9825f518b3bf4d6ffd2d41c1bc9f4cc61d23c650 tdreszer Tue Apr 5 16:11:04 2011 -0700 Renamed lib file searchTracks.c and .h to search.c and .h to avoid conflict with hgTracks file searchTracks.c and to emphasize that this is common code to both track and file seartch. diff --git src/hg/hgFileSearch/hgFileSearch.c src/hg/hgFileSearch/hgFileSearch.c index 8fe95ee..ab5523b 100644 --- src/hg/hgFileSearch/hgFileSearch.c +++ src/hg/hgFileSearch/hgFileSearch.c @@ -1,599 +1,599 @@ #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" #include "jsHelper.h" #include "trackDb.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "web.h" #include "mdb.h" #include "hCommon.h" #include "hui.h" #include "fileUi.h" -#include "searchTracks.h" +#include "search.h" #include "cart.h" #include "grp.h" #define FAKE_MDB_MULTI_SELECT_SUPPORT struct hash *trackHash = NULL; // Is this needed? boolean measureTiming = FALSE; /* DON'T EDIT THIS -- use CGI param "&measureTiming=." . */ #define FILE_SEARCH_WHAT "Downloadable ENCODE Files" #define FILE_SEARCH_NAME FILE_SEARCH_WHAT " Search" #define FILE_SEARCH "hgfs_Search" #define FILE_SEARCH_FORM "fileSearch" #define FILE_SEARCH_CURRENT_TAB "fsCurTab" #define FILE_SEARCH_ON_FILETYPE "fsFileType" // These are common with trackSearch. Should they be? #define TRACK_SEARCH_SIMPLE "tsSimple" #define TRACK_SEARCH_ON_NAME "tsName" #define TRACK_SEARCH_ON_GROUP "tsGroup" #define TRACK_SEARCH_ON_DESCR "tsDescr" #define TRACK_SEARCH_SORT "tsSort" #define SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH //#define USE_TABS #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH // make a matchString function to support "contains", "is" etc. and wildcards in contains // ((sameString(op, "is") && !strcasecmp(track->shortLabel, str)) || #define MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD #ifdef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD #define MATCH_ON_WILDS static boolean matchToken(char *string, char *token) { if (string == NULL) return (token == NULL); if (token == NULL) return TRUE; if (!strchr(token,'*') && !strchr(token,'?')) return (strcasestr(string,token) != NULL); #ifdef MATCH_ON_WILDS char wordWild[1024]; safef(wordWild,sizeof wordWild,"*%s*",token); return wildMatch(wordWild, string); // do this with regex ? Would require all sorts of careful parsing for ()., etc. //safef(wordWild,sizeof wordWild,"^*%s*$",token); //regex_t regEx; //int err = regcomp(®Ex, token, REG_NOSUB | REG_ICASE); //if(err != 0) // Compile the regular expression so that it can be used. Use: REG_EXTENDED ? // { // char buffer[128]; // regerror(err, ®Ex, buffer, sizeof buffer); // warn("ERROR: Invalid regular expression: [%s] %s\n",token,buffer); // regfree(®Ex); // return FALSE; // } //err = regexec(®Ex, mdbVar->val, 0, NULL, 0); //regfree(®Ex); //return (err == 0); #endif//def MATCH_ON_WILDS } static boolean doesNameMatch(struct trackDb *tdb, struct slName *wordList) // We parse str and look for every word at the start of any word in track description (i.e. google style). { if (tdb->html == NULL) return (wordList != NULL); struct slName *word = wordList; for(; word != NULL; word = word->next) { if (!matchToken(tdb->shortLabel,word->name) && !matchToken(tdb->longLabel, word->name)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static boolean doesDescriptionMatch(struct trackDb *tdb, struct slName *wordList) // We parse str and look for every word at the start of any word in track description (i.e. google style). { //static boolean tryitOneCycle=TRUE; if (tdb->html == NULL) return (wordList != NULL); if (strchr(tdb->html,'\n')) strSwapChar(tdb->html,'\n',' '); // DANGER: