  Tue Jul 26 18:43:08 2011 -0700
moved cellTypeParser and antibodyWikiParser into separate subdirs, with makefiles that copy them into the bin directory.  For both files, added a -noDownload option
diff --git src/hg/encode/antibodyWikiParser.py src/hg/encode/antibodyWikiParser.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 145d608..0000000
--- src/hg/encode/antibodyWikiParser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# antibodyWikiParser.py: parse any to-be-registered antibodies from the wiki,
-# and download any newly-approved validation documents.
-import base64
-from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
-import HTMLParser
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import re
-import shlex
-import string
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import urllib2 
-from rafile.RaFile import *
-def stripLeadingTrailingWhitespace(text):
-    """Given a string, remove any leading or trailing whitespace"""
-    text = re.sub("^([" + string.whitespace + "])+", "", text)
-    text = re.sub("([" + string.whitespace + "])+$", "", text)
-    return(text)
-def getContents(field):
-    """Given an HTML field, return the contents"""
-    contents = stripLeadingTrailingWhitespace(field.contents[0])
-    if len(contents) == 0:
-        contents = "missing"
-    return(contents)
-def processSource(orderEntry):
-    """ 
-    Given the contents of the 'Source' column, parse out the vendor name, vendor ID,
-    and order URL if any.  We are assuming that from the textual contents of the 
-    cell (which excludes the order URL), the last word will be the vendor ID and the
-    preceding words will make up the vendor name.  Return a list containing, in order,
-    vendorName, vendorId, and orderUrl.
-    """
-    urlClauses = orderEntry.findAll("a")
-    if len(urlClauses) == 0:
-        orderUrl = ""
-        orderInfo = getContents(orderEntry)
-    else:
-        orderUrl = urlClauses[0]["href"]
-        orderInfo = getContents(urlClauses[0])
-    if len(orderInfo) == 0:
-        vendorId = ""
-        vendorName = ""
-    else:
-        orderData = orderInfo.split()
-        if len(orderData) > 0:
-            vendorId = orderData[-1]
-            vendorName = ' '.join(orderData[0:-1])
-        else:
-            vendorId = ""
-            vendorName = ""
-    return((vendorName, vendorId, orderUrl))
-def processFactorId(factorEntry):
-    """
-    Given the contents of the 'Factor ID' column, parse out the factor name (targetID)
-    and the target URL.  We assume that the target URL points ingo GeneCards, and 
-    that the factor name and or URL might or might not be specified.  Return a list 
-    containing the target ID and targetUrl.
-    """
-    urlClauses = factorEntry.findAll("a")
-    targetId = getContents(factorEntry)
-    if len(urlClauses) > 0:
-        #
-        # A URL was provided.  If no target ID was provided, pull one out
-        # of the URL.
-        targetUrl = urlClauses[0]["href"]
-        if len(targetId) == 0:
-            tokens = re.split("gene=", targetUrl)            
-            targetId = tokens[1]
-    else:
-        #
-        # No URL was provided.  Probably the contents of this cell list
-        # a locus name (hopefully with HUGO standards, one can dream...)
-        # so we can assemble a putative target URL from that locus name.
-        locusName = getContents(factorEntry)
-        targetId = "GeneCards:" + locusName
-        targetUrl = "http://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp.pl?gene=" + locusName
-    return((targetId, targetUrl))
-def processValidation(validationCell, species, antibody, lab, downloadsDir,
-                      username, password, wikiBaseUrl):
-    """
-    (1) Given the contents of the 'Validation' cell, plus the species, antibody, and
-    lab, assemble a validation filename that fits the naming convention.
-    (2) If there's any evidence of a filename, set the validation string to it.  
-    Otherwise, set the validation string to "missing".
-    (3) If there is a hyperlink to a validation file, download it into the 
-    filename assembled here, in the indicated download directory.
-    Assumptions:
-    - users are illogical
-    - the number of ways users can do unexpected things cannot be counted
-    """
-    validationCellContents = getContents(validationCell)
-    if validationCellContents is "missing" and len(validationCell.findAll("a")) == 0:
-        validation = "missing"
-    else:
-        #
-        # In the off-chance that the user has specified the validation type as the label
-        # in the wiki table, where the filename is linked, pull out the validation type.
