  Wed Jul 27 10:32:19 2011 -0700
Feature #3710 (vcfTabix UI options): Added controls for selection of centervariant for haplotype clustering/sorting.  Also, some hgc improvements:
made the Genotype Details table into a collapsible section; better display
of QUAL and FILTER column values, which also involved improving the
representation of those columns in src/inc/vcf.h.

diff --git src/inc/vcf.h src/inc/vcf.h
index 036a600..1deadfd 100644
--- src/inc/vcf.h
+++ src/inc/vcf.h
@@ -59,32 +59,33 @@
     bool isHaploid;		// True if there is only one haplotype (e.g. chrY)
     int infoCount;		// Number of components named in FORMAT column
     struct vcfInfoElement *infoElements;	// Array of info components
 struct vcfRecord
 /* A VCF data row (or list of rows). */
     struct vcfRecord *next;
     char *chrom;		// Reference assembly sequence name
     unsigned int chromStart;	// Start offset in chrom
     unsigned int chromEnd;	// End offset in chrom
     char *name;			// Variant name from ID column
     char *ref;			// Allele found in reference assembly
     char *alt;			// Alternate allele(s)
-    float qual;			// Phred-scaled score, i.e. -10log_10 P(call in ALT is wrong)
-    char *filter;		// Either PASS or code(s) described in header for failed filters
+    char *qual;			// . or Phred-scaled score, i.e. -10log_10 P(call in ALT is wrong)
+    int filterCount;		// Number of ;-separated filter codes in FILTER column
+    char **filters;		// Code(s) described in header for failed filters (or PASS or .)
     int infoCount;		// Number of components of INFO column
     struct vcfInfoElement *infoElements;	// Array of INFO column components
     char *format;		// Optional column containing ordered list of genotype components
     char **genotypeUnparsedStrings;	// Temporary array of unparsed optional genotype columns
     struct vcfGenotype *genotypes;	// If built, array of parsed genotype components;
 					// call vcfParseGenotypes(record) to build.
     struct vcfFile *file;	// Pointer back to parent vcfFile
 struct vcfFile
 /* Info extracted from a VCF file.  Manages all memory for contents.
  * Clearly borrowing structure from MarkD's gff3File. :) */
     char *fileOrUrl;		// VCF local file path or URL
     struct hash *metaDataHash;	// Store all header metadata lines here