  Thu Jul 7 17:52:25 2011 -0700
Moved all ddcl extension code into a ddcl object in ddcl.js.  Reworked filterComp code to be more like filterTable code since IE was getting timeouts on HAIB TFBS.
diff --git src/hg/js/ddcl.js src/hg/js/ddcl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894873b
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/js/ddcl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+// The "ddcl" object that contains all the DDCL extension/support code.
+// DDCL: drop-down checkbox-list wrapper code to ui.dropdownchecklist.js jQuery widget.
+// The reason for extension/support code beyond the jquery widget is that
+// We have changed some widget functionality:
+// - Closed control show all currently selected options in multiple lines with CSS
+// - Open control can gray out invalid choices
+// NOTE:
+// Currently tied to ui.dropdownchecklist.js v1.3, with 2 "UCSC" changes:
+// - Chrome multi-select required changing ddcl code as per issue 176.
+// - IE needed special code to block window.resize event in DDCL.
+// *** v1.4 has been released which works with jquery 1.6.1 ***
+// Some useful names defined:
+// ddcl: This object just contains these supporting functions in one package.
+// multiSelect: original <SELECT multiple> that ddcl wraps around
+//  (AKA filterBy: all mutiSelects are of class .filterBy [may also be .filterComp, .filterTable])
+// selectOptions: original multiSelect.options (get updated, sent to cart, etc.)
+// control: The whole gaggle of elements that get created when one multiSelect becomes a ddcl
+// controlLabel: Just the text inside the closed control
+// controlSelector: the closed box waiting to be clicked
+// dropWrapper: The div that contains all the checkboxes and is only seen when the DDCL is open
+// allCheckboxes: one to one correspondence with selectOptions
+var ddcl = {
+    mySelf: null,
+    textOfObjWrappedInStyle: function (obj)
+    { // returns the obj text and if there is obj style, the text gets span wrapped with it
+        var text = '';
+        var style = $(obj).attr('style');
+        if (style != undefined && style.length > 0)
+            text = "<span style='"+style+"'>";
+        text += $(obj).text();
+        if (style != undefined && style.length > 0)
+            text += "</span>";
+        return text;
+    },
+    textOfCurrentSelections: function (options) {
+        // Generates a multi-line string of currently selected options
+        var chosen = $(options).filter(':selected');  // Works with FF and Chrome but not IE!
+        if (chosen.length == 0 && $.browser.msie)
+            chosen = $(options).find(':selected');  // Works with IE but not FF and Chrome!
+        var chosenCount = $(chosen).length;
+        var msg = '';
+        if(chosenCount == 0) {
+            msg = 'Please select...';
+        } else if(chosenCount == 1) {
+            msg = mySelf.textOfObjWrappedInStyle(chosen[0]);
+        } else if(chosenCount == options.length) {
+            msg = mySelf.textOfObjWrappedInStyle(options[0]);
+        } else {
+            for(var ix=0;ix<chosenCount;ix++) {
+                if (ix > 0)
+                    msg += "<BR>";
+                msg += mySelf.textOfObjWrappedInStyle(chosen[ix]);
+            }
+        }
+        return msg;
+    },
+    labelSet: function (control,msg,newTextColor,newTitle) {
+        // Sets the label text (as opposed to the drop-down options)
+        var controlLabel    = $(control).find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-text");
+        var controlSelector = $(control).find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-selector");
+        var newHeight = msg.split('<BR>').length * 20;
+        //$(control).css('height',newHeight + 'px');
+        $(controlSelector).css({height: newHeight + 'px', background: '#fff'});
+        $(controlLabel).attr('title',newTitle);
+        $(controlLabel).css({height: newHeight + 'px'});
+        $(controlLabel).css('color',newTextColor ); // could be empty string, thus removing the color
+        $(controlLabel).html(msg);
+    },
+    onOpen: function (event) {
+        // Called by a DDCL onClick event (when the drop list is opened)
+        var controlSelector = this;
+        // Set the label
+        var control = $(controlSelector).parent();
+        mySelf.labelSet(control,"Select multiple...",'#000088','Selecting...');
+        // Find the active 'items' and original 'options'
+        var id = $(control).attr('id').substring('ddcl-'.length);
+        var dropWrapper = $('#ddcl-' + id + '-ddw');//.first();
+        var multiSelect = $('#' + id);
+        var allCheckboxes = $(dropWrapper).find("input.active");
+        var selectOptions = multiSelect[0].options;
+        // Special juice to handle "exclude" options based upon competing filterBoxes
+        try {
+            if(($(multiSelect).hasClass('filterComp')  && filterCompositeExcludeOptions(multiSelect))
+            || ($(multiSelect).hasClass('filterTable') && filterTableExcludeOptions(multiSelect))) {
+                // "exclude" items based upon the exclude tag of the true options
+                allCheckboxes.each(function(index) {
+                    var item = $(this).parent();
+                    if($(selectOptions[index]).hasClass('excluded')) {
+                        $(item).addClass("ui-state-excluded");
+                    } else //if($(item).hasClass("ui-state-excluded"))
+                        $(item).removeClass("ui-state-excluded");
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        catch (err) {} // OK if filterCompositeExcludeOptions is not defined.
