *hGetCtBedRange(char *db, char *browserDb, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart,
 			   int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints);
 /* Return a bed list of all items (that match sqlConstraints, if nonNULL)
  * in the given range in table.  If chromEnd is 0, omit the range (whole chrom).
  * WARNING: this does not use the bin column and maybe slower than you would like. */
 struct bed *hGetBedRange(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart,
 			 int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints);
 /* Return a bed list of all items (that match sqlConstraints, if nonNULL)
  * in the given range in table.  If chromEnd is 0, omit the range (whole chrom).
  * WARNING: this does not use the bin column and maybe slower than you would like.*/
 int hGetBedRangeCount(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, int chromStart,
                          int chromEnd, char *sqlConstraints);
 /* Return a count of all the items (that match sqlConstraints, if nonNULL)
  * in the given range in table.  If chromEnd is 0, omit the range (whole chrom).
  * WARNING: this does not use the bin column and maybe slower than you would like.
  * C.f. hGetBedRange() but returns only the result of SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...  */
 struct bed *hGetFullBed(char *db, char *table);
 /* Return a genome-wide bed list of the table. */
 /* WARNING: This isn't designed for CGI use. It's a looped call to */
 /* hGetBedRange() which has its own warning. */
 struct hash *hCtgPosHash(void);
 /* Return hash of ctgPos from current database keyed by contig name. */
 char *hFreezeFromDb(char *database);
 /* return the freeze for the database version.
    For example: "hg6" returns "Dec 12, 2000". If database
    not recognized returns NULL */
 char *hDbFromFreeze(char *freeze);
 /* Return database version from freeze name. */
 struct slName *hDbList(void);
 /* List of all database versions that are online (database
  * names only).  See also hDbDbList. */
 struct dbDb *hDbDb(char *database);
 /* Return dbDb entry for a database */
 struct dbDb *hDbDbList(void);
 /* Return list of databases that are actually online.
  * The list includes the name, description, and where to
  * find the nib-formatted DNA files. Free this with dbDbFree. */
 struct dbDb *hDbDbListMaybeCheck(boolean doCheck);
 /* Return list of databases in dbDb.  If doCheck, check database existence.
  * The list includes the name, description, and where to
  * find the nib-formatted DNA files. Free this with dbDbFree. */
 struct dbDb *hArchiveDbDbList(void);
 /* Return list of databases in archive central dbDb.
  * Free this with dbDbFree. */
 int hDbDbCmpOrderKey(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare to sort based on order key */
 char *hDbDbNibPath(char *database);
 /* return nibPath from dbDb for database */
 struct sqlConnection *hMaybeConnectArchiveCentral(void);
 /* Connect to central database for archives.
  * Free this up with hDisconnectCentralArchive(). */
 boolean hHostHasPrefix(char *prefix);
 /* Return TRUE if this is running on web-server with host name prefix */
 boolean hIsPrivateHost(void);
 /* Return TRUE if this is running on private (development) web-server.
  * This was originally genome-test as well as hgwdev, however genome-test
  * may be repurposed to direct users to the preview site instead of development site. */
 boolean hIsBetaHost(void);
 /* Return TRUE if this is running on beta (QA) web-server.
  * Use sparingly as behavior on beta should be as close to RR as possible. */
 boolean hIsPreviewHost(void);
 /* Return TRUE if this is running on preview web-server.  The preview
  * server is a mirror of the development server provided for public
  * early access. */
 char *hBrowserName();
 /* Return browser name based on host name */
 boolean hTrackOnChrom(struct trackDb *tdb, char *chrom);
 /* Return TRUE if track exists on this chromosome. */
 struct trackDb *trackDbPolishAfterLinkup(struct trackDb *tdbList, char *db);
 /* Do various massaging that can only be done after parent/child
  * relationships are established. */
 struct trackDb *hTrackDb(char *db);
 /* Load tracks associated with current db.
