  Wed Jul 6 13:43:22 2011 -0700
Removed comment that had become incorrect.
diff --git src/lib/portimpl.c src/lib/portimpl.c
index 2504145..8fe8082 100644
--- src/lib/portimpl.c
+++ src/lib/portimpl.c
@@ -97,31 +97,30 @@
 void makeDirsOnPath(char *pathName)
 /* Create directory specified by pathName.  If pathName contains
  * slashes, create directory at each level of path if it doesn't
  * already exist.  Abort with error message if there's a problem.
  * (It's not considered a problem for the directory to already
  * exist. ) */
 /* shortcut for paths that already exist */
 if (fileExists(pathName))
-/* Return current directory.  Abort if it fails. */
 /* Make local copy of pathName. */
 int len = strlen(pathName);
 char pathCopy[len+1];
 strcpy(pathCopy, pathName);
 /* Tolerate double-slashes in path, everyone else does it. */
 /* Start at root if it's an absolute path name. */
 char *s = pathCopy, *e;
 while (*s++ == '/')
     /* do nothing */;
 /* Step through it one slash at a time 
  * making directory if possible, else dying. */
 for (; !isEmpty(s); s = e)