don't own memory. However, this CGI will use html for no other purpose struct slName *word = wordList; for(; word != NULL; word = word->next) { if (!matchToken(tdb->html,word->name)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif///def MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD static struct trackDb *tdbFilterBy(struct trackDb **pTdbList, char *name, char *description, char *group) // returns tdbs that match supplied criterion, leaving unmatched in list passed in { #ifdef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD // Set the word lists up once struct slName *nameList = NULL; if (name) nameList = slNameListOfUniqueWords(cloneString(name),TRUE); // TRUE means respect quotes struct slName *descList = NULL; if (description) descList = slNameListOfUniqueWords(cloneString(description),TRUE); #endif///def MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD struct trackDb *tdbList = *pTdbList; struct trackDb *tdbRejects = NULL; struct trackDb *tdbMatched = NULL; #ifndef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD char nameWild[256]; if (name) safef(nameWild,sizeof nameWild,"*%s*",name); char descWild[512]; if (description) safef(descWild,sizeof descWild,"*%s*",description); #endif///ndef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD while (tdbList != NULL) { struct trackDb *tdb = slPopHead(&tdbList); if (!tdbIsComposite(tdb)) slAddHead(&tdbRejects,tdb); else if (group && differentString(tdb->grp,group)) slAddHead(&tdbRejects,tdb); #ifdef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD else if (name && !doesNameMatch(tdb, nameList)) slAddHead(&tdbRejects,tdb); else if (description && !doesDescriptionMatch(tdb, descList)) slAddHead(&tdbRejects,tdb); #else///ifndef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD else if (name && (!wildMatch(nameWild,tdb->shortLabel) && !wildMatch(nameWild,tdb->longLabel))) slAddHead(&tdbRejects,tdb); else if (description && (tdb->html == NULL || !wildMatch(descWild,tdb->html))) slAddHead(&tdbRejects,tdb); #endif///ndef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD else slAddHead(&tdbMatched,tdb); } //slReverse(&tdbRejects); // Needed? //slReverse(&tdbMatched); // Needed? *pTdbList = tdbRejects; //warn("matched %d tracks",slCount(tdbMatched)); return tdbMatched; } static boolean mdbSelectsAddFoundComposites(struct slPair **pMdbSelects,struct trackDb *tdbsFound) // Adds a composite mdbSelect (if found in tdbsFound) to the head of the pairs list. // If tdbsFound is NULL, then add dummy composite search criteria { // create comma separated list of composites struct dyString *dyComposites = dyStringNew(256); struct trackDb *tdb = tdbsFound; for(;tdb != NULL; tdb = tdb->next) { if (tdbIsComposite(tdb)) dyStringPrintf(dyComposites,"%s,",tdb->track); else if (tdbIsCompositeChild(tdb)) { struct trackDb *composite = tdbGetComposite(tdb); dyStringPrintf(dyComposites,"%s,",composite->track); } } if (dyStringLen(dyComposites) > 0) { char *composites = dyStringCannibalize(&dyComposites); composites[strlen(composites) - 1] = '\0'; // drop the last ',' //warn("Found composites: %s",composites); slPairAdd(pMdbSelects,MDB_VAR_COMPOSITE,composites); // Composite should not already be in the list, because it is only indirectly sortable return TRUE; } //warn("No composites found"); dyStringFree(&dyComposites); return FALSE; } #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH #ifdef USE_TABS static struct slRef *simpleSearchForTdbs(struct trix *trix,char **descWords,int descWordCount) // Performs the simple search and returns the found tracks. { struct slRef *foundTdbs = NULL; struct trixSearchResult *tsList; for(tsList = trixSearch(trix, descWordCount, descWords, TRUE); tsList != NULL; tsList = tsList->next) { struct trackDb *tdb = (struct track *) hashFindVal(trackHash, tsList->itemId); if (track != NULL) // It is expected that this is NULL (e.g. when the trix references trackDb tracks which have no tables) { refAdd(&foundTdbs, tdb); } } return foundTdbs; } #endif///def USE_TABS struct slName *tdbListGetGroups(struct trackDb *tdbList) // Returns a list of groups found in the tdbList // FIXME: Should be movedf to trackDbCustom and shared { struct slName *groupList = NULL; char *lastGroup = "[]"; struct trackDb *tdb = tdbList; for(;tdb!=NULL;tdb=tdb->next) { if (differentString(lastGroup,tdb->grp)) lastGroup = slNameStore(&groupList, tdb->grp); } return groupList; } struct grp *groupsFilterForTdbList(struct grp **grps,struct trackDb *tdbList) { struct grp *grpList = *grps; *grps = NULL; struct slName *tdbGroups = tdbListGetGroups(tdbList); if (tdbList == NULL) return *grps; while (grpList != NULL) { struct grp *grp = slPopHead(&grpList); if (slNameInList(tdbGroups,grp->name)) slAddHead(grps,grp); } slNameFreeList(&tdbGroups); slReverse(grps); return *grps; } static void doFileSearch(char *db,char *organism,struct cart *cart,struct trackDb *tdbList) { if (!advancedJavascriptFeaturesEnabled(cart)) { warn("Requires advanced javascript features."); return; } struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db); boolean metaDbExists = sqlTableExists(conn, "metaDb"); if (!sqlTableExists(conn, "metaDb")) { warn("Assembly %s %s does not support Downloadable Files search.", organism, hFreezeFromDb(db)); hFreeConn(&conn); return; } #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH char *nameSearch = cartOptionalString(cart, TRACK_SEARCH_ON_NAME); char *descSearch=NULL; #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH char *fileTypeSearch = cartOptionalString(cart, FILE_SEARCH_ON_FILETYPE); boolean doSearch = sameWord(cartUsualString(cart, FILE_SEARCH,"no"), "search"); #ifdef ONE_FUNC struct hash *parents = newHash(4); #endif///def ONE_FUNC boolean searchTermsExist = FALSE; // FIXME: Why is this needed? int cols; #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH #ifdef USE_TABS enum searchTab selectedTab = simpleTab; char *currentTab = cartUsualString(cart, FILE_SEARCH_CURRENT_TAB, "simpleTab"); if(sameString(currentTab, "simpleTab")) { selectedTab = simpleTab; descSearch = cartOptionalString(cart, TRACK_SEARCH_SIMPLE); freez(&nameSearch); } else if(sameString(currentTab, "filesTab")) { selectedTab = filesTab; descSearch = cartOptionalString(cart, TRACK_SEARCH_ON_DESCR); } #else///ifndef USE_TABS enum searchTab selectedTab = filesTab; descSearch = cartOptionalString(cart, TRACK_SEARCH_ON_DESCR); #endif///ndef USE_TABS #ifndef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD if(descSearch) stripChar(descSearch, '"'); #endif///ndef MATCH_ON_EACH_WORD #ifdef USE_TABS struct trix *trix; char trixFile[HDB_MAX_PATH_STRING]; getSearchTrixFile(db, trixFile, sizeof(trixFile)); trix = trixOpen(trixFile); #endif///def USE_TABS #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH printf("<div style='max-width:1080px;'>"); // FIXME: Do we need a form at all? //printf("<form action='%s' name='%s' id='%s' method='get'>\n\n", hgTracksName(),FILE_SEARCH_FORM,FILE_SEARCH_FORM); printf("<form action='../cgi-bin/hgFileSearch' name='%s' id='%s' method='get'>\n\n", FILE_SEARCH_FORM,FILE_SEARCH_FORM); cartSaveSession(cart); // Creates hidden var of hgsid to avoid bad voodoo //safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", clock1()); //cgiMakeHiddenVar("hgt_", buf); // timestamps