  Mon May 23 16:46:06 2011 -0700
still under development.....
diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
index 9560efe..a7f1e1f 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/snakeTrack.c
@@ -1,1023 +1,1056 @@
 /* chainTrack - stuff to load and display chain type tracks in
  * browser.   Chains are typically from cross-species genomic
  * alignments. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "chainBlock.h"
 #include "chainLink.h"
 #include "chainDb.h"
 #include "chainCart.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: chainTrack.c,v 1.27 2006/02/23 01:41:31 baertsch Exp $";
 struct snakeFeature
 /* Minimal feature - just stores position in browser coordinates. */
     struct snakeFeature *next;
     int start, end;			/* Start/end in browser coordinates. */
     int qStart, qEnd;			/* query start/end */
     int level;
     int orientation;
 struct level
 boolean init;
 int orientation;
 int edge;
 static struct level Levels[1000000];
 static int maxLevel = 0;
 static int maxEnd = 0;
 static struct snakeFeature *newList = NULL;
 static int inserts = 0;
 static int addedToExist = 0;
 static int endCaps = 0;
 static int snakeFeatureCmpQStart(const void *va, const void *vb)
 const struct snakeFeature *a = *((struct snakeFeature **)va);
 const struct snakeFeature *b = *((struct snakeFeature **)vb);
 int diff = a->qStart - b->qStart;
 if (diff == 0)
     diff = a->start - b->start;
 return diff;
 void clearLevels()
 int ii;
 for(ii=0; ii < sizeof(Levels) / sizeof(Levels[0]); ii++)
     Levels[ii].init = FALSE;
 maxLevel = 0;
 void calcSnake(struct snakeFeature *list, int level)
 struct snakeFeature *cb = list;
 boolean didInit = FALSE;
 if (level > maxLevel)
     maxLevel = level;
 if (level > ArraySize(Levels))
     errAbort("too many levels");
 if (Levels[level].init == FALSE)
     didInit = TRUE;
     Levels[level].init = TRUE;
     Levels[level].orientation = list->orientation;
     if (list->orientation == -1)
 	Levels[level].edge = 1000000000;  // bigger than the biggest chrom
 	Levels[level].edge = 0;
 struct snakeFeature *next;
 struct snakeFeature *insertHead = NULL;
 for(; cb; cb = next)
     next = cb->next;
     //cb->next = NULL;
     if ((Levels[level].orientation != cb->orientation) ||
 	((cb->orientation == 1) && (Levels[level].edge > cb->start)) ||
 	((cb->orientation == -1) && (Levels[level].edge < cb->end)))
 	slAddHead(&insertHead, cb);
     if (insertHead)
 	calcSnake(insertHead, level + 1);
 	insertHead = NULL;
     if (!didInit)
 	didInit = TRUE;
     //struct cBlockData *cData;
     cb->level = level;
     //cb->data = (void *)cData;
 //printf("%d ", cb->qStart);
     if (cb->orientation == 1)
 	Levels[level].edge = cb->end;
 	Levels[level].edge = cb->start;
     if (cb->end > maxEnd)
 	maxEnd = cb->end;
     slAddHead(&newList, cb);
 if (insertHead)
     calcSnake(insertHead, level + 1);
     insertHead = NULL;
 struct cartOptions
     enum chainColorEnum chainColor; /*  ChromColors, ScoreColors, NoColors */
     int scoreFilter ; /* filter chains by score if > 0 */
 static void doQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fullName, 
 			struct lm *lm, struct hash *hash, 
 			int start, int end,  boolean isSplit, int chainId)
 /* doQuery- check the database for chain elements between
  * 	start and end.  Use the passed hash to resolve chain
  * 	id's and place the elements into the right
  * 	linkedFeatures structure
 struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
 char **row;
 struct linkedFeatures *lf;
 struct snakeFeature *sf;
 struct dyString *query = newDyString(1024);
 char *force = "";
 if (isSplit)
     force = "force index (bin)";
 if (chainId == -1)
 	"select chainId,tStart,tEnd,qStart from %sLink %s where ",
 	fullName, force);
 	"select chainId, tStart,tEnd,qStart from %sLink where chainId=%d and ",
 	fullName, chainId);
 if (!isSplit)
     dyStringPrintf(query, "tName='%s' and ", chromName);
 hAddBinToQuery(start, end, query);
 dyStringPrintf(query, "tStart<%u and tEnd>%u", end, start);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
 /* Loop through making up simple features and adding them
  * to the corresponding linkedFeature. */
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     lf = hashFindVal(hash, row[0]);
     if (lf != NULL)
 	struct chain *pChain = lf->extra;
 	lmAllocVar(lm, sf);
 	sf->start = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