-        # Assemble a validation label string for the CGIs, containing the antibody name,
-        # and validation type in parentheses.
-        # If the user has specified the antibody name in the label, it will need to be stripped
-        # out to ensure that it's not included twice.  Parentheses complicate things.
-        # At the writing of this script (May 3, 2011), the naming convention for antibodies
-        # is <targetName>_(<vendorId>), such as TRIM37_(SC-49548).  When stripping out
-        # the antibody name, be sure to escape any parentheses, so that they can be processed
-        # as literals in the regular expression clause.
-        #
-        validationType = validationCellContents
-        antibodyPieces = re.split("[\(\)]", antibody)
-        searchReplaceString = antibodyPieces[0]
-        if len(antibodyPieces) > 1:
-            searchReplaceString = searchReplaceString + "\(" \
-                + antibodyPieces[1] + "\)"
-        validationType = re.sub(searchReplaceString, "", validationType)
-        #
-        # Remove any extraneous parentheses, any any leading or trailing whitespace
-        validationType = re.sub("[\(\)]", "", validationType)
-        validationType = re.sub("^( )+", "", re.sub("( )+$", "", validationType))
-        validationLabel = antibody + "(" + validationType + ")"
-        #
-        # Here, download the validation document, if provided, into the expected filename.
-        # When generating the document name, strip any parentheses
-        # from the antibody name.  Parentheses in filenames are just bad...
-        documentName = species + "_" + re.sub("[\(\)]", "", antibody) \
-                       + "_validation_" + lab + ".pdf"
-        targetDocumentName = downloadsDir + "/" + documentName
-        #
-        # If a single hyperlinked PDF exists, download the document to the 
-        # downloads directory.  If multiple hyperlinked PDFs exist, download the 
-        # documents separately and combine them into a single file.  If one or more
-        # hyperlinked document is not a PDF, give a warning but don't combine them.
-        #
-        urlClauses = validationCell.findAll("a")
-        downloadedFileList = ""
-        for ii in range(0,len(urlClauses)):
-            if urlClauses[ii].has_key("href"):
-                url = urlClauses[ii]["href"]
-                # 
-                # If this document is not in PDF format (e.g. if it's a word doc, 
-                # print out a warning message and don't try to download it, but return the
-                # target filename (generated above).  If the document is a PDF,
-                # download it and save it in the filename generated above.
-                if re.search(".pdf$", url):
-                    validationData = accessWiki(wikiBaseUrl + url, username, password)
-                    if len(validationData) > 0:
-                        downloadFilename = targetDocumentName + str(ii)
-                        newValidationFile = open(downloadFilename, "wb")
-                        newValidationFile.write(validationData)
-                        newValidationFile.close()
-                        downloadedFileList = downloadedFileList + " " + downloadFilename
-                    else:
-                        print "Warning: not downloading", url, ": not a PDF file";
-        if len(urlClauses) == 1:
-            renameCmd = "mv %s %s" % (downloadedFileList, targetDocumentName)
-            subprocess.Popen(renameCmd, shell=True)
-            #subprocess.Popen("rm %s" % (downloadedFileList), shell=True)
-        elif len(urlClauses) > 1:
-            combineCmd = "pdftk %s cat output %s" \
-                % (downloadedFileList, targetDocumentName)
-            subprocess.Popen(combineCmd, shell=True)
-            #subprocess.Popen("rm %s" % (downloadedFileList), shell=True)
-        validation =  validationLabel + ":" + documentName
-        validation = re.sub("(\s)+", "", validation)
-    return(validation)
-# Process an antibody table entry, in which the order of the columns is
-# (Antibody, AntibodyDescription, TargetDescription, Source, Lab, Lot(s), 
-#  FactorId, ValidationDocument)
-def processAntibodyEntry(entry, species, downloadsDirectory, username, password,
-                         wikiBaseUrl):
-    """
-    For a single wiki table entry, generate an appropriate RA file stanza and
-    download any validation documents into the download directory, into a filename
-    that meets the naming convention for antibody documents.  When finished, print
-    a new stanza to stdout.
