  Thu Jul 7 17:52:25 2011 -0700
Moved all ddcl extension code into a ddcl object in ddcl.js.  Reworked filterComp code to be more like filterTable code since IE was getting timeouts on HAIB TFBS.
diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index 0eb6a12..b9ca031 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -1,2738 +1,2738 @@
 // Javascript for use in hgTracks CGI
 var debug = false;
 var originalPosition;
 var originalSize;
 var originalCursor;
 var originalMouseOffset = {x:0, y:0};
 var clickClipHeight;
 var revCmplDisp;
 var insideX;
 var startDragZoom = null;
 var newWinWidth;
 var imageV2 = false;
 var imgBoxPortal = false;
 var blockUseMap = false;
 var mapItems;
 var trackImg;               // jQuery element for the track image
 var trackImgTbl;            // jQuery element used for image table under imageV2
 var imgAreaSelect;          // jQuery element used for imgAreaSelect
 var originalImgTitle;
 var autoHideSetting = true; // Current state of imgAreaSelect autoHide setting
 var selectedMenuItem;       // currently choosen context menu item (via context menu).
 var browser;                // browser ("msie", "safari" etc.)
 var mapIsUpdateable = true;
 var currentMapItem;
 var floatingMenuItem;
 var visibilityStrsOrder = new Array("hide", "dense", "full", "pack", "squish");     // map browser numeric visibility codes to strings
 var supportZoomCodon = false;
 function initVars(img)
 // There are various entry points, so we call initVars in several places to make sure this variables get updated.
     if(!originalPosition) {
         // remember initial position and size so we can restore it if user cancels
         originalPosition = getOriginalPosition();
         originalSize = $('#size').text();
         originalCursor = jQuery('body').css('cursor');
 function selectStart(img, selection)
     var now = new Date();
     startDragZoom = now.getTime();
     blockUseMap = true;
     // vvvvvvv Should be obsolete since maps items are ignored when startDragZoom is set
 //    if(imageV2 == false) {
 //        jQuery.each(jQuery.browser, function(i, val) {
 //            if(i=="msie" && val) {
 //                // Very hacky way to solve following probem specif to IE:
 //                // If the user ends selection with the mouse in a map box item, the map item
 //                // is choosen instead of the selection; to fix this, we remove map box items
 //                // during the mouse selection process.
 //                mapHtml = $('#map').html();
 //                $('#map').empty();
 //            }
 //        });
 //    }
     // ^^^^^^^^ Should be obsolete since maps items are ignored when startDragZoom is set
 function setPositionByCoordinates(chrom, start, end)
     var newPosition = chrom + ":" + commify(start) + "-" + commify(end);
     setPosition(newPosition, commify(end - start + 1));
     return newPosition;
 function getPositionElement()
 // Return position box object
     var tags = document.getElementsByName("position");
     // There are multiple tags with name == "position" (the visible position text input
     // and a hidden with id='positionHidden'); we return value of visible element.
     for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
 	    var ele = tags[i];
             if(ele.id != "positionHidden") {
 	        return ele;
     return null;
 function getPosition()
 // Return current value of position box
     var ele = getPositionElement();
     if(ele != null) {
 	return ele.value;
     return null;
 function getOriginalPosition()
     return originalPosition || getPosition();
 function setPosition(position, size)
 // Set value of position and size (in hiddens and input elements).
 // We assume size has already been commified.
 // Either position or size may be null.
     if(position) {
         // There are multiple tags with name == "position" (one in TrackHeaderForm and another in TrackForm).
 	var tags = document.getElementsByName("position");
 	for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
 	    var ele = tags[i];
 	    ele.value = position;
     if(size) {
 function checkPosition(img, selection)
 // return true if user's selection is still w/n the img (including some slop).
     var imgWidth = jQuery(img).width();
     var imgHeight = jQuery(img).height();
     var imgOfs = jQuery(img).offset();
     var slop = 10;
     // We ignore clicks in the gray tab and track title column (we really should suppress all drag activity there,
     // but I don't know how to do that with imgAreaSelect).
     var leftX = revCmplDisp ? imgOfs.left - slop : imgOfs.left + insideX - slop;
     var rightX = revCmplDisp ? imgOfs.left + imgWidth - insideX + slop : imgOfs.left + imgWidth + slop;
     return (selection.event.pageX >= leftX) && (selection.event.pageX < rightX)
         && (selection.event.pageY >= (imgOfs.top - slop)) && (selection.event.pageY < (imgOfs.top + imgHeight + slop));
 function pixelsToBases(img, selStart, selEnd, winStart, winEnd)
 // Convert image coordinates to chromosome coordinates
 var insideX = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.insideX").value);
 var imgWidth = jQuery(img).width() - insideX;
 var width = winEnd - winStart;
 var mult = width / imgWidth;   // mult is bp/pixel multiplier
 var startDelta;                // startDelta is how many bp's to the right/left
 if(revCmplDisp) {
     var x1 = Math.min(imgWidth, selStart);
     startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (imgWidth - x1));
 } else {
     var x1 = Math.max(insideX, selStart);
     startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (x1 - insideX));
 var endDelta;
 if(revCmplDisp) {
     endDelta = startDelta;
     var x2 = Math.min(imgWidth, selEnd);
     startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (imgWidth - x2));
 } else {
     var x2 = Math.max(insideX, selEnd);
     endDelta = Math.floor(mult * (x2 - insideX));
 var newStart = winStart + startDelta;
 var newEnd = winStart + 1 + endDelta;
 if(newEnd > winEnd) {
     newEnd = winEnd;
 return {chromStart : newStart, chromEnd : newEnd};
 function selectionPixelsToBases(img, selection)
 // Convert selection x1/x2 coordinates to chromStart/chromEnd.
 var winStart = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.winStart").value);
 var winEnd = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.winEnd").value);
 return pixelsToBases(img, selection.x1, selection.x2, winStart, winEnd);
 function updatePosition(img, selection, singleClick)
 var chromName = document.getElementById("hgt.chromName").value;
 var winStart = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.winStart").value);
 var winEnd = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.winEnd").value);
 var pos = pixelsToBases(img, selection.x1, selection.x2, winStart, winEnd);
 if(typeof imgBoxPortalStart != "undefined" && imgBoxPortalStart) {
     winStart = imgBoxPortalStart;
     winEnd = imgBoxPortalEnd;
 // singleClick is true when the mouse hasn't moved (or has only moved a small amount).
 if(singleClick) {
     var center = (pos.chromStart + pos.chromEnd)/2;
     pos.chromStart = Math.floor(center - newWinWidth/2);
     pos.chromEnd = pos.chromStart + newWinWidth;
 setPositionByCoordinates(chromName, pos.chromStart+1, pos.chromEnd);
 return true;
 function selectChange(img, selection)
     if(selection.x1 != selection.x2) { // TODO: Larry could you examine this?
         if(checkPosition(img, selection)) {
             updatePosition(img, selection, false);
             jQuery('body').css('cursor', originalCursor);
         } else {
             jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'not-allowed');
     return true;
 function selectEnd(img, selection)
     var now = new Date();
     var doIt = false;
     if(originalCursor != null)
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', originalCursor);
     // ignore releases outside of the image rectangle (allowing a 10 pixel slop)
     if(autoHideSetting && checkPosition(img, selection)) {
        // ignore single clicks that aren't in the top of the image (this happens b/c the clickClipHeight test in selectStart
        // doesn't occur when the user single clicks).
        doIt = startDragZoom != null || selection.y1 <= clickClipHeight;
     if(doIt) {
         // startDragZoom is null if mouse has never been moved
 	if(updatePosition(img, selection, (selection.x2 == selection.x1) || startDragZoom == null || (now.getTime() - startDragZoom) < 100)) {
             jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
     } else {
         setPosition(originalPosition, originalSize);
         originalPosition = originalSize = null;
 //        if(mapHtml) {
 //            $('#map').append(mapHtml);
 //        }
 //    mapHtml = null;
     startDragZoom = null;
     setTimeout('blockUseMap=false;',50); // Necessary incase the selectEnd was over a map item. select takes precedence.
     return true;
 $(window).load(function () {
     jQuery.each(jQuery.browser, function(i, val) {
         if(val) {
             browser = i;
     // jQuery load function with stuff to support drag selection in track img
     if(browser == "safari" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) {
         // Handle the fact that (as of 1.3.1), jQuery.browser reports "safari" when the browser is in fact Chrome.
         browser = "chrome";
     // Safari has the following bug: if we update the hgTracks map dynamically, the browser ignores the changes (even
     // though if you look in the DOM the changes are there); so we have to do a full form submission when the
     // user changes visibility settings or track configuration.
     // Chrome used to have this problem too, but this  problem seems to have gone away as of
     // Chrome 5.0.335.1 (or possibly earlier).
     mapIsUpdateable = browser != "safari";
     // Don't load contextMenu if jquery.contextmenu.js hasn't been loaded
     if(trackImg && jQuery.fn.contextMenu) {
         if(imageV2) {
             $("map[name!=ideoMap]").each( function(t) { parseMap($(this,false));});
         } else {
             // XXXX still under debate whether we have to remove the map
         originalImgTitle = trackImg.attr("title");
         if(imageV2) {
             //$(".trDraggable,.nodrop").each( function(t) { loadContextMenu($(this)); });
             // FIXME: why isn't rightClick for sideLabel working??? Probably because there is no link!
         } else {
                 function (e) {
                 function (e) {
 function loadImgAreaSelect(firstTime)
     var rulerEle = document.getElementById("hgt.rulerClickHeight");
     var dragSelectionEle = document.getElementById("hgt.dragSelection");
     // disable if ruler is not visible.
     if((dragSelectionEle != null) && (dragSelectionEle.value == '1') && (rulerEle != null)) {
         var imgHeight = 0;
         trackImg = $('#img_data_ruler');
         if(trackImg == undefined || trackImg.length == 0) {  // Revert to old imageV1
             trackImg = $('#trackMap');
             imgHeight = jQuery(trackImg).height();
         } else {
             imageV2   = true;
             trackImgTbl = $('#imgTbl');
             imgHeight = trackImg.height();
             // XXXX Tim, I think we should get height from trackImgTbl, b/c it automatically adjusts as we add/delete items.
             imgHeight = trackImgTbl.height();
         clickClipHeight = parseInt(rulerEle.value);
         newWinWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.newWinWidth").value);
         revCmplDisp = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.revCmplDisp").value) == 0 ? false : true;
         insideX = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.insideX").value);
         imgAreaSelect = jQuery((trackImgTbl || trackImg).imgAreaSelect({ selectionColor: 'blue', outerColor: '',
             minHeight: imgHeight, maxHeight: imgHeight,
             onSelectStart: selectStart, onSelectChange: selectChange, onSelectEnd: selectEnd,
             autoHide: autoHideSetting, movable: false,
             clickClipHeight: clickClipHeight}));
 function makeItemsEnd(img, selection)
 var image = $(img);
 var imageId = image.attr('id');
 var trackName = imageId.substring('img_data_'.length);
 var chrom = document.getElementById("hgt.chromName").value;
 var pos = selectionPixelsToBases(image, selection);
 var command = document.getElementById('hgt_doJsCommand');
 command.value = "makeItems " + trackName + " " + chrom + " " + pos.chromStart + " " + pos.chromEnd;
 return true;
 function setUpMakeItemsDrag(trackName)
 // Set up so that they can drag out to define a new item on a makeItems track.
 var img = $("#img_data_" + trackName);
 if(img != undefined && img.length != 0) {
     var trackImgTbl = $('#imgTbl');
     var imgHeight = trackImgTbl.height();
     jQuery(img.imgAreaSelect( { selectionColor: 'green', outerColor: '',
 	minHeight: imgHeight, maxHeight: imgHeight, onSelectEnd: makeItemsEnd,
 	autoHide: true, movable: false}));
 function toggleTrackGroupVisibility(button, prefix)
 // toggle visibility of a track group; prefix is the prefix of all the id's of tr's in the
 // relevant group. This code also modifies the corresponding hidden fields and the gif of the +/- img tag.
         if(arguments.length > 2)
 	return setTableRowVisibility(button, prefix, "hgtgroup", "group", false, arguments[2]);
 	return setTableRowVisibility(button, prefix, "hgtgroup", "group", false);
 function setAllTrackGroupVisibility(newState)
 // Set visibility of all track groups to newState (true means expanded).