 	sf->end = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);
 	sf->qStart = sqlUnsigned(row[3]); 
 	sf->qEnd = sf->qStart + (sf->end - sf->start);
 	if ((pChain) && pChain->qStrand == '-')
 	    int temp;
 	    temp = sf->qStart;
 	    sf->qStart = pChain->qSize - sf->qEnd;
 	    sf->qEnd = pChain->qSize - temp;
 	sf->orientation = lf->orientation;
 	slAddHead(&lf->components, sf);
 struct snakeInfo
 int maxLevel;
 } snakeInfo;
 void calcPackSnake(struct track *tg, void *item)
 struct linkedFeatures  *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 if (lf->components == NULL)
     //lf->filterColor = 0;
 if (lf->codons == NULL)
     calcSnake((struct snakeFeature *)lf->components, 0);
     lf->components = (struct simpleFeature *)newList;
     newList = NULL;
     slSort(&lf->components, snakeFeatureCmpQStart);
     struct snakeInfo *si;
     si->maxLevel = maxLevel;
     lf->codons = (struct simpleFeature *)si;
 int packSnakeItemHeight(struct track *tg, void *item)
+if (item == NULL)
+    return 0;
 struct linkedFeatures  *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
+if (lf->components == NULL)
+    return 0;
 calcPackSnake(tg, item);
 struct snakeInfo *si = (struct snakeInfo *)lf->codons;
 int lineHeight = tg->lineHeight ;
-return (si->maxLevel + 1) * lineHeight;
+return (si->maxLevel + 1) * (2 * lineHeight);
 int fullSnakeItemHeight(struct track *tg, void *item)
 struct linkedFeatures  *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 struct snakeFeature  *sf;
 int s, e;
 int lineHeight = tg->lineHeight ;
 int oldOrient = 0;
 int tStart, tEnd;
 int size = 0;
 //int count = 0;
 tStart = 0;
 tEnd = 0;
 if (lf->components)
     size = lineHeight;
 for (sf =  (struct snakeFeature *)lf->components; sf ;  sf = sf->next)
     int orient = sf->orientation;
     s = sf->start; e = sf->end;
     if ((e < winStart) || (s > winEnd))
     if (s < winStart) s = winStart;
     if (((oldOrient) && (oldOrient != orient))
 	||  ((oldOrient == 1) && (tEnd) && (s < tEnd))
 	||  ((oldOrient == -1) && (tStart) && (e > tStart)))
 	size += lineHeight;
     oldOrient = orient;
     tEnd = e;
     tStart = s;
 return size;
 int snakeItemHeight(struct track *tg, void *item)
     if (tg->visibility == tvFull)
 	return fullSnakeItemHeight(tg, item);
     else if (tg->visibility == tvPack)
 	return packSnakeItemHeight(tg, item);
 return 0;
 static int linkedFeaturesCmpScore(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Help sort linkedFeatures by starting pos. */
 const struct linkedFeatures *a = *((struct linkedFeatures **)va);
 const struct linkedFeatures *b = *((struct linkedFeatures **)vb);
 if (a->score > b->score)
     return -1;
 else if (a->score < b->score)
     return 1;
 return 0;
 void snakeDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
         MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw linked features items. */
 struct slList *item;
 int y;
 struct linkedFeatures  *lfStart = (struct linkedFeatures *)tg->items;
 struct linkedFeatures  *lf;
 double scale = scaleForWindow(width, seqStart, seqEnd);
 for(lf = lfStart; lf; lf = lf->next)
     struct snakeFeature  *sf;
     lf->score = 0;
     for (sf =  (struct snakeFeature *)lf->components; sf != NULL;  sf = sf->next)
 	lf->score += sf->end - sf->start;
 slSort(&tg->items, linkedFeaturesCmpScore);
 y = yOff;
 for (item = tg->items; item != NULL; item = item->next)
     if(tg->itemColor != NULL) 
 	color = tg->itemColor(tg, item, hvg);
     tg->drawItemAt(tg, item, hvg, xOff, y, scale, font, color, vis);
     y += tg->itemHeight(tg, item);
 void snakeLeftLabels(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height,
 	boolean withCenterLabels, MgFont *font, Color color,
 	enum trackVisibility vis)
 void packSnakeDrawAt(struct track *tg, void *item,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int y, double scale, 
 	MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a single simple bed item at position. */
 struct linkedFeatures  *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 calcPackSnake(tg, item);
-int x;
+int lastLevel;
+//int x;
 int offY = y;
 struct snakeFeature  *sf, *prevSf;
 int lineHeight = tg->lineHeight ;
 int tStart, tEnd, qStart;
 int  qs, qe;
 int s, e;
 int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
 int lastX = -1,lastY = y;
 int lastQEnd = 0;
 qe = lastQEnd = 0;
 for (sf =  (struct snakeFeature *)lf->components; sf != NULL; lastQEnd = qe, prevSf = sf, sf = sf->next)