page to avoid browser cache printf("<input type='hidden' name='db' value='%s'>\n", db); printf("<input type='hidden' name='%s' value=''>\n",TRACK_SEARCH_DEL_ROW); printf("<input type='hidden' name='%s' value=''>\n",TRACK_SEARCH_ADD_ROW); #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH #ifdef USE_TABS printf("<input type='hidden' name='%s' id='currentTab' value='%s'>\n", FILE_SEARCH_CURRENT_TAB, currentTab); printf("<div id='tabs' style='display:none; %s'>\n" "<ul>\n" "<li><a href='#simpleTab'><B style='font-size:.9em;font-family: arial, Geneva, Helvetica, san-serif;'>Search</B></a></li>\n" "<li><a href='#filesTab'><B style='font-size:.9em;font-family: arial, Geneva, Helvetica, san-serif;'>Files</B></a></li>\n" "</ul>\n",cgiBrowser()==btIE?"width:1060px;":"max-width:inherit;"); // Files tab printf("<div id='simpleTab' style='max-width:inherit;'>\n"); printf("<table id='simpleTable' style='width:100%%; font-size:.9em;'><tr><td colspan='2'>"); printf("<input type='text' name='%s' id='simpleSearch' class='submitOnEnter' value='%s' style='max-width:1000px; width:100%%;' onkeyup='findTracksSearchButtonsEnable(true);'>\n", TRACK_SEARCH_SIMPLE,descSearch == NULL ? "" : descSearch); if (selectedTab==simpleTab && descSearch) searchTermsExist = TRUE; printf("</td></tr><td style='max-height:4px;'></td></tr></table>"); //printf("</td></tr></table>"); printf("<input type='submit' name='%s' id='searchSubmit' value='search' style='font-size:.8em;'>\n", FILE_SEARCH); printf("<input type='button' name='clear' value='clear' class='clear' style='font-size:.8em;' onclick='findTracksClear();'>\n"); printf("<input type='submit' name='submit' value='cancel' class='cancel' style='font-size:.8em;'>\n"); printf("</div>\n"); //#else///ifndef USE_TABS //printf("<div id='noTabs' style='width:1060px;'>\n");//,cgiBrowser()==btIE?"width:1060px;":"max-width:inherit;"); #endif///def USE_TABS #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH // Files tab printf("<div id='filesTab' style='width:inherit;'>\n" "<table id='filesTable' cellSpacing=0 style='width:inherit; font-size:.9em;'>\n"); cols = 8; #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH //// Track Name contains printf("<tr><td colspan=3></td>"); printf("<td nowrap><b style='max-width:100px;'>Track Name:</b></td>"); printf("<td align='right'>contains</td>\n"); printf("<td colspan='%d'>", cols - 4); printf("<input type='text' name='%s' id='nameSearch' class='submitOnEnter' value='%s' onkeyup='findTracksSearchButtonsEnable(true);' style='min-width:326px; font-size:.9em;'>", TRACK_SEARCH_ON_NAME, nameSearch == NULL ? "" : nameSearch); printf("</td></tr>\n"); // Description contains printf("<tr><td colspan=2></td><td align='right'>and </td>"); printf("<td><b style='max-width:100px;'>Description:</b></td>"); printf("<td align='right'>contains</td>\n"); printf("<td colspan='%d'>", cols - 4); printf("<input type='text' name='%s' id='descSearch' value='%s' class='submitOnEnter' onkeyup='findTracksSearchButtonsEnable(true);' style='max-width:536px; width:536px; font-size:.9em;'>", TRACK_SEARCH_ON_DESCR, descSearch == NULL ? "" : descSearch); printf("</td></tr>\n"); if (selectedTab==filesTab && descSearch) searchTermsExist = TRUE; // Set up Group dropdown struct grp *grps = hLoadGrps(db); grps = groupsFilterForTdbList(&grps,tdbList); int numGroups = slCount(grps) + 1; // Add Any char **groups = needMem(sizeof(char *) * numGroups); char **labels = needMem(sizeof(char *) * numGroups); groups[0] = ANYLABEL; labels[0] = ANYLABEL; int ix=1; struct grp *grp = grps; for (; grp != NULL; grp = grp->next,ix++) { groups[ix] = cloneString(grp->name); labels[ix] = cloneString(grp->label); } printf("<tr><td