  Mon May 23 16:07:06 2011 -0700
I previously modified txCdsToGene so that it would issue a warning and not errAbort when it came across a CDS with a premature stop codon.  That change was at the urging of Markd, who pointed out that the CDS transcripts in question had not been provisionally accepted or rejected yet, and that it's now accepted that we don't understand NMD as well as we'd thought.  But when I changed the premature stop codon condition from an errAbort to warning condition, I'd neglected to do the second part: addressing what sort of thick start and end to have in the output bed.  I decided that if a PTC is detected when trying to generate a protein sequence (which yields no protein sequence), then the thickStart and thickEnd should be the same
diff --git src/hg/inc/cdsEvidence.h src/hg/inc/cdsEvidence.h
index ee1eea7..15c9b3d 100644
--- src/hg/inc/cdsEvidence.h
+++ src/hg/inc/cdsEvidence.h
@@ -58,23 +58,24 @@
 void cdsEvidenceOutput(struct cdsEvidence *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep);
 /* Print out cdsEvidence.  Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */
 #define cdsEvidenceTabOut(el,f) cdsEvidenceOutput(el,f,'\t','\n');
 /* Print out cdsEvidence as a line in a tab-separated file. */
 #define cdsEvidenceCommaOut(el,f) cdsEvidenceOutput(el,f,',',',');
 /* Print out cdsEvidence as a comma separated list including final comma. */
 /* -------------------------------- End autoSql Generated Code -------------------------------- */
 struct hash *cdsEvidenceReadAllIntoHash(char *fileName);
 /* Return hash full of cdsEvidence keyed by transcript name. */
-void cdsEvidenceSetBedThick(struct cdsEvidence *cds, struct bed *bed);
+void cdsEvidenceSetBedThick(struct cdsEvidence *cds, struct bed *bed, 
+			    const boolean freeOfCdsErrors);
 /* Set thickStart/thickEnd on bed from cdsEvidence. */
 int cdsEvidenceCmpScore(const void *va, const void *vb);
 /* Compare to sort based on score (descending). */
 #endif /* CDSEVIDENCE_H */