 // This code also modifies the corresponding hidden fields and the gif's of the +/- img tag.
     $("img[id$='_button']").each( function (i) {
         if(this.src.indexOf("/remove") > 0 || this.src.indexOf("/add") > 0)
             toggleTrackGroupVisibility(this,this.id.substring(0,this.id.length - 7),newState); // clip '_button' suffix
     return false;
 // Chrom Drag/Zoom/Expand code
 jQuery.fn.chromDrag = function(){
     // Plan:
     // mouseDown: determine where in map: convert to img location: pxDown
     // mouseMove: flag drag
     // mouseUp: if no drag, then create href centered on bpDown loc with current span
     //          if drag, then create href from bpDown to bpUp
     //          if ctrlKey then expand selection to containing cytoBand(s)
     var img = { top: -1, scrolledTop: -1, height: -1, left: -1, scrolledLeft: -1, width: -1 };  // Image dimensions all in pix
     var chr = { name: "", reverse: false, beg: -1, end: -1, size: -1, top: -1, bottom: -1, left: -1, right: -1, width: -1 };   // chrom Dimenaions beg,end,size in bases, rest in pix
     var pxDown = 0;     // pix X location of mouseDown
     var chrImg = $(this);
     var mouseIsDown   = false;
     var mouseHasMoved = false;
     var hilite = jQuery('<div></div>');
     function initialize(){
         if(chr.top == -1)
             warn("chromIdeo(): failed to register "+this.id);
         else {
             $('area.cytoBand').mousedown( function(e)
             {   // mousedown on chrom portion of image only (map items)
                 pxDown = e.clientX - img.scrolledLeft;
                 var pxY = e.clientY - img.scrolledTop;
                 if(mouseIsDown == false
                 && isWithin(chr.left,pxDown,chr.right) && isWithin(chr.top,pxY,chr.bottom)) {
                     mouseIsDown = true;
                     mouseHasMoved = false;
                     $(document).bind( 'mouseup', chromUp);
                     return false;
     function chromMove(e)
     {   // If mouse was down, determine if dragged, then show hilite
         if ( mouseIsDown ) {
             var pxX = e.clientX - img.scrolledLeft;
             var relativeX = (pxX - pxDown);
             if(mouseHasMoved || (mouseHasMoved == false && Math.abs(relativeX) > 2)) {
                 mouseHasMoved = true;
                 else if(pxX < chr.left)
     function chromUp(e)
     {   // If mouse was down, handle final selection
         chromMove(e); // Just in case
         if(mouseIsDown) {
             var bands;
             var pxUp = e.clientX - img.scrolledLeft;
             var pxY  = e.clientY - img.scrolledTop;
             //warn("chromIdeo("+chr.name+") selected range (pix):"+pxDown+"-"+pxUp+" chrom range (pix):"+chr.left+"-"+chr.right+" chrom range (bp):"+chr.name+":"+chr.beg+"-"+chr.end);
             if(isWithin(0,pxY,img.height)) {  // within vertical range or else cancel
                 var selRange = { beg: -1, end: -1, width: -1 };
                 var dontAsk = true;
                 if(e.ctrlKey) {
                     bands = findCytoBand(pxDown,pxUp);
                     if(bands.end > -1) {
                         pxDown = bands.left;
                         pxUp   = bands.right;
                         mouseHasMoved = true;
                         dontAsk = false;
                         selRange.beg = bands.beg;
                         selRange.end = bands.end;
                 else if(mouseHasMoved) {
                     if( isWithin(-20,pxUp,chr.left) ) // bounded by chrom dimensions: but must remain within image!
                         pxUp = chr.left;
                     if( isWithin(chr.right,pxUp,img.width + 20) )
                         pxUp = chr.right;
                     if( isWithin(chr.left,pxUp,chr.right+1) ) {
                         selRange.beg = convertToBases(pxDown);
                         selRange.end = convertToBases(pxUp);
                         if(Math.abs(selRange.end - selRange.beg) < 20)
                             mouseHasMoved = false; // Drag so small: treat as simple click
                             dontAsk = false;
                     //else warn("chromIdeo("+chr.name+") NOT WITHIN HORIZONTAL RANGE\n selected range (pix):"+pxDown+"-"+pxUp+" chrom range (pix):"+chr.left+"-"+chr.right);
                 if(mouseHasMoved == false) { // Not else because small drag turns this off
                     var curBeg = parseInt($("#hgt\\.winStart").val());  // Note the escaped '.'
                     var curEnd = parseInt($("#hgt\\.winEnd").val());
                     var curWidth = curEnd - curBeg;
                     selRange.beg = convertToBases(pxUp) - Math.round(curWidth/2); // Notice that beg is based upon up position
                     selRange.end  = selRange.beg + curWidth;
                 if(selRange.end > -1) {
                     // prompt, then submit for new position
                     selRange = rangeNormalizeToChrom(selRange,chr);
                     if(mouseHasMoved == false) { // Update highlight by converting bp back to pix
                         pxDown = convertFromBases(selRange.beg)
                         pxUp = convertFromBases(selRange.end)
                     //if((selRange.end - selRange.beg) < 50000)
                     //    dontAsk = true;
                     if(dontAsk || confirm("Jump to new position:\n\n"+chr.name+":"+commify(selRange.beg)+"-"+commify(selRange.end)+" size:"+commify(selRange.width)) ) {
                         setPositionByCoordinates(chr.name, selRange.beg, selRange.end)
                         $('area.cytoBand').mousedown( function(e) { return false; }); // Stop the presses :0)
                         return true; // Make sure the setTimeout below is not called.
             //else warn("chromIdeo("+chr.name+") NOT WITHIN VERTICAL RANGE\n selected range (pix):"+pxDown+"-"+pxUp+" chrom range (pix):"+chr.left+"-"+chr.right+"\n cytoTop-Bottom:"+chr.top +"-"+chr.bottom);
         mouseIsDown = false;
         mouseHasMoved = false;
     function isWithin(beg,here,end)
     {   // Simple utility
         return ( beg <= here && here < end );
     function convertToBases(pxX)
     {   // Simple utility to convert pix to bases
         var offset = (pxX - chr.left)/chr.width;
             offset = 1 - offset;
         return Math.round(offset * chr.size);
     function convertFromBases(bases)
     {   // Simple utility to convert bases to pix
         var offset = bases/chr.size;
             offset = 1 - offset;
         return Math.round(offset * chr.width) + chr.left;
     function findDimensions()
     {   // Called at init: determine the dimensions of chrom from 'cytoband' map items
         var lastX = -1;
         $('area.cytoBand').each(function(ix) {
             var loc = this.coords.split(",");
             if(loc.length == 4) {
                 var myLeft  = parseInt(loc[0]);
                 var myRight = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 if( chr.top == -1) {
                     chr.left   = myLeft;
                     chr.right  = myRight;
                     chr.top    = parseInt(loc[1]);
                     chr.bottom = parseInt(loc[3]);
                 } else {
                     if( chr.left  > myLeft)
                         chr.left  = myLeft;
                     if( chr.right < parseInt(loc[2]))
                         chr.right = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 var range = this.title.substr(this.title.lastIndexOf(':')+1)
                 var pos = range.split('-');
                 if(pos.length == 2) {
                     if( chr.name.length == 0) {
                         chr.beg = parseInt(pos[0]);
                         //chr.end = parseInt(pos[1]);
                         chr.name = this.title.substring(this.title.lastIndexOf(' ')+1,this.title.lastIndexOf(':'))
                     } else {
                         if( chr.beg > parseInt(pos[0]))
                             chr.beg = parseInt(pos[0]);
                     if( chr.end < parseInt(pos[1])) {
                         chr.end = parseInt(pos[1]);
                         if(lastX == -1)
                             lastX = myRight;
                         else if(lastX > myRight)
                             chr.reverse = true;  // end is advancing, but X is not, so reverse
                     } else if(lastX != -1 && lastX < myRight)
                         chr.reverse = true;      // end is not advancing, but X is, so reverse
                 $(this).css( 'cursor', 'text');
         chr.size  = (chr.end   - chr.beg );
         chr.width = (chr.right - chr.left);
     function findCytoBand(pxDown,pxUp)
     {   // Called when mouseup and ctrl: Find the bounding cytoband dimensions, both in pix and bases
         var cyto = { left: -1, right: -1, beg: -1, end: -1 };
         $('area.cytoBand').each(function(ix) {
             var loc = this.coords.split(",");
             if(loc.length == 4) {
                 var myLeft  = parseInt(loc[0]);
                 var myRight = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 if(cyto.left == -1 || cyto.left > myLeft) {
                     if( isWithin(myLeft,pxDown,myRight) || isWithin(myLeft,pxUp,myRight) ) {
                         cyto.left  = myLeft;
                         var range = this.title.substr(this.title.lastIndexOf(':')+1)
                         var pos = range.split('-');
                         if(pos.length == 2) {
                             cyto.beg  = (chr.reverse ? parseInt(pos[1]) : parseInt(pos[0]));
                 if(cyto.right == -1 || cyto.right < myRight) {
                     if( isWithin(myLeft,pxDown,myRight) || isWithin(myLeft,pxUp,myRight) ) {
                         cyto.right = myRight;
                         var range = this.title.substr(this.title.lastIndexOf(':')+1)
                         var pos = range.split('-');
                         if(pos.length == 2) {
                             cyto.end  = (chr.reverse ? parseInt(pos[0]) : parseInt(pos[1]));
         return cyto;
     function rangeNormalizeToChrom(selection,chrom)
     {   // Called before presenting or using base range: make sure chrom selection is within chrom range
         if(selection.end < selection.beg) {
             var tmp = selection.end;
             selection.end = selection.beg;
             selection.beg = tmp;
         selection.width = (selection.end - selection.beg);
         selection.beg += 1;
         if( selection.beg < chrom.beg) {
             selection.beg = chrom.beg;
             selection.end = chrom.beg + selection.width;
         if( selection.end > chrom.end) {
             selection.end = chrom.end;
             selection.beg = chrom.end - selection.width;
             if( selection.beg < chrom.beg) { // spans whole chrom
                 selection.width = (selection.end - chrom.beg);
                 selection.beg = chrom.beg + 1;
         return selection;
     function hiliteShow(down,cur)
     {   // Called on mousemove, mouseup: set drag hilite dimensions
         var topY = img.top;
         var high = img.height;
         var begX = -1;
         var wide = -1;
         if(cur < down) {
             begX = cur + img.left;
             wide = (down - cur);
         } else {
             begX = down + img.left;
             wide = (cur - down);
         $(hilite).css({ left: begX + 'px', width: wide + 'px', top: topY + 'px', height: high + 'px', display:'' });
     function hiliteCancel(left,width,top,height)
     {   // Called on mouseup: Make green drag hilite disappear when no longer wanted
         $(hilite).css({ left: '0px', width: '0px', top: '0px', height: '0px' });
     function hiliteSetup()
     {   // Called on init: setup of drag region hilite (but don't show yet)
         $(hilite).css({ backgroundColor: 'green', opacity: 0.4, borderStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: '1px', bordercolor: '#0000FF' });