     qs = sf->qStart;
     qe = sf->qEnd;
-    y = offY + sf->level * lineHeight;
+    y = offY + (sf->level * 2) * lineHeight;
     s = sf->start; e = sf->end;
     tEnd = sf->end;
-    x = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
+    //x = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     //color =	    lfChromColor(tg, item, hvg);
 color = (sf->orientation == -1) ? MG_RED : MG_BLUE;
     //if (lastX != -1)
 	//hvGfxLine(hvg, lastX, lastY + lineHeight/2, x, y + lineHeight/2, MG_BLACK);
     drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 			color, lf->score );
     tEnd = e;
     tStart = s;
     qStart = sf->qStart;
     lastY = y;
-    lastX = x;
+    //lastX = x;
 lastX = -1,lastY = y;
 lastQEnd = 0;
+lastLevel = 0;
 qe = lastQEnd = 0;
 for (sf =  (struct snakeFeature *)lf->components; sf != NULL; lastQEnd = qe, prevSf = sf, sf = sf->next)
+    int y1, y2;
+    int sx, ex;
     qs = sf->qStart;
     qe = sf->qEnd;
-    y = offY + sf->level * lineHeight;
+    if (lastLevel == sf->level)
+	{
+	y1 = offY + (lastLevel * 2) * lineHeight + lineHeight/2;
+	y2 = offY + (sf->level * 2) * lineHeight + lineHeight/2;
+	}
+    else if (lastLevel > sf->level)
+	{
+	y1 = offY + (lastLevel * 2 ) * lineHeight;
+	y2 = offY + (sf->level * 2 + 1) * lineHeight;
+	}
+    else
+	{
+	y1 = offY + (lastLevel * 2 + 1) * lineHeight;
+	y2 = offY + (sf->level * 2 ) * lineHeight;
+	}
     s = sf->start; e = sf->end;
-    tEnd = sf->end;
-    x = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
+    //tStart = sf->start;
+    //tEnd = sf->end;
+    sx = round((double)((int)s-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
+    ex = round((double)((int)e-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
     //color =	    lfChromColor(tg, item, hvg);
 color = (sf->orientation == -1) ? MG_RED : MG_BLUE;
     if (lastX != -1)
-	hvGfxLine(hvg, lastX, lastY + lineHeight/2, x, y + lineHeight/2, MG_BLACK);
+	{
+	hvGfxLine(hvg, lastX, y1, sx, y2, MG_GRAY);
+	//hvGfxLine(hvg, lastX, lastY + lineHeight/2, x, y + lineHeight/2, MG_BLACK);
+	//hvGfxLine(hvg,  x, y + lineHeight/2, x, y + lineHeight + lineHeight/2, MG_BLACK);
+	}
     //drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 			//color, lf->score );
     tEnd = e;
     tStart = s;
     qStart = sf->qStart;
-    lastY = y;
-    lastX = x;
+    //lastY = y;
+    lastX = ex;
+    lastLevel = sf->level;
 void fullSnakeDrawAt(struct track *tg, void *item,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int y, double scale, 
 	MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a single simple bed item at position. */
 struct linkedFeatures  *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 struct snakeFeature  *sf, *prevSf;
 int s, e;
 int heightPer = tg->heightPer;
 int lineHeight = tg->lineHeight ;
 int oldOrient = 0;
 int tStart, tEnd, qStart;
 int lastQEnd = 0;
 int midY;
 int  qs, qe;
 qStart = 0;
 tStart = xOff;
 tEnd = winEnd;
 prevSf = NULL;
 qe = lastQEnd = 0;
 for (sf =  (struct snakeFeature *)lf->components; sf != NULL; lastQEnd = qe, prevSf = sf, sf = sf->next)
     int orient = sf->orientation;
     midY = y + heightPer/2;
     qs = sf->qStart;
     s = sf->start; e = sf->end;
     if (qs < lastQEnd )
     qe = sf->qEnd;
     if ((e < winStart) || (s > winEnd))
     //if (s < winStart) s = winStart;
     if (((oldOrient) && (oldOrient != orient))
 	||  ((oldOrient == 1) && (tEnd) && (s < tEnd))
 	||  ((oldOrient == -1) && (tStart) && (e > tStart)))
 	if ((qStart) && (sf->qStart - qStart) < 500000)
 	    if (oldOrient == 1)
 		if ((orient == -1) && (tEnd < sf->start))
 		    int x1, x2, x3, w;
 		    x1 = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    x2 = round((double)((int)e-winStart)*scale) + xOff + 8;
 		    x3 = round((double)((int)sf->end-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    w = x2-x1;
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight + midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight+midY, x3, lineHeight+midY, color);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x1, midY, w, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     oldOrient, color, FALSE);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x3, midY + lineHeight, x2-x3, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     orient, color, FALSE);
 		else if ((orient == -1) && (tEnd > sf->start))
 		    int x1, x2, x3, w;