colspan=2></td><td align='right'>and </td>\n"); printf("<td><b style='max-width:100px;'>Group:</b></td>"); printf("<td align='right'>is</td>\n"); printf("<td colspan='%d'>", cols - 4); char *groupSearch = cartOptionalString(cart, TRACK_SEARCH_ON_GROUP); cgiMakeDropListFull(TRACK_SEARCH_ON_GROUP, labels, groups, numGroups, groupSearch, "class='groupSearch' style='min-width:40%; font-size:.9em;'"); printf("</td></tr>\n"); if (selectedTab==filesTab && groupSearch) searchTermsExist = TRUE; #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH // Track Type is (drop down) #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH printf("<tr><td colspan=2></td><td align='right'>and </td>\n"); #else///ifndef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH printf("<tr><td colspan=2></td><td align='right'> </td>\n"); #endif///ndef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH //printf("<tr><td colspan=2></td><td align='right'>and </td>\n"); // Bring back "and" if using "Track Name,Description or Group printf("<td nowrap><b style='max-width:100px;'>Data Format:</b></td>"); printf("<td align='right'>is</td>\n"); printf("<td colspan='%d'>", cols - 4); char *dropDownHtml = fileFormatSelectHtml(FILE_SEARCH_ON_FILETYPE,fileTypeSearch,"style='min-width:40%; font-size:.9em;'"); if (dropDownHtml) { puts(dropDownHtml); freeMem(dropDownHtml); } printf("</td></tr>\n"); if (selectedTab==filesTab && fileTypeSearch) searchTermsExist = TRUE; // mdb selects struct slPair *mdbSelects = NULL; if(metaDbExists) { struct slPair *mdbVars = mdbVarsSearchable(conn,FALSE,TRUE); // Not tables, just files mdbSelects = mdbSelectPairs(cart,selectedTab, mdbVars); char *output = mdbSelectsHtmlRows(conn,mdbSelects,mdbVars,cols,TRUE); // restricted to file search if (output) { puts(output); freeMem(output); } slPairFreeList(&mdbVars); } printf("</table>\n"); printf("<input type='submit' name='%s' id='searchSubmit' value='search' style='font-size:.8em;'>\n", FILE_SEARCH); printf("<input type='button' name='clear' value='clear' class='clear' style='font-size:.8em;' onclick='findTracksClear();'>\n"); printf("<input type='submit' name='submit' value='cancel' class='cancel' style='font-size:.8em;'>\n"); //printf("<a target='_blank' href='../goldenPath/help/trackSearch.html'>help</a>\n"); printf("</div>\n"); #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH #ifdef USE_TABS printf("</div>\n"); // End tabs div #endif///def USE_TABS if(nameSearch != NULL && !strlen(nameSearch)) nameSearch = NULL; if(descSearch != NULL && !strlen(descSearch)) descSearch = NULL; if(groupSearch != NULL && sameString(groupSearch, ANYLABEL)) groupSearch = NULL; #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH printf("</form>\n"); printf("</div>"); // Restricts to max-width:1000px; if (measureTiming) uglyTime("Rendered tabs"); #ifdef USE_TABS if (doSearch && selectedTab==simpleTab && isEmpty(descSearch)) doSearch = FALSE; #endif///def USE_TABS if(doSearch) { // Now search #ifdef USE_TABS struct slRef *foundTdbs = NULL; if(selectedTab==simpleTab) { foundTdbs = simpleSearchForTdbs(trix,descWords,descWordCount); // What to do now? if (measureTiming) uglyTime("Searched for tracks"); // Sort and Print results if(selectedTab!