         $p = $(chrImg);
         $(hilite).css({ display: 'none', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 1 });
         return hilite;
     function updateImgOffsets()
     {   // Called on mousedown: Gets the current offsets
         var offs = $(chrImg).offset();
         img.top  = Math.round(offs.top );
         img.left = Math.round(offs.left);
         img.scrolledTop  = img.top  - $("body").scrollTop();
         img.scrolledLeft = img.left - $("body").scrollLeft();
         if($.browser.msie) {
             img.height = $(chrImg).outerHeight();
             img.width  = $(chrImg).outerWidth();
         } else {
             img.height = $(chrImg).height();
             img.width  = $(chrImg).width();
         return img;
 // Drag Reorder Code
 function imgTblSetOrder(table)
 // Sets the 'order' value for the image table after a drag reorder
     var names = [];
     var values = [];
     $("tr.imgOrd").each(function (i) {
         if ($(this).attr('abbr') != $(this).attr('rowIndex').toString()) {
             var name = this.id.substring('tr_'.length) + '_imgOrd';
     if(names.length > 0) {
 function imgTblTrackShowCenterLabel(tr, show)
 {   // Will show or hide centerlabel as requested
     // adjust button, sideLabel height, sideLabelOffset and centerlabel display
     var center = $(tr).find(".sliceDiv.cntrLab");
     if($(center) == undefined)
     seen = ($(center).css('display') != 'none');
     if(show == seen)
     var centerHeight = $(center).height();
     var btn = $(tr).find("p.btn");
     var side = $(tr).find(".sliceDiv.sideLab");
     if($(btn) != undefined && $(side) != undefined) {
         var sideImg = $(side).find("img");
         if($(sideImg) != undefined) {
             var top = parseInt($(sideImg).css('top'));
             if(show) {
                 $(btn).css('height',$(btn).height() + centerHeight);
                 $(side).css('height',$(side).height() + centerHeight);
                 top += centerHeight; // top is a negative number
                 $(sideImg).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
                 $( center ).show();
             } else if(!show) {
                 $(btn).css('height',$(btn).height() - centerHeight);
                 $(side).css('height',$(side).height() - centerHeight);
                 top -= centerHeight; // top is a negative number
                 $(sideImg).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
                 $( center ).hide();
 function imgTblContiguousRowSet(row)
 { // Returns the set of rows that are of the same class and contiguous
     if(row == null)
         return null;
     var btn = $( row ).find("p.btn");
     if( btn.length == 0)
         return null;
     var classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
     var matchClass = classList[0];
     var table = $(row).parents('table#imgTbl')[0];
     var rows = $(table).find('tr');
     // Find start index
     var startIndex = $(row).attr('rowIndex');
     var endIndex = startIndex;
     for(var ix=startIndex-1;ix>=0;ix--) {
         btn = $( rows[ix] ).find("p.btn");
         if( btn.length == 0)
         classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
         if (classList[0] != matchClass)
         startIndex = ix;
     // Find end index
     for(var ix=endIndex;ix<rows.length;ix++) {
         btn = $( rows[ix] ).find("p.btn");
         if( btn.length == 0)
         classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
         if (classList[0] != matchClass)
         endIndex = ix;
     return rows.slice(startIndex,endIndex+1); // endIndex is 1 based!
 function imgTblCompositeSet(row)
 { // Returns the set of rows that are of the same class and contiguous
     if(row == null)
         return null;
     var rowId = $(row).attr('id').substring('tr_'.length);
     var rec = trackDbJson[rowId];
     if (tdbIsSubtrack(rec) == false)
         return null;
     var rows = $('tr.trDraggable:has(p.' + rec.parentTrack+')');
     return rows;
 function imgTblZipButtons(table)
 // Goes through the image and binds composite track buttons when adjacent
     var rows = $(table).find('tr');
     var lastClass="";
     var lastBtn;
     var lastMatchesLast=false;
     var lastBlue=true;
     var altColors=false;
     var count=0;
     var countN=0;
     for(var ix=0;ix<rows.length;ix++) {    // Need to have buttons in order
         var btn = $( rows[ix] ).find("p.btn");
         if( btn.length == 0)
         var classList = $( btn ).attr("class").split(" ");
         var curMatchesLast=(classList[0] == lastClass);
         // centerLabels may be conditionally seen
         if($( rows[ix] ).hasClass('clOpt')) {
             if(curMatchesLast && $( rows[ix - 1] ).hasClass('clOpt'))
                 imgTblTrackShowCenterLabel(rows[ix],false);  // if same composite and previous is also centerLabel optional then hide center label
         // On with buttons
         if(lastBtn != undefined) {
             $( lastBtn ).removeClass('btnN btnU btnL btnD');
             if(curMatchesLast && lastMatchLast) {
                 $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnL');
             } else if(lastMatchLast) {
                 $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnU');
             } else if(curMatchesLast) {
                 $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnD');
             } else {
                 $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnN');
             if(altColors) {
                 lastBlue = (lastMatchLast == lastBlue); // lastMatch and lastBlue or not lastMatch and notLastBlue
                 if(lastBlue)    // Too  smart by 1/3rd
                     $( lastBtn ).addClass(    'btnBlue' );
                     $( lastBtn ).removeClass( 'btnBlue' );
         lastMatchLast = curMatchesLast;
         lastClass = classList[0];
         lastBtn = btn;
     if(lastBtn != undefined) {
         $( lastBtn ).removeClass('btnN btnU btnL btnD');
         if(lastMatchLast) {
             $( btn).addClass('btnU');
         } else {
             $( lastBtn ).addClass('btnN');
         if(altColors) {
                 lastBlue = (lastMatchLast == lastBlue); // lastMatch and lastBlue or not lastMatch and notLastBlue
                 if(lastBlue)    // Too  smart by 1/3rd
                     $( lastBtn ).addClass(    'btnBlue' );
                     $( lastBtn ).removeClass( 'btnBlue' );
     //warn("Zipped "+count+" buttons "+countN+" are independent.");
 function initImgTblButtons()
 // Make side buttons visible (must also be called when updating rows in the imgTbl).
     var btns = $("p.btn");
     if(btns.length > 0) {
         $(btns).mouseenter( imgTblButtonMouseOver );
         $(btns).mouseleave( imgTblButtonMouseOut  );
 var handle = $("td.dragHandle");
     if(handle.length > 0) {
         $(handle).mouseenter( imgTblDragHandleMouseOver );
         $(handle).mouseleave( imgTblDragHandleMouseOut  );
 function imgTblDragHandleMouseOver()
 // Highlights a single row when mouse over a dragHandle column (sideLabel and buttons)
     if(jQuery.tableDnD == undefined) {
         //var handle = $("td.dragHandle");
         //    .unbind('mouseenter')//, jQuery.tableDnD.mousemove);
         //    .unbind('mouseleave');//, jQuery.tableDnD.mouseup);
     if (jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject == null) {
         $( this ).parents("tr.trDraggable").addClass("trDrag");
 function imgTblDragHandleMouseOut()
 // Ends row highlighting by mouse over
     $( this ).parents("tr.trDraggable").removeClass("trDrag");
 function imgTblButtonMouseOver()
 // Highlights a composite set of buttons, regarless of whether tracks are adjacent
     if(jQuery.tableDnD == undefined || jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject == null) {
         var classList = $( this ).attr("class").split(" ");
         var btns = $( "p." + classList[0] );
         $( btns ).removeClass('btnGrey');
         $( btns ).addClass('btnBlue');
         if (jQuery.tableDnD != undefined) {
             var rows = imgTblContiguousRowSet($(this).parents('tr.trDraggable')[0]);
             if (rows)
                 $( rows ).addClass("trDrag");
 function imgTblButtonMouseOut()
 // Ends composite highlighting by mouse over
     var classList = $( this ).attr("class").split(" ");
     var btns = $( "p." + classList[0] );
     $( btns ).removeClass('btnBlue');
     $( btns ).addClass('btnGrey');
     if (jQuery.tableDnD != undefined) {
         var rows = imgTblContiguousRowSet($(this).parents('tr.trDraggable')[0]);
         if (rows)
            $( rows ).removeClass("trDrag");
 // Drag Scroll code
 jQuery.fn.panImages = function(imgOffset,imgBoxLeftOffset){
     // globals across all panImages
     var leftLimit   = imgBoxLeftOffset*-1;
     var rightLimit  = (imgBoxPortalWidth - imgBoxWidth + leftLimit);
     var prevX       = (imgOffset + imgBoxLeftOffset)*-1;
     var portalWidth = 0;
     var pic;
     var pan;
     if ( $(this).is("img") ) {
         pan = $(this).parent("div");
         pic = $(this);
     else if ( $(this).is("div.scroller")  ) {
         pan = $(this);
         pic = $(this).children("img#panImg"); // Get the real pic
     if(pan == undefined || pic == undefined) {
         throw "Not a div with a child image! 'panImages' can only be used with divs contain images.";
     // globals across all panImages
     portalWidth     = $(pan).width();
     // globals to one panImage
     var newX        = 0;
     var mouseDownX  = 0;
     var mouseIsDown = false;
     var beyondImage = false;
     var atEdge      = false;
     function initialize(){
         pan.css( 'cursor', 'w-resize');
             if(mouseIsDown == false) {
                 mouseIsDown = true;
                 mouseDownX = e.clientX;
                 atEdge = (!beyondImage && (prevX >= leftLimit || prevX <= rightLimit));
                 $(document).bind( 'mouseup', panMouseUp);  // Will exec only once
                 return false;
     function panner(e) {
         //if(!e) e = window.event;
         if ( mouseIsDown ) {
             var relativeX = (e.clientX - mouseDownX);
             if(relativeX != 0) {
                 blockUseMap = true;
                 var decelerator = 1;
                 var wingSize    = 1000; // 0 stops the scroll at the edges.
                 // Remeber that offsetX (prevX) is negative
                 newX = prevX + relativeX;
                 if ( newX >= leftLimit ) { // scrolled all the way to the left
                     if(atEdge) {  // Do not drag straight off edge.  Force second drag
                         beyondImage = true;
                         newX = leftLimit + (newX - leftLimit)/decelerator;// slower
                         if( newX >= leftLimit + wingSize) // Don't go too far over the edge!
                         newX =  leftLimit + wingSize;
                     } else
                         newX = leftLimit;
                 } else if ( newX < rightLimit ) { // scrolled all the way to the right
                     if(atEdge) {  // Do not drag straight off edge.  Force second drag
                         beyondImage = true;
                         newX = rightLimit - (rightLimit - newX)/decelerator;// slower
                         if( newX < rightLimit - wingSize) // Don't go too far over the edge!
                             newX = rightLimit - wingSize;
                     } else
                         newX = rightLimit;
                 } else if(newX >= rightLimit && newX < leftLimit)
                     beyondImage = false; // could have scrolled back without mouse up
                 var nowPos = newX.toString() + "px";
                 $(".panImg").css( {'left': nowPos });
                 $('.tdData').css( {'backgroundPosition': nowPos } );
     function panMouseUp(e) {  // Must be a separate function instead of pan.mouseup event.