-    """
-    cells = entry.findAll("td")
-    #
-    # Skip over any example entries
-    if re.search("(Example)", getContents(cells[0])):
-        return((None, False))
-    else: 
-        stanza = RaStanza()
-        term = getContents(cells[0])
-        (vendorName, vendorId, orderUrl) = processSource(cells[3])
-        #
-        # The naming standard (as of May 3, 2011) is to name antibodies as 
-        # <target>_(<vendorId>), such as TAF7_(SC-101167).  In the "term" cell,
-        # the antibody might already have that name, or (more likely) it might be 
-        # named by just the target.  If the vendor ID isn't in the name yet, add it. 
-        if re.search(vendorId, term):
-            stanza["term"] = term
-        else:
-            stanza["term"] = term + "_(" + vendorId + ")"
-        stanza["tag"] = re.sub("[-_\(\)]", "", stanza["term"]).upper()
-        stanza["type"] = "Antibody"
-        stanza["antibodyDescription"] = getContents(cells[1])
-        stanza["target"] = re.split("_", stanza["term"])[0]
-        stanza["targetDescription"] = getContents(cells[2])
-        stanza["vendorName"] = vendorName 
-        stanza["vendorId"] = vendorId 
-        stanza["orderUrl"] = orderUrl
-        stanza["lab"] = getContents(cells[4])
-        stanza["lots"] = getContents(cells[5])
-        (stanza["targetId"], 
-         stanza["targetUrl"]) = processFactorId(cells[6])
-        stanza["validation"] = processValidation(cells[7], species, stanza["term"], 
-                                                 stanza["lab"], downloadsDirectory, 
-                                                 username, password, wikiBaseUrl)
-        #
-        # Indicate whether or not the document (if any) is approved by the NHGRI
-        if re.search("^[Y|y]", getContents(cells[8])):
-            approved = True
-        else:
-            approved = False
-        return((stanza, approved))
-def accessWiki(url, username, password):
-    """Read the indicated URL from the wiki page"""
-    passmgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
-    base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1]
-    authheader =  "Basic %s" % base64string
-    req = urllib2.Request(url)
-    req.add_header("Authorization", authheader)
-    try:
-        handle=urllib2.urlopen(req)
-        return(handle.read())
-    except IOError, e:
-        print "Fail!  Bad username or password?"
-        return(None)
-# Main code
-wikiBaseUrl = "http://encodewiki.ucsc.edu/"
-defaultUsername = "encode"
-defaultPassword = "human"
-parser = OptionParser()
-parser.add_option("-s", "--species", dest="species", default="human",
-                  help="Species")
-parser.add_option("-d", "--downloadDir", dest="downloadDirectory", default=".",
-                  help="Directory to download any validation documents into")
-parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", default=defaultUsername,
-                  help="Username to access the wiki page")
-parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", default=defaultPassword,
-                  help="Password to access the wiki page")
-parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="forcePrinting", default=False,
-                  help="Force printing of all stanzas, whether or not there's NHGRI approval")
-(parameters, args) = parser.parse_args()
-# Read the antibodies page.  If successful, proceed to the new antibodies table,
-# which is the second table on the page.  Each row in the table, after the header
-# row, is either an example or a new antibody registration.  So, process each row
-# after the first.
-antibodiesPage = accessWiki(wikiBaseUrl+"EncodeDCC/index.php/Antibodies", 
-                            parameters.username, parameters.password)
-if antibodiesPage != None:
-    soup = BeautifulSoup(antibodiesPage)
-    antibodyEntryTable = soup.findAll("table")[1]
-    skippedHeaderRow = False
-    for entry in antibodyEntryTable.findAll("tr"):
-        if not skippedHeaderRow:
-            skippedHeaderRow = True
-        else:
-            (newStanza, approvedByNhgri) = processAntibodyEntry(entry, parameters.species, 
-                                                                parameters.downloadDirectory,
-                                                                parameters.username,
-                                                                parameters.password, wikiBaseUrl)
-            if approvedByNhgri or parameters.forcePrinting:
-                if newStanza is not None:
-                    print newStanza