+        // Show only first as selected if it is selected
+        if (allCheckboxes[0].checked == true) {
+            allCheckboxes.each(function(index) {
+                if (index > 0)
+                    $(this).attr('checked',false);
+            });
+        }
+    },
+    onComplete: function (multiSelect) {
+        // Called by ui.dropdownchecklist.js when selections have been made
+        // Also called at init to fill the selector with current choices
+        // Warning: In IE this gets called when still selecting!
+        var id = $(multiSelect).attr('id');
+        // If no  options are selected, may have to force all
+        var chosen = $(multiSelect).find('option:selected');
+        if (chosen.length == 0) {
+            if ($(multiSelect).hasClass('noneIsAll')) {
+                //$(multiSelect).first('option').first().attr('selected',true);
+                multiSelect.options[0].selected = true;
+                // How to check the first item?
+                var dropWrapper = $('#ddcl-' + id + '-ddw');
+                $(dropWrapper).find("input").first().attr("checked",true);
+            }
+        } else if (chosen.length == $(multiSelect).find('option').length) {
+            // If all are chosen then select only the first!
+            $(chosen).each(function(index) {
+                if (index > 0)
+                    $(this).attr('selected',false);
+            });
+        }
+        var msg = ddcl.textOfCurrentSelections(multiSelect.options);
+        var control = $('#ddcl-' + id);
+        var newColor = '';
+        if ($(multiSelect).find('option:selected').length == 0)
+            newColor = '#AA0000'; // red
+        //else if (msg.search(/color:/i) == -1)
+        //    newColor = 'black';
+        mySelf.labelSet(control,msg,newColor,'Click to select...');
+        // Notice special handling for a custom event
+        $(multiSelect).trigger('done',multiSelect);
+    },
+    reinit: function (filterBys,force) {
+        // ReInitialize the DDCLs (drop-down checkbox-list)
+        // This is done when the track search with tabs gets switched to advanced tab
+        // because the DDCLs were setup on hidden filterBys and dimensiuons are wrong.
+        // if not force, then only reinit when the dimensions are suspect
+        if (filterBys.length < 1)
+            return;
+        $(filterBys).each( function(i) { // Do this by 'each' to set noneIsAll individually
+            var multiSelect = this;
+            if (!force) { // condition on bad dimensions
+                var id = $(multiSelect).attr('id');
+                control = $('#ddcl-' + id);
+                if (control != null && control != undefined) {
+                    var controlSelector = $(control).find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-selector");
+                    if ($(controlSelector).width() > 20)
+                        return;  // Dimensions look okay
+                }
+            }
+            $(multiSelect).dropdownchecklist("destroy");
+            $(multiSelect).show(); // necessary to get dimensions
+            if (newJQuery)
+                ddclSetup(multiSelect,'noneIsAll');
+            else
+                $(multiSelect).dropdownchecklist({ firstItemChecksAll: true,
+                                                   noneIsAll: true,
+                                                   maxDropHeight: filterByMaxHeight(multiSelect) });
+        });
+    },
+    setup: function (obj) {
+        // Initialize the multiselect as a DDCL (drop-down checkbox-list)
+        mySelf = this;
+        // Defaults
+        var myFirstIsAll = true;
+        var myNoneIsAll  = false;
+        var myIcon       = null;
+        var myEmptyText  = 'Select...';
+        var myClose      = 'close&nbsp;&nbsp;';
+        var myDropHeight = filterByMaxHeight(obj);
+        // parse optional args
+        for(var vIx=1;vIx<arguments.length;vIx++) {
+            switch(arguments[vIx]) {
+                case 'noneIsAll':   myNoneIsAll = true;
+                                    break;
+                case 'firstNotAll': myFirstIsAll = false;
+                                    break;
+                case 'arrows':      myIcon = {};
+                                    break;
+                case 'noClose':     myClose = null;
+                                    break;
+                case 'label':       vIx++;
+                                    if (vIx<arguments.length)
+                                        myEmptyText  = arguments[vIx];
+                                    break;
+                default:            warn('ddcl.setup() unexpected argument: '+arguments[vIx]);
+                                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (myFirstIsAll == false)
+            myNoneIsAll  = false;
+        // Make sure there is an id!