         //if(!e) e = window.event;
         if(mouseIsDown) {
             mouseIsDown = false;
             // Talk to tim about this.
             if(beyondImage) {
                 // FIXME:
                 // 1) When dragging beyondImage, side label is seen. Only solution may be 2 images!
                 //    NOTE: tried clip:rect() but this only works with position:absolute!
                 // 2) Would be nice to support drag within AND beyond image:
                 //    a) Within stops at border, and then second drag needed to go beyond
                 //    b) Within needs support for next/prev arrows
                 // 3) AJAX does not work on full image.  Larry's callback routine needs extension beyond songle track
                 //$.ajax({type: "GET", url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                 //    data: "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid(), dataType: "html",
                 //    trueSuccess: handleUpdateTrackMap, success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                 //    cmd: "wholeImage",  cache: false });
                 return true; // Make sure the setTimeout below is not called.
             if(prevX != newX) {
                 prevX = newX;
             setTimeout('blockUseMap=false;',50); // Necessary incase the selectEnd was over a map item. select takes precedence.
     function panUpdatePosition(newOffsetX,bounded)
         // Updates the 'position/search" display with change due to panning
         var portalWidthBases = imgBoxPortalEnd - imgBoxPortalStart;
         var portalScrolledX  = (imgBoxPortalOffsetX+imgBoxLeftLabel) + newOffsetX;
         var newPortalStart = imgBoxPortalStart - Math.round(portalScrolledX*imgBoxBasesPerPixel); // As offset goes down, bases seen goes up!
         if( newPortalStart < imgBoxChromStart && bounded)     // Stay within bounds
             newPortalStart = imgBoxChromStart;
         var newPortalEnd = newPortalStart + portalWidthBases;
         if( newPortalEnd > imgBoxChromEnd && bounded) {
             newPortalEnd = imgBoxChromEnd;
             newPortalStart = newPortalEnd - portalWidthBases;
         if(newPortalStart > 0) {
             // XXXX ? imgBoxPortalStart = newPortalStart;
             // XXXX ? imgBoxPortalEnd = newPortalEnd;
             var newPos = document.getElementById("hgt.chromName").value + ":" + commify(newPortalStart) + "-" + commify(newPortalEnd);
             setPosition(newPos, (newPortalEnd - newPortalStart + 1));
         return true;
     function mapTopAndBottom(mapName,left,right)
     // Find the top and bottom px given left and right boundaries
         var span = { top: -10, bottom: -10 };
         var items = $("map[name='"+mapName+"']").children();
         if($(items).length>0) {
             $(items).each(function(t) {
                 var loc = this.coords.split(",");
                 var aleft   = parseInt(loc[0]);
                 var aright  = parseInt(loc[2]);
                 if(aleft < right && aright >= left) {
                     var atop    = parseInt(loc[1]);
                     var abottom = parseInt(loc[3]);
                     if( span.top    < 0 ) {
                         span.top    = atop;
                         span.bottom = abottom;
                     } else if(span.top > atop) {
                             span.top = atop;
                     } else if(span.bottom < abottom) {
                             span.bottom = abottom;
         return span;
     function panAdjustHeight(newOffsetX) {
         // Adjust the height of the track data images so that bed items scrolled off screen
         // do not waste vertical real estate
         var left = newOffsetX * -1;
         var right = left + portalWidth;
         $(".panImg").each(function(t) {
             var mapid  = "map_" + this.id.substring(4);
             var hDiv   = $(this).parent();
             var top    = parseInt($(this).css("top")) * -1;
             var bottom = top + $(hDiv).height();
             var span = mapTopAndBottom(mapid,left,right);
             if(span.top > 0) {
                 var topdif = Math.abs(span.top - top);
                 var botdif = Math.abs(span.bottom - bottom);
                 if(topdif > 2 || botdif > 2) {
                     $(hDiv).height( span.bottom - span.top );
                     top = span.top * -1;
                     $(this).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
                     // Need to adjust side label height as well!
                     var imgId = this.id.split("_");
                     var titlePx = 0;
                     var center = $("#img_center_"+imgId[2]);
                     if(center.length > 0) {
                         titlePx = $(center).parent().height();
                         top += titlePx;
                     var side = $("#img_side_"+imgId[2]);
                     if( side.length > 0) {
                         $(side).parent().height( span.bottom - span.top + titlePx);
                         $(side).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
                     var btn = $("#p_btn_"+imgId[2]);
                     if( btn.length > 0) {
                         $(btn).height( span.bottom - span.top + titlePx);
                     } else {
                         btn = $("#img_btn_"+imgId[2]);
                         if( btn.length > 0) {
                             $(btn).parent().height( span.bottom - span.top + titlePx);
                             $(btn).css( {'top': top.toString() + "px" });
 function saveMouseOffset(ev)
 {   // Save the mouse offset associated with this event
     originalMouseOffset = {x: ev.clientX, y: ev.clientY};
 function mouseHasMoved(ev)
 {   // return true if mouse has moved a significant amount
     var minPixels = 10;
     var movedX = ev.clientX - originalMouseOffset.x;
     var movedY = ev.clientY - originalMouseOffset.y;
     if ( arguments.length == 2) {
         var num = Number(arguments[1]);
         if(isNaN(num)) {
             if ( arguments[1].toLowerCase() == "x" )
                 return (movedX > minPixels || movedX < (minPixels * -1));
             if ( arguments[1].toLowerCase() == "y" )
                 return (movedY > minPixels || movedY < (minPixels * -1));
             minPixels = num;
     return (   movedX > minPixels || movedX < (minPixels * -1)
             || movedY > minPixels || movedY < (minPixels * -1));
 function blockTheMap(e)
 function blockTheMapOnMouseMove(ev)
     if (!blockUseMap && mouseHasMoved(ev)) {
 // wait for jStore to prepare the storage engine (this token reload code is experimental and currently dead).
 jQuery.jStore && jQuery.jStore.ready(function(engine) {
     // alert(engine.jri);
     // wait for the storage engine to be ready.
         var engine = this;
         var newToken = document.getElementById("hgt.token").value;
         if(newToken) {
             var oldToken = engine.get("token");
             if(oldToken && oldToken == newToken) {
                 // user has hit the back button.
                 jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                 window.location = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgsid=" + getHgsid();
         engine.set("token", newToken);
 function mapClk(obj)
     return postToSaveSettings(obj);
 function postToSaveSettings(obj)
     if(blockUseMap==true) {
         return false;
     if(obj == undefined || obj.href == undefined) // called directly with obj and from callback without obj
         obj = this;
     if( obj.href.match('#') || obj.target.length > 0) {
         //alert("Matched # ["+obj.href+"] or has target:"+obj.target);
         return true;
     var thisForm=$(obj).parents('form');
     if(thisForm == undefined || $(thisForm).length == 0)
     if($(thisForm).length > 1 )
     if(thisForm != undefined && $(thisForm).length == 1) {
         //alert("posting form:"+$(thisForm).attr('name'));
         return postTheForm($(thisForm).attr('name'),obj.href);
     return true;
     var db = getDb();
     if(jQuery.fn.autocomplete && $('input#suggest') && db) {
         if(newJQuery) {
                                                 delay: 500,
                                                 minLength: 2,
                                                 source: ajaxGet(function () {return db;}, new Object, true),
                                                 open: function(event, ui) {
                                                     var pos = $(this).offset().top + $(this).height();
                                                     if (!isNaN(pos)) {
                                                         var maxHeight = $(window).height() - pos - 30;  // take off a little more because IE needs it
                                                         var auto = $('.ui-autocomplete');
                                                         var curHeight = $(auto).children().length * 21;
                                                         if (curHeight > maxHeight)
                                                             $(auto).css({maxHeight: maxHeight+'px',overflow:'scroll'});
                                                             $(auto).css({maxHeight: 'none',overflow:'hidden'});
                                                 select: function (event, ui) {
                                                         setPosition(ui.item.id, commify(getSizeFromCoordinates(ui.item.id)));
                                                         // jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                                                         // document.TrackHeaderForm.submit();
         } else {
                                                 delay: 500,
                                                 minchars: 2,
                                                 ajax_get: ajaxGet(function () {return db;}, new Object, false),
                                                 callback: function (obj) {
                                                     setPosition(obj.id, commify(getSizeFromCoordinates(obj.id)));
                                                     // jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                                                     // document.TrackHeaderForm.submit();
         // I want to set focus to the suggest element, but unforunately that prevents PgUp/PgDn from
         // working, which is a major annoyance.
         // $('input#suggest').focus();
     if(jQuery.jStore) {
         // Experimental (currently dead) code to handle "user hits back button" problem.
         if(false) {
             jQuery.extend(jQuery.jStore.defaults, {
                               project: 'hgTracks',
                               engine: 'flash',
                               flash: '/jStore.Flash.html'
     // Convert map AREA gets to post the form, ensuring that cart variables are kept up to date (but turn this off for search form).
     if($("FORM").length > 0 && $('#trackSearch').length == 0) {
         var allLinks = $('a');
         $( allLinks ).unbind('click');
         $( allLinks ).click( postToSaveSettings );
     if($('#pdfLink').length == 1) {
         $('#pdfLink').click(function(i) {
             var thisForm=$('#TrackForm');
             if(thisForm != undefined && $(thisForm).length == 1) {
                 //alert("posting form:"+$(thisForm).attr('name'));
                 return postTheForm($(thisForm).attr('name'),this.href);
             return true;
     if($('#imgTbl').length == 1) {
         imageV2   = true;
         // Make imgTbl allow draw reorder of imgTrack rows
         var imgTable = $(".tableWithDragAndDrop");
         if($(imgTable).length > 0) {
                 onDragClass: "trDrag",
                 dragHandle: "dragHandle",
                 scrollAmount: 40,
                 onDragStart: function(ev, table, row) {
                     // Can drag a contiguous set of rows if dragging blue button
                     table.tableDnDConfig.dragObjects = [ row ]; // defaults to just the one
                     var btn = $( row ).find('p.btnBlue');  // btnBlue means cursor over left button
                     if (btn.length == 1) {
                         table.tableDnDConfig.dragObjects = imgTblContiguousRowSet(row);
                         var compositeSet = imgTblCompositeSet(row);
                         if (compositeSet && compositeSet.length > 0)
                             $( compositeSet ).find('p.btn').addClass('blueButtons');  // blue persists
                 onDrop: function(table, row, dragStartIndex) {
                     var compositeSet = imgTblCompositeSet(row);
                     if (compositeSet && compositeSet.length > 0)
                         $( compositeSet ).find('p.btn').removeClass('blueButtons');  // blue persists
                     if($(row).attr('rowIndex') != dragStartIndex) {
                         // NOTE Even if dragging a contiguous set of rows,
                         // still only need to check the one under the cursor.
                         if(imgTblSetOrder) {
                         imgTblZipButtons( table );
                     setTimeout('blockUseMap=false;',50); // Necessary incase the onDrop was over a map item. onDrop takes precedence.
         if(imgBoxPortal) {
             //warn("imgBox("+imgBoxChromStart+"-"+imgBoxChromEnd+","+imgBoxWidth+") bases/pix:"+imgBoxBasesPerPixel+"\nportal("+imgBoxPortalStart+"-"+imgBoxPortalEnd+","+imgBoxPortalWidth+") offset:"+imgBoxPortalOffsetX);
             // Turn on drag scrolling.
