  Thu Jul 7 17:25:06 2011 -0700
add jsPrintHash and related routines
diff --git src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h
index bea9420..e0202d8 100644
--- src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h
+++ src/hg/inc/jsHelper.h
@@ -128,16 +128,32 @@
 /* Strip out text matching regEx from str.
    flags is passed through to regcomp as the cflags argument.
    Returned string should be free'ed after use. */
 boolean advancedJavascriptFeaturesEnabled(struct cart *cart);
 // Returns TRUE if advanced javascript features are currently enabled
 void jsBeginCollapsibleSection(struct cart *cart, char *track, char *section, char *sectionTitle,
 			       boolean isOpenDefault);
 /* Make the hidden input, collapse/expand button and <TR id=...> needed for utils.js's 
  * setTableRowVisibility().  Caller needs to have already created a <TABLE> and <FORM>. */
 void jsEndCollapsibleSection();
 /* End the collapsible <TR id=...>. */
+void jsAddString(struct hash *h, char *name, char *val);
+// Add a string to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object;
+// existing values are replaced.
+void jsAddNumber(struct hash *h, char *name, long val);
+// Add a number to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object;
+// existing values are replaced.
+void jsAddBoolean(struct hash *h, char *name, boolean val);
+// Add a boolean to a hash which will be used to print a javascript object;
+// existing values are replaced.
+void jsPrintHash(struct hash *hash, char *name, int indentLevel);
+// prints a hash as a javascript variable
 #endif /* JSHELPER_H */