 		    x1 = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    x2 = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff + 8;
 		    x3 = round((double)((int)sf->end-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    w = x2-x1;
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight + midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight+midY, x3, lineHeight+midY, color);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x1, midY, w+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     oldOrient, color, FALSE);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x3, midY + lineHeight, x2-x3+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     orient, color, FALSE);
 		else if ((orient == 1) && (s < tEnd))
 		    int x1, x2, x3,x4, w;
 		    x1 = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    x2 = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff + 8;
 		    x3 = round((double)((int)s-winStart)*scale) + xOff - 8;
 		    x4 = round((double)((int)s-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    w = x2-x1;
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxBox(hvg, x2, midY-2, 4, 4, color);
 		    hvGfxBox(hvg, x3 - 4, midY-2 + lineHeight, 4, 4, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x3, lineHeight + midY, x4, lineHeight+midY, color);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x1, midY, w+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     oldOrient, color, FALSE);
 		    if (x3 > x4)
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x3, midY +  lineHeight, x4-x3+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     orient , color, FALSE);
 	    else if (oldOrient == -1)
 		if ((orient == 1) && (tStart >= sf->start))
 		    int x1, x2, x3, w;
 		    x1 = round((double)((int)tStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    x2 = round((double)((int)sf->start-winStart)*scale) + xOff - 8;
 		    x3 = round((double)((int)sf->start-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    w = x1 - x2;
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight + midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight+midY, x3, lineHeight+midY, color);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x2, midY, w, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     oldOrient, color, FALSE);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x2, lineHeight+midY, x3-x2+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     orient, color, FALSE);
 		else if ((orient == 1) && (tStart < sf->start))
 		    int x1, x2, x3, w;
 		    x1 = round((double)((int)tStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    x2 = round((double)((int)tStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff - 8;
 		    x3 = round((double)((int)sf->start-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    w = x1-x2;
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight + midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x2, lineHeight+midY, x3, lineHeight+midY, color);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x2, midY, w, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     oldOrient, color, FALSE);
 		    if (x3 < x2)
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x2, midY + lineHeight, x3-x2, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     orient, color, FALSE);
 		else if ((orient == -1) && (e > sf->start))
 		    int x1, x2, x3,x4, w;
 		    x1 = round((double)((int)tStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    x2 = round((double)((int)tStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff - 8;
 		    x3 = round((double)((int)e-winStart)*scale) + xOff + 8;
 		    x4 = round((double)((int)e-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 		    w = x1-x2;
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, midY, x2, midY, color);
 		    hvGfxBox(hvg, x2, midY-2, 4, 4, color);
 		    hvGfxLine(hvg, x3, lineHeight + midY, x4, lineHeight+midY, color);
 		    hvGfxBox(hvg, x3, lineHeight + midY-2, 4, 4, color);
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x2, midY, w+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     oldOrient, color, FALSE);
 		    if (x4 > x3)
 		    clippedBarbs(hvg, x4, midY + lineHeight, x3-x4+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			     oldOrient , color, FALSE);
 	y += lineHeight;
     else if ((oldOrient) && ((qStart) && (sf->qStart - qStart) < 500000))
 	    int x1, x2, w;