         //$("#zoomSlider").slider({ min: -4, max: 3, step: 1 });//, handle: '.ui-slider-handle' });
         // Temporary warning while new imageV2 code is being worked through
         if($('#map').children("AREA").length > 0) {
             warn('Using imageV2, but old map is not empty!');
         // Retrieve tracks via AJAX that may take too long to draw initialliy (i.e. a remote bigWig)
         var retrievables = $('#imgTbl').find("tr.mustRetrieve")
         if($(retrievables).length > 0) {
             $(retrievables).each( function (i) {
                 var trackName = $(this).attr('id').substring(3);
     if($('img#chrom').length == 1) {
         if($('area.cytoBand').length > 1) {
     if($("#tabs").length > 0) {
         // Search page specific code
         var val = $('#currentTab').val();
                             show: function(event, ui) {
                             select: function(event, ui) { findTracksSwitchTabs(ui); }
         $("#tabs").tabs('option', 'selected', '#' + val);
         if(val =='simpleTab' && $('div#found').length < 1) {
         $("#tabs").css('font-family', jQuery('body').css('font-family'));
         $("#tabs").css('font-size', jQuery('body').css('font-size'));
     if(typeof(trackDbJson) != "undefined" && trackDbJson != null) {
         for (var id in trackDbJson) {
             var rec = trackDbJson[id];
             if(rec.type == "remote") {
                 if($("#img_data_" + id).length > 0) {
                     // load the remote track renderer via jsonp
                     var script = document.createElement('script');
                     // XXXX add current image width
                     var pos = parsePosition(getPosition());
                     script.setAttribute('src', rec.url + "?track=" + id + "&jsonp=remoteTrackCallback&c=" + pos.chrom +
                                         "&s=" + pos.start + "&e=" + pos.end);
 function rulerModeToggle (ele)
     autoHideSetting = !ele.checked;
     var obj = imgAreaSelect.data('imgAreaSelect');
     obj.setOptions({autoHide : autoHideSetting});
 function makeMapItem(id)
     // Create a dummy mapItem on the fly (for objects that don't have corresponding entry in the map).
     if(typeof(trackDbJson) != "undefined" && trackDbJson != null) {
         var title;
         var rec = trackDbJson[id];
         if(rec) {
             title = rec.shortLabel;
         } else {
             title = id;
         return {id: id, title: "configure " + title};
     } else {
         return null;
 function mapItemMouseOver(obj)
     // Record data for current map area item
     currentMapItem = makeMapItem(obj.id);
     if(currentMapItem != null) {
         currentMapItem.href = obj.href;
         currentMapItem.title = obj.title;
 function mapItemMouseOut(obj)
     currentMapItem = null;
 function findMapItem(e)
 // Find mapItem for given event; returns item object or null if none found.
     if(currentMapItem) {
         return currentMapItem;
     // rightClick for non-map items that can be resolved to their parent tr and then trackName (e.g. items in gray bar)
     if(e.target.tagName.toUpperCase() != "AREA") {
         var tr = $( e.target ).parents('tr.imgOrd');
         if( $(tr).length == 1 ) {
             a = /tr_(.*)/.exec($(tr).attr('id'));  // voodoo
             if(a && a[1]) {
                 var id = a[1];
                 return makeMapItem(id);
     // FIXME: do we really need to worry about non-imageV2 ?
     // Yeah, I think the rest of this is (hopefully) dead code
     var x,y;
     if(imageV2) {
         // It IS appropriate to use coordinates relative to the img WHEN we have a hit in the right-hand side, but NOT
         // when we have a hit in the left hand elements (which do not have relative coordinates).
         // XXXX still trying to figure this out.
         var pos = $(e.target).position();
         if(e.target.tagName == "IMG") {
             // msie
             // warn("img: x: " + x + ", y:" + y);
             // warn("pageX: " + e.pageX + "; offsetLeft: " + pos.left);
             x = e.pageX - pos.left;
             y = e.pageY - pos.top;
             // warn("x: " + x + "; y: " + y);
         } else {
             x = e.pageX - trackImg.attr("offsetLeft");
             y = e.pageY - trackImg.attr("offsetTop");
         // console.log(trackImg.attr("offsetLeft"), trackImg.attr("offsetTop"));
         // console.log("findMapItem:", x, y);
         // console.dir(mapItems);
     } else {
         x = e.pageX - e.target.offsetLeft;
         y = e.pageY - e.target.offsetTop;
     var retval = -1;
     // console.log(e.target.tagName + "; " + e.target.id);
     for(var i=0;i<mapItems.length;i++)
         if(mapItems[i].obj && e.target === mapItems[i].obj) {
             // e.target is AREA tag under FF and Safari;
             // This never occurs under IE
             // console.log("Found match by objects comparison");
             retval = i;
         } else if (!imageV2 || browser == "msie") {
             // Under IE, target is the IMG tag for the map's img and y is relative to the top of that,
             // so we must use the target's src to make sure we are looking at the right map.
             // We start falling through to here under safari under imageV2 once something has been modified
             // (that's a bug I still haven't figured out how to fix).
             if(mapItems[i].r.contains(x, y) && mapItems[i].src == $(e.target).attr('src')) {
                 retval = i;
     // showWarning(x + " " + y + " " + retval + " " + e.target.tagName + " " + $(e.target).attr('src'));
     // console.log("findMapItem:", e.clientX, e.clientY, x, y, pos.left, pos.top, retval, mapItems.length, e.target.tagName);
     // console.log(e.clientX, pos);
     if(retval >= 0) {
         return mapItems[retval];
     } else {
         return null;
 function mapEvent(e)
     var o = findMapItem(e);
     if(o) {
         e.target.title = o.title;
     } else {
         // XXXX this doesn't work.
         // $('#myMenu').html("<ul id='myMenu' class='contextMenu'><li class='edit'><a href='#img'>Get Image</a></li></ul>");
         e.target.title = originalImgTitle;
 function mapMouseDown(e)
     // XXXX Is rightclick logic necessary?
     var rightclick = e.which ? (e.which == 3) : (e.button == 2);
         return false;
     } else {
         var o = findMapItem(e);
         if(o) {
             // XXXX Why does href get changed to "about://" on IE?
             window.location = o.href;
         return true;
 function contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd, args)
     setTimeout(function() { contextMenuHitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd, args); }, 1);
 function contextMenuHitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd, args)
 // dispatcher for context menu hits
     var id = selectedMenuItem.id;
     if(menuObject.shown) {
         // showWarning("Spinning: menu is still shown");
         setTimeout(function() { contextMenuHitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd); }, 10);
     if(cmd == 'selectWholeGene' || cmd == 'getDna') {
             // bring whole gene into view or redirect to DNA screen.
             var href = selectedMenuItem.href;
             var chromStart, chromEnd;
             var a = /hgg_chrom=(\w+)&/.exec(href);
             // Many links leave out the chrom (b/c it's in the server side cart as "c")
             var chrom = document.getElementById("hgt.chromName").value;
             if(a) {
                 if(a && a[1])
                     chrom = a[1];
                 a = /hgg_start=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                 if(a && a[1])
                     // XXXX does chromStart have to be incremented by 1?
                     chromStart = a[1];
                 a = /hgg_end=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                 if(a && a[1])
                     chromEnd = a[1];
             } else {
                 // a = /hgc.*\W+c=(\w+)/.exec(href);
                 a = /hgc.*\W+c=(\w+)/.exec(href);
                 if(a && a[1])
                     chrom = a[1];
                 a = /o=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                 if(a && a[1])
                     chromStart = parseInt(a[1]) + 1;
                 a = /t=(\d+)/.exec(href);
                 if(a && a[1])
                     chromEnd = parseInt(a[1]);
             if(chrom == null || chromStart == null || chromEnd == null) {
                 showWarning("couldn't parse out genomic coordinates");
             } else {
                 if(cmd == 'getDna')
                     if(window.open("../cgi-bin/hgc?g=getDna&i=mixed&c=" + chrom + "&l=" + (chromStart - 1) + "&r=" + chromEnd) == null) {
                 } else {
                     var newPosition = setPositionByCoordinates(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd);
                     var reg = new RegExp("hgg_gene=([^&]+)");
                     var a = reg.exec(href);
                     var name;
                     // pull item name out of the url so we can set hgFind.matches (redmine 3062)
                     if(a && a[1]) {
                         name = a[1];
                     } else {
                         reg = new RegExp("[&?]i=([^&]+)");
                         a = reg.exec(href);
                         if(a && a[1]) {
                             name = a[1];
                     if(browser == "safari" || imageV2) {
                         // We need to parse out more stuff to support resetting the position under imageV2 via ajax, but it's probably possible.
                         // See comments below on safari problems.
                         jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                         var ele;
                             ele = document.TrackForm;
                             ele = document.TrackHeaderForm;
                             $(ele).append("<input type='hidden' name='hgFind.matches' value='" + name + "'>");
                     } else {
                         // XXXX This attempt to "update whole track image in place" didn't work for a variety of reasons, so this is dead code, but
                         // I'm leaving it in case we try to implement this functionality in the future.
                         jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
                         var data = "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgt.ideogramToo=1&position=" + newPosition + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid();
                             data += "&hgFind.matches=" + name;
                                    type: "GET",
                                    url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                                    data: data,
                                    dataType: "html",
                                    trueSuccess: handleUpdateTrackMap,
                                    success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                                    error: errorHandler,
                                    cmd: cmd,
                                    cache: false
     } else if (cmd == 'zoomCodon' || cmd == 'zoomExon') {
         var num, ajaxCmd;
         if(cmd == 'zoomCodon') {
             num = prompt("Please enter the codon number to jump to:");
             ajaxCmd = 'codonToPos';
         } else {
             num = prompt("Please enter the exon number to jump to:");
             ajaxCmd = 'exonToPos';
         if(num) {
                        type: "GET",
                        url: "../cgi-bin/hgApi",
                        data: "db=" + getDb() +  "&cmd=" + ajaxCmd + "&num=" + num + "&table=" + args.table + "&name=" + args.name,
                        trueSuccess: handleZoomCodon,
                        success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                        error: errorHandler,
                        cache: true
     } else if (cmd == 'hgTrackUi_popup') {
         hgTrackUiPopUp( selectedMenuItem.id, false );  // Launches the popup but shields the ajax with a waitOnFunction
     } else if (cmd == 'hgTrackUi_follow') {
         var url = "hgTrackUi?hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&g=";
         var rec = trackDbJson[id];
         if (tdbHasParent(rec) && tdbIsLeaf(rec))
             url += rec.parentTrack
         else {
             var link = $( 'td#td_btn_'+ selectedMenuItem.id ).children('a'); // The button already has the ref
             if( $(link) != undefined)
                 url = $(link).attr('href');
                 url += selectedMenuItem.id;
     } else if (cmd == 'dragZoomMode') {
         autoHideSetting = true;
         var obj = imgAreaSelect.data('imgAreaSelect');
         obj.setOptions({autoHide : true, movable: false});
     } else if (cmd == 'hilightMode') {
         autoHideSetting = false;
         var obj = imgAreaSelect.data('imgAreaSelect');
         obj.setOptions({autoHide : false, movable: true});
     } else if (cmd == 'viewImg') {
         // Fetch a new copy of track img and show it to the user in another window. This code assume we have updated
         // remote cart with all relevant chages (e.g. drag-reorder).
         var data = "hgt.imageV1=1&hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid();
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                    type: "GET",
                    url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                    data: data,
                    dataType: "html",
                    trueSuccess: handleViewImg,
                    success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                    error: errorHandler,
                    cmd: cmd,
                    cache: false
     } else if (cmd == 'openLink' || cmd == 'followLink') {
         var href = selectedMenuItem.href;
         var vars = new Array("c", "l", "r");
         var hiddens = new Array("chromName", "l", "r");
         for (i in vars) {
             // make sure the link contains chrom and window width info (necessary b/c we are stripping hgsid and/or the cart may be empty);
             // but don't add chrom to wikiTrack links (see redmine #2476).
             var val = $("input[name=" + hiddens[i] + "]").val();
             var v = vars[i];
             if(val && id != "wikiTrack" && (href.indexOf("?" + v + "=") == -1) && (href.indexOf("&" + v + "=") == -1)) {
                 href = href + "&" + v + "=" + val;
         if(cmd == 'followLink') {
             // XXXX This is blocked by Safari's popup blocker (without any warning message).