+        var id = $(obj).attr('id');
+        if (id == null || id.length == 0) {
+            var name = $(obj).attr('name');
+            if (name != null && name.length > 0)
+                id = 'dd-' + name;
+            else {
+                var ix = $('select').index(obj);
+                id = 'ix' + ix;
+            }
+            $(obj).attr('id',id);
+        }
+        // These values can only be taken from the select before it becomes a DDCL
+        var maxWidth = $(obj).width();
+        var minWidth = $(obj).css('min-width');
+        if (minWidth != undefined && minWidth.length > 0) {
+            minWidth = parseInt(maxWidth);
+            if (maxWidth < minWidth)
+                maxWidth = minWidth;
+        }
+        maxWidth = (Math.ceil(maxWidth / 10) * 10) + 10; // Makes for more even boxes
+        var style = $(obj).attr('style');
+        // The magic starts here:
+        $(obj).dropdownchecklist({
+                            firstItemChecksAll: true,
+                            noneIsAll: myNoneIsAll,
+                            maxDropHeight: myDropHeight,
+                            icon: myIcon,
+                            emptyText: myEmptyText,
+                            explicitClose: myClose,
+                            textFormatFunction: function () { return 'selecting...'; } ,
+                            onComplete: mySelf.onComplete
+        });
+        if (myNoneIsAll)
+            $(obj).addClass('noneIsAll'); // Declare this as none selected same as all selected
+        mySelf.onComplete(obj); // shows selected items in multiple lines
+        // Set up the selector (control seen always and replacing select)
+        control = $('#ddcl-' + id);
+        if (control == null || control == undefined) {
+            warn('ddcl.setup('+id+') failed to create drop-down checkbox-list');
+            return;
+        }
+        var controlSelector = $(control).find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-selector");
+        $(controlSelector).click(mySelf.onOpen);
+        $(controlSelector).css({width:maxWidth+'px'});
+        var controlText = $(control).find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-text");
+        $(controlText).css({width:maxWidth+'px'});
+        // Set up the drop list (control seen only on fucus and with items to choose)
+        var dropWrapper = $('#ddcl-' + id + '-ddw');
+        if (dropWrapper == null || dropWrapper == undefined) {
+            warn('ddcl.setup('+id+') failed to create drop-down checkbox-list');
+            return;
+        }
+        // Individual items need styling
+        var itemHeight = 22;
+        // Exclude the close button
+        var dropItems = $(dropWrapper).find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-item");//.not('.ui-dropdownchecklist-close');
+        $(dropItems).hover(function () {$(this).css({backgroundColor:'#CCFFCC'});},
+                           function () {$(this).css({backgroundColor:'white'});});
+        var dropItems = $(dropItems).not('.ui-dropdownchecklist-close');
+        $(dropItems).css({background:'white', borderStyle:'none', height:itemHeight+'px'});
+        var itemCount = dropItems.length;
+        if (myClose != null) {  // target the close button
+            var dropClose = $(dropWrapper).find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-close");
+            $(dropClose).css({height:(itemHeight - 1)+'px',textAlign:'center'});
+            itemCount++;
+        }
+        // The whole droplist needs styling
+        var dropContainerDiv = dropWrapper.find(".ui-dropdownchecklist-dropcontainer");
+        var maxHeight = (itemHeight*itemCount) + 1; // extra prevents unwanted vertical scrollbar
+        var divHeight = dropContainerDiv.outerHeight();
+        if (divHeight > maxHeight) {
+            $(dropContainerDiv).css({height:maxHeight+'px'});
+            $(dropWrapper).css({height:maxHeight+'px'});
+        }
+        maxWidth += 30; // extra avoids horizontal scrollBar when vertical one is included
+        $(dropContainerDiv).css({width:(maxWidth)+'px'});
+        $(dropWrapper).css({width:maxWidth+'px'});
+        // Finally we can get style from the original select and apply it to the whole control (hopefully)
+        if (style != undefined && style.length > 0) {
+            var styles = style.split(';');
+            for(var ix = 0;ix < styles.length;ix++) {
+                var aStyleDef = styles[ix].split(':');
+                aStyleDef[0] = aStyleDef[0].replace(' ',''); // no spaces
+                if (aStyleDef[0] != 'display') // WARNING: Need to see if other styles should be restricted.
+                    $(control).css(aStyleDef[0],aStyleDef[1]);
+                if (aStyleDef[0].substring(0,4) == 'font')  // Fonts should be applied too
+                    $(dropItems).css(aStyleDef[0],aStyleDef[1]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+$(document).ready(function() {
+    $('.filterBy,.filterComp').each( function(i) {
+        if ($(this).hasClass('filterComp'))
+            ddcl.setup(this); // Not nonIsAll
+        else
+            ddcl.setup(this,'noneIsAll')
+    });