 	    x1 = round((double)((int)tEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 	    x2 = round((double)((int)sf->start -winStart)*scale) + xOff;
 	    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, midY, x2, midY, color);
 	    if (x2 > x1)
 		w = x2-x1;
 		clippedBarbs(hvg, x1, midY, w+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			 oldOrient, color, FALSE);
 		w = x1-x2;
 		clippedBarbs(hvg, x2, midY, w+1, tl.barbHeight, tl.barbSpacing, 
 			 oldOrient, color, FALSE);
     color =	    lfChromColor(tg, item, hvg);
 color = (sf->orientation == -1) ? MG_RED : MG_BLUE;
     drawScaledBoxSample(hvg, s, e, scale, xOff, y, heightPer, 
 			color, lf->score );
     tEnd = e;
     tStart = s;
     qStart = sf->qStart;
     oldOrient = orient;
 void snakeDrawAt(struct track *tg, void *item,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int y, double scale, 
 	MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
 /* Draw a single simple bed item at position. */
     if (tg->visibility == tvFull)
 	fullSnakeDrawAt(tg, item, hvg, xOff, y, scale, 
 	    font, color, vis);
     else if (tg->visibility == tvPack)
 	packSnakeDrawAt(tg, item, hvg, xOff, y, scale, 
 	    font, color, vis);
 static int linkedFeaturesCmpChrom(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Help sort linkedFeatures by starting pos. */
 const struct linkedFeatures *a = *((struct linkedFeatures **)va);
 const struct linkedFeatures *b = *((struct linkedFeatures **)vb);
 return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
 void fixItems(struct linkedFeatures *lf)
 struct linkedFeatures *firstLf, *next;
 struct snakeFeature  *sf,  *nextSf;
 firstLf = lf;
 for (;lf; lf = next)
     next = lf->next;
-    if (!sameString(firstLf->name, lf->name))
+    if (!sameString(firstLf->name, lf->name) && (lf->components != NULL))
 	slSort(&firstLf->components, snakeFeatureCmpQStart);
 	firstLf = lf;
     for (sf =  (struct snakeFeature *)lf->components; sf != NULL; sf = nextSf)
 	sf->orientation = lf->orientation;
 	nextSf = sf->next;
 	if (firstLf != lf)
 	    lf->components = NULL;
 	    slAddHead(&firstLf->components, sf);
+if (firstLf != NULL)
+    {
 slSort(&firstLf->components, snakeFeatureCmpQStart);
 firstLf->next = 0;
 int snakeHeight(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis)
 int height = 0;
 struct slList *item = tg->items;
 slSort(&tg->items, linkedFeaturesCmpChrom);
 item = tg->items;
 for (item=tg->items;item; item = item->next)
     height += tg->itemHeight(tg, item);
 return height;
 static void loadLinks(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
          enum trackVisibility vis)
 int start, end, extra;
 char fullName[64];
 int maxOverLeft = 0, maxOverRight = 0;
 int overLeft, overRight;
 struct linkedFeatures *lf;
 //struct snakeFeature *sf;
 struct lm *lm;
 struct hash *hash;	/* Hash of chain ids. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn;
 lm = lmInit(1024*4);
 hash = newHash(0);
 conn = hAllocConn(database);
 /* Make up a hash of all linked features keyed by
  * id, which is held in the extras field.  To
  * avoid burning memory on full chromosome views
  * we'll just make a single simple feature and
  * exclude from hash chains less than three pixels wide, 
  * since these would always appear solid. */
 for (lf = tg->items; lf != NULL; lf = lf->next)
     //double pixelWidth = (lf->end - lf->start) / scale;
     char buf[256];
     struct chain *pChain = lf->extra;
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", pChain->id);
     //hashAdd(hash, lf->extra, lf);
     hashAdd(hash, buf, lf);
     overRight = lf->end - seqEnd;
     if (overRight > maxOverRight)
 	maxOverRight = overRight;
     overLeft = seqStart - lf->start ;
     if (overLeft > maxOverLeft)
 	maxOverLeft = overLeft;
 /* if some chains are bigger than 3 pixels */
 if (hash->size)
     boolean isSplit = TRUE;
     /* Make up range query. */
     sprintf(fullName, "%s_%s", chromName, tg->table);
     if (!hTableExists(database, fullName))
 	strcpy(fullName, tg->table);
 	isSplit = FALSE;
     /* in dense mode we don't draw the lines 
      * so we don't need items off the screen 
     if (vis == tvDense)
 	doQuery(conn, fullName, lm,  hash, seqStart, seqEnd,  isSplit, -1);
 	/* if chains extend beyond edge of window we need to get 
 	 * elements that are off the screen
 	 * in both directions so we know whether to draw
 	 * one or two lines to the edge of the screen.
