  Fri May 27 14:46:46 2011 -0700
Fixed mistake of not using tags on hgFileUi filterBy boxes.  This resulted in UChicago downloads page not showing control terms properly.
diff --git src/hg/inc/cv.h src/hg/inc/cv.h
index 3482a71..dedb56c 100644
--- src/hg/inc/cv.h
+++ src/hg/inc/cv.h
@@ -1,117 +1,124 @@
 // cv.c stands for Controlled Vocabullary and this file contains the
 // library API prototypes for reading and making sense of the contents of cv.ra.
 #ifndef CV_H
 #define CV_H
 #include "jksql.h"
 #define CV_FILE_NAME            "cv.ra"
 // CV Common settings
 #define CV_TERM                 "term"
 #define CV_TYPE                 "type"
 #define CV_LABEL                "label"
 #define CV_TAG                  "tag"
 #define CV_TARGET               "target"
 #define CV_TITLE                "title"
 #define CV_DESCRIPTION          "description"
 // CV Less common settings
 #define CV_GEO                  "geo"
 #define CV_LINEAGE              "lineage"
 #define CV_ORDER_URL            "orderUrl"
 #define CV_ORGANISM             "organism"
 #define CV_PROTOCOL             "protocol"
 #define CV_SEX                  "sex"
 #define CV_TERM_ID              "termId"
 #define CV_TERM_URL             "termUrl"
 #define CV_TIER                 "tier"
 #define CV_TISSUE               "tissue"
 #define CV_VENDOR_ID            "vendorId"
 #define CV_VENDER_NAME          "vendorName"
 // Type of Terms defines
 #define CV_TOT                  "typeOfTerm"
 #define CV_TOT_HIDDEN           "hidden"
 #define CV_TOT_CV_DEFINED       "cvDefined"
 #define CV_TOT_PRIORITY         "priority"
 #define CV_TOT_SEARCHABLE       "searchable"
 // Validation Rules
 #define CV_VALIDATE                 "validate"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_CV              "cv"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_CV_OR_NONE      "cv or None"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_CV_OR_CONTROL   "cv or control"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_DATE            "date"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_EXISTS          "exists"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_FLOAT           "float"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_INT             "integer"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_LIST            "list:"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_REGEX           "regex:"
 #define CV_VALIDATE_NONE            "none"
 // CV TERMS (NOTE: UGLY Terms in cv.ra are hidden inside cv.c APIS)
 #define CV_TERM_GRANT           "grant"
 #define CV_TERM_LAB             "lab"
 #define CV_TERM_CELL            "cell"
 #define CV_TERM_ANTIBODY        "antibody"
 #define CV_TERM_CONTROL         "control"
 #define CV_TERM_DATA_TYPE       "dataType"
 #define CV_TERM_LOCALIZATION    "localization"
 #define CV_TERM_VIEW            "view"
 #define CV_TERM_SEQ_PLATFORM    "seqPlatform"
 void cvFileDeclare(char *filePath);
 // Declare an altername cv.ra file to use
 // (The cv.ra file is normally discovered based upon CGI/Tool and envirnment)
 char *cvTypeNormalized(char *sloppyTerm);
 // returns (on stack) the proper term to use when requesting a typeOfTerm
 char *cvTermNormalized(char *sloppyTerm);
 // returns (on stack) the proper term to use when requesting a cvTerm hash
 const struct hash *cvTermHash(char *term);
 // returns a hash of hashes of a term which should be defined in cv.ra
 // NOTE: in static memory: DO NOT FREE
+const struct hash *cvOneTermHash(char *type,char *term);
+// returns a hash for a single term of a given type
+// NOTE: in static memory: DO NOT FREE
 const struct hash *cvTermTypeHash();
 // returns a hash of hashes of mdb and controlled vocabulary (cv) term types
 // Those terms should contain label,descrition,searchable,cvDefined,hidden
 // NOTE: in static memory: DO NOT FREE
 struct slPair *cvWhiteList(boolean searchTracks, boolean cvLinks);
 // returns the official mdb/controlled vocabulary terms that have been whitelisted for certain uses.
 enum cvSearchable
 // metadata Variavble are only certain declared types
     cvNotSearchable        =0,  // Txt is default
     cvSearchByMultiSelect  =1,  // Search by drop down multi-select of supplied list (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
     cvSearchBySingleSelect =2,  // Search by drop down single-select of supplied list
     cvSearchByFreeText     =3,  // Search by free text field (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
     cvSearchByDateRange    =4,  // Search by discovered date range (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
     cvSearchByIntegerRange =5   // Search by discovered integer range (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
 enum cvSearchable cvSearchMethod(char *term);
 // returns whether the term is searchable
 const char *cvLabel(char *term);
 // returns cv label if term found or else just term
+const char *cvTag(char *type,char *term);
+// returns cv Tag if term found or else NULL
 boolean cvTermIsHidden(char *term);
 // returns TRUE if term is defined as hidden in cv.ra
 boolean cvTermIsEmpty(char *term,char *val);
 // returns TRUE if term has validation of "cv or None" and the val is None
 char *cvLabNormalize(char *sloppyTerm);
 /* CV inconsistency work-arounds.  Return lab name trimmed of parenthesized trailing
  * info (a few ENCODE labs have this in metaDb and/or in CV term --
  * PI name embedded in parens in the CV term).  Also fixes other problems until
  * cleaned up in CV, metaDb and user processes.  Caller must free mem. */
 #endif /* CV_H */