  * Supertracks are loaded as a trackDb, but are not in the returned list,
  * but are accessible via the parent pointers of the member tracks.  Also,
  * the supertrack trackDb subtrack fields are not set here (would be
  * incompatible with the returned list)
  * Returns list sorted by priority
  *	NOTE: this result is cached, do not free it !
 struct trackDb *tdbForTrack(char *db, char *track,struct trackDb **tdbList);
 /* Load trackDb object for a track. If track is composite, its subtracks
  * will also be loaded and inheritance will be handled; if track is a
  * subtrack then inheritance will be handled.  (Unless a subtrack has
  * "noInherit on"...) This will die if the current database does not have
  * a trackDb, but will return NULL if track is not found.
  * MAY pass in prepopulated trackDb list, or may receive the trackDb list as an inout. */
 #define hTrackDbForTrack(db,track) tdbForTrack(db,track,NULL)
 struct trackDb *hTrackDbForTrackAndAncestors(char *db, char *track);
 /* Load trackDb object for a track. If need be grab its ancestors too.
  * This does not load children. hTrackDbForTrack will handle children, and
  * is actually faster if being called on lots of tracks.  This function
  * though is faster on one or two tracks. */
 struct trackDb *hCompositeTrackDbForSubtrack(char *db, struct trackDb *sTdb);
 /* Given a trackDb that may be for a subtrack of a composite track,
  * return the trackDb for the composite track if we can find it, else NULL.
  * Note: if the composite trackDb is found and returned, then its subtracks
  * member will contain a newly allocated tdb like sTdb (but not ==). */
 struct hTableInfo *hFindTableInfoWithConn(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chrom, char *rootName);
 /* Find table information, with conn as part of input parameters.  Return NULL if no table.  */
 struct hTableInfo *hFindTableInfo(char *db, char *chrom, char *rootName);
 /* Find table information in specified db.  Return NULL if no table. */
 int hTableInfoBedFieldCount(struct hTableInfo *hti);
 /* Return number of BED fields needed to save hti. */
 boolean hFindChromStartEndFields(char *db, char *table,
 	char retChrom[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING],
 	char retStart[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING],
 	char retEnd[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING]);
 /* Given a table return the fields for selecting chromosome, start, and end. */
 boolean hIsBinned(char *db, char *table);
 /* Return TRUE if a table is binned. */
 int hFieldIndex(char *db, char *table, char *field)
 /* Return index of field in table or -1 if it doesn't exist. */;
 boolean hHasField(char *db, char *table, char *field);
 /* Return TRUE if table has field */
 boolean hFieldHasIndex(char *db, char *table, char *field);
 /* Return TRUE if a SQL index exists for table.field. */
 boolean hFindFieldsAndBin(char *db, char *table,
 	char retChrom[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING],
 	char retStart[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING],
 	char retEnd[HDB_MAX_FIELD_STRING], boolean *retBinned);
 /* Given a table return the fields for selecting chromosome, start, end,
  * and whether it's binned . */
 boolean hFindSplitTable(char *db, char *chrom, char *rootName,
 	char retTableBuf[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING], boolean *hasBin);
 /* Find name of table that may or may not be split across chromosomes.
  * Return FALSE if table doesn't exist.  */
 struct slName *hSplitTableNames(char *db, char *rootName);
 /* Return a list of all split tables for rootName, or of just rootName if not
  * split, or NULL if no such tables exist. */
 int hBinLevels(void);
 /* Return number of levels to bins. */
 int hBinFirstShift(void);
 /* Return amount to shift a number to get to finest bin. */
 int hBinNextShift(void);
 /* Return amount to shift a numbe to get to next coarser bin. */
 int hFindBin(int start, int end);
 /* Given start,end in chromosome coordinates assign it
  * a bin.   There's a bin for each 128k segment, for each
  * 1M segment, for each 8M segment, for each 64M segment,
  * and for each chromosome (which is assumed to be less than
  * 512M.)  A range goes into the smallest bin it will fit in. */
 void hAddBinToQueryGeneral(char *binField, int start, int end, struct dyString *query);
 /* Add clause that will restrict to relevant bins to query. allow bin field name to be specified */
 void hAddBinToQuery(int start, int end, struct dyString *query);