         } else {
             // Remove hgsid to force a new session (see redmine ticket 1333).
             href = removeHgsid(href);
             if(window.open(href) == null) {
     } else if (cmd == 'float') {
         if(floatingMenuItem && floatingMenuItem == id) {
             $.floatMgr.FOArray = new Array();
             floatingMenuItem = null;
         } else {
             if(floatingMenuItem) {
                 // This doesn't work.
                 $('#img_data_' + floatingMenuItem).parent().restartFloat();
                 // This does work
                 $.floatMgr.FOArray = new Array();
             floatingMenuItem = id;
             updateTrackImg(id, "hgt.transparentImage=0", "");
     } else if (cmd == 'hideSet') {
         var row = $( 'tr#tr_' + id );
         var rows = imgTblContiguousRowSet(row);
         if (rows && rows.length > 0) {
             var vars = new Array();
             var vals = new Array();
             for (var ix=rows.length - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) { // from bottom, just in case remove screws with us
                 var rowId = $(rows[ix]).attr('id').substring('tr_'.length);
                 //if (tdbIsSubtrack(trackDbJson[rowId]) == false)
                 //    warn('What went wrong?');
                 vars.push(rowId, rowId+'_sel'); // Remove subtrack level vis and explicitly uncheck.
                 vals.push('[]', 0);
             if (vars.length > 0) {
                 setCartVars( vars, vals );
     } else if (cmd == 'hideComposite') {
         var rec = trackDbJson[id];
         if (tdbIsSubtrack(rec)) {
             var row = $( 'tr#tr_' + id );
             var rows = imgTblCompositeSet(row);
             if (rows && rows.length > 0) {
                 for (var ix=rows.length - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) { // from bottom, just in case remove screws with us
             var selectUpdated = updateVisibility(rec.parentTrack, 'hide');
             setCartVar(rec.parentTrack, 'hide' );
         //    warn('What went wrong?');
     } else {   // if( cmd in 'hide','dense','squish','pack','full','show' )
         // Change visibility settings:
         // First change the select on our form:
         var rec = trackDbJson[id];
         var selectUpdated = updateVisibility(id, cmd);
         // Now change the track image
         if(imageV2 && cmd == 'hide')
             // Hide local display of this track and update server side cart.
             // Subtracks controlled by 2 settings so del vis and set sel=0.  Others, just set vis hide.
                 setCartVars( [ id, id+"_sel" ], [ '[]', 0 ] ); // Remove subtrack level vis and explicitly uncheck.
             else if(tdbIsFolderContent(rec))
                 setCartVars( [ id, id+"_sel" ], [ 'hide', 0 ] ); // supertrack children need to have _sel set to trigger superttrack reshaping
                 setCartVar(id, 'hide' );
             $('#tr_' + id).remove();
         } else if (!mapIsUpdateable) {
             jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
             if(selectUpdated) {
                 // assert(document.TrackForm);
             } else {
                     // add a hidden with new visibility value
                     var form = $(document.TrackHeaderForm);
                     $("<input type='hidden' name='" + id + "'value='" + cmd + "'>").appendTo(form);
         } else {
             var data = "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&" + id + "=" + cmd + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid();  // this will update vis in remote cart
             if(imageV2) {
 	        data += "&hgt.trackNameFilter=" + id;
             //var center = $("#img_data_" + id);
             //center.attr('src', "../images/loading.gif")
             //center.attr('style', "text-align: center; display: block;");
             //warn("hgTracks?"+data); // Uesful to cut and paste the url
             var loadingId = showLoadingImage("tr_" + id);
                        type: "GET",
                        url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                        data: data,
                        dataType: "html",
                        trueSuccess: handleUpdateTrackMap,
                        success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                        error: errorHandler,
                        cmd: cmd,
                        newVisibility: cmd,
                        id: id,
                        loadingId: loadingId,
                        cache: false
 function makeContextMenuHitCallback(title)
 // stub to avoid problem with a function closure w/n a loop
     return function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
         contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, title); return true;
 function makeImgTag(img)
 // Return img tag with explicit dimensions for img (dimensions are currently hardwired).
 // This fixes the "weird shadow problem when first loading the right-click menu" seen in FireFox 3.X,
 // which occurred b/c FF doesn't actually fetch the image until the menu is being shown.
     return "<img style='width:16px; height:16px; border-style:none;' src='../images/" + img + "' />";
 function loadContextMenu(img)
     var menu = img.contextMenu(
         function() {
             popUpBoxCleanup();   // Popup box is not getting closed properly so must do it here
             var menu = [];
             var selectedImg = makeImgTag("greenChecksm.png");
             var blankImg    = makeImgTag("invisible16.png");
             var done = false;
             if(selectedMenuItem && selectedMenuItem.id != null) {
                 var href = selectedMenuItem.href;
                 var isHgc, isGene;
                 if(href) {
                     isGene = href.match("hgGene");
                     isHgc = href.match("hgc");
                 var id = selectedMenuItem.id;
                 var rec = trackDbJson[id];
                 var offerHideSubset    = false;
                 var offerHideComposite = false;
                 var offerSingles       = true;
                 var row = $( 'tr#tr_' + id );
                 if (row) {
                     var btn = $(row).find('p.btnBlue');  // btnBlue means cursor over left button
                     if (btn.length == 1) {
                         var compositeSet = imgTblCompositeSet(row);
                         if (compositeSet && compositeSet.length > 0) {  // There is a composite set
                             offerHideComposite = true;
                             $( compositeSet ).find('p.btn').addClass('blueButtons');  // blue persists
                             var subSet = imgTblContiguousRowSet(row);
                             if (subSet && subSet.length > 1) {
                                 offerSingles = false;
                                 if(subSet.length < compositeSet.length) {
                                     offerHideSubset = true;
                                     $( subSet ).addClass("greenRows"); // green persists
                 // First option is hide sets
                 if (offerHideComposite) {
                     if (offerHideSubset) {
                         var o = new Object();
                         o[blankImg + " hide track subset (green)"] = {onclick: makeContextMenuHitCallback('hideSet')};
                         //o[makeImgTag("highliteGreenX.png") + " hide track subset"] = {onclick: makeContextMenuHitCallback('hideSet')};
                     var o = new Object();
                     var str = blankImg + " hide track set";
                     if (offerHideSubset)
                         str += " (blue)";
                     o[str] = {onclick: makeContextMenuHitCallback('hideComposite')};
                     //o[makeImgTag("btnBlueX.png") + " hide track set"] = {onclick: makeContextMenuHitCallback('hideComposite')};
                 // Second set of options: visibility for single track
                 if (offerSingles) {
                     if (offerHideComposite)
                     // XXXX what if select is not available (b/c trackControlsOnMain is off)?
                     // Move functionality to a hidden variable?
                     var select = $("select[name=" + id + "]");
                     if (select.length > 1)  // Not really needed if $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html(""); has worked
                         select =  [ $(select)[0] ];
                     var cur = $(select).val();
                     if(cur) {
                         $(select).children().each(function(index, o) {
                                                 var title = $(this).val();
                                                 var str = blankImg + " " + title;
                                                 if(title == cur)
                                                     str = selectedImg + " " + title;
                                                 var o = new Object();
                                                 o[str] = {onclick: function (menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, title); return true;}};
                         done = true;
                     } else {
                         if(rec) {
                             // XXXX check current state from a hidden variable.
                             var visibilityStrs = new Array("hide", "dense", "squish", "pack", "full");
                             for (i in visibilityStrs) {
                                 // XXXX use maxVisibility and change hgTracks so it can hide subtracks
                                 var o = new Object();
                                 var str = blankImg + " " + visibilityStrs[i];
                                 if(rec.canPack || (visibilityStrs[i] != "pack" && visibilityStrs[i] != "squish")) {
                                     if(rec.localVisibility) {
                                         if(visibilityStrs[i] == rec.localVisibility) {
                                             str = selectedImg + " " + visibilityStrs[i];
                                     } else if(visibilityStrs[i] == visibilityStrsOrder[rec.visibility]) {
                                         str = selectedImg + " " + visibilityStrs[i];
                                     o[str] = {onclick: makeContextMenuHitCallback(visibilityStrs[i])};
                             done = true;
                 if(done) {
                     var o = new Object();
                     var any = false;
                         var title = selectedMenuItem.title || "feature";
                     if(isGene || isHgc || id == "wikiTrack") {
                         // Add "Open details..." item
                         var displayItemFunctions = false;
                         if(rec) {
                             if(rec.type.indexOf("wig") == 0 || rec.type.indexOf("bigWig") == 0 || id == "wikiTrack") {
                                 displayItemFunctions = false;
                             } else if(rec.type.indexOf("expRatio") == 0) {
                                 displayItemFunctions = title != "zoomInMore";
                             } else {
                                 displayItemFunctions = true;
                         if(displayItemFunctions) {
                             o[makeImgTag("magnify.png") + " Zoom to " +  title] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "selectWholeGene"); return true; }};
                             if(supportZoomCodon && rec.type.indexOf("genePred") != -1) {
                                 // http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_gene=uc003tqk.2&hgg_prot=P00533&hgg_chrom=chr7&hgg_start=55086724&hgg_end=55275030&hgg_type=knownGene&db=hg19&c=chr7
                                 var name, table;
                                 var reg = new RegExp("hgg_gene=([^&]+)");
                                 var a = reg.exec(href);
                                 if(a && a[1]) {
                                     name = a[1];
                                     reg = new RegExp("hgg_type=([^&]+)");
                                     a = reg.exec(href);
                                     if(a && a[1]) {
                                         table = a[1];
                                 } else {
                                     // http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgc?o=55086724&t=55275031&g=refGene&i=NM_005228&c=chr7
                                     // http://hgwdev-larrym.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgc?o=55086713&t=55270769&g=wgEncodeGencodeManualV4&i=ENST00000455089&c=chr7
                                     var reg = new RegExp("i=([^&]+)");
                                     var a = reg.exec(href);
                                     if(a && a[1]) {
                                         name = a[1];
                                         reg = new RegExp("g=([^&]+)");
                                         a = reg.exec(href);
                                         if(a && a[1]) {
                                             table = a[1];
                                 if(name && table) {
                                     o[makeImgTag("magnify.png") + " Zoom to codon"] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "zoomCodon", {name: name, table: table}); return true; }};
                                     o[makeImgTag("magnify.png") + " Zoom to exon"] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "zoomExon", {name: name, table: table}); return true; }};
                             o[makeImgTag("dnaIcon.png") + " Get DNA for " +  title] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "getDna"); return true; }};
                         o[makeImgTag("bookOut.png") + " Open details page in new window..."] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "openLink"); return true; }};
                         any = true;
                     if(href != undefined && href.length  > 0) {
                         // Add "Show details..." item
                         if(title.indexOf("Click to alter ") == 0) {
                             ; // suppress the "Click to alter..." items
                         } else if(selectedMenuItem.href.indexOf("cgi-bin/hgTracks") != -1) {
                             ; // suppress menu items for hgTracks links (e.g. Next/Prev map items).