 #define STARTSLOP	10000
 #define MULTIPLIER	10
 #define MAXLOOK		100000
 	extra = (STARTSLOP < maxOverLeft) ? STARTSLOP : maxOverLeft;
 	start = seqStart - extra;
 	extra = (STARTSLOP < maxOverRight) ? STARTSLOP : maxOverRight;
 	end = seqEnd + extra;
 	doQuery(conn, fullName, lm,  hash, start, end,  isSplit, -1);
 #ifdef NOTNOW
 	for (lf = tg->items; lf != NULL; lf = lf->next)
 	    struct chain *pChain = lf->extra;
 	    int chainId = pChain->id;
 	    if (lf->components == NULL)
 	    slSort(&lf->components, linkedFeaturesCmpStart);
 	    extra = (STARTSLOP < maxOverRight)?STARTSLOP:maxOverRight;
 	    end = seqEnd + extra;
 	    lastSf = NULL;
 	    while (lf->end > end )
 		/* get out if we have an element off right side */
 		if (( (lastSf != NULL) &&(lastSf->end > seqEnd)) || (extra > MAXLOOK))
 		extra *= MULTIPLIER;
 		start = end;
 		end = start + extra;
                 doQuery(conn, fullName, lm,  hash, start, end,  isSplit, chainId);
 		slSort(&lf->components, linkedFeaturesCmpStart);
 	    /* if we didn't find an element off to the right , add one */
 	    if ((lf->end > seqEnd) && ((lastSf == NULL) ||(lastSf->end < seqEnd)))
 		lmAllocVar(lm, sf);
 		sf->start = seqEnd;
 		sf->end = seqEnd+1;
 		sf->grayIx = lf->grayIx;
 		sf->qStart = 0;
 		sf->qEnd = sf->qStart + (sf->end - sf->start);
 		sf->next = lf->components;
 		lf->components = sf;
 		slSort(&lf->components, linkedFeaturesCmpStart);
 	    /* we know we have a least one component off right
 	     * now look for one off left
 	    extra = (STARTSLOP < maxOverLeft) ? STARTSLOP:maxOverLeft;
 	    start = seqStart - extra; 
 	    while((extra < MAXLOOK) && (lf->start < seqStart) && 
 		(lf->components->start > seqStart))
 		extra *= MULTIPLIER;
 		end = start;
 		start = end - extra;
                 if (start < 0)
                     start = 0;
 		doQuery(conn, fullName, lm,  hash, start, end,  isSplit, chainId);
 		slSort(&lf->components, linkedFeaturesCmpStart);
 	    if ((lf->components->start > seqStart) && (lf->start < lf->components->start))
 		lmAllocVar(lm, sf);
 		sf->start = 0;
 		sf->end = 1;
 		sf->grayIx = lf->grayIx;
 		sf->qStart = lf->components->qStart;
 		sf->qEnd = sf->qStart + (sf->end - sf->start);
 		sf->next = lf->components;
 		lf->components = sf;
 		slSort(&lf->components, linkedFeaturesCmpStart);
 void snakeLoadItems(struct track *tg)
 char *track = tg->table;
 struct chain chain;
 int rowOffset;
 char **row;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
 struct linkedFeatures *list = NULL, *lf;
 int qs;
 char optionChr[128]; /* Option -  chromosome filter */
 char *optionChrStr;
 char extraWhere[128] ;
 struct cartOptions *chainCart;
 struct chain *pChain;
 chainCart = (struct cartOptions *) tg->extraUiData;
 snprintf( optionChr, sizeof(optionChr), "%s.chromFilter", tg->table);
 optionChrStr = cartUsualString(cart, optionChr, "All");
 if (startsWith("chr",optionChrStr)) 
     snprintf(extraWhere, sizeof(extraWhere), 
             "qName = \"%s\" and score > %d",optionChrStr, 
     sr = hRangeQuery(conn, track, chromName, winStart, winEnd, 
             extraWhere, &rowOffset);
     if (chainCart->scoreFilter > 0)
         snprintf(extraWhere, sizeof(extraWhere), 
                 "score > \"%d\"",chainCart->scoreFilter);
         sr = hRangeQuery(conn, track, chromName, winStart, winEnd, 
                 extraWhere, &rowOffset);