 /* Add clause that will restrict to relevant bins to query. */
 struct sqlResult *hRangeQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *rootTable, char *chrom,
 	int start, int end, char *extraWhere, int *retRowOffset);
 /* Construct and make a query to tables that may be split and/or
  * binned. */
 struct sqlResult *hOrderedRangeQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *rootTable, char *chrom,
 	int start, int end, char *extraWhere, int *retRowOffset);
 /* Construct and make a query to tables that may be split and/or
  * binned. Forces return values to be sorted by chromosome start. */
 struct sqlResult *hExtendedRangeQuery(
 	struct sqlConnection *conn,  /* Open SQL connection. */
 	char *rootTable, 	     /* Table (not including any chrN_) */
 	char *chrom, int start, int end,  /* Range. */
 	char *extraWhere,            /* Extra things to add to where clause. */
 	boolean order, 	   /* If true order by start position (can be slow). */
 	char *fields,      /* If non-NULL comma separated field list. */
 	int *retRowOffset); /* Returns offset past bin field. */
 /* Range query with lots of options. */
 struct sqlResult *hChromQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn,
 	char *rootTable, char *chrom,
 	char *extraWhere, int *retRowOffset);
 /* Construct and make a query across whole chromosome to tables
  * that may be split and/or
  * binned. */
 struct sqlResult *hExtendedChromQuery(
 	struct sqlConnection *conn,  /* Open SQL connection. */
 	char *rootTable, 	     /* Table (not including any chrN_) */
 	char *chrom,  		     /* Chromosome. */
 	char *extraWhere,            /* Extra things to add to where clause. */
 	boolean order, 	   /* If true order by start position (can be slow). */
 	char *fields,      /* If non-NULL comma separated field list. */
 	int *retRowOffset); /* Returns offset past bin field. */
 /* Chromosome query fields for tables that may be split and/or binned,
  * with lots of options. */
 int hOffsetPastBin(char *db, char *chrom, char *table);
 /* Return offset into a row of table that skips past bin
  * field if any. */
 boolean hgParseChromRange(char *db, char *spec, char **retChromName,
 	int *retWinStart, int *retWinEnd);
 /* Parse something of form chrom:start-end into pieces.
  * if db != NULL then check with chromInfo for names */
 boolean hgIsChromRange(char *db, char *spec);
 /* Returns TRUE if spec is chrom:N-M for some human
  * chromosome chrom and some N and M. */
 struct trackDb *hMaybeTrackInfo(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *trackName);
 /* Load trackDb object for a track. If track is composite, its subtracks
  * will also be loaded and inheritance will be handled; if track is a
  * subtrack then inheritance will be handled.  (Unless a subtrack has
  * "noInherit on"...) Don't die if conn has no trackDb table.  Return NULL
  * if trackName is not found. */
 struct trackDb *hTrackInfo(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *trackName);
 /* Look up track in database, errAbort if it's not there. */
 boolean hTrackCanPack(char *db, char *trackName);
 /* Return TRUE if this track can be packed. */
 bool hTrackIsSubtrack(char *db, char *trackName);
 /* Return TRUE if this track is a subtrack. */
 char *hGetParent(char *db, char *subtrackName);
 /* Return parent of subtrack. */
 char *hGetTrackForTable(char *db, char *table);
 /* Given a table name, get first track associated with it. */
 char *hGetTableForTrack(char *db, char *track);
 /* Given a track name, get table associated with it. */
 char *hTrackOpenVis(char *db, char *trackName);
 /* Return "pack" if track is packable, otherwise "full". */
 struct dbDb *hGetIndexedDatabases(void);
 /* Get list of all active databases.
  * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */
 struct dbDb *hGetIndexedDatabasesForClade(char *db);
 /* Get list of active databases in db's clade.
  * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */
 struct slName *hLiftOverFromDbs(void);
 /* Return a list of names of the DBs in the
  * fromDb column of the liftOverChain.*/
 struct slName *hLiftOverToDbs(char *fromDb);
 /* Return a list of names of the DBs in the
  * toDb column of the liftOverChain.
  * If fromDb!=NULL, return only those with that
  * fromDb. */
 struct slName *hLiftOverFromOrgs(void);
 /* Return a list of names of organisms that
  * have databases in the fromDb column of
  * liftOverChain.*/
 struct slName *hLiftOverToOrgs(char *fromDb);
 /* Return a list of names of the organisms with
  * databases in the toDb column of the liftOverChain.