=filesTab) { enum sortBy sortBy = cartUsualInt(cart,TRACK_SEARCH_SORT,sbRelevance); int tracksFound = slCount(foundTdbs); if(tracksFound > 1) findTracksSort(&tracks,sortBy); displayFoundTracks(cart,tracks,tracksFound,sortBy); if (measureTiming) uglyTime("Displayed found files"); } } else if(selectedTab==filesTab && mdbPairs != NULL) #endif///def USE_TABS { #ifdef SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH if (nameSearch || descSearch || groupSearch) { // Use nameSearch, descSearch and groupSearch to narrow down the list of composites. if (isNotEmpty(nameSearch) || isNotEmpty(descSearch) || isNotEmpty(groupSearch)) { struct trackDb *tdbList = hTrackDb(db); struct trackDb *tdbsMatch = tdbFilterBy(&tdbList, nameSearch, descSearch, groupSearch); // Now we have a list of tracks, so we need a unique list of composites to add to mdbSelects doSearch = mdbSelectsAddFoundComposites(&mdbSelects,tdbsMatch); } } #endif///def SUPPORT_COMPOSITE_SEARCH if (doSearch && mdbSelects != NULL && isNotEmpty(fileTypeSearch)) fileSearchResults(db, conn, mdbSelects, fileTypeSearch); else printf("<DIV id='filesFound'><BR>No files found.<BR></DIV><BR>\n"); if (measureTiming) uglyTime("Searched for files"); } slPairFreeList(&mdbSelects); } hFreeConn(&conn); webNewSection("About " FILE_SEARCH_NAME); printf("<p>Search for downloadable ENCODE files by entering search terms in " "the Track name or Description fields and/or by making selections with " "the group, data format, and/or ENCODE metadata drop-downs."); printf("<BR><a target='_blank' href='../goldenPath/help/fileSearch.html'>more help</a></p>\n"); webEndSectionTables(); } void doMiddle(struct cart *cart) /* Write body of web page. */ { struct trackDb *tdbList = NULL; char *organism = NULL; char *db = NULL; getDbAndGenome(cart, &db, &organism, NULL); char *chrom = cartUsualString(cart, "c", hDefaultChrom(db)); measureTiming = isNotEmpty(cartOptionalString(cart, "measureTiming")); // QUESTION: Do We need track list ??? trackHash ??? Can't we just get one track and no children trackHash = trackHashMakeWithComposites(db,chrom,&tdbList,FALSE); cartWebStart(cart, db, "Search for " FILE_SEARCH_WHAT " in the %s %s Assembly", organism, hFreezeFromDb(db)); // This cleverness allows us to have the background image like "Track Search" does, without all the hgTracks overhead printf("<style type='text/css'>body {background-image:url('%s');}</style>",hBackgroundImage()); webIncludeResourceFile("HGStyle.css"); webIncludeResourceFile("jquery-ui.css"); webIncludeResourceFile("ui.dropdownchecklist.css"); jsIncludeFile("jquery.js", NULL); jsIncludeFile("jquery-ui.js", NULL); //jsIncludeFile("ui.core.js",NULL); // NOTE: This appears to be not needed as long as jquery-ui.js comes before ui.dropdownchecklist.js jsIncludeFile("ui.dropdownchecklist.js",NULL); jsIncludeFile("utils.js",NULL); // This line is needed to get the multi-selects initialized //printf("<script type='text/javascript'>$(document).ready(function() { setTimeout('updateMetaDataHelpLinks(0);',50); $('.filterBy').each( function(i) { $(this).dropdownchecklist({ firstItemChecksAll: true, noneIsAll: true });});});</script>\n"); printf("<script type='text/javascript'>$(document).ready(function() { updateMetaDataHelpLinks(0); $('.filterBy').each( function(i) { $(this).dropdownchecklist({ firstItemChecksAll: true, noneIsAll: true });});});</script>\n"); doFileSearch(db,organism,cart,tdbList); printf("<BR>\n"); webEnd(); } char *excludeVars[] = { "submit", "Submit", "g", "ajax", FILE_SEARCH,TRACK_SEARCH_ADD_ROW,TRACK_SEARCH_DEL_ROW}; // HOW IS 'ajax" going to be supported? int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { cgiSpoof(&argc, argv); htmlSetBackground(hBackgroundImage()); cartEmptyShell(doMiddle, hUserCookie(), excludeVars, NULL); return 0; } // TODO: // 1) Done: Limit to first 1000 // 2) Work out simple verses advanced tabs // 3) work out support for non-encode downloads // 4) Make an hgTrackSearch to replces hgTracks track search ?? Silpler code, but may not be good idea.