  Sun Jul 17 09:52:17 2011 -0700
More udcFUSE stripping but also forget to remove the bamOpen function which has been moved to src/inc/bamFile.h
diff --git src/hg/inc/hgBam.h src/hg/inc/hgBam.h
index 65c9937..ba2a025 100644
--- src/hg/inc/hgBam.h
+++ src/hg/inc/hgBam.h
@@ -18,25 +18,21 @@
 char *bamFileNameFromTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *bamSeqName);
 /* Return file name from table.  If table has a seqName column, then grab the 
  * row associated with bamSeqName (which can be e.g. '1' not 'chr1' if that is the
  * case in the bam file). */
 struct samAlignment *bamFetchSamAlignment(char *fileOrUrl, char *chrom, int start, int end,
 	struct lm *lm);
 /* Fetch region as a list of samAlignments - which is more or less an unpacked
  * bam record.  Results is allocated out of lm, since it tends to be large... */
 struct samAlignment *bamReadNextSamAlignments(samfile_t *fh, int count, struct lm *lm);
 /* Read next count alignments in SAM format, allocated in lm.  May return less than
  * count at end of file. */
-samfile_t *bamOpen(char *fileOrUrl, char **retBamFileName);
-/* Return an open bam file, dealing with FUSE caching if need be. 
- * Return parameter if NON-null will return the file name after FUSing */
 struct ffAli *bamToFfAli(const bam1_t *bam, struct dnaSeq *target, int targetOffset,
 			 boolean useStrand, char **retQSeq);
 /* Convert from bam to ffAli format.  If retQSeq is non-null, set it to the 
  * query sequence into which ffAli needle pointers point. */
 #endif//ndef HGBAM_H