  * If fromDb!=NULL, return only those with that
  * fromDb. */
 struct hash *hGetDatabaseRank(void);
 /* Get list of databases and make a hash of order rank
  * Dispose of this with hashFree. */
 struct dbDb *hGetLiftOverFromDatabases(void);
 /* Get list of databases for which there is at least one liftOver chain file
  * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */
 struct dbDb *hGetLiftOverToDatabases(char *fromDb);
 /* Get list of databases for which there are liftOver chain files
  * to convert from the fromDb assembly.
  * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */
 struct dbDb *hGetAxtInfoDbs(char *db);
 /* Get list of db's where we have axt files listed in axtInfo .
  * The db's with the same organism as organism go last.
  * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */
 struct axtInfo *hGetAxtAlignments(char *db, char *otherDb);
 /* Get list of alignments where we have axt files listed in axtInfo .
  * Dispose of this with axtInfoFreeList. */
 struct axtInfo *hGetAxtAlignmentsChrom(char *db, char *otherDb, char *chrom);
 /* Get list of alignments where we have axt files listed in axtInfo for a specified chromosome .
  * Dispose of this with axtInfoFreeList. */
 struct dbDb *hGetBlatIndexedDatabases(void);
 /* Get list of databases for which there is a BLAT index.
  * Dispose of this with dbDbFreeList. */
 boolean hIsBlatIndexedDatabase(char *db);
 /* Return TRUE if have a BLAT server on sequence corresponding
  * to give database. */
 struct blatServerTable *hFindBlatServer(char *db, boolean isTrans);
 /* return the blat server information corresponding to the database */
 char *hDefaultPos(char *database);
 /* param database - The database within which to look up this position.
    return - default chromosome position associated with database.
     Use freeMem on return value when done.
 char *hOrganism(char *database);
 /* Return organism associated with database.   Use freeMem on
  * return value when done. */
 char *hArchiveOrganism(char *database);
 /* Return organism associated with database.   Use freeMem on
  * return value when done. This one checks the normal central
  * DB first, then the archive dbDb. */
 int hOrganismID(char *database);
 /* Get organism ID from relational organism table */
 /* Return 0 if not found. */
 char *hScientificName(char *database);
 /* Return scientific name for organism represented by this database */
 /* Return NULL if unknown database */
 /* NOTE: must free returned string after use */
 char *hHtmlPath(char *database);
 /* Return /gbdb path name to html description for this database */
 /* Return NULL if unknown database */
 /* NOTE: must free returned string after use */
 char *hFreezeDate(char *database);
 /* Return freeze date of database. Use freeMem when done. */
 char *hFreezeDateOpt(char *database);
 /* Return freeze date of database or NULL if unknown database
  *  Use freeMem when done. */
 char *hGenomeOrArchive(char *database);
 /* Return genome name associated from the regular or the archive database. */
 char *hGenome(char *database);
 /* Return genome associated with database.   Use freeMem on
  * return value when done. */
 char *hPreviousAssembly(char *database);
 /* Return previous assembly for the genome associated with database. */
 boolean hGotClade(void);
 /* Return TRUE if central db contains clade info tables. */
 char *hClade(char *genome);
 /* If central database has clade tables, return the clade for the
  * given genome; otherwise return NULL. */
 char *hDefaultDbForGenome(char *genome);
 Purpose: Return the default database matching the organism.
 param organism - The organism for which we are trying to get the
     default database.
 return - The default database name for this organism
 char *hDefaultGenomeForClade(char *clade);
 /* Return highest relative priority genome for clade. */
 char *sqlGetField(char *db, char *tblName, char *fldName,
   	          char *condition);
 /* Return a single field from the database, table name, field name, and a
    condition string */
 struct hash *hChromSizeHash(char *db);
 /* Get hash of chromosome sizes for database.  Just hashFree it when done. */
 struct slName *hChromList(char *db);
 /* Get the list of chrom names from the database's chromInfo table. */
 struct mafAli *mafLoadInRegion(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
 	char *chrom, int start, int end);
 /* Return list of alignments in region. */
 struct mafAli *axtLoadAsMafInRegion(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
 	char *chrom, int start, int end,
 	char *tPrefix, char *qPrefix, int tSize,  struct hash *qSizeHash);
 /* Return list of alignments in region from axt external file as a maf. */
 char *hgDirForOrg(char *org);
 /* Make directory name from organism name - getting
  * rid of dots and spaces. */
 struct hash *hgReadRa(char *genome, char *database, char *rootDir,
 	char *rootName, struct hash **retHashOfHash);
 /* Read in ra in root, root/org, and root/org/database.