         snprintf(extraWhere, sizeof(extraWhere), " ");
         sr = hRangeQuery(conn, track, chromName, 0, 500000000, 
                 NULL, &rowOffset);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     //char buf[16];
     chainHeadStaticLoad(row + rowOffset, &chain);
     *pChain = chain;
     lf->start = lf->tallStart = chain.tStart;
     lf->end = lf->tallEnd = chain.tEnd;
     lf->grayIx = maxShade;
     if (chainCart->chainColor == chainColorScoreColors)
 	float normScore = sqlFloat((row+rowOffset)[11]);
 	lf->grayIx = (int) ((float)maxShade * (normScore/100.0));
 	if (lf->grayIx > (maxShade+1)) lf->grayIx = maxShade+1;
 	lf->score = normScore;
 	lf->score = chain.score;
     lf->filterColor = -1;
     if (chain.qStrand == '-')
 	lf->orientation = -1;
         qs = chain.qSize - chain.qEnd;
 	lf->orientation = 1;
 	qs = chain.qStart;
     char buffer[1024];
     snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", chain.qName);
     lf->name = cloneString(buffer);
     lf->extra = pChain;
     slAddHead(&list, lf);
 /* Make sure this is sorted if in full mode. Sort by score when
  * coloring by score and in dense */
 if (tg->visibility != tvDense)
     slSort(&list, linkedFeaturesCmpStart);
 else if ((tg->visibility == tvDense) &&
 	(chainCart->chainColor == chainColorScoreColors))
     slSort(&list, chainCmpScore);
 tg->items = list;
 /* Clean up. */
 /* now load the items */
 //loadLinks(tg, 0, 500000000, tg->visibility);
 loadLinks(tg, winStart, winEnd, tg->visibility);
 }	/*	chainLoadItems()	*/
 static Color chainScoreColor(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 static Color chainNoColor(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 static void setNoColor(struct track *tg)
 tg->itemColor = chainNoColor;
 tg->color.r = 0;
 tg->color.g = 0;
 tg->color.b = 0;
 tg->altColor.r = 127;
 tg->altColor.g = 127;
 tg->altColor.b = 127;
 tg->ixColor = MG_BLACK;
 tg->ixAltColor = MG_GRAY;
 void snakeMethods(struct track *tg, struct trackDb *tdb, 
 	int wordCount, char *words[])
 /* Fill in custom parts of alignment chains. */
 struct cartOptions *chainCart;
 boolean normScoreAvailable = chainDbNormScoreAvailable(tdb);
 /*	what does the cart say about coloring option	*/
 chainCart->chainColor = chainFetchColorOption(cart, tdb, FALSE);
 chainCart->scoreFilter = cartUsualIntClosestToHome(cart, tdb,
 tg->itemColor = lfChromColor;	/*	default coloring option */
 /*	if normScore column is available, then allow coloring	*/
 if (normScoreAvailable)
     switch (chainCart->chainColor)
 	case (chainColorScoreColors):
 	    tg->itemColor = chainScoreColor;
 	    tg->colorShades = shadesOfGray;
 	case (chainColorNoColors):
 	case (chainColorChromColors):
     char option[128]; /* Option -  rainbow chromosome color */
     char *optionStr;	/* this old option was broken before */
     snprintf(option, sizeof(option), "%s.color", tg->table);
     optionStr = cartUsualString(cart, option, "on");
     if (differentWord("on",optionStr))
 	chainCart->chainColor = chainColorNoColors;
 	chainCart->chainColor = chainColorChromColors;
 tg->canPack = TRUE;
 tg->loadItems = snakeLoadItems;
 tg->drawItems = snakeDraw;
 tg->mapItemName = lfMapNameFromExtra;
 tg->subType = lfSubChain;
 tg->extraUiData = (void *) chainCart;
     tg->totalHeight = snakeHeight; 
     tg->drawItemAt = snakeDrawAt;
     tg->itemHeight = snakeItemHeight;