                         } else {
                             var item;
                             if(title == "zoomInMore")
                                 // avoid showing menu item that says "Show details for zoomInMore..." (redmine 2447)
                                 item = makeImgTag("book.png") + " Show details...";
                                 item = makeImgTag("book.png") + " Show details for " + title + "...";
                             o[item] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "followLink"); return true; }};
                             any = true;
                     if(any) {
             if(!done) {
                 if(false) {
                     // Currently toggling b/n drag-and-zoom mode and hilite mode is disabled b/c we don't know how to keep hilite mode from disabling the
                     // context menus.
                     var o = new Object();
                     var str = "drag-and-zoom mode";
                     if(autoHideSetting) {
                         str += selectedImg;
                         // menu[str].className = 'context-menu-checked-item';
                     o[str] = { onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "dragZoomMode"); return true; }};
                     o = new Object();
                     // console.dir(ele);
                     str = "hilight mode";
                     if(!autoHideSetting) {
                         str += selectedImg;
                     o[str] = { onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hilightMode"); return true; }};
                 //menu.push({"view image": {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "viewImg"); return true; }}});
             if(selectedMenuItem && rec && rec["configureBy"] != 'none') {
                 // Add cfg options at just shy of end...
                 var o = new Object();
                 if(tdbIsLeaf(rec)) {
                     o[makeImgTag("wrench.png") + " Configure " + rec.shortLabel] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hgTrackUi_popup"); return true; }};
                     if(rec.parentTrack != undefined)
                         o[makeImgTag("folderWrench.png") + " Configure " + rec.parentLabel + " track set..."] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hgTrackUi_follow"); return true; }};
                 } else
                     o[makeImgTag("folderWrench.png") + " Configure " + rec.shortLabel + " track set..."] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hgTrackUi_follow"); return true; }};
                 if(jQuery.floatMgr) {
                     o[(selectedMenuItem.id == floatingMenuItem ? selectedImg : blankImg) + " float"] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "float"); return true; }};
             // Add view image at end
             var o = new Object();
             o[makeImgTag("eye.png") + " View image"] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "viewImg"); return true; }};
             return menu;
             beforeShow: function(e) {
                 // console.log(mapItems[selectedMenuItem]);
                 selectedMenuItem = findMapItem(e);
                 // XXXX? blockUseMap = true;
                 return true;
             hideTransition:'hide', // hideCallback fails if these are not defined.
             hideCallback: function() {
 function parseMap(ele, reset)
 // Parse the jQuery <map> object into returned mapItems array (ele needn't be the element attached to current document).
         if(reset || !mapItems) {
             mapItems = new Array();
         if(ele) {
                 var i = mapItems.length;
                 // src is necessary under msie
                 var src = ele.next().attr('src');
                 ele.children().each(function() {
                     if (this.coords != undefined) {
                         mapItems[i++] = {
                             r : new Rectangle(this.coords),
                             href : this.href,
                             title : this.title,
                             id : this.id,
                             src : src,
                             obj : this
     return mapItems;
 function updateTrackImg(trackName,extraData,loadingId)
     var data = "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&hgt.trackNameFilter=" + trackName;
     if(extraData != undefined && extraData != "")
         data += "&" + extraData;
     if(loadingId == undefined || loadingId == "")
         loadingId = showLoadingImage("tr_" + trackName);
                 type: "GET",
                 url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                 data: data,
                 dataType: "html",
                 trueSuccess: handleUpdateTrackMap,
                 success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                 error: errorHandler,
                 cmd: 'refresh',
                 loadingId: loadingId,
                 id: trackName,
                 cache: false
 var popUpTrackName = "";
 var popUpTrackDescriptionOnly = false;
 var popSaveAllVars = null;
 function popUpBoxCleanup()
 {  // Clean out the popup box on close
     if ($('#hgTrackUiDialog').html().length > 0 ) {
         $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html("");  // clear out html after close to prevent problems caused by duplicate html elements
         popUpTrackName = ""; //set to defaults
         popUpTrackDescriptionOnly = false;
         popSaveAllVars = null;
 function _hgTrackUiPopUp(trackName,descriptionOnly)
 { // popup cfg dialog
     popUpTrackName = trackName;
     var myLink = "../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?g=" + trackName + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&db=" + getDb();
     popUpTrackDescriptionOnly = descriptionOnly;
         myLink += "&descriptionOnly=1";
     var rec = trackDbJson[trackName];
     if(!descriptionOnly && rec != null && rec["configureBy"] != null) {
         if (rec["configureBy"] == 'none')
         else if (rec["configureBy"] == 'clickThrough') {
             jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
             window.location = myLink;
         }  // default falls through to configureBy popup
     myLink += "&ajax=1";
                 type: "GET",
                 url: myLink,
                 dataType: "html",
                 trueSuccess: handleTrackUi,
                 success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                 error: errorHandler,
                 cmd: selectedMenuItem,
                 cache: false
 function hgTrackUiPopUp(trackName,descriptionOnly)
     waitOnFunction( _hgTrackUiPopUp, trackName, descriptionOnly );  // Launches the popup but shields the ajax with a waitOnFunction
 function hgTrackUiPopCfgOk(popObj, trackName)
 { // When hgTrackUi Cfg popup closes with ok, then update cart and refresh parts of page
     var rec = trackDbJson[trackName];
     var subtrack = tdbIsSubtrack(rec) ? trackName :undefined;  // If subtrack then vis rules differ
     var allVars = getAllVars($('#pop'), subtrack );
     var changedVars = varHashChanges(allVars,popSaveAllVars);
     var newVis = changedVars[trackName];
     var hide = (newVis != null && (newVis == 'hide' || newVis == '[]'));  // subtracks do not have "hide", thus '[]'
     if($('#imgTbl') == undefined) { // On findTracks or config page
         //if(hide) // TODO: When findTracks or config page has cfg popup, then vis change needs to be handled in page here
     else {  // On image page
         if(hide) {
             $('#tr_' + trackName).remove();
         } else {
             // Keep local state in sync if user changed visibility
             if(newVis != null) {
                 updateVisibility(trackName, newVis);
             var urlData = varHashToQueryString(changedVars);
             if(urlData.length > 0) {
                 if(mapIsUpdateable) {
                 } else {
                     window.location = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?" + urlData + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid();
 function handleTrackUi(response, status)
 // Take html from hgTrackUi and put it up as a modal dialog.
     // make sure all links (e.g. help links) open up in a new window
     response = response.replace(/<a /ig, "<a target='_blank' ");
     // TODO: Shlurp up any javascript files from the response and load them with $.getScript()
     // example <script type='text/javascript' SRC='../js/tdreszer/jquery.contextmenu-1296177766.js'></script>
     var cleanHtml = response;
     var shlurpPattern=/\<script type=\'text\/javascript\' SRC\=\'.*\'\>\<\/script\>/gi;
     var jsFiles = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
     cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
     shlurpPattern=/\<script type=\'text\/javascript\'>.*\<\/script\>/gi;
     var jsEmbeded = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
     cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
     //<LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='../style/ui.dropdownchecklist-1276528376.css' TYPE='text/css' />
     shlurpPattern=/\<LINK rel=\'STYLESHEET\' href\=\'.*\' TYPE=\'text\/css\' \/\>/gi;
     var cssFiles = cleanHtml.match(shlurpPattern);
     cleanHtml = cleanHtml.replace(shlurpPattern,"");
     $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html("<div id='pop' style='font-size:.9em;'>" + cleanHtml + "</div>");
     // Strategy for poups with js:
     // - jsFiles and CSS should not be included in html.  Here they are shluped out.
     // - The resulting files ought to be loadable dynamically (with getScript()), but this was not working nicely with the modal dialog
     //   Therefore include files must be included with hgTracks CGI !
     // - embedded js should not be in the popup box.
     // - Somethings should be in a popup.ready() function, and this is emulated below, as soon as the cleanHtml is added
     //   Since there are many possible popup cfg dialogs, the ready should be all inclusive.
     /* //in open ?  Will load of css work this way?
     $(cssFiles).each(function (i) {
         bix = "<LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='".length;
         eix = this.lastIndexOf("' TYPE='text/css' />");
         file = this.substring(bix,eix);
         $.getScript(file); // Should protect against already loaded files.
     }); */
     /* //in open ?  Loads fine, but then dialog gets confused
     $(jsFiles).each(function (i) {
         bix = "<script type='text/javascript' SRC='".length;
         eix = this.lastIndexOf("'></script>");
         file = this.substring(bix,eix);
         //$.getScript(file,function(data) { warn(data.substring(0,20) + " loaded")});
     if( ! popUpTrackDescriptionOnly ) {
         var subtrack = tdbIsSubtrack(trackDbJson[popUpTrackName]) ? popUpTrackName :"";  // If subtrack then vis rules differ
         popSaveAllVars = getAllVars( $('#hgTrackUiDialog'), subtrack );  // Saves the vars that may get changed by the popup cfg.
         // -- popup.ready() -- Here is the place to do things that might otherwise go into a $('#pop').ready() routine!
         if (!newJQuery) {
             $('#hgTrackUiDialog').find('.filterComp').each( function(i) { // Do this by 'each' to set noneIsAll individually
                 $(this).dropdownchecklist({ firstItemChecksAll: true,
                         noneIsAll: $(this).hasClass('filterBy'),
                         maxDropHeight: filterByMaxHeight(this),
                         emptyText: "Please select ...",
                         textFormatFunction: ddclTextFormatter });
     // Searching for some selblance of size suitability
     var popMaxHeight = ($(window).height() - 40);
     var popMaxWidth  = ($(window).width() - 40);
     var popWidth     = 740;
     if (popWidth > popMaxWidth)
         popWidth > popMaxWidth;
                                ajaxOptions: {
                                    // This doesn't work
                                    cache: true
                                resizable: true,
                                height: (popUpTrackDescriptionOnly ? popMaxHeight : 'auto'), // Let description scroll vertically
                                width: popWidth,
                                minHeight: 200,
                                minWidth: 700,
                                maxHeight: popMaxHeight,
                                maxWidth: popMaxWidth,
                                modal: true,
                                closeOnEscape: true,
                                autoOpen: false,
                                buttons: { "OK": function() {
                                     if( ! popUpTrackDescriptionOnly )
                                         hgTrackUiPopCfgOk($('#pop'), popUpTrackName);
                                // popup.ready() doesn't seem to work in open.  So there is no need for open at this time.