  * Returns a list of hashes, one for each ra record.  Optionally
  * if retHashOfHash is non-null it returns there a
  * a hash of hashes keyed by the name field in each
  * ra sub-hash. */
 char *addCommasToPos(char *db, char *position);
 /* add commas to the numbers in a position
  * returns pointer to static */
 struct grp* hLoadGrps(char *db);
 /* load the grp tables using the list configured in hg.conf, returning a list
  * sorted by priority. */
 int hGetMinIndexLength(char *db);
 /* get the minimum index size for the given database that won't smoosh
  * together chromNames such that any group of smooshed entries has a
  * cumulative size greater than the the largest chromosome.  Allow one
  * exception cuz we're nice
 int chrStrippedCmp(char *chrA, char *chrB);
 /*	compare chrom names after stripping chr, Scaffold_ or ps_ prefix */
 int chrNameCmp(char *str1, char *str2);
 /* Compare chromosome names by number, then suffix.  str1 and str2 must
  * match the regex "chr([0-9]+|[A-Za-z0-9]+)(_[A-Za-z0-9_]+)?". */
 int chrSlNameCmp(const void *el1, const void *el2);
 /* Compare chromosome names by number, then suffix.  el1 and el2 must be
  * slName **s (as passed in by slSort) whose names match the regex
  * "chr([0-9]+|[A-Za-z0-9]+)(_[A-Za-z0-9_]+)?". */
 int bedCmpExtendedChr(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare to sort based on chrom,chromStart.  Use extended
  * chrom name comparison, that strip prefixes and does numeric compare */
 int compareDbs(char *dbA, char *dbB);
 /* Compare two org# e.g. mm6 vs. mm16 or mm6 vs. hg17
  * Return > 0 if dbA > dbB, < 0 if less than, and 0 if equal */
 int getTableSize(char *db, char *table);
 /* Get count of rows in a table in the primary database */
 struct slName *getDomainList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *ucscGeneId,
        char *domainDb);
 struct slName *getPfamDomainList(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *ucscGeneId);
 boolean isUnknownChrom(char *dataBase, char *chromName);
 /* Return true if chrom is one of our "unknown" chromomsomes (e.g. chrUn). */
 char *hGenbankModDate(char *acc, struct sqlConnection *conn);
 /* Get string for genbank last modification date, or NULL if not found..
  * Free resulting string. */
 struct trackDb *findTdbForTable(char *db,struct trackDb *parent,char *table, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table));
 /* Find or creates the tdb for this table.  Might return NULL! (e.g. all tables)
  * If this is a custom track, pass in function ctLookupName(table) which looks up a
  * custom track by name, otherwise pass NULL
 char *findTypeForTable(char *db,struct trackDb *parent,char *table, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table));
 /* Finds the TrackType for this Table */
 boolean trackIsType(char *database, char *table, struct trackDb *parent, char *type, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table));
 /* Return TRUE track is a specific type.  Type should be something like "bed" or
  * "bigBed" or "bigWig"
  * if table has no parent trackDb pass NULL for parent
  * If this is a custom track, pass in function ctLookupName(table) which looks up a
  * custom track by name, otherwise pass NULL
 boolean hIsBigBed(char *database, char *table, struct trackDb *parent, struct customTrack *(*ctLookupName)(char *table));
 /* Return TRUE if table corresponds to a bigBed file.
  * if table has no parent trackDb pass NULL for parent
  * If this is a custom track, pass in function ctLookupName(table) which looks up a
  * custom track by name, otherwise pass NULL
 char *bbiNameFromSettingOrTable(struct trackDb *tdb, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table);
 /* Return file name from bigDataUrl or little table. */
 #endif /* HDB_H */