                                //open: function() {
                                //     var subtrack = tdbIsSubtrack(trackDbJson[popUpTrackName]) ? popUpTrackName :"";  // If subtrack then vis rules differ
                                //     popSaveAllVars = getAllVars( $('#pop'), subtrack );
                                open: function () {
                                     if (newJQuery) {
                                         if( ! popUpTrackDescriptionOnly ) {
-                                            $('#hgTrackUiDialog').find('.filterComp').each( function(i) {
-                                                if ($(this).hasClass('filterBy'))
-                                                    ddclSetup(this, 'noneIsAll');
+                                            $('#hgTrackUiDialog').find('.filterBy,.filterComp').each( function(i) {
+                                                if ($(this).hasClass('filterComp'))
+                                                    ddcl.setup(this);
-                                                    ddclSetup(this);
+                                                    ddcl.setup(this, 'noneIsAll');
                                close: function() {
     // FIXME: Why are open and close no longer working!!!
     if(popUpTrackDescriptionOnly) {
         var myWidth =  $(window).width() - 300;
         if(myWidth > 900)
             myWidth = 900;
         $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog("option", "maxWidth", myWidth);
         $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog("option", "width", myWidth);
         $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog('option' , 'title' , trackDbJson[popUpTrackName].shortLabel + " Track Description");
         var buttOk = $('button.ui-state-default');
         if($(buttOk).length == 1)
     } else {
         $('#hgTrackUiDialog').dialog('option' , 'title' , trackDbJson[popUpTrackName].shortLabel + " Track Settings");
 function afterImgTblReload()
 // Reload various UI widgets after updating imgTbl map.
     parseMap(null, true);
     $("map[name!=ideoMap]").each( function(t) { parseMap($(this, false));});
     // Do NOT reload context menu (otherwise we get the "context menu sticks" problem).
     // loadContextMenu($('#tr_' + id));
 function updateTrackImgForId(html, id)
 // update row in imgTbl for given id.
 // return true if we successfully pull slice for id and update it in imgTrack.
     var str = "<TR id='tr_" + id + "'[^>]*>([\\s\\S]+?)</TR>";
     var reg = new RegExp(str);
     var a = reg.exec(html);
     if(a && a[1]) {
         $('#tr_' + id).html(a[1]);
         // NOTE: Want to examine the png? Uncomment:
         //var img = $('#tr_' + id).find("img[id^='img_data_']").attr('src');
         //warn("Just parsed image:<BR>"+img);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 function handleUpdateTrackMap(response, status)
 // Handle ajax response with an updated trackMap image (gif or png) and map.
 // this.cmd can be used to figure out which menu item triggered this.
 // this.id == appropriate track if we are retrieving just a single track.
     // Parse out new ideoGram url (if available)
     // e.g.: <IMG SRC = "../trash/hgtIdeo/hgtIdeo_hgwdev_larrym_61d1_8b4a80.gif" BORDER=1 WIDTH=1039 HEIGHT=21 USEMAP=#ideoMap id='chrom'>
     var a = /<IMG([^>]+SRC[^>]+id='chrom'[^>]*)>/.exec(response);
     if(a && a[1]) {
         b = /SRC\s*=\s*"([^")]+)"/.exec(a[1]);
         if(b[1]) {
             $('#chrom').attr('src', b[1]);
     // update local trackDbJson to reflect possible side-effects of ajax request.
     var re = /<\!-- trackDbJson -->\n<script>var trackDbJson = ([\S\s]+)<\/script>\n<\!-- trackDbJson -->/m;
     a = re.exec(response);
     if(a && a[1]) {
         var json = eval("(" + a[1] + ")");
         if(json) {
             if(this.id != null) {
                 if(json[this.id]) {
             var visibility = visibilityStrsOrder[json[this.id].visibility];
             var limitedVis;
                 limitedVis = visibilityStrsOrder[json[this.id].limitedVis];
             if(this.newVisibility && limitedVis && this.newVisibility != limitedVis)
                 alert("There are too many items to display the track in " + this.newVisibility + " mode.");
             var rec = trackDbJson[this.id];
             rec.limitedVis = json[this.id].limitedVis;
             updateVisibility(this.id, visibility);
         } else {
             showWarning("Invalid trackDbJson received from the server");
     } else {
                  trackDbJson = json;
         } else {
             showWarning("Invalid trackDbJson received from the server");
     } else {
         showWarning("trackDbJson is missing from the response");
     if(this.loadingId) {
     if(imageV2 && this.id && this.cmd && this.cmd != 'wholeImage' && this.cmd != 'selectWholeGene') {
           // Extract <TR id='tr_ID'>...</TR> and update appropriate row in imgTbl;
           // this updates src in img_left_ID, img_center_ID and img_data_ID and map in map_data_ID
           var id = this.id;
           if(updateTrackImgForId(response, id)) {
           } else {
                showWarning("Couldn't parse out new image for id: " + id);
                //alert("Couldn't parse out new image for id: " + id+"BR"+response);  // Very helpful
     } else {
         if(imageV2) {
             // We update row's one at a time (updating the whole imgTable at one time doesn't work in IE).
             for (id in trackDbJson) {
                 if(!updateTrackImgForId(response, id)) {
                     showWarning("Couldn't parse out new image for id: " + id);
                     //alert("Couldn't parse out new image for id: " + id+"BR"+response);  // Very helpful
             // parse out and reset position info.
             a = /<INPUT [^>]*NAME=["']position['"] VALUE=['"]([^'"]+)/.exec(response);
             if(a != null && a[1] != null) {
                 var o = parsePosition(a[1]);
                 setPosition(a[1], commify(o.end - o.start + 1));
                 $("#hgt\\.winStart").val(o.start - 1);
             } else {
                 showWarning("Couldn't parse out new position info");
             a = /<input [^>]*id=["']hgt\.newWinWidth['"][^>]*value=['"]([^'"]+)/.exec(response);
             if(a != null && a[1] != null) {
         } else {
             a= /<IMG([^>]+SRC[^>]+id='trackMap[^>]*)>/.exec(response);
             // Deal with a is null
             if(a[1]) {
                     var b = /WIDTH\s*=\s*['"]?(\d+)['"]?/.exec(a[1]);
                     var width = b[1];
                     b = /HEIGHT\s*=\s*['"]?(\d+)['"]?/.exec(a[1]);
                     var height = b[1];
                     b = /SRC\s*=\s*"([^")]+)"/.exec(a[1]);
                     var src = b[1];
                     $('#trackMap').attr('src', src);
                     var obj = imgAreaSelect.data('imgAreaSelect');
                     if(width) {
                         trackImg.attr('width', width);
                     if(height) {
                         trackImg.attr('height', height);
                         // obj.setOptions({minHeight : height, maxHeight: height});
                         // obj.getOptions().minHeight = height;
         		// obj.getOptions().maxHeight = height;
                         // XXX doesn't work obj.options.maxHeight = height;
                         // This doesn't work: obj.windowResize();
                         // This works, but causes weird error IF we also change minHeight and maxHeight.
                         // jQuery(window).triggerHandler("resize");
                        // After much debugging, I found the best way to have imgAreaSelect continue to work
                        // was to reload it:
                        // XXX this doesn't work (i.e. does't make the re-sized row draggable under safari).
             } else {
                 showWarning("Couldn't parse out new image");
         // now pull out and parse the map.
         a = /<MAP id='map' Name=map>([\s\S]+)<\/MAP>/.exec(response);
         if(a[1]) {
             var $map = $('<map>' + a[1] + '</map>');
             parseMap($map, true);
         } else {
             showWarning("Couldn't parse out map");
     jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
 function handleViewImg(response, status)
 { // handles view image response, which must get new image without imageV2 gimmickery
     jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
     var str = "<IMG[^>]*SRC='([^']+)'";
     var reg = new RegExp(str);
     a = reg.exec(response);
     if(a && a[1]) {
         if(window.open(a[1]) == null) {
     showWarning("Couldn't parse out img src");
 function jumpButtonOnClick()
 // onClick handler for the "jump" button.
 // Handles situation where user types a gene name into the gene box and immediately hits the jump button,
 // expecting the browser to jump to that gene.
     var gene = $('#suggest').val();
     var db = getDb();
     if(gene && db && gene.length > 0 && (getOriginalPosition() == getPosition() || getPosition().length == 0)) {
         pos = lookupGene(db, gene);
         if(pos) {
             setPosition(pos, null);
         } else {
             // turn this into a full text search.
             setPosition(gene, null);
     return true;
 function remoteTrackCallback(rec)
 // jsonp callback to load a remote track.
     if(rec.error) {
         alert("retrieval from remote site failed with error: " + rec.error)
     } else {
         var track = rec.track;
         $('#img_data_' + track).attr('style', '');
         $('#img_data_' + track).attr('height', rec.height);
         $('#img_data_' + track).attr('width', rec.width);
         $('#img_data_' + track).attr('src', rec.img);
         $('#td_data_' + track + ' > div').each(function(index) {
                                                    if(index == 1) {
                                                        var style = $(this).attr('style');
                                                        style = style.replace(/height:\s*\d+/i, "height:" + rec.height);
                                                        $(this).attr('style', style);
         var style = $('#p_btn_' + track).attr('style');
         style = style.replace(/height:\s*\d+/i, "height:" + rec.height);
         $('#p_btn_' + track).attr('style', style);
 function searchKeydown(event)
     if (event.which == 13) {
         // Required to fix problem on IE and Safari where value of hgt_tSearch is "-" (i.e. not "Search").
         $("input[name=hgt_tsPage]").val(0);  // NOTE: must match TRACK_SEARCH_PAGER in hg/inc/searchTracks.h
         // This doesn't work with IE or Safari.
         // $('#searchSubmit').click();
 function windowOpenFailedMsg()
     alert("Your web browser prevented us from opening a new window.\n\nPlease change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from " + document.domain + ".");
 function updateVisibility(track, visibility)
 // Updates visibility state in trackDbJson and any visible elements on the page.
 // returns true if we modify at least one select in the group list
     var rec = trackDbJson[track];
     var selectUpdated = false;
     $("select[name=" + track + "]").each(function(t) {
                                           $(this).attr('class', visibility == 'hide' ? 'hiddenText' : 'normalText');
                                           selectUpdated = true;
     if(rec) {
         rec.localVisibility = visibility;
     return selectUpdated;
 function getVisibility(track)
 // return current visibility for given track
     var rec = trackDbJson[track];
     if(rec) {
         if(rec.localVisibility) {
             return rec.localVisibility;
         } else {
             return visibilityStrsOrder[rec.visibility];
     } else {
         return null;
 function makeSureSuggestTrackIsVisible()
 // make sure to show knownGene/refGene track is in at least pack (redmine #3484).
     var track = $("#suggestTrack").val();
     if(track != null && getVisibility(track) != "full") {
         updateVisibility(track, 'pack');
         $("<input type='hidden' name='" + track + "'value='pack'>").appendTo($(document.TrackHeaderForm));
 function reloadFloatingItem()
 // currently dead (experimental code)
     if(floatingMenuItem) {
         $('#img_data_' + floatingMenuItem).parent().makeFloat({x:"current",y:"current", speed: 'fast', alwaysVisible: true, alwaysTop: true});
 function handleZoomCodon(response, status)
     var json = eval("(" + response + ")");
     if(json.pos) {
         setPosition(json.pos, 3);
     } else {
 function navigateButtonClick(ele)
 // code to update just the imgTbl in response to navigation buttons (zoom-out etc.).
 // currently experimental code (live only in larrym's tree).
     if(mapIsUpdateable) {
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
                    type: "GET",
                    url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
                    data: ele.name + "=" + ele.value + "&hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgt.ideogramToo=1&hgsid=" + getHgsid(),
                    dataType: "html",
                    trueSuccess: handleUpdateTrackMap,
                    success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
                    error: errorHandler,
                    cmd: 'wholeImage',
                    loadingId: showLoadingImage("imgTbl"),
                    cache: false
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;